what do you mean


How was this possible? 
Did he hear it right? 
Did Kibum really say that he loved him? 
No, no, no that can't be right. 

Kibum couldn't be in love with him. 
How could someone as perfect as Kibum love someone like him? 
He was just a big mistake that had no right to walk the earth. Let alone be loved. 
No he couldn't let Kibum make that mistake. He couldn't let Kibum be with him. 
He would only let him down and hurt him. He wasn't the right one for Kibum. 
Kibum deserved so much more than him. "I'm sorry but I can't." 

"what do you mean you can't?" tears started to form in the younger's eyes. 

"I really like you but I just can't be with you. I'm not the right person for you." 
Taejun explained to the younger who was crying by now. "I'm sorry" 
he finished wanting to walk away but was held back by Kibum holding on to his arm. 

"how" sniff "how c can you say t that." 
The boy was crying into his arm shaking it to get the order's attention. But he ignored him.
"I don't want prefect I don't want someone r right for me. I want you." he was now shaking his arm with full force but Taejun refused to look at him. 
He knew the boy was heartbroken. He knew he was hurt. He wanted to hold him tell it was alright tell him he loved him. But he couldn't. 
He couldn't even look at him knowing he would break when he would. 
He was fighting with all his will not to do so. 
"Taejun please" the younger begged. "Junnie." 
he pulled his arm out of the youngers hold. 

"It's late we should go to bed." his voice was empty and cold. 
"You should take a shower so you wound get sick." he said leaving the room. "goodnight Kibum." 

Kibum felt devastated. 
He was rejected. 
Taejun had rejected him. 
But he also said he liked him. He got rejected not because Taejun didn't like him but because Taejun thought he was not the right person for him. 
Tears were still rolling down his flushed cheeks. He didn't feel like wiping them away. 
He didn't like anything at all he was just standing there staring at nothing. 

Kibum felt cold and empty when he woke up the next morning. 
He had barely slept all night. Taejun’s words kept on echoing in his head. 
He wanted to stay in bed for the day but he knew he needed to work today and couldn't just stay at home. With a loud groan he pushed himself up and got out of his bed. This was going to be a long day. Not that he needed to work a lot today but by the end of the day he was going to have to face Taejun.  

Kibum was done with work early today. He decided to instead of taking the bus home we would walk the way home. The walk would calm him down a little, from all the stress from his work, and he could have a stop at the mall. Where he could shop and cheer himself up after what happened the day before. Maybe it would help him to find out what to do. If Taejun didn’t want to love him he was going to make it impossible for him not to. He just didn’t know how he was going to do something like that.  

A sudden wave of self-confidence came over Kibum when he emerged out of the dressing room.  He knew what to do. He was going to shower Taejun with his love. 
That way he could never deny that he loved him. 
Because on one can resist Kim Kibum when he gets his y mode on. 
A playful smirk appeared on his face as he checked himself out in the mirror. There was no way this plan was going to fail. 

After his shopping trip Kibum came home to an empty house knowing the older would not come back for the first two hours. 
He decided to take a nap since he felt pretty tiered. He blamed his new job and the lag of sleep it gave him. He made himself comfortable on the sofa resting his head on one of the decorative pillows on it. He closed his eyes letting his sleep slowly coming over him ant take him away for a short rest. 

When Kibum woke up his throat felt dry and his body felt sore and heavy. Maybe sleeping on the sofa wasn’t his best idea. He slowly got up and noticed a blanked was draped around him. 
Strange he thought.
Slowly he got up keeping the blanked on his shoulders. When he was standing up he felt himself getting dizzy but he ignored it for now. 

He walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water for his dry throat. But stopped just when he entered the room. by the counter was the unmistakable figure of Taejun. He man was waiting for his coffee. But why was he here? Wait how long did he sleep. He looked at the clock of the time and saw that he had slept for more than three hours. How could he sleep for so long? Why had nobody woke him up? He rubbed his eyes trying to wake up a bit more.

“You look cute when you just wake up.” He commend pulled Kibum out of his thought. 
He looked up at the other man who was also looking at him. 
“Did you sleep well?”

Kibum just nodded stepping closer into the kitchen. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t but you looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake you up.” He said pouring himself a cup of coffee. He held out to cup to him. “Do you want some coffee?”

Kibum gladly excepted the warm cup into his hands. Well coffee was probably better then water. 
While Taejun was pouring himself a new cup Kibum blew in his own cup trying to cool down the drink. Right then Kibum felt a cough coming up. He placed the cup next the him on the counter before he gave in to the cough. 
“Kibum are you alright?” Taejun asked the younger worried. 

“I’m fine, my throat is just a little dry.” Taejun just nodded and gently patted the youngers back.
After Kibum’s little cough attack was over the both of them sat down quietly drinking there coffee. 

“Hey Taejun I want to tell you something.” Kibum said looking at his now empty cup.
“I like you and you said you liked me, even if you said you don’t want to be which me. I see no reason for me to hold back. So from this day I’m not going to hid my feelings for you and love you the way I want to.”
“I love you and I will tell you every day if I need to.”

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MissLocket #1
Chapter 13: I like Kibum's determination to make Taejun accepts his feelings. The cold was a helpful circunstance in this case. I love the story. Please keep writing.
MissLocket #2
Chapter 1: Oh, this is a pretty refreshing plot. It's good to read something different from the classical otp, even if I love Jongkey and Minkey. Please keep updating. I already like Taejun.