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Shaking off the fluttering in your heart, you approached the hazard the boy caused and crouched down next to him.

"Uhm, let me help you pick these up." You started to pick up the shoes one by one, while he curiously watched you.

Working fast, the two of you managed to get the store looking back to normal. Bora scuffled around you, trying to help as much as possible.

"Lina, you helped me way too much today, please rest!" You didn't mind helping. You were used to housework and the poor boy looked like he needed some serious aid. Speaking of the boy, you better introduce yourself.

Facing him, you forced yourself to look into his eyes. After years of martial arts, you learned to keep an intimidating stance, even if your heart was bouncing up and down your ribcage.

"Sorry for pushing you earlier. I was kind of in a dangerous situation, if you couldn't tell." You awkardly chuckled, but you got no laugh from him. You were mentally kicking yourself for being such an uncomfortable person. There goes the first impression. You were plotting out how to escape the store when he suddenly flashed you a smile.

You could literally drown in those dimples.

"Those shoes look good on you." You looked down. You realized that you still had on the Converse.

"Oh! I was just trying them on...I better take them off." You plopped down onto the bench and started to delicately pull the shoes off.

You felt a hand grab your wrist and you leaned back in surprise. The boy had kneeled in front of you, and was putting the shoes back on your feet. You watched his long fingers lace your shoes up and tie them in a neat bow.

"They looked too good on you for you to take off. It's my gift to you." You stared at him, with your mouth slacked open.

You raised your e

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Jazzy_305 #1
Chapter 9: Wth... es everywer... Thank god our lina managed to kick his lol... N ya the last moment with namjoon n lina hugging n confessing was super cuteeeeee... XDD
Jazzy_305 #2
Chapter 7: Omg m running out my breath can anyone dial 911!! Woahh tat was amazing Authornim... <3 Rapmon
Jazzy_305 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was so brave for her to save him... Omg some fans r sooo mean ><
Jazzy_305 #4
Chapter 4: Omfg did he rely confessed his feeling... Omo m gona die of freezing lol... N i know how lina is feeling right now haha....
Jazzy_305 #5
Chapter 3: Oh wow thats gona b very interestin... Luv it very much :v
Jazzy_305 #6
Chapter 2: Haha shes brave though... Oh m liking her character n i cudnt imagine namjoon got rejected hehe... Very tuff girl to b handled.. Whoo do xcited about next chapie xDD
Jazzy_305 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wow its just awesome... I must say u are a good writter n also its interestin.. Im loving it already XD
Chapter 7: Omg my Namjoon feels are going everywhere bruh this is good!! Can't wait for an update
hopscotchicecream #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please update soon! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses :)