◜ ♕ summer `09 ◞ — gwendolyn jones

replace with your face claim 1. 170x173
◜ ♕ NAME ◞ — jones, gwendolyn

◜ ♕ NICKNAME(s) ◞ — 
gwen ◞ — everyone because "gwendolyn" is a mouthful
◜ ♕ BIRTHDAY & AGE ◞ — 21/03/90 & 19

◜ ♕ ETHNICITY ◞ — welsh  

welsh ◞ — mothertongue
english ◞ — native language
french ◞ — conversational | studied in school
korean ◞ — practically fluent | studied in school, immersion
◜ ♕ FACE CLAIM ◞ jenna-louise coleman 

◜ ♕ BACK UP FACE CLAIM ◞ billie piper
gwen's features are nothing entirely special, at least, not in her opinion. she has medium-length chestnut brown hair, styled with bangs. her eyes are the same shade of chestnut, typically outlined with winged eyeliner and mascara. she has pale-pale skin, which she blames on being welsh and being from wales. she has long, "artistic" fingers (as her grandmother puts it) and matching long toes (on short feet). she is 157 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. 

her ears are pierced once each and she doesn't have the bravery to committ to a tattoo. unless its a special occasion, she keeps simple and plain earrings in her ears. 

gwen's biggest insecurity would be her chunky stomache (which may or may not actually be all that chuncky, as she is an avid surfer). she isn't too fond of her pale skin, as it needs a lot of before and after care after being on the beach. her feet are yet another insecurity - as she finds them too short and her toes too long. 

the parts she is most confidant about are her bust (pretty good for a girl her size), her eyebrows (just for some reason.... she likes how they look). 
◜ ♕ STYLE ◞ — 
gwen's fashion is quite laid-back. she likes bright colors and patterns, large coats, booties and heels.... she likes her blouses and always tries to look good without looking like she put in too much effort. 

◜ ♕ EXTRAS ◞ — 
fav. bathing suits & beachwear —         


◜ ♕ PERSONALITY ◞ independant, clever, playful, charming, fierce, adaptable, confident, passionate, untamed, perfectionist, private, demanding, stubborn, neurotic, frugal, proud, cynnical, flamboyant

◜ ♕ TRIVIAS ◞ — 

♕ CHOCOLATE ◞ — who doesn't love chocolate? she prefers the dark, but any is good. 
♕ DOCTOR WHO ◞ — as a citizen of the uk, she grew up watching doctor who. she adores it, all its spin-offs, even has read most (if not all) of the accompanying novels, radio plays, etc. she has a special playlist on her phone for her favorite soundtracks.
♕ SHAKESPEARE ◞ — between his incredible jokes and wonderful imaginative characterizations, who wouldn't like shakespeare? she has a collection of all his plays, both as books and as movie/tv adaptions. 
♕ FASHION ◞ — just another way to express herself. her closet is busting full of various articles of clothing, jewelry, etc. she loves shopping for new pieces, and even if she doesn't need it, its sometimes hard to just window shop. 
♕ COFFEE & TEA ◞ — tea is a given. whenever a guest comes over, with breakfast, after breakfast, teatime, after dessert, before bed, there is always time for tea. gwen sometimes wonders if her family drinks all the tea in the uk. coffee is something gwen adores to drink before class, as she's driving, when she's out with friends..... 
♕ SWEETS ◞ — biscuits with her tea, bakery goods... gwen loves it all. she, of course, watches her intake, but will never deny herself if she has a craving. 

♕ IGNORANCE ◞ — who likes ignorance? whether its in the form of bullying, willful lack of knowledge, ect, gwen will step up and, politely, educate. she does not tolerate racism, ism, or any other form of bigotry. 
♕ INSECTS ◞ — gwen is terrified of bugs, but hates killing. so if she finds a bug somewhere, she will just.... not use that room. at least, until someone else can take care of it.
♕ BITTER COFFEE ◞ — she may like coffee, but not without sugar or cream.
♕ POORLY MADE TEA ◞ — in this way, she suits the typical british stereotype. she blames her parents for that. she will rant if presented with poorly made tea (from her friends, she won't make a scene otherwise) and will teach them how to pour a good cuppa. 

♕ SOUNDING BOSSY ◞ — gwen has a bad habit of coming off sounding like a boss. she likes to be in control, but doesn't have a need for that control. if something doesn't appear to be getting done, she will take care of it, either to do it herself or tell someone else to. sometimes gwen doesn't watch or really see a situation and can cause some tension between herself and her friends.
♕ PERFECTIONIST ◞ — if its not perfect, its not right. it bothers gwen when others do a half- job at work and isn't very shy about vocalizing it. her perfectionism is what she credits for her ability to quickly learn korean.  

♕ SHOPPING ◞ — a perfect form of exersice. she loves going with friends, her parents, by herself.... if she is not at the surf shop, her parents' shop, at school or home, she is at the mall. 
♕ READING ◞ — reading with a good cup of tea is her idea of a perfect night in.
♕ BAKING ◞ — when she is feeling stressed out, a lack of control, etc, she bakes. and when she bakes a lot, her parents sell them at their shop. 
♕ SURFING THE WEB ◞ — whenever she has nothing else to do and doesnt want to do anything that requires too much attention span, she turns to the internet for some mind-numbing, kill-time thing to do.
♕ EATING ◞ — she likes to eat. munching on something little, chewing on gum, it doesnt have to be meal-like things all the time. she likes to munch when she reads, when she watches tv, when she does almost anything.

♕ EARLY BIRD ◞ — gwen is always one of the first awake in the morning; its either her or her mother. her father likes to sleep a little longer, for which he gets some light teasing. because she is always awake first, she cooks breakfast and prepares the kettle more often than not. 
♕ READING BEFORE BED ◞ — she will go to bed hours before she actually falls asleep just to read a little bit. even if she is re-reading a novel she has read many times before, she will spend a couple hours in bed just reading. 
♕ PAINTING HER NAILS ◞ — her nails always - repeat: always - has polish on. especially on her toes. no one is to see her toenails bare, ever. 
♕ INSTENSE BATHING REGIMINE ◞ — gwen adores bathing. she loves the scents of her shampoo, her bodywash, her lotions, her bubble bath.... she takes perfect care of her hair and skin; always removes all her make-up before bed, treats her hair with coconut oil at least once a week, does facial masks, etc etc. 
♕ BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS ◞ — she can never get enough blankets. she has a bit of a collection of them and has most of them piled onto her bed.

♕ FACEBOOK ◞ — @gwennyjones
♕ TUMBLR ◞ — primadonnajones
♕ KAKAO TALK ◞ — primadonnajones


“what doesn't kill me should ing run because now i'm pissed.”

“i've survived a lot of things, and i'll probably survive this.”

“work until your idols become your rivals。”

“no matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”

♕ UALITY ◞ — 

cisgender ◞ — identifies as the gender assigned to her at birth
aual ◞ — -repulsed. gwen has no and feels no ual attraction towards anyone. she figures she might be demi-ual, but has no intrest in finding out.
panromantic ◞ — romantically attracted to any person - male, female, transgender, agender, two-spirit, etc etc etc. that sort of thing doesn't bother gwen when it comes to her romantic partner.

gwen is secretive about every aspect of her uality, even with her closest friends. only a handful of people know, and none of them are members of her family. 

◜ ♕ PAST ◞ — 

gwen is from a smalltown in wales, born to a businesswoman mother and entrepreneur father. she was not a shining star in school, but she never failed a class. 

in 2003, gwen's parents decided to try their business in south korea, leaving her grandparents to work the already successful shop in their hometown. between the perks of the weather and a new chance at life, her parents were excited about the move. gwen, however, wasn't so excited. she had a whole life in wales; all her friends live in the uk, she only speaks european languages.... she really did not want to move. but, because of her age, and because of heartfelt promises from her parents, she decided to make the most of it. 

from 2003 on, gwen attended school in south korea. she fell slightly behind in school due to language barriers but she quickly picked it up. her parents opened another of one of their boutique-cafe shops in the city and spent their nights at school, learning korean.  

when she got old enough, gwen started working at a surf shop in the city with some of her friends. 

◜ ♕ PRESENT ◞ — 

after the summer of 2009, gwen stayed in jeju and helped her parents with their shop, working the next few summers in the surf shop (now 2013). 

after a couple more years (now 2015), gwen moved to wuhan for a year and a half with her boyfriend, to live closer to his parents. when they failed to open one of her parents boutique-cafe shops in the city, they moved to hangzhou (now 2016) where they managed to grab a corner lot for the boutique-cafe and a loft a few blocks over.

in 2018 (december of), gwen became engaged to her boyfriend of approximately 9 years.

2019, so far, has been spent working at the shop and planning for her wedding.   

◜ ♕ WORK ETHICS ◞ — 

work hard, play harder. or something like that. when she is working, gwen puts her everything into it. she doesn't let her personal life seep into the workspace, nor does she let work pour into her personal life. she likes to keep both very seperate.  


◜ ♕ FAMILY ◞ —  


GRANDFATHER : afon cooper : 62 (2009) : child-at-heart, jokester, trustworthy, blunt  : gwen and afon are two-of-a-kind. with her granfather, gwen can really let loose and forget any and all troubles. 


GRANDMOTHER : elain davies-cooper : 59 (2009) : posh, clever, independant, stubborn : gwen adores her grandmother. she, much to her father's dismay, is very much like elain. the two like going out on the town together and often takes the train into cardiff or even london for the weekend to "experience the citylife". 


FATHER : gwilym jones : 43 (2009) : sarcastic, compulsive, in-charge, clueless : gwilym is awfully proud of his daughter. he is very deep in her corner - he would do anything for her. gwen loves her father, but they are not as close as her and her mother. they watch tv together, organize the books (for the store) together, etc etc. but they usually are not found playing games, shopping, etc etc together. 


MOTHER : aderyn cooper-jones : 39 (2009) : stubborn, intelligent, honest, trustworthy : gwen and her mother have a wonderful relationship. gwen confides in her some things (typically not about her romantic issues, but everything else is fair game). her mother always has something positive to say and is gwen's biggest fan. 

◜ ♕ FRIENDS ◞ — 


FRIEND : jessica jung : 20 : creative, child-like, outgoing, annoying : when gwen needs a break, her friend jessica is the one she turns to most of the time. she just has a way about her that makes gwen forget her troubles. she is pretty good with the advice too, but they usually don't talk about their issues - kind of a 'leave your baggage at the door when you arrive' sort of arrangement. : jessica was one of gwen's first friends in korea. she was also in the korean-as-a-second-language classes in high school, although her grasp of the language was much better than gwen's. jessica helped her out tremendusly at that time and they've been good friends ever since. 


FRIEND : shim changmin : 21 : sarcastic, blunt, child-liks, intelligent : gwen and changmin have a flirty sort of relationship. from the outside eye, they might appear to be a couple, but there is nothing there. changmin gives her relationship advice and helps her "pick out guys" on the street. : met through jessica. he was one of jessica's classmates in high school and the three of them happened to have lunch period together. 

◜ ♕ OTHERS ◞ — 

EXBOYFRIEND : jay park : 22 : jokester, creative, aspiring, well-meaning : known as the playful couple, jay and gwen got along very well. they teased and played around with each other. they spent every waking moment together and, to date, jay even spent his spare time (when they weren't out on dates) working at gwen's parents' store.  : jay and gwen met at high school in the korean-as-a-second-language classes. : jay and gwen decided to end things when jay decided to go to university in seoul. neither thought they could really deal with a long-distance relationship (despite seoul not being all that far when all things are considered)  



who's a bully? ◞ — if anyone teases anyone, its gwen teasing the girls, though usually not about crushes  - she's not usually so mean. she will tease them about word-choices, about something awkward they did with a customer, how they almost fell off the ladder trying to put up more surf boards (only if they don't fall, otherwise its not funny). 

i won't say i'm in love ◞ — the girls, at seeing any heartfelt interactions including gwen, a handful of them might , trying to get her to confess to something. gwen will deny that something until her face turns blue. 


replace with love interest. 178x100  replace with love interest 2. 178x100 replace with a picture quote/ picture of your relationship with love interest. 178x100

◜ ♕ LOVE INTEREST ◞ — zhoumi | 23 (2009), 33 (2019) 

◜ ♕ WHY IS HE IN VERANO  ◞ — a summer vacation with friends

◜ ♕ ABOUT HIM ◞ — 

◜ ♕ HOMETOWN ◞ — wuhan, china

◜ ♕ CURRENT CITY ◞ — beijing, china

◜ ♕ UNIVERSITY ◞ — tsinghua university

◜ ♕ LANGUAGES ◞ — 

chinese ◞ — mothertongue
korean ◞ — intermediate-conversational | studied in school
english ◞ —  basic-conversational | studied in school

◜ ♕ FAMILY ◞ — 

FATHER : zhou donggui : 52 (2009) : proper, intelligent, compulsive, frugal 

MOTHER : wang zhenru : 44 (2009) : loyal, charming, shameless, passive 

◜ ♕ FRIENDS ◞ — 

BEST FRIEND : henry lau : 20 (2009) : playful, outgoing, lazy, loud : like brothers, like children. 

BEST FRIEND : wang fei : 22 (2009) : artistic, intelligent, paranoid, prim : like confidants, like lovers.

FRIEND : meng jia : 20 (2009) : imaginitive, caring, trusting, frugal : like childhood friends, like children.

FRIEND : chen yiru "calvin" : 23 (2009) : charming, optimistic, overbearing, trustworthy : like life-long friends, like intellectuals.

song qian (aka victoria), nat thewphaingam, cho kyuhyun, kim jungmo....

◜ ♕ PERSONALITY ◞ — playful, extroverted, selfless, hardworking, responsible, brave, ambitious, romantic, jealous, shameless, compulsive, proper, pessimistic, passive, insecure, gullible

◜ ♕ HISTORY BEFORE 2009 ◞ — 

zhoumi was born and raised in wuhan to two natives of the city. of his family, he is the first to leave the city and start a life somewhere else. 

he studied english and korean in school and had after-school tutors for both languages, weekend classes for piano and intensive writing. he worked hard in school, not wanting to disappoint his parents. 

in 2005, he participated in the gaokao and excelled with flying colors, as well as being accepted to tsinghua university for a degree in international business. 

since 2006, he has been a student at tsinghua university, adjusting to life in a new city, with a new dialect, etc etc. in 2009, he and his closest friends decided to take a trip to jeju island for the summer, to relax, unwind, and so on. 

◜ ♕ STYLE ◞ — 

zhoumi's sense of fashion is all over the place. he loves casual-to-the-nth-degree clothing, but then he loves dressing up. he is a fan of skinny jeans and wears them most of the time, with baggy t-shirts or sweatshirts, if he's just going casual. if a little fancier, he'll wear a sports coat over it. if a lot fancier, he has been known to wear a full-on suit. he keeps his hair styled and wears jewelry, sometimes wears fake-glasses. when sleeping, he always keeps his face covered.

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◜ ♕ MISC TRIVIA ◞ —    

♕ TV DRAMAS ◞ — he easily becomes addicted to tv dramas. english, american, chinese, taiwanese, korean, thai, whatever. he'll watch them all.
♕ ANIMALS ◞ — dogs, cats, whatever. he loves them all. 
♕ CHILDREN ◞ — he loves kids and is very good with them. his friends think its because he's childish, he believes its because he's outgoing. 
♕ COFFEE ◞ — he has an addiction. he is unashamed. he can drink coffee at all hours of the day and does. 
♕ BOARD GAMES ◞ — its always fun to play these and test the limits of his friendships. he has most, if not all, the classic board games in his dorm for study-breaks and whatnot. 
♕ CUTE THINGS ◞ — if its cute, he likes it. it doesn't really matter what it is, really, so long as its charming and cute. 
♕ MARIO & HELLO KITTY ◞ — who doesn't love these iconic characters? he has multiple plushies of them, mostly from friends as gifts.  

♕ INSECTS ◞ — who likes bugs? he can deal with them, so to speak, but he won't like it.
♕ BITTER TEA & COFFEE & FOOD ◞ — bitter.... that's all there is to say. 
♕ IGNORACE◞ — he just... doesnt appriciate it. he usually won't speak out about it when he sees it, he just loses a bit of respect for that person.
♕ BIG DOGS ◞ — he may like animals, but theres just.... something.... about large dogs that scare him. if their owner has good control, he can pet them, but doesn't like being around them for long periods of time.
♕ TAKING MEDICATION ◞ — he could be sick and dying, and he'd still want to refuse the medication. he wont, but every fiber of his being will want to. thus, he won't take medication for headaches, colds, common ailments, etc.

♕ SINGING ◞ — he may not be a professional, but he thinks he's pretty good at it. he loves going to karaoke with friends. he sings as much as he can. 
♕ WRITING STORIES ◞ — he's creative, clever, and can come up with charming stories just off the top of his head. he has a collection of his stories that he's written on his computer.
♕ TAKING PHOTOS ◞ — selfies, photos of the landscape and friends... he takes them all and has them all saved to both his phone, computer, and external. 
♕ SURFING THE WEB ◞ — his go-to when theres nothing else to do. 
♕ PLAYING CELL PHONE GAMES ◞ — another go-to. he likes the easy games, like arcade games and such. 
♕ SHOPPING ◞ — good stress relief. he loves going out with friends and can shop for hours.
♕ WORKING OUT ◞ — another good stress relief. he has good stamina and can be found at the gym if not studying or out with friends. 

♕ POUTING & WHINING ◞ — usually his go-to way to get what he whats. its just a playful thing he does. 
♕ DOESNT HAVE A HIGH TOLERANCE FOR ALCOHOL ◞ — like, at all. after two, he's usually done. he still goes out with friends but...
♕ LOSING TRACK OF TIME ◞ — he is so bad at keeping track of time. his sense of time is horrible....
♕ FLIRTING ◞ — it comes like second-nature to him, like breathing. usually its meaningless, and its ironic that he's so jealous/insecure in relationships. 

♕ MORNING PERSON ◞ — no matter how late he stays up or how early he has to wake up, he can do it with all the energy of a child on christmas morning. 
♕ ENDLESS ENERGY ◞ — his energy is never ending and feels annoyed if he has to sit still. even on the job, he is always moving. it doesn't matter what he is doing, as long as he is doing something 
♕ EVERYTHING HAS ITS PLACE ◞ —  everything in zhoumi's home is spotless. everything has its place and that's where it needs to be. if something is out of place or messy, it will bother zhoumi until it's replaced/cleaned.
♕ CHATTERBOX ◞ — he always has something to say. important or not, zhou mi is always telling stories or talking about something. he especially loves when there is someone new to talk to because they have never heard his stories before.
♕ MIDNIGHT COFFEE ◞ — zhoumi is the kind of guy who can drink coffee at any hour of the day without worry of the effect of the caffine. midnight, 2am, 9am, 6pm, it's all good to him.
♕ LETS GO DRINKING ◞ — zhoumi doesn't drink well and often doesn't know when to stop drinking, so he doesn't go out often but when he does, he usually needs someone to tell him to stop... 


“I expect the worst out of everything but I use the most positive way to approach it.”

“People must be realistic, must do things to the best of their ability, do as much as your capabilities allow. If you can’t even stand well, won’t you fall down if you try to run?”

"Suddenly I realize that the difference between human and beast lies in the ability to be civil" 


gwen and zhoumi first met on the beach one afternoon. she had been out surfing and he approached her, asking if she could give him tips, maybe help him find a good surf rental shop (so he could get the hang of surfing before he bought anything). gwen brought him to the shop (if they do rentals?) and helped him find whatever he needed to really get going. to thank her, he brought her to a coffee shop he found near his hotel. 

gwen's first impression of zhoumi was that he wasn't all that bad to look at. he had a nice smile, spoke pretty decent korean (although, of course, he did try to speak english to her the very first time they spoke). he appeared to be gentlemanly, which is always a must. he was stylish, pretty funny, easy to talk to....

zhoumi's first impression of gwen was that she was pretty rad. she could surf like a boss, she was very kind, intelligent, helpful, generous.... she was pretty too, with a voice like fine silk - or something equally romantic and poetic sounding. 

things they may fight about

♕ misunderstandings ◞ —  because zhoumi's korean isn't perfect, sometimes they get into little (sometimes big) arguements. 

♕ gwen is impatient ◞ — zhoumi seems to have ample patience, enough for the two of them. gwen sometimes gets short with him.

♕ zhoumi sometimes gets tired of gwen's games ◞ — sometimes gwen needs a good clue and doesn't always get it. zhoumi isn't a saint. 

♕ the summer always ends ◞ — when zhoumi has to start getting ready to go home, gwen starts getting more and more short with him. she just doesn't want him to go. 

◜ ♕ LOVE LINE ◞ — he's clearly attracted and very interested, she's playing hard to get. 

◜ ♕ BACK UP ◞ — shim changmin, cho kyuhyun. 




i'm a cashier but i kinda do a bit of everything to help the girls out and make their days a little easier. whatever needs to be done, i'll do it. i have no boundaries as far as work goes. i'll do anything that needs to be done.   


well, i don't fancy it certainly. its just a job you know? a way to learn a little extra cash and hang with the girls. i do like surfing though, and i'm quite good at it so i have some good knowledge to offer patrons. 

the staff is nice as well, so that really helps the situation. everyone is usually pleasant; can't really complain. i have no real complaints. 




hmm.... well, i never thought about it before. it's just... something i do. though, i guess its wonderful for nerves. /gestures with her hands. you know, stress and stuff. it helps i'm good at it too. 

i also got to meet a whole lot of wonderful people this way too. surfing is really great for that, you know? this is how i met most of my friends.

if nothing else, it was a good way to burn some calories and keep in shape. 


yeah, why not? i've got nothing really to lose and if i don't do well, Lord knows my pride could use a little de-swelling. /laughs

but i don't think i'll lose. i'm actually pretty brilliant. 


what about it? 


it's alright, i guess. never really found myself thinking about it before.

sure, i suppose i'd like to find someone, but i'm not going out of my way here, not like some people i know /laughs 

i've been in a relationship before and maybe on the cusp of others, but. i don't know. the companionship was nice. 


maybe i've been, i'm not sure. i mean, there certainly was a sort of... attachment. but love? 

its such an obscure thing, i'm not sure what to look out for to know for sure. 

again, i like the companionship. i'm not sure if i can honestly do relationships very well.

i do miss the companionship...


i have, of course. i've had a couple boyfriends in the past - and by 'a couple', i mean one - so of course i had to give them a kiss at one point. /laughs i guess i didn't have to but. you know how kids are.

my very first kiss, though. i guess it was alright. nothing special. at the time, i sort of had this princess diaries outlook on first kisses - leg popping and all that stuff. /
laughs it wasn't like that much. 

i'm still kind of hoping for a real, nice, romantic kiss from a person i really like.   


/ponders for a moment

i really don't think its real.... do you?

i mean, it would be nice. romantic, innit? but i think that stuff is reserved only for romance movies and books. 


in 2019? that's a little far away, innit? /laughs

/ponders for a moment

i'm not sure. i cerntainly don't want to be stuck working two jobs!

i guess i've always figured i'd run mum and dad's store... if its not that, i'm not sure what i want to be doing. traveling would be real nice, if that's a possibility you know? i guess i should hope to have a significant other by then. i know my mum would love that. i won't hold my breath though.  

ive wanted to use jenna-louise coleman as a faceclaim for a while so i hope her reason to be in korea is good enough lol

◜ ♕ SCENE REQUEST ◞ — in no particular order~
exboyfriends ◞ — zhoumi goes to gwen's friends and asks about her past relationships, if he is her type, etc. when he finds out the kind of guy her ex was (muscle-y, taattoo-y, etc), he starts thinking that her playing hard to get might actually be her not interested in him after all.
double date ◞ — after a couple days of bugging, gwen agrees to a double date with one of her friends (date is not zhoumi) and she starts to think she may like zhoumi more romantically than she previously thought.
movie night ◞ — the girls decide to have a movie night and they bring along dates. gwen, at the last ish moment texts zhoumi and asks him if he wanted to come over. 
british telly ◞ — zhoumi decides he wants to learn more about the uk - because that's where the girl he likes is from, afterall. so he figures a good way to start is by watching popoular british tv. so he starts streaming doctor who - the classic who - , the cathrine tate show, graham norton, top gear.... but it all gets too much and ends up calling gwen for suggestions. it ends up with them sitting in his hotel room with his friends and his computer, watching the Nineth Doctor and Rose with korean subtitles. 
surf lessons ◞ — gwen agrees to teach zhoumi and his friends how to surf - and ends up spending all day on the beach.
changmin ◞ — zhoumi, out with his friends in the city - spots gwen out in the city with her friends jessica and changmin. he goes to greet her, but stops short when he notices gwen arm-in-arm with changmin, a young man he never met before and assumes to be her boyfriend.
love triangle ◞ — gwen finds herself in the middle of a triangle, on the recieving end of affections from both zhoumi and changmin. 
surf date ◞ — zhou mi and gwen spend the afternoon at the beach. afterwords, as gwen is showering at the end of the day, she comes to the realization that might've been a date. 
◜ ♕ PASSWORD ◞innit


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hoduken #1

am i the only one who still ships her with eleven?