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"How do people do this?!" You stopped the makeup tutorial, frustrated at how many steps it took to make a perfect winged eyeliner. You grimaced at your reflection. For some reason, one eye looked like you got punched in the face and the other looked like you just cried. Sighing, you took a wipe and rubbed off all your hard work.

You picked up a rose pink lipstick and carefully dabbed it on your lips. You never wore makeup but well... Namjoon was an idol and he was always around extremely pretty girls. You probably looked like an asparagus in the middle of a field of roses.

The boys had a photoshoot today for a magazine, so you had to hurry up and make sure they weren't getting kidnapped or something. As usual, you walked over to their dorm and patiently waited outside until they were ready.

"Morning Lina! How you do--what's that on your lips?" Taehyung scratched his head and squinted his eyes to get a clearer look at your lips.

"What's going on out here?" Namjoon sauntered out and stopped clear in his tracks when he saw your rosy lips.

You literally wanted to dig a whole and hibernate for eternity.

"I-I just got a sample in the mail and I wanted to try it out. I know, it looks bad." You raised your hand to your lips to wipe it off when Namjoon pulled it down.

"You look beautiful."

He thinks you look beautiful. IT WORKED!

You pursed your lips, trying to supress your smile. "Well, I wasn't really trying, but I guess I'll keep it."

The rest of the boys came out, each complimenting your new makeup look. Gosh, all you did was put some lipstick on and this is the response you get? Imagine what would happen if you actually tried!


"Over here Jin! Be candid! Look cute!"

Your eyes jerked open at the loud voice of the photographer. You had fallen asleep on the uncomfortable plastic chair after waiting an hour for the boys to finish their hair.

"Here." Namjoon sat down on the chair next to you and handed you some coffee.

"You're a life-saver." You sipped on the coffee and watched Jin smoothly posing for the camera. That boy was a photogenic angel.

"Is it tiring? Looking after us all the time?" Namjoon started to draw spirals on your hand with his finger.

"Nah. I barely do anything compared to manager Lee. I'm kinda like the overprotective mom that follows their kids all over the place."

Namjoon almost spit out his coffee before letting out a laugh. "That's not right because I'm pretty sure mom's don't date their kids."

"Namjoon! What if someone hears?" You pinched his arm and let out a small yelp.

"Relax. No one can hear over the photographer."

Dating Namjoon had you on the edge. It was like living in a suspense movie, hiding from every possible thing that could expose your relationship. You had only been dating for a few days, but all the worrying seemed to have given you wrinkles.

"I know. We just...I just need to be careful."

He grabbed your cheeks and squished them together, making a fishy face. "You, Park Lina, need to stop stressing and enjoy our time together."

"Hngh cn Iuh nt stgstr?!" You tried to talk through your squished cheeks, but judging by the look on Namjoon's face, you had spoken a completely different language.

Ding! Namjoon let go of your face so you could check your phone notification.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. It's a Facebook message though." You slid your phone open and right as the app opened, your expression darkened. Sensing something wrong, Namjoon looked at your phone over your shoulder.

Lina~~~~It's Jangmi. We have a reunion tonight so you better come! I told everyone you were coming so

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Jazzy_305 #1
Chapter 9: Wth... es everywer... Thank god our lina managed to kick his lol... N ya the last moment with namjoon n lina hugging n confessing was super cuteeeeee... XDD
Jazzy_305 #2
Chapter 7: Omg m running out my breath can anyone dial 911!! Woahh tat was amazing Authornim... <3 Rapmon
Jazzy_305 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was so brave for her to save him... Omg some fans r sooo mean ><
Jazzy_305 #4
Chapter 4: Omfg did he rely confessed his feeling... Omo m gona die of freezing lol... N i know how lina is feeling right now haha....
Jazzy_305 #5
Chapter 3: Oh wow thats gona b very interestin... Luv it very much :v
Jazzy_305 #6
Chapter 2: Haha shes brave though... Oh m liking her character n i cudnt imagine namjoon got rejected hehe... Very tuff girl to b handled.. Whoo do xcited about next chapie xDD
Jazzy_305 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wow its just awesome... I must say u are a good writter n also its interestin.. Im loving it already XD
Chapter 7: Omg my Namjoon feels are going everywhere bruh this is good!! Can't wait for an update
hopscotchicecream #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please update soon! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses :)