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"Follow me!" You obediently trailed behind secretary Hyun while scoping the huge building. It was pretty modern and chic with rooms lining the hallway, probably for recording and composing music. You followed him out the back door, and continued to power walk for a block. The heat was getting to you and your suit was definitely not helping. Secretary Hyun seemed to have to athletic superpower because that man did not stop once to rest. If you didn't have years of training, you would definitely be crawling to catch up with him.

You almost bumped straight into his back when he suddenly came to a halt in front of an apartment complex. All you wanted was an ice-cold drink of water, so you gladly obliged when he beckoned for you to go into the building. The cold blast of the AC hit you full on, instantly renergizing your exhausted body. The elevator ride up to level 6 was painfully awkward, but you kept a straight face. You were trained for awkward situations, whether you liked it or not. Leading to you an apartment, he swiveled around and faced you.

"So, this is the BTS dorm. You'll have to get familiar with it because it's your job to make sure that no fans ever find out where this is." You straightened your back and promptly nodded. You knew how scary some saesang fans were, but it wouldn't be hard to knock some out if they tried to harm BTS.

"Now, that apartment," your eyes followed his finger that was pointing towards the opposite side of the spacey hallway, "is where you will be staying."

What?! Nowhere in the contract did it say that you had to move out of your house!

"Excuse me sir. I don't recall you mentioning that I had to move in to another place? I haven't discussed this with anyone, and I can't cover the costs-"

Secretary Hyun waved his hand in the air, stopping you midsentence. "It was on page 5 of the contract. We specifically stated that you must move close to BTS to ensure top safety. Also, we will be covering the cost of the apartment, but you will have to pay for your own essentials, such as food."

You clenched your teeth. There was literally no way for you to wiggle out of this, unless you wanted to lose your job. Plus, it couldn't be bad, right? You would be getting your own place. You would miss your dad and Tae, but visiting them every weekend would be no issue. And they were going to pay for the rent, so might as well, huh?

"Alright sir. I'll move in by tomorrow."

"Great, that's exactly what we wanted. We have a pick up truck for you out front, so just pack all you need and come back here. You don't have any duties today," Hyun tossed you a set of keys, "so just settle in for today, okay?"

Fiddling with the keys, you nodded and followed him, once again, out the apartment building. There you found a pick up truck that was probably for your stuff. Hopping into the passenger seat, you told the driver your address. You closed your eyes and leaned against the window. This was going to be a long day.


Tossing the dirty rag on the floor, you sprawled onto the sofa and let out a deep sigh. It usually took a few movers to haul all these things into apartments, but you had done all the manual work by yourself in hopes of saving some money. You were finally settled in, but the surroundings were still really unfamiliar.

The apartment wasn't too big, but it had a spacious living room that was connected to the small yet conventional kitchen. There was a clean and fully functioning bathroom and the one room in the house was your bedroom. It wasn't a house fit for a king, but it was darn perfect for you. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you checked the time.

9:42 p.m.

You were so exhausted that you could curl up in the middle of a battle and still fall asleep. Right as you were heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed, the doorbell rang, making you jump in surprise. Who would come at this time?

"Who is it?" You didn't get an answer, so you slowly unlocked the door and opened it ever so slightly. You checked your left and felt reassured when you saw your baseball bat, just in case it was some creeper. Not that you couldn't handle him with your bare fists, but it was always a good idea to have a choice of

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Jazzy_305 #1
Chapter 9: Wth... es everywer... Thank god our lina managed to kick his lol... N ya the last moment with namjoon n lina hugging n confessing was super cuteeeeee... XDD
Jazzy_305 #2
Chapter 7: Omg m running out my breath can anyone dial 911!! Woahh tat was amazing Authornim... <3 Rapmon
Jazzy_305 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was so brave for her to save him... Omg some fans r sooo mean ><
Jazzy_305 #4
Chapter 4: Omfg did he rely confessed his feeling... Omo m gona die of freezing lol... N i know how lina is feeling right now haha....
Jazzy_305 #5
Chapter 3: Oh wow thats gona b very interestin... Luv it very much :v
Jazzy_305 #6
Chapter 2: Haha shes brave though... Oh m liking her character n i cudnt imagine namjoon got rejected hehe... Very tuff girl to b handled.. Whoo do xcited about next chapie xDD
Jazzy_305 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wow its just awesome... I must say u are a good writter n also its interestin.. Im loving it already XD
Chapter 7: Omg my Namjoon feels are going everywhere bruh this is good!! Can't wait for an update
hopscotchicecream #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please update soon! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses :)