
3 wishes

Minho's POV

It is dawn, the first morning since we've arrived at the castle. Back in Seoul, 21st century, i go for a jog every single morning whenever i can. today is no exception. Except that i have to jog in these scratchy woollen clothes... Sighing, i jog down the pavement, the thick clothing weighing 10 times heavier than it was before.

"How did people suffer in this for an entire lifetime?!" I panted as my back ached.

Soon, i decided i couldn't stand this torture any more, so i started to head back to the castle. Suddenly, it started to POUR. the useless woolly clothing became soaked really fast and it dragged me down. Quickly, i ran for shelter. Or i TRIED to run... but because of the heavy wool, i had to crawl! Finally, i saw a shelter ahead, so i darted under it immediately. Inside, i saw a figure slumped on the floor. As i creeped closer, i noticed the figure was a girl who seemed to have fainted! I was freaked out! I mean, who wouldn't be freaked out if they saw some random girl passed out on the floor! But, if i ran away, i would have to drag these stupid wool clothes that FYI, stank like a pig's sty. So i sat in a corner as far away from the weird girl as possible. After awhile, the rain stopped. I stood up, stretched, and turned to go. But then i stopped. I couldn't possibly just leave the poor girl alone here! I was, after all, a perfect gentleman! So i picked her up and started to trudge back to the castle. As soon as i stepped into the castle doors, the queen ran straight to me, screaming "Elspeth!". guards snatched her out of my arms and everyone ran to the nurse. I didn't get what the ruckus was about, so i went back to my room to change out of the stinky wet woolly mammoth clothes i was wearing.

-At dinnertime-

"my wife and I would like to thank Taeho, i mean minho, for saving our dear daughter when she was stranded in the shelter in the rain! She fainted and could have died! In honour of his bravery, we would like to present him with, uh, this sword!" the king announced enthusiastically, snatching a gleaming silver sword from a nearby official, who gaped in horror at his own precious sword being given to me, but his protests were quickly silenced by the king's glare.

"Thank you, sir." I struggled to hold the heavy metal.

"Dinner, in honour of Tae-- i mean Minho, may commence!" the king grabbed a big turkey leg and waved it in the air, before stuffing it into his mouth and plopping back down onto his seat.

Jonghyun and Key glared suspiciously from across the table. Onew, who was dragged here by Jonghyun earlier in the afternoon, started to help himself to the turkey, commenting that it tasted somewhat like chicken, not even bothering to commend me on my bravery. Jessica rolled her eyes and started to chew on a breadstick, obviously worrying about calories. Only my angel, Taemin, smiled at me proudly. I grinned back. Taemin was my best friend since time immemorial, and i would do anything for him. Nowadays, whenever he smiled at me, my heart would stop! I read somewhere that it meant i was in love, but that couldn't be, I'm completely straight! ... right?

"My minho!" A squeaky, high-pitched voice intruded on my thoughts.

I looked up to see Elspeth, the princess, giving me a sloppy kiss on my cheek! EW! girl cooties... But this was the king's daughter, so i shouldn't be rude...

"Hello Elspeth..." I offered her a fake smile.

the girl sat right down on my lap! I almost shrieked and pushed her onto the floor, but stopped when the king chuckled and smiled adoringly at his "baby girl". I think i would get in a LOT of trouble if i insulted his precious daughter... So i just gritted my teeth and tried my best to sit through dinner with Elspeth on my lap. this is proving difficult.

Taemin's POV

I smiled at Minho, and he smiled back. Minho hyung is the best, he's my role model! But i find it difficult to breathe whenever he smiles at me like that... But we're both guys, this isn't possible! Ugh. I have to try my best to hide my feelings for minho hyung...

"my minho!" a whiny and irritating voice squealed.

I turned around to see the king's daughter kissing minho on the cheek! WHAT IS SHE DOING?! And the worst thing was that minho didn't do anything when she sat on his lap and started playing with his hair! I felt so hurt... But wait. Why do i feel hurt? minho's not mine... yeah, i don't feel anything for him at all! But why can't i quelch this feeling of heartache?

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mar1adyve5sa #1
hmm..seems interesting..update soon!!!