Begining of trouble

3 wishes

Key’s Pov

“Omo! It’s Jonghyun, Minho and Onew!!”someone shouted from across the cafeteria. Jjong? I craned my neck, trying to see him in the crowd. When the crowd finally dispersed, the three of them went to get their lunch. As they made their way to our table, I thought of the incident that happened when we first met in school……


Urgh, I am gonna be late!! On my first day of school! I turned around the corner-             WHAM!!i crashed into a student going in the direction.

 “ I….. I am so sorry!” I looked up at him. Eep!! It’s a big burly student.. and he looks pissed. Damn. “Sorry?!?!”he spat “ like that will help. How am I suppose to go clubbing all bruised?!”

 “s….sorry…“I stuttered. He lifted me by my collar. Just as he was about to punch me, another hand shot out and stopped him.

“ Be forgiving, dude” I turned in the direction of the voice. Kim Jonghyun?? What is he doing here??

 “tch!” Burly guy took off without another word.

“ I am Kim Jonghyun,” Jonghyun stuck out his hand. Ha. Like anyone around here did not know who he was.

 “K…Kim Kibum…. But you can call me Key. I shook his hand.


Jonghyun’s PoV

Key! :D I made my way to Key’s table. I missed him so much. I really like him though I don't really know why…. I guess it’s because he is funny and caring. He has all the feminine characters in him. If he was a girl I would have married him already. Kekeke ^^ Sigh.  I really wish I can confess to him someday….

Minho’s Pov

Hey! There’s Taemin!!

 “Heyyyyyy Minnie!!!” I grinned at Taemin. Taemin was the cutest thing on earth. If only he was a girl…….


No one’s Pov

The head fairy saw the troubled hearts of the two young men (jonghyun and minho). “ David!!  David!!” she summoned to maknae fairy “ I want you to help Jonghyun and Minho by granting them 3 wishes!” she told David. David pouted. “ you will get extra credit.” She added. David brighten up. He was always low on school credits. Because David is the maknae, his magic is not very good yet but the head fairy trusted him and sent David on his way…….

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mar1adyve5sa #1
hmm..seems interesting..update soon!!!