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"Hello?" You had just gotten out of the shower when you heard your phone ring.

"Hello. Is this Park Lina?"

You held the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you towel dried your hair. "Yes it is. May I ask who this is?"

"Ah, yes. This is Lee Hyun. After careful evaluation of your job application, we have decided to hire you."

The towel in your hand dropped to the floor as you excitedly grasped the phone. "I can't believe it! T-thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me! I won't dissapoint!" You did a little victory dance around the room, trying not to scream into the reciever.

Hyun chuckled from the other end, amused at your excitement. "We're extremely glad to have hired you. Please come to BigHit Entertainment tomorrow at 8 o'clock, sharp. Don't be late!"

Now that he hung up, you jumped onto your bed and screamed into your pillow.

You had gotten your dream job. Ever since you were little, your aspiration was to serve and protect others. Finally, after years of trying, you were finally a bodyguard.

A knock on your door snapped you back into reality. "Come in!"

Mr. Park peeked inside the room. "Honey, are you okay? I heard some screaming..."


Mr. Park jumped back, startled at your sudden outburst. "W-what?"

"I GOT THE JOB DAD! I start tomorrow at 8!"

"No way! Honey, I'm so proud of you!"

He walked over to you and ruffled your hair. "Your mother would have been so proud."

His eyes were starting to glaze over with tears and you playfully nudged his chest. "I know she would have been proud. But I have to go to sleep now so I can wake up on time and make her even prouder, huh?"

The tears in Mr. Park's eyes seemed to have dissolved. He was a tough man that hardly ever showed his tears. "That's a good idea. Have sweet dreams Lina."

He left the room, turning off the lights as he left. You snuggled into your blanket and smiled. Your mom would have truly been ecstatic to see you so happy. She had passed away four years ago from cancer, but she fought a brave battle till the end. She was your role-model, and you missed her every single day. According to your family, you were the spitting image of her, so you occasionally looked into the mirror and imagined yourself as your mother. It gave you a sense of comfort. You slowly drifted into sleep, a smile etched onto your face.



You groaned and groggily pryed one eye

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Jazzy_305 #1
Chapter 9: Wth... es everywer... Thank god our lina managed to kick his lol... N ya the last moment with namjoon n lina hugging n confessing was super cuteeeeee... XDD
Jazzy_305 #2
Chapter 7: Omg m running out my breath can anyone dial 911!! Woahh tat was amazing Authornim... <3 Rapmon
Jazzy_305 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was so brave for her to save him... Omg some fans r sooo mean ><
Jazzy_305 #4
Chapter 4: Omfg did he rely confessed his feeling... Omo m gona die of freezing lol... N i know how lina is feeling right now haha....
Jazzy_305 #5
Chapter 3: Oh wow thats gona b very interestin... Luv it very much :v
Jazzy_305 #6
Chapter 2: Haha shes brave though... Oh m liking her character n i cudnt imagine namjoon got rejected hehe... Very tuff girl to b handled.. Whoo do xcited about next chapie xDD
Jazzy_305 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wow its just awesome... I must say u are a good writter n also its interestin.. Im loving it already XD
Chapter 7: Omg my Namjoon feels are going everywhere bruh this is good!! Can't wait for an update
hopscotchicecream #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please update soon! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses :)