Chapter 11: Let's get ready!!


Taeyeon's POV:

" CHOI SOO-" I freeze, eyes widen, mouth drop.

E-Eunhyuk? What is he doing in the girls' room?! Tsk...

I silently laugh when Hyoyeon squirms for some space. Poor girl, stuck between two people.

I slowly walk over to Sooyoung who is deeply asleep.

" Sooyoung-ah," I whisper while gently patting her shoulder, "wake up."

"Araso," she mumbles without moving.

"Yah wake up~" still using my quiet voice, I smack her a couple of times.

" Mind your own business," her face quickly wrinkles up. " Do you want to die?!"

"Bali!" This girl! I continue to smack her , and she finally opens her eyes.

"Wae?" pulling her exhausted body up from the bed, she whines.

As my eyes shift over to the 'couple' sleeping on the bed, hugging each other, Sooyoung follows my eyes.

"Seems like they've got a lot closer," stretches her long arms, Sooyoung comments.

I keep staring at them for awhile." Don't worry, nothing happened last night," she quickly responds, afraiding I might misunderstand.

Hesitating for a couple of minutes, I wiggle my eyebrows, "Then let's make something happen,"  

"Woa,  Kim Taeyeon, I never thought you'd say that," she looks at me in disbelief. The sleepy Sooyoung from just seconds ago disappears leaving behind the fully awake and 'naughty' Sooyoung. Eyes sparkle in excitement, she nods right away.

                                                                    ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎           end               ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎        of                ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎           POV        ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎


Hyoyeon's POV:

I rub my tired eyes as I wake up. Ugh, Choi Sooyoung never fails to wake me up with her 'soft' voice. A familiar warmth wraps around my back. It's Sooyoung... wait...isn't she outside?...

Without realizing Eunhyuk peacefully sleeping next to me, I turn around. Shoot.

What would others think if they see this.. and Doojoon... I smack my head for thinking about him. I let out a soft sigh, and my attention slowly turn to Eunhyuk.

I lightly run my finger over his baby soft skin, up his high nose, down his smooth cheeks, across his fleshy lips...

I smile when he twitches his nose...any girl would easily fall for him at this moment.

Everything about him fascinates me... everything.

" You've fell for me already?" his husky voice brings me back to reality.

" Pst you wish," I childishly stick out my tongue as he lets out a yaw.

We coincidentally sit up at the same time, and as he's about to step down the floor, I quickly push him back, trying to get to the door first. However, something catches both my feet, causing me to fall down which somehow makes Eunhyuk fall, too.

Ow, my . Let me tell you Eunhyuk in some way lands right on top of me!!

He stares directly into my eyes making me blush. Stupid cheeks.

I gulp when he gently brushes a strand of hair off my face. He then slowly leans closer, still mesmerizes me with his eyes, I realize my heart skips a beat... it's normal since my heart always beats fast..right?

I bite my lower lip trying to think of a way to get out.. ottoke!!!

He leans closer, and my heart's about to burst. I nervously close my eyes.. is just some kind of  déjà vu?

I'm still biting my lower lip, half hoping he'd leave me alone, half hoping for something to happen...

Suddenly, he flicks my forehead with his fingers and gets up.

"Ah," I rub my forehead.

"Someone  kindly tied our feet together with a towel," he unties the towel and stands up without helping me.

" I didn't do it!" I protest when he looks at me in suspicion.

" Who knows?" he chuckles while walking toward the door.

" Yea right," I whisper while helping my poor self up.

" Hyoyeon-ah," standing by the door, he calls me.

" What now mister?" I give a death glare.

"It seems like you've fell for me already," a sly smile creeps across his face as he winks, leaving me alone in my room not knowing how to react.

Have I?......Ugh, I don't know!


                                          —¤÷(`[¤* *¤]´)÷¤—   end     —¤÷(`[¤* *¤]´)÷¤—     of        —¤÷(`[¤* *¤]´)÷¤—      POV          —¤÷(`[¤* *¤]´)÷¤—


Eunhyuk cautiously looks from the girls' hall to the boys'. Looking around the last time, he quickly runs to his room, making sure no one sees him.

Little does he know, Gyuri sees it all. Her happy smile turns to a frown, and her eyes start to fill with hatred.

He's mine. He's definitely mine.

On the other hand, Sooyoung and Taeyeon cheerfully giving each other high-fives.

The sleepy mansion quickly gets noisy as people start wake up.

" Good mor- well I guess it's afternoon already," Heechul gleefully sits down at the dining table.

" And our breakfast become our lunch," Jessica continues as she sits next to him. The couple smile at each other, and Heechul pinches her cheeks, about to kiss her causing the kitchen to go wild.

" Oppa!" Yuri covering her eyes while Yoona starts to cracking up.

"Gross!" Sunny squeals, and maknae Seohyun smacks him on the back.

The boys slowly come out of their beds, one by one. Soon the table is filled with couples loving each other with words and hugs.

" Guys," Taeyeon laughs," don't make the single ones blush."

The table once again covered in laughter's.

"Hey! Tomorrow is New Year!!" Tiffany excitedly remembers.

"That means we get to-" Hyoyeon exclaims.

"PARTY!" they say in unison.

"Assa!" Yesung stands up and does his crazy dance.

" No parents!" Kyuhyun and his evil laugh never fail to make Seohyun laugh.

"No more low volume!" Yoona claps her hands.

" No beer though," Taeyeon reminds the group though she knows they too don't like alcohol.

"No biggy deal Taegoo!" Ryewook responds causing the whole group to laugh.

"This is gonna be fun," Gyuri comments, looking at Eunhyuk.

"Of course and Eunhyuk, you will love this!" Leeteuk pats him on the shoulder.

"But where will it be?" Doojoon who hasn't spoke a word since last night questions. He's too excited for the party.

"By the beach!" Hyoyeon suggests hoping they will agree with her.

" It's gonna be so romantic," Tiffany smiles showing her famous eye-smile.

"Remember to get the most energetic music," Kangin tells the group.

"Oh yea~" Kibum replies while high-fiving Kangin and the boys.

"Let's clean up and go to the market to get some food," Taeyeon chews her last piece of meat.

"We'll prepare the fireworks and the rest~" Sungmin announces as he gets up and puts the dishes in the sink.

" Let's get ready for the biggest party in history!" Shindong brightly screams while the group begin to clean up and get ready for the party.



I'm super hyper lol

Happy Birthday to the Aegyo King, Lee Sungmin!! :D

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Chapter 13: please update, you haven't update since last year. :( Please update soon author-nim.
update asap hehe
omo that was so good but it was kind of scary which was awesome beat story writer right now
I WILL , I promise :D, I will ASAP ^^
Plz bear w/ me... :)
If you are not busy, pleaseee update... can't wait to read this story.. T___T
sugarsong #6
2 months pass.
please update this fic.
thank you.
sugarsong #7
update please.
wonwoojpeg #8
Your poster is a little hard to see?? Like Hyo's face and stuff....
I will try to update A.S.A.P XD
MsJuno #10
doohyohyuk love triangle xD<br />
really interesting, update soon ^.^