Wish No.1

3 wishes

No one’s pov

*Ping!* David landed on Jonghyun’s dorm’s sofa.

“OMO!! MINHO HYUNG!! THERE IS A STALKER IN OUR ROOM!!! ><” Taemin shouted. Minho was visiting Jonghyun and Taemin. He dashed into the living room. “ WAIT! WAIT!! I can explain!!!” David said.

 “Hyung, he is sooo weird. He looks like a butterfly,” Taemin pointed to David’s wings.

 “ I am not a butterfly =.= I am a fairy,” David stuck his tongue out at Taemin.

Taemin pulled David’s wings, “Yah! What are you trying to do to me?!?”

 “Hyung it’s real!! How cool…..” Taemin giggled.

“So anyway,” David cleared his throat to explain when Jonghyun came home and Taemin was sent to his room. “I came here today cause of a mission. I will grant the both of you 3 wishes. The wishes must benefit the both of you, Taemin and Key. Once a wish is made, it cannot be undone unless the motive stated is accomplished and you cannot wish for more wishes. That’s all.”

In a blink of an eye, David vanished. On the floor where he once stood, there was a piece of paper stating that he would be back to grant the first wish.

 5 days later

Jjong pov

Today was the day that david would come right? Minho and i have been thinking what we should wish for...... Key would like new clothes, minho has been saving up for a new soccer jersey and taemin needs english tution.... 

Suddenly a thought came to my mind... As long as i have money, i would be able to afford all these things! After discussing with minho we decided to wish for money.


David's pov

I appered on their dorm's sofa.

" so..... Ready to make your wish yet?"I wonder what wish will they make. Humans are sooo simple. They either wish for money or health.

 " we wish..." the tall guy- was it minho(?)- started to say," we wish for lots of money.. But we want to earn it by ourselves." i raised my eyebows. Ha, just as i guessed.  

  "whatever, but key, taemin will also be affected by the wish too," I shrugged my shoulders. They nodded in agreement. Okay, i waved my wand and sent them to a place where they can fufill their wish. I went to key's dorm to teleport taemin and key after i teleported a sleeping taemin, i went to the kitchen and found key trying to stop onew and jessica's fight over the last chicken. I waved my wand to teleport key but just at that moment, he placed his hands on onew's and jessica's shoulder.

'Well, they would have to go with key and the others,' i thought as they disappered,'have fun, boys' 

Jjong's pov

"whatever, but key, taemin will also be affected by the wish too," David shrugged his shoulders. Minho and i nodded. Before we could ask more questions, the both of us landed in a dark room. Few seconds later, taemin appeared in front of us, still sleeping and key appeared with onew and jessica arguing over a chicken drumstick. 

"YAH!! THAT'S MY CHICKEN!!!" onew shouted.

"NO WAY!!! I SAW IT FIRST!!" jessica made a face at onew. I did a facepalm. Great. We have no food and have absolutely no idea where we are..... How are we going to survive? 

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mar1adyve5sa #1
hmm..seems interesting..update soon!!!