let me help you


Kibum didn’t know how look it took but after the third time he called his name Taejun replied slowly waking up blinking opening his eyes slowly. Just as slowly his blue eyes wandered  around finally spotting Kibum’s brown ones. “Don’t you ever do that again! You don’t know how scared I was!” Kibum exclaimed letting his tears finally roll down his cheeks. 
“what happened?” the elder asked sitting up rubbing his head. He only remembered wanting to go to bed. How did he end up on the floor? 
“You passed out the minute you got up, you idiot.” He pulled the older in a hug. “I was so worried about you.”
“it’s alright Kibum. I just got a little dizzy.” Taejun said hoping to calm the younger down a bit . “I probably got up to fast. There is nothing to worry about.” He added a small smile. 
“Let’s get you to bed then” the younger said getting up pulling the older with him.

“What are you doing?” on their way upstairs Kibum tried to reach out for Taejun’s forehead. Hoping to be able to check his temperature. If the elder would just pass out like that he should be sick or something right.  
Kibum quickly pushed the older on his bed. when there arrived at the master bedroom “Kibum what are you doing?” Taejun asked when the younger took of the vest of his suit and stared ing his shirt.
“I’m helping you with your shirt. After what happened it’s the least thing you could let me do.”
“You don’t have to, there is no need to.” The other tried to protest he didn’t want the younger to know about his secret. Not yet. 

“But you are not feeling and good roommates should take care of each other right. So let me do this for you.” 
“but,” “no buts.” Kibum didn’t leave any room for argument and just continued ing the elders . Taejun closed his eyes in fear of the other’s reaction. He didn't know how he would react and that was what feared him the most. Would he be discussed or hate him or would he just walk away in utter disappointment. 

But Kibum did none of that. At first the boy was shocked, who would do something like this? He inspected the scars on the older male's chest. It weren't many but enough to scare the younger. But that was nothing compared to what he found on the others back. It was almost completely covered in scares. Most of them were old but some were still fresh or where even bleeding. The younger bit his lip. He needed to do something. “I’ll be right back.” he told the older before he left out of the room. He came back not long after just like he had promised together with a first air kit. 
“let’s get you fixed up.” The younger said with a light tone. He could see that the other was nervous and hoped to calm him down a little. He started with cleaning the wounds, carefully he wiped away the blood. There wasn’t a lot only a few scares were open and they only bleeding a little. After that he disinfected the wounds and wrapped them up. “all done, does that feel better Jun?” he laid his hand on the other’s shoulder asking for his attention. He only got a hum in response from the older. The older stiffen up under his touch and Kibum could feel it. Kibum felt bad of the older he couldn’t even imagen what the older had gone through. With a sigh he removed his hand leaving the room in silence.  Kibum’s thoughts fiddled to find something to talk about, but he gave up realizing there was nothing he could come up with. 
“I guess I can better let you sleep now.” He got up from the bed making his way to the door stopping when he opened it “You need the rest. Good night Jun, sleep well.” He smiled bowing to the older leaving the room.

The next morning Kibum made sure he would wake up extra early. He made a big ‘get better soon’ breakfast for the older. Placing everything on a tray so he could bring it to his room. carefully he walked up the stairs trying not to drop or spill anything. 
He opened the door with his elbow pushing the door open with his back while walking in. 
Taejun was peacefully sleeping. Kibum placed the tray on the night stand next to the bed so he could get a better look at the older.
The older looked really cute with his hair sticking in every possible direction.
 He chuckled quietly to himself. “nice bedhead Jun.”
He looked really calm asleep like this. He didn’t look that old anymore. Kibum had to admit the older looked really handsome. He didn’t know why but he could feel his heartbeat razing just looking at him. The boys sighed he hated to end the peaceful moment but he needed to wake up the older. 
“Taejunnie, it’s time to wake up.” he gently nudged the older when he wasn’t showing signs of waking up, not wanting to touch him to much since it had a bad effect on him. “I got breakfast for you.” When he saw the older waking up he pulled his hand away.
The older slowly opened his eyes.
“Good morning sleepyhead.”  The older sat up in to a sitting position blinking his eyes slowly. It was easy to see his was still sleepy. Kibum said down next to him and placed the tray in front of the older. “I made breakfast for you.” Kibum smiled. The older only looked back and forth between him and the food. “Go ahead eat up. It’s all for you, I already ate.” 

The two sat in silence as Taejun ate his breakfast not stopping till the whole tray was empty. His smile never left his face as Kibum watched the older eat. 
Hearing the older mutter a soft thank you made Kibum feel relieved. It was the first time the older had said something. 
“Are you feeling better?” Kibum asked hopefully. But the older only replied with a nod. “do you wanna talk about what happened? You can always talk to me.” 
Taejun shacked his head. “no, not right now.” 

“Okay, that is alright. We can talk about something else.” Kibum  said with a smile.

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MissLocket #1
Chapter 13: I like Kibum's determination to make Taejun accepts his feelings. The cold was a helpful circunstance in this case. I love the story. Please keep writing.
MissLocket #2
Chapter 1: Oh, this is a pretty refreshing plot. It's good to read something different from the classical otp, even if I love Jongkey and Minkey. Please keep updating. I already like Taejun.