let's get together!

birth name — lin yazhen | 林雅珍

other name(s) — 

nickname(s) — 

xiao lin 小林 — her classmates and professors call her this; a typical nickname.
yaya 雅雅 — her close friends call her this to or be cutesy with her.

birth date — 30 october 1990

age — 24

ethnicity — chinese

birth place — wudaokou, beijing, china

home town — wudaokou, beijing, china

languages — 

chinese  | mother tongue
korean | conversational | studied as a foreign language through school. she likes it better than english, thus is better at it.
english | basic conversational | studied through after-school lessons. she doesn't like it very much (finds it overly complicated) and never really studied hard.


mirror, mirror on the wall!

face claim #1 — park hye min

gallery — 我的梦里

face claim #2 — park girim

gallery — 我的心里

height + weight — 160 cm + 65kg → bmi 23.8

appearance — 

yazhen, with her long brown hair, is a typical chinese beauty. she has her hair styled with bangs and light brown highlights. she has brown eyes, a long nose and defined chin, paler skin with dotted freckles here and there (especially on her chest and shoulders). she is a little on the chunky side, she has a tummy that sticks out and chunky thighs, both of which she is embarrassed about. her ears are both pierced multiple times each, three on the right and five on the left, but she will also wear clip-on cuffs and other things in her ears. she has no tattoos or other piercings.

fashion style — 

daily casual  on decent weather days, this can consist of a shirt, jean shorts, jean pants, casual blouses and light sweaters. she is a little more conservative in the way she dresses and doesnt usually feel comfortable in anything less. she likes the layered look, baby-doll collars, and the loose style of clothing. on her feet one would most likely find some sort of flats, ranging from casual sneakers, gladiator sandals, or ballet-style shoes. on some days, not often, she will wear a pair of heels. her hair will usually be left down without any styling, depending on what she is doing (like grocery shopping). if she is out meeting friends, going to classes, or a casual date, she will straighten it or curl it depending on her mood (or she will get her mother to do it for her). she is a fan of hair accessories and has a whole jewelry box dedicated to only hair accessories.  

daily home  if there is no one coming or going to see her, yazhen is not opposed to wearing her pajamas all day; her typical pair of pajamas consist of childish prints (like Disney or other cartoons) and bright colors. otherwise, she will at least change into a pair of sweats, jogging leggings, a nice t-shirt or a nice sweatshirt.

formal  for anything that might require a fancier set of clothing (ex. a wedding, a fancy date, a theater show, a holiday party), yazhen will typically wear a dress. anything with light colors and a baby-doll top are her favorites. she will wear stockings on her legs (and depending on the situation, they might have some sort of print on them) and heels on her feet. her hair will be more carefully styled and her make-up will be slightly fancier.

who's the fairest of them all?

traits — confident, patient, generous, imaginative | secretive, indecisive, lazy, frugal

personality — 

人都应该有梦 — yazhen is a proud, confident, and generous young woman. she would give you the shirt off her back and then some if you would just ask her for it. when she goes walking down the street with a family member, a friend, she would walk standing tall, with her head high. yazhen has the confidence of a child; she is never afraid to try something new and doesn't need someone by her side to do it. but that said, she isn't very outgoing. she almost prefers being alone and keeps only a small number of close friends. she makes sure to openly display her self-confidence, her high self-esteem and none of the annoyance or sadness, if only to keep up appearances and keep herself from falling into depression at times. she is patient with the people around her. it doesn't matter how many times you make a mistake, she won't scold you and tries her best to be helpful and supportive. she is imaginative and is always coming up with new ways to do old and tedious things. 

有梦就不怕痛  yazhen is a very private girl. if she has a problem with something, she will likely keep it to herself until she is pestered to a point where she just have to give in and tell (but bothering her until she tells is risky, as it's not guaranteed and might even close her off further). even heavy secrets she would keep them locked inside. she is indecisive, especially with big decisions but even little, trivial choices, like what to eat for dinner or where to go to hang out. she is happier if someone else can make the decisions and she can offer her input instead or if someone would down-play the severity of the decision for her. yazhen also falls on to the lazy side of the scale; she is happiest on the days where she can stay in her pajamas all day, listen to her audio books, read and relax. yazhen is also frugal to a fault. if someone isn't around to tell her its alright to buy something, even food, she won't buy it. 

likes —

✿ hand lotions and body creme —  especially rose scented l'occitane en provence brand. 

✿ animals — but cats. 

✿ snacks — she always keeps some little, individually packaged snacks in her purse.  

✿ starry night sky — despite growing up in an overly populated city, yazhen always loved seeing a starry sky. she often found herself going to the planetarium whenever she had the time. 

✿ super heroes — it doesn't matter the type, yazhen always had a soft spot for super heroes like nightwing, black widow, wonder woman, and captain marvel. 

✿ bubble tea — a good bubble tea can better any mood, any situation. 

✿ lipstick — yazhen loves lipsticks. it seems as if she collects them, she has so many. 

✿ shopping — it doesn't matter for what or why, yazhen really enjoys going out and walking around the mall or shopping center. she doesn't have to buy anything - most of the time she leaves empty handed.

dislikes —

✿ writing — she doesn't mind it so much, but she dislikes showing other people things she writes, especially hand-writes because she finds her handwriting to be especially twitchy. 

✿ crowds — some people around her isn't too bad, she did grow up in a major city after all. but being in large crowds is very unsettling and uncomfortable for yazhen and she avoids it if at all possible. 

✿ fighting — people she knows, people she doesn't, it doesn't matter. the tension, thick enough to cut with a knife, she strongly dislikes it. it puts her on edge. not to mention being in a spat herself; if and when she finds herself in a fight, she is prone to runaway from it and avoid the person. 

✿ noise — loud noise of any sot is frightening to yazhen. whether its sudden noise in a movie or thunder from a storm, its all the same to her.

✿ candles — its something about having an open flame. she'd much rather have a wax burner, fake scented candles,  or room spray.

habits —

✿ headaches — typically do to a change in weather or high stress. 

✿ under-preparing for cold weather — sometimes - most of the times - she will under dress for the cold weather. its especially a winter thing. 

✿ wearing face-masks — yazhen wears face-masks almost all the time. on high pollution days, when traveling, when traveling early in the morning, on the airplane, in a train, when she is sick, etc etc.

✿ wringing her hands — a bad habit, especially when she is nervous. she can disguise this habit by pretending she was only putting on hand creme. 

fears —

ailurophobia  fear of cats

athazagoraphobia  fear of being left behind

trivia — 

the basics 

hates washing her hair — she hates blow drying her hair, she hates the wet-hair feeling, the whole thing. though, she doesn't mind it if someone else volunteers to wash it for her. 

✿ everything cracks — from her fingers to her hips, they all pop. some easier than others.

 privacy — she knows when she signed on that she was going to have cameras following her around but there's a limit. 

 specialty — math. she can do all sorts of math quickly and easily, most of the time she only needs half of a minute to do it in her head. 


stop. rewind. rewind. rewind. play. — yazhen's current ringtone is zhou mi's solo debut song rewind. specifically, the preview mix of it.

teddy — there is one thing yazhen takes wherever she goes - a teddy bear she had since she was a toddler. she doesn't take it out with her, like to eat or anything, but if she travels, its in her suitcase. its always on her bed wherever she goes. 

✿ high class, high fashion — for almost anything, yazhen likes high quality products. she shops at saphora, l'occitane en provence, especially. she doesn't frequent bargain markets as the quality of product can't always be guaranteed. 

yazhen's must-haves. 

aka: what one can find in yazhen's purse

purse. — which girl leaves home without her purse? yazhen's purse is an endless black hole where anything can be found.

✿ lipstick and compact. — yazhen likes lipstick and its always good to reapply it every now and then; the compact for reapplying and checking her make-up. 

✿ snacks. — just little things to munch on when waiting for a bus, the train, or in between takes. her common snacks are little chocolate pieces, biscuits, little gummy pieces, haw slices, milk candy, etc. 

✿ cell phone. — there are all kinds of important things a cell phone can be used for. for yazhen in korea, its her most important item (especially on the off moments when zhou mi isn't around) because its her translator. other important reasons not to forget her phone is it's camera, her music app (duomi, its a lifesaver), and various social media apps. 

✿ body lotion and hand lotion. — she always carries with her a little tube of loccitane rose scented hand lotion.  

✿ socks. — a little less typical, yazhen keeps a pair or tow of clean socks in her bag. 

✿ face-masks. — yazhen keeps little paper face-masks in her purse for sudden sickness, sudden bad weather, etc. if she knows she is traveling, she packs her nicer, cloths masks.

✿ tissues. — just in case. its always good to have a little pack of tissues with you.

✿ cellphone. — always. what modern child doesn't bring their cell phone everywhere with them?

must knows —

when living with yazhen, there are a couple things one must be aware of:

✿ yazhen is not a morning person   she's more of a night owl. she doesn't like being woken up and will fight it at all costs. things don't get moving for her until after she had a cup of coffee. 

✿ yazhen is a lightweight   she can't stomach more than one drink before starting to feel it's effects. its not often one cane find yazhen drinking and it takes a lot of convincing. 

✿ yazhen is high maintanence — she is used to being the center of attention. that, paired with slight depressive tendencies makes for a girl that's a little difficult, especially when she refuses to say what's wrong. 

✿ yazhen is nonconfrontational — she hates fights, especially if she's one of the people in it. she will avoid and evade rather than face the other party until they either corner her or the tension fades.

✿ yazhen is shy — she is a private girl. she isn't fond of public displays of affection and will hardly indicate it herself. as a relationship continues and becomes more serious, she gets more and more alright with displays of affection.

liu feihuang's guide to cheering her daughter up —

yazhen is notoriously high maintanence. and when dealing with her gets tough, there are a couple things you can do to lighten her mood:

disney renaissance — pop in a classic disney renaissance film. the music is soothing and it keeps her occupied.

✿ tell her stories — she loves a good story, even if you have to make it up. when her negative emotions run high, tell a story.

✿ buy her bubble milk tea — bubble milk tea makes everything better. the plain, sweet, nothing-special flavor.

finger foods — something to keep her hands occupied.


✿ sticky tack — something else to do with her hands if a meal just passed. sticky tack, play-dough, it doesn't particularly matter.

✿ give her her phone and headphones — music is the number one way to cheer her up. she has a special playlist on her phone just for sour moods. 

✿ don't pester her — if something is wrong, no matter how much you try to get her to tell you, she won't. so best not to try. if she decides she wants you to know, she'll tell you.

for the best results, mix-and-match is encouraged. 

the blood that runs in you!

time line — wudaokou, beijing, china — her whole life → gangnam, seoul, south korea — for filming

background —

有雷生在轰不停  yazhen was born and raised in wudaokou, beijing to two restaurateurs. she practically grew up in the little western-themed cafe, playing and studying in a corner while her parents worked. yazhen's childhood was like any other child's; she attended class, after-school lessons, which included piano and English, played with her friends and got along pretty well with her parents.

雨泼进眼里看不清  as a teenager, yazhen experienced everything a normal teen did. she wanted more independence, she wanted to date, have her own life outside her family and the restaurant where she spent most of her free time. she wasn't a particularly disrespectful teenager, but she surely had her moments. it was also in these years that she began to have depressive episodes, which she is carefully working through with journals and various distractions. she began to become a big fan of music during her teenage years, especially ever-popular korean-pop. this is what cemented her friendship with her classmate zhang yulin; they went to concerts together, listened to cds and fan-girled over their favorite idols (including but not limited to dbsk, super junior, big bang, snsd). at one point, she started dating a friend of hers named cao zhengyu, who was also a classmate in high school. they dated for almost a year before they decided to break-up.

我决定想发哪里— after arduious preparing and studying for the gaokao, yazhen tested very well and made it into tsinghua university, a prestigious university very near her home. she was elated to hear her close friend aiwen also was accepted into tsinghua. she spent the next few years studying constantly. years later and influenced by her now long-time friend zhang yulin, yazhen accompanied her on a impromptu weekend vacation to Seoul. they left on friday afternoon, after classes, and was set to return that sunday evening, just in time to get ready for monday. on said trip, they happened across a huge crowd outside some tall building and they stayed to try to find out what it was. when they did - it was an audition for a tv show - they decided to stick around and audition. in the end, yazhen was selected.

lifestyle — 

我能学会飞行 yazhen is a student at tsinghua university in the wudaokou neighborhood of beijing, where she studies international business with her friend huang aiwen. her days start at 8 am with her first class and ends around 4 pm with a little break for lunch. yazhen typically eats on campus with aiwen and gu fei for both lunch and dinner. breakfast is either onion bread to-go from the chef at their restaurant or vegetable and pork baozi from the street vendor by the subway. she tends to stay on campus in the library until 7 or 8 in the evening, studying with her friends before heading to the family restaurant then home. yazhen doesn't really work at the family business but helps clean with the rest of the wait-staff at the end of the day as a break from studying as well as a chance to move her body/exercise. she lives with her parents in wudaokou neighborhood in beijing, in a fairly large apartment. on saturdays, she goes shopping with her friend lingyu and spends the better half of the day at a mall with her. they go to the movies, eat at a bakery for lunch and at yazhen's family restaurant for dinner. saturday evenings, yazhen spends time with her parents, watching tv and eating snack food. 

family members — 

liu feihuang 刘菲黄 | mother | 50 | restaurateur | charming, smiley, gentle, clueless | feihuang is a loving and supportive mother and is very proud of yazhen. feihuang spoils her daughter and makes sure she has everything she needs and then some. 

lin dongyang 林东洋 | father | 53 | restaurateur | best described as strict but loving. also confident, intelligent, conservative. | dongyang loves his daughter. he is supportive and compassionate of her and whatever she decides to do. very business-oriented. 

best friend — 

zhang yulin 张欲琳| best friend | 24 | university student (at Beijing University) | yulin is best described as being outgoing and fabulous. she cares a lot about her personal appearance and is sometimes called vain, but she says its just confidence an self-love. she can be pushy and obnoxious at times, but is a good friend to yazhen. |
yulin and yazhen are like sisters, despite hardly fighting much at all. they can do a lot of nothing together for hours. they often listen to k-pop and watch dramas together, an yulin describes things going on for yazhen and is very calm and patient with her and accommodates her entire life for her. she stands up for yazhen and makes sure she feels comfortable wherever they are, whatever they are doing. 

friends — 

wang linyu 王霖誉| friend | 24 | university student (at Beijing University) | charming, bossy, noisy |
an old childhood friend. linyu and yazhen have been friends since they learned to walk and remained close even when yazhen's life took a sharp right turn. linyu is yazhen's shopping buddy and every saturday afternoon, they spend it together at the mall. 

huang aiwen 黄霭玟| friend | 25 | university student (at Tsinghua University) | lazy, intelligent, jealous |
a high school friend. aiwen and yazhen were study buddies and spent most of their time together studying for the 
gaokao. these days, they still chat and hang out like they used to, just in the new library at tsinghua university.

gu fei 古菲| friend | 24 | university student (at Tsinghua University) | brilliant, loveable, selfish |
a new friend
. they are classmates at university and often hangs out at yazhen's family's restaurant. gu fei is also a fan of k-pop and is slowly working her way into the relationship with yulin.

other — 

 cao zhangyu 曹彰御| ex-boyfriend | 25 | university student | zhangyu is brave and sweet. he's caring but a little on the rough side. he likes video games and rock music, and tends to be abrasive and a little rude. | these days, they don't talk much. despite deciding to just be friends, they don't seek each other out, they don't do anything. yazhen likes to think he just doesn't exist in the city anymore and just likes to forget about him and it seems he does the same. | they decided to just be friends, which they were before they started dating. 

the apple of my eye!

love interest #1 — zhou mi | 周觅

nicknames —

✿ xiao mi 小觅 — some of his idol acquaintances call him this,
gentleman mimi — a self-prescribed nickname, mimicked the layout of the name "lady gaga". the nickname kind of stuck and many of his fans refer to him as this
 mimi 觅觅 — his friends call him this; later, yazhen calls him this too
 mi-ge 觅哥 — what yazhen calls him after he insisted for her to call him by something less formal 

love interest #2  — kim junsu 

age — 28

occupation — super junior/soloist, singer, songwriter, mc

appearance — 

zhou mi might not be the one most people think of when they hear the word "handsome". he has small black eyes and a long nose. his jae is thick and sharp; his lips thin and naturally colored a little too pink. he is tall - standing at 184 cm - with long, skinny legs and a tiny waist. he is, overall, very lanky. fit and muscular, he enjoys working out in his spare time. he has brown hair kept short and is often dyed for promotions, but not typically because he likes to dye it. his left ear is pierced once and he usually keeps a little stud in unless needed to wear something else for promotions. no tattoos. he dresses very well and is considered to be one of the most effortlessly-styled members of his group. when sleeping, he likes to have his face covered (or hidden from view) despite liking to sleep in as little clothing as possible. 

 tumblr_ndb85jLswV1rjvje5o5_500.jpg tumblr_n5tg8pZl1T1qa79jqo1_500.jpg tumblr_n548gkrplc1qhwguzo1_500.jpg tumblr_nc8y5yxsMq1rsyvsno1_500.jpg tumblr_ncuttjKa121qmizlro3_500.jpg tumblr_n9r50sVwLb1qfwvmmo2_500.jpg


personality traits — playful, extroverted, selfless, hardworking | jealous, shameless, compulsive, suspicious

personality — 

爱给我的痛苦 — zhou mi never really grew up. he is playful and always looking for a good time, wherever he goes, whatever he does. it allows him to keep a smile on his face no matter what is going on behind the scenes. zhou mi is charming and extroverted; he has more friends than he has fingers and toes. he is a sort of people magnet and attracts all kinds of people. he spend the better half of his day working. whether it is promotions, studio work, songwriting, acting, whatever, there is always something. and he prefers it like that; he has ample energy and always has some to spare, even after a long day rehearsing and memorizing a script. zhou mi is selfless and is always putting others above himself, even putting his own needs off to the side to help his friend. 

让我学会摆脱孤独 — zhou mi is not without his faults, after all, he's only human. zhou mi is compulsive; everything has to be in order. everything has its place, things need to be clean and organized or he finds it hard to focus on other things. he's shameless and acts according to how he wants to act. he doesn't feel shame regarding anything, especially his work, and one will be hard-pressed to hear an apology from him about it. all the hardship he went through since his debut with super junior (m, whatever), he became suspicious of people. he isn't quick to believe kind words and the like. he can get jealous easily too; since he finds it hard to believe people he hasn't known for a long time, when he does start trusting someone new, especially a crush, and he starts thinking she might be more fond of someone else, he gets jealous. even in platonic relationships, he gets jealous if someone he considers a best friend doesn't think of him in the same way. 

must knows —

when living with zhou mi, there are a couple things one must be aware of:

✿ zhou mi is a morning person — no matter how late he stays up or how early he has to wake up, he can do it with all the energy of a child on christmas morning. 

endless energy —  his energy is never ending and feels annoyed if he has to sit still. even on the job, he is always moving. it doesn't matter what he is doing, as long as he is doing something

✿ everything in its place — everything in zhou mi's home is spotless. everything has its place and that's where it needs to be. if something is out of place or messy, it will bother zhou mi until it's replaced/cleaned. 

✿ chatterbox — he always has something to say. important or not, zhou mi is always telling stories or talking about something. he especially loves when there is someone new to talk to because they have never heard his stories before.  


prior to the show, have they met before — no

interactions — 

睁开眼想的是你 — zhou mi's first impression of yazhen was that she was a cute girl. nothing much more than that; she was just someone he'd have to hang around with for a little while. when he heard she was from china and is a fan of his, he was a little more intregued by her. when she first spoke to him, in korean of all things, he thought her accent was cute and reminded him of himself when he first got to korea - though he knew no korean at all at the time. 

期待甜蜜的光临 — yazhen was a fan of zhou mi's since he first appeared with super junior. when she first met him, she was star-struck. her first impression of him was that he was a gentleman (his nickname didn't lie).

童话故事般的不可思议 — when looking at the two of them, it doesn't seem as if there had ever been a moment that they weren't friends. 

就让我牵你的手往前走 — because yazhen's korean leaves something to be desired, zhou mi finds himself translating a lot for her. when talking to each other on camera, they try to use as much korean as they can (it is a korean reality show, after all) but off camera, they use their mutual language almost exclusively. in either language, zhou mi never really used formal speech with her (mostly because of her age and also because he thought she would have trouble understanding him) but yazhen had a hard time trying to use casual speech with zhou mi after he explicitly told her to. 

你是我最美的风景 — when competing with the other couples on the show, yazhen is pretty slow to react to things; zhou mi usually has to pull her along. but when it comes to intellectual trivia type games, yazhen is very on the ball. 

爱有奇妙的魔力 — downtime on the show is usually spent by zhou mi and yazhen talking. zhou mi teaches her new words in korean and they discuss how it'd be said in english. sometimes they'll talk about the games, other contestants, something someone said, etc. 



how they end up?together


question time!

how did you hear about this show? —

ah, well, i think its a little complicated actually. my friend and i came to korea on a vacation, uh... we were walking and found a bunch of girls around this tall building. we thought something might've happened, right? so we asked one of the girls what was going on and i guess she thought our korean was bad or something because she just handed us her copy of the flyer and didn't say anything. and that was that. 

why did you decide to audition?  — 

well, ah, i guess we were just bored, honestly. we weren't sure what to do that day yet so when we found the audition location by chance, we decided to stay and audition, why not? 

when you were asked to state your bias, who did you choose? — 

i said zhou mi. of course i said zhou mi! since he started with super junior m or whatever i have always been a fan of his.

why? — 

why? no reason.... i guess... how can i not like zhou mi? from the moment i saw him smile, i knew he was going to be my favorite in super junior. i mean, have you seen him smile? or sing? how could i not.... 

ideal type? — 

actually, if i were to be honest, my ideal kind of guy is a lot like zhou mi. i think that's why i like him so much, you know? i like eyes and hands and eyebrows... and smiles of course. and zhou mi's are all nice, you know? is that weird to say? i, uh... yeah. 

describe your ideal type.

uh, well, first off, i guess he would have to be outgoing because i'm really not. at all. i want a guy who is nice to me, likes me for who i am, despite my shortcomings. someone who likes to go out and do thingss with me, who wants to be with me and is proud of me. 

if i have to say something about looks, i like guys who are taller than me, with nice eyes and nice hands. a good smile is a must. well-groomed, with a nice sense of fashion. someone who puts some effort into his appearance. that sort of guy. 

that's a wrap!

contact info — memories_polaris | polaris | 5 days out of 7


comments — 

✿ about the application — i comletely rewrote yazhen's application - sort of. i expanded on some things like her history and personality without completely removing it. i rewrote zhou mi's personality, added new scenes, changed her likes, dislikes, trivia, etc. her answers for the interview are different, among other things

about the scene requests  i can elaborate on them if need be. i kind of just wrote the bones of it to allow for author's liberties. 

not enough info?  i don't want to run the risk of over-doing (maybe that sounds silly lol) just let me know if anything needs more clarification. 

anything else? — 

question(s) — 


scene request(s) — 

✿ 温泉约会 spa date.

✿ 听妈妈的话 on seperate occasions, zhou mi and yazhen's mothers call. yazhen gets teary when her mother calls; yazhen's mother insists on talking to zhou mi and tells him things to do for yazhen when she gets troublesome. zhou mi's mother calls and starts telling yazhen stories of zhou mi when he was a baby/child. 

✿ 染了指甲  yazhen is staining/painting her nails one evening and decides zhou mi's needed a little work. she was just going to clean them (cuticles and what not) but he decided he wanted her to stain them as well becasue why not? 

✿ 周觅喝醉了 zhou mi went out with the other guys one evening on guys night out and comes home drunk. 

✿ 女生之夜 yazhen and the girls decide to have a girls' night out because the boys had one.

✿ 玩儿游戏吧 zhou mi challenges yazhen to mario cart. yazhen, who is not good at video games, spends the night losing. slowly, she resorts to cheeting tactics, like covering zhou mi's eyes, pushing him, shoving him off the couch, throwing things at him, etc, but zhou mi would still manage to beat him (thanks to all these years of playing with kyuhyun, he thinks)

✿ 野餐郊游 yazhen prepares a picnic. 

✿ 上了一趟街 yazhen and zhou mi go shopping.

✿ 滑冰 yazhen and zhou mi go ice skating and zhou mi is surprisingly bad at it.

✿ 周觅做饭给雅珍吃 — when yazhen starts getting homesick, zhoumi cooks for her all sorts of chinese food after her mother's recipes. 

✿ 雅珍试试做武汉菜 yazhen decides to surprise zhou mi by cooking all sorts of staples of wuhan (his hometown) cuisine. 

suggestion(s) — 

✿ 捉迷藏 with a set boundary (ex. a park) and a time limit (ex. an hour). the person who is "it" (unfortunately an automatic loser of the game) must find everyone by the end of the time limit. if someone is left then they are the winner and will be able to ask the person they like for a "victory kiss" 

✿ 新婚游戏 the couples play "the newlywed game". with questions like "what's your partner's favorite song?", "what is your partner's biggest pet-peev?", and "how old was s/he when they had their first kiss?", the couples/partners put their "relationship" to the test. 




where do you want to go?

turn instory



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