
3 wishes

Jjong's POV

"Your ride has come, sirs." a man said, when i opened the door.

"What ride?!" Taemin whispered frantically as i shrugged and followed the man, presumably the driver, into the waiting horse carriage.

For the first time since we got here, i got to see the outside of the house we landed in. It was HUGE. my eyes popped wide open in shock. the only room we've been in was the dark room, which was actually the living room. Now, as daylight flooded into the room through the door, i could see that the room was beautifully furnished, all sorts of ornate items decorating the room. As the horse carriage pulled away from the curb, i could see that our house was in the middle of a sort of forest area. Half an hour later, we pulled out of the dirt road, and into a cobbled street. I was so engrossed in the view, that i didn't look at the others till now. Taemin was asleep, leaning on Minho's shoulder. He must have been really tired. I glanced at Key, who was sitting beside me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked Key, concerned, as i noticed that his face was pale.

"I don't feel so well, hyung..." Key groaned.

I think Key is feeling unwell because of the irritating carriage that keeps jerking. I think i read somewhere that chewing peppermint gum helps stop nausea, so i dug around in my pocket and managed to find my last piece of gum. I handed it to Key, who accepted it appreciatively, and popped it into his mouth. Key looked sleepy and a further check with the driver showed that we still had an hour more of the ride to go, so i started to put my arm around Key...

"Oppa! Talk to me! I'm bored!!!" Jessica suddenly burst in between me and Key.

I thought i saw an annoyed look on Key's face before he turned away and slumped against the seat. Without any other choice, i had to listen to Jessica's endless blabbering, making agreeing sounds. After a long while, we arrived at our destination. Jessica bounced out first, (i don't know where the girl gets her  enthusiasm) and squealed.

"Omigosh! Are we living here?! Do they have a manicure salon?? Are there any hot guys? Where is my personal servant???" Jessica's endless droning continued, but now, no one paid attention to her. We were all too busy staring at the amazing castle right in front of us. But no time for gaping, the servants are already ushering us in. The heavy wooden gates swing shut and there's no turning back now.

We were practically shoved into the gihugic room where there was a big throne in the front. And on the throne was a fat old guy who was smiling a toothless grin at us. The squire who led us in splatted on the floor as if the king was the most awesomest thing on Earth. which was so untrue. I don't think awesome people have massive stomach fats bloobing out of their unsuitable putrid green tunics... I, on the other hand, am the epitome of awesomeness, yesyes no need to flatter me... Minho suddenly pulled me down by my pants, and i heard an unfortuntate rip. OhMyGawd, i thought, how embarrassing. But i still stayed down on the floor as the squire announced his "Majesty". I didn't want to offend him if that useless fairy thought he could help us! If only he could have told us what was coming...

"Welcome to my castle! You must be uh Jongbum, Kihyun, MinMin, Taeho and Soupyawn! such adorable names! Especially MinMin! Heh!" He beamed.

Well, he got our names wrong, but i kinda like the sound of Kihyun... WAIT. where is Onew?! he wasn't in the carriage just now! How could i have forgotten him??? Oh, right. he stayed behind at the house to stuff his chicken maniac face with chicken. How can he claim to be married to something he gobbles up everyday?! whatever. anyway, back to more urgent manners, such as my ripped pants! I really like my Tweety Bird underwear with pink hearts, but its really doesn't go with my outfit right now... I LOOK RIDICULOUS. Jessica giggled at me, and i turned around to glare at her. Apparently, the king was nice enough to stop his boring tirade when he saw my undies, and called the servants to us to our rooms, announcing that we must be really tired and dirty from the trip. He also mentioned pointedly, that everyone should be appropriately and decently dressed in public. As soon as i reached my room, i flopped down on the bed and promptly fell asleep. Its not that I'm lazy, but i just get this feeling that this is gonna be the last comfortable sleep I'm gonna get in a LONG time.


Hey guys, this is Char here! Mel asked me to fill in this chappie for her as she's not free to update now D: But do support this fic! It's her first, and I'm currently working on one myself, Taemin-biased! <3 comments are loved, and suscribers are too! SHINee is MUCH-LOVED! Hahah! Shawols hwaiting~! Continue supporting k? XOXO

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mar1adyve5sa #1
hmm..seems interesting..update soon!!!