Chapter 007

Our Crazy Pack

It was a rainy morning for the household. It was 7:30. Everyone woke up early since they couldn't sleep throught the hole rain pounding on the roof. The youngest go ready first, since they were the first to wake up with Mingming. Once they were done, Mingming went to cook breakfast while the two youngest woke up the rest of the sleepy heads. 

Once everyone was ready and washed up. they put on their shoes, and fixed their uniforms, before eating. " So Hyunju, About this Jisung boy? Is he human? Does he have powers? Don't tell me he's sassy like me " Seungkwan asked as everyone facepalmed. " Just eat Seungkwan, stop perstering Hyunju. She's only 3, I'd doubt she has a mate by this age" Jihoon spoke but quickly faced towards her


" He's not your mate right? " Everyone just groaned as Hyunju laid back, sipping on her milk. " Can we go, now? I wanna go see Jisu- I mean Lami " She smiled as everyone eyed her. " Sorry baby, but you are coming with appa, to college. it's pretty cold and rainy today, and you know how you act up " Jihoon told her as she pouted. " But I really want to hang out with Jisung " She whinned as everyone cooed at her.

" You're not the only one. Samuel is going with Cheol Samchun " Soonyoung told her as she nodded. " You kids wanna come along? " Doyoon asked as everyone thought about it. Seungkwan immediately nodded along with Hansol and Chan. Seokmin thought about it and nodded. " One day without school. My dream is coming true" Minghao said as everyone stared at him.


" Just because I look innocent, doesn't mean I'm not " He told them as they shrugged it off. " So down to Dongjin and Minyoung " Jeonghan told them as they thought about it. " Does that mean, I can spend more time with Mommy?" Dongjin asked as Doyoon nodded. " I'll go with you guys then, Minyoung?" Everyone turned to stare at her. 

" I don't know. There's going to be a lot of people I don't know...." Minyoung said and pouted slightly. "Baby, please come. You know what happens to you when it rains." Joshua said and hugged her. "I-- Fine...". Minyoung pouted as Dongjin joined in on the hug. Soon all the kids did excpet Hyunju. " It's too bright and cheesy " She muttered before walking away. 


Soonyoung glared at Jihoon, who put his hands up. " What? ". " She's like an exact minime of you" Soonyoung said as everyone agreed. " Is that suppose to be an insult because to me it sounds like a compliment. It just means she's as awesome as me " Jihoon stated as everyone groaned. " Okay, we get it. You're just conceited. Kids, let's get ready to go !" Jun shouted after washing the wishes with Mingming.


Once they all got ready, Jihoon set up the alarms again, and they all went flying out. Instead of using the vans, they took their own cars. " Umma, am I going with you?" Chan asked Mingyu as Mingyu pouted. " Sorry, Channie. You are going with Appa, but I'll visit during lunch " Mingyu promised him before getting inside the car, " Yep, sorry Haohao, you have to stay with appa " Mingming told Minghao as he nodded. 

Soon Everyone was driving off. The Jun family and Wonwoo family rode together since they were dropping off their lovers. All the older adults went to the same college but were in different departments. Once they dropped off the 2 high schoolars, they all drove their college. Soonyoung drove with Jihoon called the daycare center and their elementary school to inform them they couldn't go to school. The daycare worker was quite stubborn.


" Cuz they can't " Jihoon grinned his teeth in anger. " I'm the parent and uncle. I can basically do anything since I am a guardian. Girl, I'mma slap th- Sorry, but this is  Kwon Soonyoung. Hyunju and Samuel are not going to daycare today because me and both his parents don't think it's a good idea to take them to daycare, since our kids don't really get along with rain " Soonyoung told the lady after taking the phone out of Jihoon's grip.


Soonyoung hanged up and sighed. " Really Jihoon " Soonyoung said while driving. Jihoon pouted and looked at his kids. " Babies, who do you want with ? Mommy or Daddy?" Jihoon asked as Seungkwan shrugged. "  I thought all of you , had classes together ?" He asked as Jihoon shook his head. " Nope. Even though we are majoring in Performing arts, we have different classes. Mommy is a dancing major while Daddy is a music composition major " He explained to them. 


" Oh. I don't know " Seungkwan said as Soonyoung smiled. " Hyunju, do you wanna go with mommy or daddy ?" Jihoon asked as she shrugged. " Piano?" She asked as they got her answer. " Okay, Daddy it is" Jihoon smiled as they parked into the parking lot. They got out and saw the rest of the losers coming as well. 

" So everyone is meeting in the garden right ?" Jeonghan asked as they nodded. Soon everyone split. Some of them had classes together so they made sure to walk together. " Hey, some of the kids wanna come with you guys " Seungcheol told the other parents as they let the kids run to the other parents

Groups = Including kids as well:
Rap majors : Wonwoo, Seungcheol, - Hansol, Samuel
Singing majors: Doyoon, Jeonghan, - Seokmin, Seungkwan
Dancing majors: Soonyoung, Jun, - Minghao, Minyoung, Dongjin and Chan
Composition majors: Jihoon, Joshua, Hyunju

Once they all got to their classes. They asked their professors as they put on a star sticker on them. " Cool right, baby " Jihoon said, picking her up, going to the back of the room, where his locker was. He took out his materials before setting her down, on a chair. He left to talk to his professor as Joshua went and grabbed his equipment. 

" Aww~ You're so cute ! But you're in my seat, little girl " This is one girl cooed as Hyunju stared at her. " But there's no assigned seat, and appa put me here" She said as the lady pouted. " But I wanna sit here and I can't because you're sitting where I'm suppose to sit. Plus, there is this cute boy and he will be mine" The lady winked as Hyunju sighed. 

Soon Jihoon came and saw the lady with Hyunju. He shook his head in desperation and walked to them. " Oh, Jihoon oppa! You're here, you see this little girl is sitting in my spot " The lady spoke as Jihoon shrugged. " So? This is my problem. Plus, I don't like you, you know I'm married right?" He stated as she pouted. " I know, But don't worry, once he breaks your heart, I'll be there to comfort you " She flirted as Hyunju's eyes turned blue. 


All of the sudden the lady started screaming. She felt like somone was setting her arms on fire. Jihoon was confused before he looked at Hyunju. He widen his eyes and started to massaging her ears. Her eyes turned back to normal as the lady stopped screaming. She looked down and saw that her arm was now red. " What the heck?!" The lady said as they all shrugged.

" Mr. Kim! Kinam is being weird over here!!" Joshua told their professor as Mr. Kim glared at her. " Kinam, go to where you always sit and stop messing with our top students " Mr. Kim told her. She pouted and left, as Hyunju rested her head on the table. 

" It's boring, I wanna be with Lami, Herin, and Jisung " Hyunju whinned as Jihoon sighed. " Be patient, princess. Hey, wanna play with Appa's piano? Appa, has to finish writing his song project " Jihoon told her as she nodded. He placed the keyboard in front of her before taking off her coat off. He placed it on the back of the chair and scooted it closer to the desk. He continued to work on his songs, he wrote down some music notes and kept looking back and forth to make sure Hyunju was okay

Hyunju just put her small tiny hands on the key board and started to play some notes. Soon everyone was looking at her in awe. For a 3 year old, she definetly knew how to play the piano. Once she was done, she was engulfed into a big hug from Joshua and Jihoon. " Wah! I didn't know my little niece could play such a hard instrument " Joshua complimented as all the girls jaw dropped.

" Wait! Hold up! Niece?! Who's the father?!" Kinam yelled as all the girls stood up. " I am, got a problem ?" Jihoon stood up, having a face on. " What?! That little girl is your daughter?! How is that even possible?!". " He's joking around right?! " . " I knew he was married at early age but having a child?! " Some of the girls cried in desperation.


" Okay quiet down! Everyone back to finishing your project " Mr.Kim told them as Jihoon flashed him a thank-you-look. " When did you learn how to play the piano? You're only 3 " Jihoon stared at Hyunju, who rested back." I done know.... " She said as he smiled at her. " You got appa's talent and looks ". Hyunju muttered something under her breath before turning to Joshua. 


" Samchun. When are we going to meet the others?" Hyunju asked as Joshua flashed a bright smile. " In 2 more hours, are you bored" He asked as she nodded. He made a small bed ontop of the desk. He laid her down, making sure she was comfortable. " Go to sleep, want Samchun to play a song?" He asked. " Yes, please" She said before closing her eyes. Soon Joshua was playing a song, it was really smooth and relaxing. Soon Hyunju fell asleep. 


" She's always bored and tired " Jihoon complained. " Joshua, you can go back to work. I'll take it from here " Jihoon said before taking Hyunju. She whinned but stayed still. He placed her in his arms, before hugging her tight. He hummed a bit so that she would sleep. Once she finally fell asleep, he continued to finish his work, despite her in his arms.

" Mr.Lee, are you okay? You seem a bit troubled " Mr.Kim asked him as he shook his head, with a smile. " Nope, it's fine ". " Are you sure? I know she's sleeping and all but you seem to be having a bit troubled working on your project " Mr. Kim stated as Jihoon just replied calmly. " I'm sure of it. I'd rather take care of my princess than finish the project right now " He said looking at Hyunju. " I never get to see her anymore. I have to go to college and she has to go to daycare. When we reunite at home. we always have other things to do " He told Mr. Kim


" I have a lot of assignments to finish, so I barely get to see her. And she's always waiting for all of u-................. " Jihoon stopped talking once he started to realise. " Well, Mr.Lee. Take all the time in the world to love your babies, because they won't be babies anymore " Mr.Kim smiled at him as Jihoon smiled back. 

" Don't worry Mr. Kim. I will never let go of them. Even if they grow up, they will always be my babies. Trust me, I will never let go of them " Jihoon stated before hugging Hyunju closer. Mr.Kim patted his back, before leaving. Jihoon snuggled up with Hyunju, as she was in deep sleep. He brushed her hair out of her face and placed her ears on the side of her head.

He placed her head against his chest as he held her with one hand. He continued to write his song and even hummed a bit. He took his key board and started to play some notes. He wrote it all down and closed his song book. He placed Hyunju in Joshua's arms before putting his stufff away. He slowly closed his locker, and went back to the others. He picked up Hyunju, held her tight. 

He sat on the chair, and watched Hyunju sleep. He rocked her back and forth. Jihoon secretly smiled and relaxed a bit.


Soonyoung and Jun sat in the dance classroom and they filled up a whole table. It went Soonyoung, Dongjin, Minyoung, Chan, Minghao and Jun. Just then some girls came in and stared at the kids. "Oppa? Why are there kids in our seat?" Before Soonyoung could answer Chan spoke "Your seats? Samchun said there was no assigned seats. Are there?" He asked with innocence. "Well, no, but--" One of the girls sarted but was cut off by Chan "Then they're not your seats." He said simply an turned to Minyoung. 


The girls scoffed and sat at the table behind them. "Hey, did you hear? Joshua and Junghan might be breaking up." One of the girls said, this got all the kid's attention. "No way, well, that would be good. I could comfort Joshua~." "I could comfort Junghan oppa! He's so cute~" "I heard Seungcheol and Doyoon were breaking up!" "No way!" And that conversation happened for another minute with Minyoung and Dongjin holding each other to prevent themselves from ripping out their throats.


Dongjin had finally gotten really mad when one of them called Seungcheol ugly. Minyoung had looked at him and turned around with the other kids. "Seungcheol Samchun? Ugly? Lady, you need your eyes checked." Minyoung said and her eyes glowed a familiar golden yellow color and the next thing you know, the lady was screaming, holding her eyes. "Say away from my dad." Dongjin said and his eyes turned a crimsion red. The girl that said Seungcheol was cute was screaming and scratching at her arms. 


While this was unfolding, Jun and Soonyoung looked amused. "Okay kids. Stop it now and I'll buy you ice cream." Soonyoung said and the two immediately stopped and turned back. The two girls stared at eachother in horror for one had red arms and the others eyes had almost gone completely white. 

" What the heck?! " One of the girls yelled as Soonyoung flashed them a glare. " I'd suggest you leave " He spoke deeply as the girls quickly walked away. Jun just stared at them and held up a thumbs up. Minghao and Chan looked confused and continued dancing. Minyoung and Dongjin shrugged and joined the two in dancing. 


"Minyoung is like the total opposite of Jeonghan and Joshua." Jun whispered to Soonyoung and he agreed. "Yeah, but she's cuter." Soonyoung said and smiled at the dancing kids. Jun played some music on his phone and the kids danced along. To be honest, all the 4 kids danced better than everyone in there, esp. Minghao. Who basically breakdanced his way into the center of the room. 

" You kids make me proud " Soonyoung wiped his fake tears. Jun rolled his eyes before turning on a different song. " Stop being lame. Now make way for the y king " Jun smirked as the kids just judged him hard, esp Minghao. " How did you make me? " Minghao asked as the others shrugged.


Jihoon woke up Hyunju not too long, so that she could play on his laptop. She was watching Pororo on there, as he continued working on his music. He clapped his hands loudly and started to cheer. " Finally done!!" He yelled as he held up his music sheets and lyrics. Joshua gave him a thumbs up before strumming some songs. " I've been done for almost a month " He said as Hyunju gave him a look.

" I have a lot of free time, sweetie " He patted her head as she conitnued to watch Pororo. " Hey. It's almost 12. Let's pack up " Jihoon said as they went to pack their supplies. Jihoon turned off his laptop and placed it in his backpack. They got everything packed up and waited until the bell rang. Once it rang, students started to pack up


" Okay! Class, you must finish your composed songs by Friday!" Mr. Kim yelled before saying peace out. He left as everyone followed behind him. Jihoon held Hyunju closely to him, since hyrbids tend to react to some types of whether.


They walked to the parking lot and waited for the others. Once everyone was there, they got into the cars. Seungcheol was in charge of picking up Mingming and Mingyu from school just for lunch. Once the two were picked up, they all went to a small cafe. Once they all got settled in, everyone was eating peacefully.


Jihoon was the first one to finish and helped Seungkwan and Hyunju eat. Once the kids were done, he took them to the bathroom. He had Minyoung and Hyunju, go to the girls bathroom with Jeonghan.....just because....


He took the boys to the bathroom and had them use the bathroom and wash their hands. " You kids done?" He asked as they nodded. They all walked out and saw the others sitting down. They ordered some drinks to go. Once they paid and got their drinks, they all went back to the cars. 


" Okay, kids. We only have 1 more class left, so bare with us " Seungcheol told the kids as the kids all glared at him. " What?" He asked as they shook their heads before getting inside the car. The older kids helped the younger ones buckle up. " Hey, do you guys wanna hear about the time I met your father?" Doyoon asked as the kids inside the car pretended to sleep

" Fine, be that way " Doyoon flipped his imaginary hair and went inside the car. 


" Appa!! " Jihoon heard someone call out. He sighed and turned around, to see his baby running up to him, without his coat on. He widen his eyes and ran towards Seungkwan, immediately picking him up. 

" Kwan! You know how you react to the rain " Jihoon strictly told him. " But I feel so Alive!! And by the way, Umma says if you two don't show up at the library with the others in the next hour or so, she'll kill you " Seungkwan stated, leaning his head on Jihoon's shoulder. Jihoon rolled his eyes and carried Seungkwan with one arm and held Hyunju's hand

" Let's go grab a quick snack before meeting up with your mother " Jihoon said as they nodded. They walked a block before getting to the cafe at the college. " What do you want ?" He asked as they looked around. They both pointed to the cake pops. " Okay, do you wanna share with the others?" He asked getting in line. " Nope " Seungkwan told him as he smiled innocently. 


Just then, two familiar faces showed up. "Oh. You go to this collage to Jihoon?" Bobby said and smiled at the three. "Oh, Bobby, Jinhwan. Yeah I do." Jihoon replied and they had a litter conversation in line before Jihoon went to order the cake pops.


The 3 adults and 2 kids walked to the library, having a nice little conversation. Once they saw the others, Hyunju let go of Jihoon's hand and ran straight into Seungcheol's arms. " SamChun ~ Let's go get a book !" Hyunju demanded as Seungcheol kissed her cheek, making her cheeks squish together. " Okay, let's go Baby Ju ~ Samuel, let's go " He laughed and carried Samuel as well, to the kids section.

" Why is my baby always leaving me?" Jihoon frowned as Bobby patted his back. Jihwan went to talk to the mothers while Bobby stayed with the kids and read them a book. Jihoon and Soonyoung were at a table, talking about another family trip. 

" I don't know, my schedule is packed " Soonyoung pouted as Jihoon frowned. " We never bond as much anymore. Hyunju is always waiting for us, I don't think it'll be right as parents " Jihoon confessed as Soonyoung rested on his arm. " When Seungkwan was born, we were there by his side every step of the way, even though we had school " Soonyoung said sadly.

" And for Hyunju, we were barely there. Let's plan another family trip, only the 4 of us " Jihoon said as he held Soonyoung's hand. Soonyoung smiled and nodded. " Okay, I'll try clearing up my schedule. I wanna be there for my youngest baby " Soonyoung told him as Jihoon smiled at him. They looked at the other's direction and saw Hyunju, clinging onto Seuncheol, as he read the book " Red Riding Hood " to her.

Seungkwan looked at everyone as Bobby tied his shoes for him. " Yo man, I'mma go " Seungkwan told Bobby in English before running off. Seungkwan went to Soonyoung and sat on his lap. " So I heard about a family trip?" Seungkwan cheekily smiled to them. Jihoon and Soonyoung nodded. 

" Boo, have you been looking after Hyunju this whole time, throught those years?" Soonyoung asked as Seungkwan nodded. " She's my baby sis. I love her and I know you guys can't always look after her because of your work " Seungkwan smiled at them. " Kwan, you've done good " Jihoon said as he ruffled his hair.

" Ha, well I am Seungkwan. I'm so fab and on fleak " Seungkwan flipped his imaginary hair before walking away. " That's your child " Soonyoung stated before walking away as well. " These pricks " Jihoon muttered before leaving


Sorry for the long wait! My coauthor and I are trying to update as fast as we can. Over here, the time went back 1 hour so I woke up a bit too early and I'm kinda tired now ~

- Haesica000


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Farhanaidris #1
Chapter 10: Finally waitin for it..please update more
Min_Ilsang #2
Update!update!update!update! God this fic is so cute~
Chapter 7: Meanie couple as Dino's parents is just the cutest!! Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! :D
Chapter 1: ohhoooo
like it
I went like "aahhhh" when he said my wife ;)
I love 20 sooo much
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 5: This is really cute. I always do love familyau kinda stories. Needs more of the little cute children relationships tho..
Like hankwang
Chapter 5: Awww so cute please update soon
Chapter 2: The cookie pillow so cute. Omfg
Chapter 1: The first chapter is really cheesy but It's so cute <3
rozenmaiden101 #10
this sounds intresting :) Please update soon :) I'm a fan of all your work including Minyoungie-lee's as well ^_^