{Hyuk x Yooyoung} Summerlight


Title: Summerlight
Genre: general romance, fluff
Type: highschool!au, drabble, first person pov


Sanghyuk Yooyoung


"Honestly, you've changed a lot. I thought your feelings changed too.."


Woah, okay, hold up. That's way far from where we should start the story off. Let's, uh, start from the beginning, shall we?


There is this place called Summerlight. We called it Summerlight because the light hits the entire place beautifully during Summer. It feels warm and cozy, and soothing, you'd want to be there forever. I'm Hyuk, short for Sanghyuk. Eleven years in the past, I was standing in front of the Summerlight tree, with my best friend. I remembered how everything happened that day, and I will never forget it. I held her hand with my face flushed in rose pink. Ugh, this isn't something I'd detail out to others but anyway, there I was with her, holding her hand with my left and holding a letter on the other. She looked at me with her pretty eyes and gave me an eyesmile. At that time, she was my everything. Seeing her like that makes me feel like melting. You know that kind of feeling? Yeah I know, it's pretty far-fetched for a 10 year old like me.

Going back to my story, she had her letter with her as well, on her free hand. Why, you ask? That day was the day she'll be leaving for Europe. Yes, I cried, I remembered crying about it for, like, two hours. Just two though. Can you blame me? I told you she was my everything, and then she'll leave? Heartbreaking. Anyway, so yes, that day was the last day we were together. The letters we held are letters we wrote for each other. However, we promised to read them together after we meet again, after some time. I held on to her hand tightly that day, not wanting to let go. She cupped my cheek and smiled, reassuring that everything's going to be alright. She put up her pinky and forcibly wrapped it around mine.

"I promise you, I'll be back and we'll be together again. Then we'll read our letters, and end up together."

Those are the words I clearly recall her saying in front of me. I trusted her, because she was my everything. I trusted her because I know she's true to her words. She will come back, I was sure.


And now, I've never been surprised in my entire life. She did came back, after 11 years, she did. But she changed—a hell lot. I think that's the sole reason why I was surprised. Let me tell you the whole story before this surprise thing happened.


You see, I grew up being a not-so-good student. But hey, I go to school and attend class, that's what's important right? So yeah, it was on a Tuesday. The teacher told us we're going to be changing seats today. But before we did, she introduced a transfer student, but that time I wasn't paying attention—at all. I didn't look at that student and didn't hear where she was from nor her name. After awhile, we all stood up and picked a seat number from a bowl. Pretty dumb, right? I remembered wishing I'd be seated next to my friend, Sungjae. I asked him and darn it, we aren't seatmates. So much for wishing, how annoying. I got to sit in the first row, second column. I didn't even bother looking at my seatmates and just plopped down the wooden, or what, chair and sighed. I glance around when I get bored, everything seemed normal. But just then, one of our stupid classmate was meddling with the girl's hair in front of him. It seemed like she's annoyed. I tried to keep a straight face but failed, I chuckled at the sight of it—which I don't even know why I found that funny—and the teacher kind of scolded me? I really didn't understand what said, I meant to do that a lot of times, but up until I heard her say the words, "Han Sanghyuk, move to the back.. Now!" I got up quickly and beamed as she told me to switch seats with my girl classmate. Finally, I screamed internally. Back to the rear area. I ran towards the seat and comfortably sat there. I remembered, the lesson started after that. Suddenly, the girl beside me whispered a ‘hello’, I'm assuming she's the new girl. I wasn't familiar with her voice, not the usual ones I always hear from class. I also wasn't sure at first if her greeting was meant for me or not but I didn't turn to look at her. She whispered again, and this time my name was right after her ‘hello’. She must have heard the teacher when she called me, she practically screamed my name anyway. I didn't want to look at her but she nudged my arm when she realized I was ignoring her. I replied with a shushed ‘What?’ and turned. Strangely, the girl was really pretty. She had light makeup on, bright red lipstick and her hair had streaks of bright colors—which I don't know if it was legal inside the school? She smiled at me and gave an eyesmile. At that certain moment, I was reminded of something, or someone. I felt like that eyesmile was familiar. I couldn't recall though, I don't have a good memory.

"It's been awhile, I never thought I'd see you sooner."

Those words confused me. It was like she knew me from way before and I was a bit taken aback. Again, she smiled at me, saying we should pay attention to class for now. I turned to the board and was lost in reverie. I couldn't even hear the lesson over my loud thoughts. Class ended, and I was still blank. She nudged on me again, asking if I'm alright. I saw Sungjae walking towards me too and was looking a bit worried at my state. The girl bowed her head to my friend and was curious about him. She beamed when he told her that he and I were friends. Again I got confused, and this time I turned to her to question. "Hi, I'm really sorry but I think I didn't get your name."

I heard Sungjae laugh at me, explaining how I probably wasn't paying attention earlier—which was true—and even apologizing to the girl in my behalf. She giggled, it sounded familiar again but I don't know. Finally, she introduced to me and that's the moment I got really surprised. Like hell surprised, I couldn't believe it.

"I'm Lee Yooyoung. Yooyoung? Sanghyuk's childhood friend."

I glanced at Sungjae, in literal shock and saw him also had his eyes opened wide and a bit jaw-dropped. The girl giggled at the sight of our reactions. I couldn't believe it, I admit. I've been telling Sungjae about her in the past and I bet that's why he was shocked as well. I came back to my senses in a few and told her how pretty she's gotten. True, she's changed a hell lot but I can't lie that she's gotten prettier. I couldn't tell her that much and I don't know why. There's a lot of things I'm confused about that day, okay? Don't blame me. So that's how it happened. Some time after that, she asked us if we were hungry and that she'll treat us. Who would say no to that. While on our way to the restaurant, Sungjae kept prodding and whispering incoherent words at me. I really couldn't understand him, he was like talking gibberish. Yooyoung turned to us and smiled, she mentioned how the school looked great and how beautiful the downtown has gotten. Like how pretty you've gotten, right Hyuk, Sungjae said. I quickly hit his arm and glared, whilst I heard her giggle in response. Europe's probably prettier but I'm glad she actually liked the place the moment she saw it again.

How cute are we, she said. I kind of sneered. Me and Sungjae, cute? Hell no. I'm a man now and not the 8-year old, troublesome and sniveling kid in the past anymore. Again, Yooyoung giggled and told me that I still act like a kid. I admit, I felt embarrassed hearing those words from her. I really never told Sungjae anything from the past except the small things about me and her. I told myself that I'm probably going to be embarrassed everyday starting today because she'll surely tell Sungjae about me. And, darn it, I was not wrong. She started her story-telling while we were eating, I tried to stop her but he insisted she'd tell more.


I'm not the type of person to get ticked off easily, but I get agitated pretty quickly. I looked down, as I remember, and stayed like that as they continued talking about me. They were exchanging stories—about me. Sungjae mentioned how I was waiting for her ever since she left and that's when she paused and quiet down. She asked if I was really waiting for her. It wasn't me who answered, though. He kept interrupting whenever I wanted to clear things up. She gave me an eyesmile that reminded me of us back then. She asked me the same question again. I don't know how to answer so I shrugged.

"Oh, that's good."

Her response honestly worried me. I mean, I did wait for her and I'm happy now that she's here—with me. What I feel worried about is how she has changed. Maybe her feelings changed too, I thought and this was the first time this hatched in my mind. After awhile, Sungjae said he already had to leave because his mom's calling him. Yeah, I know, typical mama's boy but it's good. We bid goodbyes and he left.

Yooyoung and I were left with still a lot of food. She kept giving me bright smiles, telling me to eat a lot. She noticed that I've been eating gopchang a lot ever since we sat down. She questioned me if it was my favorite, since I wasn't fond of it when we were kids. We loved ice cream back then, and all the sweets kids shouldn't be having when they're young. Can I lie about my favorite food? Of course, I answered yes. You're cute, she told me, again. That time, I laughed lowly, thanking her. I assumed she was weirded out for I seemed to have acted differently from awhile ago. With a rub on my nape, I apologized for confusing her. Her reaction made me happy though. "Don't apologize. I'm used to cute, weird and troublesome Hyuk. I feel relieved you haven't changed one bit. I'm.. really happy to see you again."

I wanted to tell her the same but I might tell her that she's changed a lot, and I fear she'll take it badly. Instead, I told her she's still pretty as before and that I'm happy to see her too again. She reacted a bit too lucidly and blank and it felt disappointing? I mean, I know I still like her but not as much as before, but I don't know. Has her feelings changed? In my thoughts, I keep saying she probably had some previous relationships already. Maybe one or two. I'm not sure if it was evident in my facial expressions but I got really worried, and well, annoyed I guess. It was obvious that I was lost in my thoughts though, I can say because Yooyoung started poking my cheek repeatedly and asking me if I was okay as she did. I smiled and assured her that I was fine, and that I just got caught up flashing back to the past. She giggled. She must have remembered something, and she did.

"Do you still remember Summerlight?"

Why and how would I forget about it, I replied. She was curious as to how the place looks like now. To be honest, I don't know too. My last visit was probably when I was eleven and nothing really changed then. After 8 years, could there be any difference? She beamed and told me we should go there tomorrow. I agreed. Maybe it's about time we read those letters we buried under the tree. I sure hope they're still there though, I told her. She nodded like a kid, crossing her fingers. We've decided that since it's a weekend tomorrow, we'll go to Summerlight; we decided to meet in front of the school gate. She was really excited, and that made my heart kind of beat faster? Yeah, probably because I still like her, and seeing her like that made me recall everything we've been through as kids. You know I couldn't forget her. I told you she was my everything.

Before the night ends, I told her I'd take her to where she's staying but she refused, saying she's going to be alright. At least tell me where your place is at, I asked. She smiled and told me she's staying at a dormitory near the school. I think I sighed of relief. It was really good to know she's staying somewhere safe. She suddenly messed my hair—even when she had to tiptoe since I've gotten really tall—and told me to go home, assuring me that she'll really be alright. I nodded and said goodbye to her, but just as I was going to turn around, she pulled me to a hug. "I miss you, Sanghyuk. It's a pleasure to see you again." She told me. I hugged her back. Her wavy locks lingered and it smelled really sweet. Her hug felt warm and securing, I felt like not pulling away from it. After a few seconds, she broke the hug and looked at me with her infamous eyesmile. That night, I was sure I'll be sleeping well.


The next day—which was earlier today—I woke up pretty early and I was surprised. I don't usually get up early, especially on weekends. Was I really that excited too? I had to admit, my emotions were kind of mixed with just the start of the day. I don't get this excitement and uneasiness, and daunting feelings. It's been long since I've came to Summerlight, weird that I'll be going back a few years later with Yooyoung. I went to take a shower and wore casual clothes, a black shirt and jeans, I also grabbed a jacket, just in case. I really didn't fix my hair, I just brushed them with my fingers and left it like that. I didn't mind about looking good, since it was Yooyoung who never cared about me trying to look handsome because she kept saying I was already one when we were kids. I immediately left after checking the time. I wondered I still have some time so I decided to buy her flowers. Nothing special, I just thought it'd be good to give her, because why not? Right? I mean, that's okay, right?

I dropped by the flower ship and ended up buying one of those nosegay bouquets the owner of the shop offered me. I wanted to give her a different gift but I don't know, that'll seem awkward. Or was it just me? Ah, so there I bought flowers and headed to the school front. Upon reaching the place, she still wasn't there. I guess it's still early then, and I thought it's better that the guy got here first. I waited for a few minutes.

Not wanting her to see the flowers first, I hid it behind my back but to my surprise, "Are those for me?" She crept behind me. I was a bit flabbergasted and chuckled nervously. I don't know if I felt surprised about her creeping behind me or more because of how she looked or dressed like. Honestly, she looked nothing like the 8-year-old Yooyoung, nor the Yooyoung I expected her to be. She was wearing a cropped top and skirt, there were skin showing but not that much. Yeah I know, I flushed a bit. She also had a parka on and those called, uh, stockings? Am I right? Yes, stockings. I smiled despite my disbelief. She might get disappointed if I tell her I didn't like how she dressed. Well, I liked it but it's unlike her. While I was lost in these thoughts, I felt her warm hand sliding on mine. I didn't expected it to be this warm. It felt reassuring. She smiled at me before she ushered us off to where we should go. We walked towards the road and it was a quiet one, but the moment we got to the train station, she started asking me questions. Questions that I assumed she'd been wanting to ask. Like how I grew up handsomely—which was true, admit it—what happened when was away and even personal things such as if I had a girlfriend or not. Well, I didn't want to lie to her so I told her everything, and that I really waited for her. I really did and it was no joke. I could've had girlfriends—or ex's—in the past if I didn't follow my heart. True, I started regretting when I saw her but she seem to be the same Yooyoung 11 years ago, still. Maybe she just really changed physically and drastically, if I may say. Or, maybe not really.

It was a long train ride. When she started telling her story, she was all giggly and her eyes disappeared. It was charming and cute, I couldn't help but fond over her to the moment that I couldn't even hear what she's saying. But as she continued, I listened too, until the moment we stepped out of the train.

We were walking towards the place and she couldn't help her excitement. It was really cute! She was clinging to my arm and kept glancing at me. It honestly reminded me of our childhood, even when she has changed a lot. We reached the place and I couldn't be happier seeing the place again. There weren't a lot of new things around, but the place was still beautiful. The Summerlight tree still stands tall, and the little stores that highlight the place were still there. Although some of them have evidently closed down, due to their own reasons.

I felt like it was too early to grab the letter so I asked her if she was hungry, and that we should eat first. To my surprise, she brought out two fried soboro bread from her bag. She told me she recently heard of it and wanted to try it that she bought them awhile ago while I was apparently spacing out, waiting at the line to buy tickets earlier at the train station. So it has been revealed and confirmed that I spaced out awhile ago, how embarrassing. Yooyoung is the type to tell me that and call me a ‘cute little kid’ which annoyed me back then but didn't really affect me this time. I got the bread from her and started eating it. I realized it isn't as delicious as it is when it's newly baked, who wouldn't prefer eating it when it just came out of the oven but whatever. I'd eat anything she gives me any day.

We were sauntering towards the Summerlight tree while munching, not even talking and just inhaling the food we have in our hands. Seems like the ride made us hungry all of a sudden. She brought out a mat of some sort and lathered it down the ground near the tree. I was curious that I asked her what it's for. I tried to recall when she told me that she wanted to go to a picnic with me here in the past. I remembered her saying that but what do I know about picnics, I've never experienced them and all I thought back then was that our plans were small jokes that will never happen the moment we start to hit puberty. I told her that, and all she did was snicker at me that her eyes disappeared into thin line I'd admired for long. I sat down next to her as she did, even when that honestly felt awkward or something. I placed my jacket on her lap and smiled a bit. She stared at me after and told me how sad she was that she didn't get to prepare picnic snacks for us. She apologized, pursing her lips—that I found cute—and was tracing circles onto the mat like a kid. I chuckled and whispered ‘It's okay’ with a ruffle on her locks.

This was the first time again that I got to touch her hair like that after 11 years, and they were still soft like silk. It made me smile, and in contrast, I saw her flush in pink which I didn't really expect. She's like a little kid, but with a, uh, mature look. I know I've been saying I hate how she looks now, but no, I love it, I love her. I sighed inaudibly at my thoughts. I have reasons okay.

Later, we decided to check on the letter if they're still there. As expected, I was the one who dug my fingers, and hands unto the dirty ground because Yooyoung started to whine about not wanting to get her nails broke or dirty. I didn't have a problem with that though. Girls are so overprotective with their beautifully-done nails. I started digging up at once and a few seconds later, my knuckles hit something that went a soft ‘clank’ and I assumed it was a bottle, I assumed that someone else's letter? Yooyoung gasped and told me not to move it or whatever, and I know I shouldn't. I scanned the dug-up hole and saw a somewhat crumpled colored paper which I soon realized was probably my letter for her. The color faded though, as in really faded. As soon as I grabbed it, I was right, it was out letters together. Crumpled, unclean and was obviously wet from either being rained, or being stuck underneath the heat of the ground. But we both flipped them open and gave a sigh of relief, the words were still legible—almost. I glanced at her and saw her already reading my letter. I suddenly became conscious but despite that, I headed with reading hers. As I did, I felt myself smiling. Her letter included little poems she learned, probably from our English classes and they were beautiful. I loved every word and I can feel she wrote this with all of her heart. I looked at her and she was smiling too. I know I only wrote a few words but why was she still reading the letter? She should've finished earlier, I thought.

"I don't think I can stop reading this, it's adorable."

She told, and I grinned at her. I write pretty good stuff, don't I, I replied. She giggled and asked me if she could see, or read, what she wrote. I gave her her letter and let her read it. She laughed a bit loudly reaching the middle, I wondered why and I think I asked her. She told me she couldn't imagine writing like this—confessing to me through a letter, words and poems included—ever again. I pretended I wasn't surprised with what she said and chuckled nervously. How saddened I turned out was too evident on my face. She asked if I got upset hearing her say that and like I've said before, I can't lie. So I nodded at her. That was the moment I said,

"Honestly, you've changed a lot. I thought your feelings changed too.."

It seem to have shocked and puzzled her, she stared at me with a straight face. It really worried me, and in fact, it scared me. This was what I was afraid of, I swear. Did I meant to say that? I know I didn't but why can't I apologize; I froze. She looked away after a few seconds, and that's the only moment I got a grip of myself and said sorry to her, if that offended her. She turned to me and realized her eyes were wanting to tear down. I bowed my head and finally told her that I didn't mean to say it and that I wanted to be honest with her. Foreseeing, I was upset with what she said but shouldn't have used it as an excuse to tell her things she shouldn't have heard. She smiled at me, small that it was vague, and told me it was good that I was honest. I felt a bit relieved and bad at the same time, thinking how'd she react further. I glanced away but at that second, she intertwined her hand with mine. She gave an eyesmile when I looked at her.

She said, "I can't imagine writing confessions to you through a letter anymore, because now that I have you again, I can tell them to you personally. Like I did before when I promised you that I'll come back and we'll end up together. I want you to be my everything, just like me being yours. I'm sorry I made you feel upset with my words."

I can't explain how I felt but my heart felt like exploding sooner. This isn't something I'd tell to the public but I flustered hearing that from her, really embarrassing. I know I've been saying she's changed drastically, or that she's still the Yooyoung from 11 years ago but who cares? Whatever.

I still love her. She's my everything.



A/N: Before anything else, I would like to apologize for not being able to post anything in the past few days. I lost internet connection for almost a week and I really didn't get to type the other stories, so I'm going to be posting the next ones in the next days. I really apologize for the delay. Also, this is something I'm not proud of. Haha! I am really not into first person POV and somehow tried it like this. Not really good, admit it. Anyway, Yooyoung is my bias and I really love her! I don't really ship her with Hyuk but since 95-liners are my babies, there you go.


Number of words: 4.2k+

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Chapter 6: Kyyyaaa!!! Read all the one shots!! Some were sad, some were funny and some are just too cute!! ::>_<:: But are you planning to continue?? Cause I'm looking forward to N and Eunyoung couple and Ken and Dohee couple^^
ssongjoker #2
Chapter 3: /sobbing hard/ aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh the cutest! the sweetest!! the lovable couple in the world!!!
Haniken ;~; I wish there were many haniken fanfics;;;;;; This really....makes my day reading this. good job author! oh, i hope u can write more kkk
Chapter 4: Ooooow soo cute! Ravi is so cure, the twoo of them loging for each other hahahah! I love it!
VIXXjjangraceL #4
Chapter 4: I need a sequel of this~~~~~*tears dhaaaaamn ravi is hot hyuna is *yeah y and cute oh my ghaad.~~~~thank you for granting my wish!!!!^-^ i love it so much.
Ztrong #5
Chapter 4: Cute ship ravi x hyuna
omg i love every single story you posted! it really suits my liking and they are all my otps < 3
i'll be looking forward for an update. < 3
VIXXjjangraceL #7
Chapter 3: Waaah~ken is soooo sweet and so is hani.Ken I have a husband like him??^-^ hahaha the bed scene is will written,I didn't get awkward feelings reading it.im so excited for the next characters.im so bias about it....HAHAHA^▼^
Chapter 2: update soon! aigoo I love leoji so much!
hoping for hyuk x namjoo for next chapt kekeke
Chapter 3: *whispers* ken and dohee perhaps?