Chapter 6 ∞ the wedding date

Marriage Life with.... INFINITE`S Sungyeol ~ !?

a week passed after everything calmed down with Howon. Yesterday, My parents, and Sungyeol`s parents met and set a wedding date. The wedding will be on the 5th of June. I met with Sungyeol at Starbucks, got coffee, then started walking in the park. "Wow, everything seems so offical now after the date had been set huh?" Sungyeol said with a chuckle. "Yeah, haha I`m getting nervous already!" i replied. We sat down on a bench and looked up at the sky. "Do you know why I brought you here today?" Sungyeol asked. "Uhm, why?" I asked. He gave me a smile and said, "This is the place where we went right after we first met. We sat down and talked until it was pitch black dark. remember now?" I blushed. He laughed and said "Hahaha It`s already been 4 years. But, my heart always, i mean always beats like crazy around you. I`m still madly in love with you." i blushed more. "Comeon let`s go back" he held out his hand. We walked back with a smile to our houses. 

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nice story ^^
guys, its updated/finished now. thank you guys so much. (':
cute and so sweet kkk i like your story~~^^
Jungshibear #4
Whoah!!Haha..daebak!..I really enjoy reading it..
LMAO, 100 oranges. that choding. :)) update soon!!!
wanakpop98 #6
update soon
uBae #7
cute,,, I want oranges too :) LOL<br />
hahaa cute <br />
Its updated! (: and thankyouu~
aw...update soon please!!!!i really like it...