Chapter 11

The Dream Hunter

I felt my energy depleting but Jessica did not have the intention to leave any sooner and so I had to leave first, reluctantly.

I passed by another ward and the door was open. I felt the negative aura of Nightmare Spirit.  Thereat, I felt the aura moving violently.  This was a critical situation. Once the Nightmare Spirit overpowered the defense of the human's self conscious, its growth would accelerate by ten fold or even hundred fold.

Though the Nightmare Spirit was still not that powerful yet, it would be disastrous for it to grow further.

I could still managed to exorcise this Nightmare Spirit.

Thus, I entered into the ward and I shut the door carefully.

The patient on the bed..... why was Siwon on the bed?

I recalled Jessica mentioning that Siwon was ill. Hadn't Siwon recover yet?

At this moment, I saw the oversized patient gown on Siwon's thin frame. Siwon's light brown short wavy hair was in a mess. He was curling in a foetus position, lying on his side on the bed. Siwon did not seem to be having a peaceful sleep as if something was troubling him. His long eye lashed was trembling and he was pursing his lips.

Remembering his mysterious expression when we last met, I stretched out my arm towards his forehead in a hesitant manner. I could not help but felt that I would land myself in some mess if I helped him.

However my Dream Hunter's sense of responsibility overpowered my hesitance.

Slowly, I touched Siwon's forehead. 

In the dream, it was a hospital ward. I guessed that since young, Siwon's health might not be too good.

It was night time and the light was dim in the white ward. Little Siwon was wailing loudly as he was being chased by a bunch of nurses. The nurses were holding onto thick injection syringes.

A little boy could never outrun the adults. Soon, little Siwon was being caught up by the nurses.

Dark shadows loomed on the nurses' faces due to the dim light. Their eyes shone with evil gleam and they came close....

It was a horrible sight as pairs of hands reached out to little Siwon....

The dark aura deepened and I could sense that the Nightmare Spirit was getting stronger.

Little Siwon was hiding his face between his knees and he was trembling. Just when the nurses were about to touch him, he shouted," Stop!"

Everyone was sort of frozen in their movement. Little Siwon blinked his large teary eyes and looked like an innocent baby deer at the nurses. " Noona, are you really going to give me injections?"

The originally horrendous scene became fluffily pink. ??

The nurses nodded. The scene resumed to being spooky. They let out a shrill creepy voices," Of course, little one. If you do not take the injection, the creepy worms will crawl out from your tummy."

"You will not be cute anymore."

"No girls will like a timid boy like you.."


Little Siwon pouted. I assumed that he would burst into tears soon as any kids would definitely be scared to death by this. Alas, I had underestimated little Siwon's tolerance level.

Soon, little Siwon lifted up his head and stood up. He even took a step towards the nurses. Although the tears was b at his eyes, they wouldn't fall.

The scene change to bubbly pink ?

Little Siwon pouted and spoke," Noona, please don't give me the injection as I am so adorable."

The nurses' eyes became heart shaped???

Thereafter, I heard a spoof sound and the aura of the Nightmare Spirit vanished.

I heard little Siwon chirpy voice," How could my overloaded cuteness unable to deal with them? "


I did not know if I should laugh or cry. Just how strong the resistance was the heart for little Siwon to display his cuteness.  I didn't know that there would such mentally and emotionally strong human on earth.

I decided to get out of Siwon's dream as I was getting to be exhausted.

I was about to leave Siwon's ward when my body swayed. A brigh white light appeared before my eyes....

The patient on the bed opened his eyes slowly. When he met my gaze, I saw his surpriseness and excitement.

I did not know what happened subsequently.


I had a dream. I knew that I was dreaming but I could not escape...

A large group of Nightmare Spirits were chasing after me. I could not fight back as I had no power. 

I remembered what happened earlier. I was terrified.  Was this due to the fact that I did not leave the compound of the hospital?

I started to feel despaired. ....

I tried to run as fast as I could but I could not escape from the Nightmare Spirits. I was frightened.

" Hey wake up!  Eunhyuk wake up." A familiar voice came from my ear and my cheeks was a bit painful.

I opened my eyes groggily. I saw Donghae's face right in front of me. At such closeness, his thick eye lashes fluttered like butterflies and he was so charming. His amber coloured iris possessed mysterious attraction, making me lost in them...

Donghae was looking at me with a worried look and his right hand was raised up in the air. I felt the tingling pain on my cheeks.

"Stop slapping me!" I cracked. 

Donghae let out his breath when he saw me fully awake. He lowered his hand and straightened his body. "You are awake?"

What happened to me?

I looked at Donghae for an answer.

I was coming to the hospital to visit Donghae. Next, I overheard the conversation between Donghae's Appa and Jessica.  I was about to leave and encountered the Student Council President aka Siwon being troubled by Nightmare Spirit. I rushed to Siwon's rescue but he was able to subdue the Nightmare Spirit himself. I think I fainted.... was pitch black outside. I scanned my surroundings and I felt something was off.

"Why am I back here?" I was struggling to get up but I could not exert an ounce of energy. I felt as if I had fallen very ill.

I saw Donghae's face darkened.  His eyes were slightly covered by his fringe which couldn't marred his handsomeness. " Didn't  you telling me that the hospital is a dangerous place for you? Why did you still come to the hospital? What about your injuries from the last time? Are they recovered?"

"Well er....."

Donghae did not give me any chance for explanations but spoke," Luckily I was awake and overheard the nurse mentioning about a student in same school uniform as me fainted. And if not for my curiosity and asked, I would not know it's you. And if I did not managed to get you back home, the outcome would be dire!"

Oh that it! No wonder I felt something was off!

"When did you wake up? How did you get discharge from hospital? How your body...."

"It is not important now!" Donghae interrupted me. "Can you listen to what I have to say?"

"Sorry." I let out my tongue.

Donghae became relieved. His eyes became soft and tone became gentler, " You went to hospital to see me?"

"Hmm." I nodded.

What on earth would I be doing at hospital if its not to visit Donghae?

"How did you ended up in someone else's ward then?" Donghae frowned.

I started to giggle when I recalled earlier. I explained everything to Donghae and he calmed down.

"Hee Hee.  It' funny right? It' the first time that I witnessed such a mentally and emotionally strong person." I smiled.

Donghae nodded and he sighed," Do not try to be a hero recklessly. I know you are worrying about me but you should take dare of your health...."

Seeing Donghae's frowning face, I interrupted him. I rubbed my tummy and gave a pitiful face," Donghae ah, I am hungry."

It had been several hours since lunch time and I had not have eaten anything.

Donghae looked at me and wanted to say something but he just sighed loudly. He took out his mobile phone and asked," What do you want to eat?"

"Can I have strawberry pie with double strawberries on it?" I looked eagerly at Donghae.

Donghae stared hard at me and gave in. He ruffled my hair and was in a rather good mood. " I do not approve of your action but I am grateful for you to risk your life to visit me at the hospital.... okay, I am going to make you a strawberry feast! Be patience okay?"

Donghae stuffed his mobile phone back into his pocket and walked out.

I lied on bed till I regained a bit of my energy back. I went to the bathroom to wash up before I go down as well.

The whole place was full of the sweet scent of my beloved strawberries.  The dining table was full of food. I saw a large bowl of strawberries fruit salad. A big glass of strawberry juice and a big jar of strawberry jam...

I saw Donghae in his apron and walk out with a freshly baked strawberry pie from the kitchen. I felt so blissful that I am going to fly up into the skies.

"Donghae, I love you so much!"

I ran up to Donghae and hugged him.

Donghae was shocked at my sudden action and almost stumbled. He raised the strawberry pie above his head and his body became stiff.

" What...what nonsense did you just say!"


I looked up at Donghae. I saw his pale face became very red. Soon the redness spread to his ears, neck. His eyes became so large and there was lights in his eyes.

"What happen to you?"

Donghae's face was very red. He looked a bit awkward and he looked away from me. Donghae coughed," You er... you better let go of me."

"Oh.." I realized and retreated a step. I laughed in embarassment. " Hee Hee.  I am so sorry. I was too excited at the sight of all these food."

Wait, was there a slight disappointment on Donghae's face but it also appeared that he was unhappy. Donghae lowered the strawberry pie.

My saliva was flooding the room. I stretched my hands towards the pipping hot strawberry pie and suddenly, Donghae hit my hand. " Be careful. It's hot! Go and get the cutlery from the kitchen."

"Okay." I blew at my hand while unable to tear my eyes from the strawberry pie.

I returned quickly to the dining table and immediately attacked the food.

The sweetness of the strawberries exploded in my mouth and I let out a satisfied whine. I looked across the dinning table and saw Donghae sipping quietly at his glass of strawberry juice. Thereafter, he broke tiny bits of the strawberry pie with his fork while casting disgusting looks at me.

"Donghae, are you sure that you do not want to try it? It is so heavenly to spread a thick layer of strawberry jam on the strawberry pie" unconsciously, I took my strawberry pie and pushed in front of Donghae.

Donghae took a look at my bitten strawberry pie and looked at me. He pushed away my hand and shook his head. "No thank you. Please enjoy it yourself."

"OK okay." Donghae did not know how to appreciate such wonderful taste and so I had to sacrifice myself to finish up everything.

Muahaha... the strawberry pie was superb. Muahaha. .. the strawberry juice is so refreshing. If only I could get to eat this everyday.

"Eat slowly and chew properly." Donghae held a hand up to his forehead. He looked as if he was having a headache while looking at me," No one is competiting with you for the food. The way you are devouring the food will cause people to mistaken me for ill treating you! "

" You are not hungry? " I did not really see Donghae eating much except for drinking his strawberry juice and having the small bites of the strawberry pie.

"I do not much appetite..." Donghae said non chalantly while eating a strawberry.

"This can't do. You are still weak and recovering." I quickly swallowed the last bite of the strawberry pie and at my fingers. " Do you know that you frightened me to death when you fainted in class that day."

"It' because I did not sleep enough. I am much better now after being warded in  hospital for the past 2 days.

" You will recover better if you eat fully." I tore a large of strawberry pie for Donghae.

Donghae hesitated for a bit before he took the strawberry pie from me," I am not that hungry...."

"Eat!" I commanded Donghae. 

It was just a slice of strawberry pie and it won't make him full.

We ate our food quietly.  

I sneaked a glance at Donghae.  Once,  twice, thrice...

The mood was right and I wondered if I started asking about his Appa, would Donghae...

"Why do you keep staring at me? If you got something to say, just shoot!" Donghae slowly took a bite of his strawberry pie without looking at me.

"Er... Donghae,  you have to promise me that you will not get angry." I put down my strawberry pie and had a large gulp of my strawberry juice. I finished chewing my food and I looked wearily  at Donghae.

Donghae was silent and I felt great pressure.

"Okay. You promise that you will not get angry."

I pumped up my courage," Earlier on while I went to visit you at the hospital, I saw your Appa and Jessica....."

Before I could  finish my sentence, Donghae's face changed. He put down his glass with a thud sound on the dining table.

"Thud" my heart jumped a bit.

Oh no. Oh no. Donghae's expression looked frightening. Should I continue?

I merely mentioned about his Appa and Donghae was like this. If I said everything, would he punch me up?

"Continue. What did you see them doing? " Donghae raise his eye brows. I could see that he was smiling but his fiery anger was clearly seen.

Òopppps.. I regret now. I should not have bring up this topic. Could the time be  turned back?

"And?" Donghae knocked on the dining table impatiently.

" I just wanted to ask if you are unhappy due to the matter that your Appa and Jessica are talking about?" I closed my eyes after I blurted out what was on my mind and awaited for my 'Final Judgement'.

It was total silent. Not a single sound.

I started to crack open my eyes for a bit and peeped at Donghae, who was sitting opposite me.

"Boom.." the legs of the chair dragged across the surface of the ground. Donghae hoisted himself up by pressing both palms on the table top.

Donghae had this stern looks on his face and he seemed like he was trying to say something. Eventually, he did not. Donghae turned his body away, not looking at me and stormed upstairs to his bedroom.

"Boom" The door was banged hard loud.

I knew that Donghae loved his Umma and so I avoided mentioning " Getting a new Umma" or " Remarry" but I guessed his reaction was still aggressive.

Haiz... If I knew it would turn out like this, I would not have breathe a single word.

Judging from Donghae's reaction, he had sort of admitted that he was upset about this matter.

Suddenly, I lost my appetite even though the dining table was full of my favourite foods. I believed Donghae's unhappiness had rubbed onto me. After shoving few mouthfuls, I started to clean up and went back to my bedroom.

What am I going to do?

It was crystal clear that Donghae was upset that his Appa was going to remarry but I had no idea his reaction would be so strong. So it would be an uphill  task to counsel Donghae on it.

Jessica tried to talk to Donghae and his moods was affected by it.

Momentarily, I am at my wits' end.

I had never in my life (up till now) realized that how useless I am. I just could not do anything when the situation was presented right in front of me whereby I knew the cause of them and probably the outcome.


I just stared blankly at the ceiling of my bedroom.

I could not tell how long it had been when I sensed the Nightmare Spirit. This time, I sensed that it was getting stronger and bigger. I knew that it was because of Donghae's emotions. I am afraid that Donghae would be in grave situation if the situation persisted.

Thinking that one day, I could no longer see Donghae made me felt tormented. 

No! Donghae would not die! I would save him. Yesung hyung was coming soon and he would help me get rid of the Nightmare Spirit.

I just had to cheer Donghae up for now.

If Donghae did not want to talk about this matter, then I would just have to find someone else. Talking to Donghae's Appa was the best option especially from his conversation with the doctor, revealed that he was very concerned about Donghae.

However, the last time I sent out a message to Donghae's Appa secretly; Donghae locked his mobile phone with password. It was impossible to use Donghae's mobile phone to contact his Appa.

I recalled Donghae's Appa mentioned that the helpers and chauffeur would update him on Donghae's condition. Should I approach them to inquiry on the ways to contact Donghae's Appa?

A big no no. What if they were nosy and inform Donghae? I would be doomed.

After much thoughts and deliberation, the only one whom I could contact and knew about the matter was Jessica.

The conversation that Jessica had with Donghae's Appa indicated that she knew everything. Furthermore, she was able to speak to Donghae or his Appa. If Jessica was willing to help, it would be easier.....


Of all people, what it had to be Jessica!  I did not really like her.

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I usually don't read Fantasy but I really like this one
This story is so interesting
Chapter 11: I don't have a good feeling with Hyuk's plan
Chapter 10: Aaaa.. . Noooo.. . Hyuk stay positive!!!
Chapter 10: Why did now I cross path with this story,
it's so good
Hope you will update this story
Chapter 10: This is so good!! Thank you ~
Chapter 10: At least Hyuk finally realized his feeling for Hae ! Now we need to get of Jessica so that these two can be together ....
Oh No! Hyuk needs to get out there fast even if he really wants to be there...
mukupriya #8
Chapter 10: i love this fic...hyuk is so cute..
nd i feel bad for hae
plz plz pz update soon
jaezetta #9
Chapter 9: Aahhh Jess way to ruin the moment...
They got a moment to talk about what caused hae to worry and the camp fire just destroy it #hufftt.
What jess try to say this time, Looking forward
Chapter 9: Just started to read this and it's very interesting. I feel for Hae he thinks he was the cause of his mother's death and can never forgot how it happened,but it really wasn't his fault it was an accident :( With his father always gone he must be very lonely that he took Hyuk in even if he does cause trouble . That was a little weird when that spirit seemed to get stronger all of a sudden when Hyuk was trying to defeat it . Hope that Hyuk will be able to help Hae and defeat those nightmare spirits...