Chapter 9: The Unexpected



How was your holiday? Did you get what you wanted? ;D

I was busily spazzing over Hyohyuk and the SNSD & the Dangerous Boys kekeke...

anyway, enough of me talking.. here ya go enjoy ^^


" Oppa I'm scared," Jessica sticks closely behind Heechul as he grins widely. It's his time to show her the fearless and bold side of him.

Yuri along with Yesung try to lighten the mood by telling 'funny' jokes but in the end, they decide to give up and follow the confident Kangin. Gyuri on the other hand has been planning how to get Eunhyuk, and she's nonstop thinking about what Eunhyuk could have been doing.

The inky sky with a lonely moon shine their way to the garden. Twenty-two people quietly walk into the garden as if it's their first time.

" Wow everything.." Tiffany looks around, finding it strange how it doesn't look like what she saw earlier, " has changed...."

" Yea," Jessica finally has the courage to let go of Heechul.

" Are you guys ready?" his loud voice somewhat comforts the group, Kangin gets onto the front porch ready to stomp into the house and satisfy his curiosity.

Everything will be fine right? At least Kangin is here..., thought Sungmin.

" Aish why are you holding on to each other like that?" Kangin exclaims as he looks at the couples hugging each other.

" Wae? Jealous much?" Heechul smirks.

" I'll be your partner if you want," Hangeng happily puts his hand on Kangin's shoulder.

Creak. The old molten door's unwillingly cooperating with Kangin's strong arms. Sooyoung's mouth immediately gets wide open as she steps inside while Seohyun quickly runs her finger along  the cool wall.

" It doesn't make sense," Ryewook whispers in disbelief.

" Clean," Seohyun stares at her fingers, " the wall is perfectly clean. No trace of dust."

" That's weird," Leeteuk comments. It's the first time in his 29 years of life to see an old looking house yet the inside is brand new.

" Mr. Lee's style is indeed unique, " Yoona nods. A portrait of a young woman has caught her attention, and something about the lady that makes Yoona keeps staring.

" The house has no room?" Sooyoung observes after returning from a quick tour around the house.

Kangin still is standing at the door, waiting.. for something that even he doesn't know. As soon as he opens the door, an unexpected smell attacks him, it goes into his nostrils, sends signal to his brain and eventually it tells him to stand still. What freaks him even more is the woman in a portrait smiling in the middle of the room. Unlike Yoona, he rejects the inviting feel that the portrait offers, and he quickly looks around. To his left stands a bat-like animal statue, and to his right along the wall is a long calendar with pen marks all over it.

Every one's spreading out across the room. Goosebumps start to form on Kangin's arms when he notices that the candles are lit.

Someone must did it... that means we're not the only ones...?!

He quickly brushes off that idea when he continues to look around. The house is small; in fact to him, it doesn't look like a house but more like a large room. As he looks to the right side of the room, he sees a huge and organized desk with two red candles. To his surprise, the others are yellow.

Do the colors represent something? Nah...

" Am I the only one that notices there are a lot of candles in this room?" Sooyoung's loud voice brings everyone's attention to the bright ocean of candles that runs beside the wall and continues all over the room.

" Dang!" Kibum is amazed with how many candles there are in the room. " What's the point?"

" A smart way to save electricity and the Earth!" maknae Seohyun smiles as she admires the room.

" But I don't think that is the reason," Sunny comments making the group rising with questions.

Kangin still hasn't made his first step into the house.. yet.

" Hey guys check out the shelf full of books!" Kyuhyun who has been quiet ever since hollers from the corner.

As expected, Seo is the only who cares. Oh well...

" The Making of  The Atomic Bomb?" Seohyun picks up a book. " Woah oppa look!"

Kyuhyun is speechless with the shelf full of books yet what surprises him even more is that all of the books are about bombs and nuclear explosions.

" Someone must have a great interest in making bombs!" Kyuhyun whispers as he looks up the sky high bookshelf. " A really, really great interest."

Kangin accidentally overhears the conversation, This is getting really weird.

His attention then shifts to the dark corner of the room where there is no candle. There he sees a bag filled with glistening pieces.

A bag of glitter? For what?

Curiosity rises and it demands him to get over there.

 He gradually makes up his mind. Within seconds he stands in front of the bag, he slowly takes a real look at it, finally realizes they're something else. Hesitating for a while, he gets a handful of it, puts them in a zip lock bag, and quietly joins the group. ( A/N: Kangin will be like a detective in this story.. so he always has his 'tools' with him ;D)


Eunhyuk's POV:

" Best friend are you asleep yet?" a soft whisper breaks the silence.

Best friend? ... Well at least I'm close to her now.. right?

" No.. not yet,"

" I'm hungry," using her aegyo, Hyoyeon trying to persuade me to cook something for her.

" Aegyo doesn't work on me did you know that?" I sigh though my heart already melted like ice cream in a hot summer day. I quickly turn to the other side of the bed preventing myself from showing any emotions.

" Oppa~" Hyoyeon whines as she puts her chin on my hand. " Please?"


" They're not back yet?" slurping the hot ramyun, Hyoyeon looks at me.

" You knew?"

 " Yea, Sooyoung texted me,"

" Oh, well, they'll be back soon," I shrug, clean up my mess and flee.

" Wait oppa!!" Hyoyeon gets alarmed when she sees me running off to my room.

--------------------------------------------------end of POV---------------------------------------------------

" Mrs. Kim you must be kidding," Mrs. Lee raises her eyebrows after she hears what Mrs. Kim's request is.

" No, not at all," Mrs. Kim calmly replies, she already has made up her mind about the marriage, and she has succeed in persuading her husband.

" What's going on?" Mr. Lee puts down his tea.

" Don't worry," Mr. Kim assures him even though he just can't believe what is about to happen.

" But all of a sudden?" Mrs. Lee just can't get what's happening.

" What if Hyukjae doesn't agree?" Mr. Lee looks at his old friend, confused, worried.

" He will," Mrs. Kim confidently answers as she slowly holds Mrs. Kim's hand. " He will."

" Could you please tell me what's the reason for them to get marry?" Mrs. Kim's eyes are full of worrisome, she's not ready to let her son go yet.. not yet.

" Well, " Mrs. Kim sighs while sipping her hot tea. " Where should I begin?"


Eunhyuk's POV:

After eating, I make up my mind and I'm going to tease  her a little bit. kekekekkekeke

I quietly turns off the light in my room and wait in a corner.

Hyoyeon like I've expected, storm into my room but stops before I can scare her.

" Eunhyuk oppa?" she calls out in the lonely darkness then just stands there.

Confused, I turn on the light, and my eyes widen when I look at my room.

Without thinking, I grab Hyoyeon's hand and with all my might, I pull her out of my room.

Questions and thoughts filled my head as Hyoyeon starts to calm down.

It's not real right.. what I saw is a dream... right?

A person's sitting on my bed with a knife, smiling... is just my hallucination right... please... what's going on?


I don't know if you find it creepy but I started to look around my room when I wrote the last sentence lol XD

                                                  LET'S ENJOY SOME HYOHYUK TOGETHERwink




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Chapter 13: please update, you haven't update since last year. :( Please update soon author-nim.
update asap hehe
omo that was so good but it was kind of scary which was awesome beat story writer right now
I WILL , I promise :D, I will ASAP ^^
Plz bear w/ me... :)
If you are not busy, pleaseee update... can't wait to read this story.. T___T
sugarsong #6
2 months pass.
please update this fic.
thank you.
sugarsong #7
update please.
wonwoojpeg #8
Your poster is a little hard to see?? Like Hyo's face and stuff....
I will try to update A.S.A.P XD
MsJuno #10
doohyohyuk love triangle xD<br />
really interesting, update soon ^.^