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"Thank you Teacher Park!"

You stood upright as you recieved respectful bows from 20 kids. You wiped off a bead of sweat with the floppy sleeve of your uniform. The tae-kwon-do room was stuffy and reeked of the smell of sweat after an hour of a tough lesson.

You loved it.

This was where you grew up; in the midst of floor mats, nunchucks, and tough, ruthless lessons. You were happiest when you were practicing martial arts. Plus, it was an awesome way to relieve pent up stress, and you had tons of that.

You stuck out your hand and the students excitedly lined up and left the room, making sure to high-five you on the way out. The kids adored you because you weren't as mean as the other teachers, yet you definitely kept them disiplined, and they respected you for that.

Your dad, Mr. Park peeked his head into the musty room. "Your lessons are over for today Lina. You can get going now."

"Okay, thanks Dad!"

Mr. Park was in his early 50's, but he looked extremely healthy and fit for his age. Probably because he runs a tae-kwon-do studio, huh? Sure, the family faced financial problems, but they were able to get food on the table. But other than the food and bills, the family had no allowance, so each day was filled with sacrifices and penny-pinching.

You headed towards the small locker room to change. Plopping down onto the bench, you sipped on some water while scrolling through your phone. You were looking for a new job. Not that you didn't like your job as a tae-kwon-do instructor, it was just that you felt restricted. You wanted more freedom and you wanted to be able to use your skills to not only teach, but to protect.

"Nothing new today," You sighed, tossing your phone into your bag.

Taking a towel, you wiped down your body to get rid of your sweat. You slipped into your ripped light-washed skinny jeans, and pulled your white, loose-fitting t-shirt onto yourself. Your usually straight hair was in a tangled mess, so you just pulled it into a high ponytail, pulling a few strands to frame your face.

"Well, at least I don't smell like crap today."

When you walked out, it was still bright outside. You closed your eyes and basked in the sunlight. You had a couple of hours until you had to head home to babysit your little brother, Tae. You decided to just walk around town and explore the many shops that lined the streets. After strolling around, enjoying the good weather, you abruptly stopped when a pair of shoes caught your eyes.

Should I go in? I probably can't afford them...Oh screw it, I'll just try them on.

You hesitantly walked into the shoe store and jumped when an enthusiastic worker ran up to you. She was a cute girl, with huge doe-eyes that looked really eager to help.

"Welcome to Shoe Heaven! Is there anything I can help you with?"

You smiled and shook your head. "No, not yet. I'm just taking a look around."

The girl returned your smile and told you to call Bora, that was her name, if you needed any assistance.<

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Jazzy_305 #1
Chapter 9: Wth... es everywer... Thank god our lina managed to kick his lol... N ya the last moment with namjoon n lina hugging n confessing was super cuteeeeee... XDD
Jazzy_305 #2
Chapter 7: Omg m running out my breath can anyone dial 911!! Woahh tat was amazing Authornim... <3 Rapmon
Jazzy_305 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was so brave for her to save him... Omg some fans r sooo mean ><
Jazzy_305 #4
Chapter 4: Omfg did he rely confessed his feeling... Omo m gona die of freezing lol... N i know how lina is feeling right now haha....
Jazzy_305 #5
Chapter 3: Oh wow thats gona b very interestin... Luv it very much :v
Jazzy_305 #6
Chapter 2: Haha shes brave though... Oh m liking her character n i cudnt imagine namjoon got rejected hehe... Very tuff girl to b handled.. Whoo do xcited about next chapie xDD
Jazzy_305 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wow its just awesome... I must say u are a good writter n also its interestin.. Im loving it already XD
Chapter 7: Omg my Namjoon feels are going everywhere bruh this is good!! Can't wait for an update
hopscotchicecream #9
Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Please update soon! I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses :)