http://33.media.tumblr.com/3ac85ca816955ac688993db6e1d795ff/tumblr_n7tobyyczZ1r0lapto7_r1_250.gifmemories_polaris - polaris - eight out of ten
Name  baek suyeon 
turtle – a nickname given to her by tao. after various training drills where she was a little slow on the uptake, he started using it to try and get her to try to progress a little faster however the name stuck and she's been turtle ever since.

Height 145cm 
Weight 47kg 
Bloodtype – 

D.O.B.  august 19, 1992 (23) 
Ethnicity korean
Languages –
korean; fluent. 
english; conversational. she has pronunciation errors, a limited-but-working vocabulary, slight grammar mistakes. she can have full conversations about a limited range topics.
History – 
the orphanage 
suyeon dropped off at the orphanage at the tender age of two after by her aunt after the car accident that took suyeon's parents. her aunt had considered keeping suyeon and raising her as her own, but ultimately decided she was too young and wouldn't have been able to provide the sort of life she wanted for her niece. so instead, she dropped the toddler off at the orphanage, believing that, a cute, good child like suyeon would be able to find a good, loving family right away. on the contrary, suyeon remained at the orphanage for a number of years, constantly being looked over by families or being sent back after a couple nights after displaying awkward and otherwise unwanted tendancies. she stayed there until she was taken in by the institute. suyeon has little fond memories of her time spent the orphanage and was very happy to be leaving, even if she was going to a place like the institute. nonetheless, she was reluctant to go to the institute, as it wasn't a home but a stark, cold, scientific sort of building, but decided that it couldn't be worse than the orphanage.
the institute 
when suyeon was eight (in the year 2000), she was taken from the orphanage. she was given a room, a basic education, enough food to sustain her. she was allowed to sparcly interact with the other children in the building and grew an attachment to a young girl named min yuna and another named [applicant]. they talked a lot and played together when it was allowed. suyeon cherished those times she had with the other kids because, in those times, she truely felt like a normal child. during the time before the outbreak, suyeon was content with her lifestyle at the institute. she had known almost nothing else, so it was normal for her and didn't think too much about the quality of life she and the other teenagers had or anything else that was rather unnormal - she was just happy to be out of the orphanage.  
and then the Flu began to ravish the countrysoon after it started, suyeon and the other teenagers in the institute were corralled into a room, something outside the normal. suyeon was excited for a change in their normal routine and was interested to know what was going on and to see what was going to happen next. however, her excitement was short-lived as they were shoved into pods and locked in. she watched in horror as she and the others there were injected with a suspicious substance. the pain was blinding and suyeon still wonders how she managed not to pass out during the ordeal. this is the incident that shattered suyeon's faith and blind trust in the institution. she was angry at the betrayal and at a loss - what is she to do now? 
soon after the injection and everyone was more or less recovered from the incident, suyeon was introduced to a young chinese boy, two years her junior and was told he was going to be her partner. professors at the institute explained everything to them just moments before they were unceremoniously shoved in a living space together. they weren't keen on the idea as they were more or less strangers. of course they had interacted a bit before this, but both had their own friends and people they were close to in their little group, which needless to say, were not each other. but they both knew that they didn't have much of a say in the matter and tried to make the best of it. fortunately, they found that the other weren't as intolerable as they could have been and they lived in increasing comfort in each other's company, grewing closer at a rapid speed. 
after about thirteen months since the injections and being introduced to tao, suyeon started showing abnormal signs. it terrified her; her only comfort was the fact tao seemed to have similar sorts of signs and their comrades were starting to show abnormalities as well, so she knew that, if nothing else, she wasn't alone in whatever was happening to them.
before suyeon knew what was going on, she could pause time for small increments. tao was showing the ability of accelerated probability, and even a little event manipulation
the flu 
when it was announced that the 3X0-DU5 were going to be sent out to deal with the Flu, suyeon was thrilled. she was downright ecstatic - she wanted out, she wanted to stretch her wings and this presented the perfect opportunity to do so. her partner, more realistic than she, was less then thrilled. by this point in time, tao and suyeon were very close and considered each other good friends, if not anything more. tao had made it his mission to make sure to keep suyeon close so that she wouldn't over do it and get herself hurt or worse. however, after the first hour after touchdown in the infected area, suyeon's mentality on the matter quickly changed. after a short time, she wanted nothing to do with what was going on and felt sickened by what they had to do. she only continued with the support of her partner, tao. 
the escape 
after restoring order to the area, suyeon, her partner, and their comrades were separated and locked up. suyeon felt the pain deeply; she and her friends saved the world and they were being treated as criminals. being seperated from tao was also like a swift kick to the gut; they had paired them together, forced them together at that, and now, when she needed the companionship the most, they tore him away from her as well. she spent countless days in solitary, cold, miserable, and utterly lone, before suddenly being released by the head scientist behind the project. he was out of breath and only told her to run. before she could even register what he said to her, tao was there and pulled her along as he sprinted in what appeared to be a random direction. soon enough, they caught up with their comrades but just as they caught up, so did the guards in charge of keeping them locked up. they shot at them, managing to take out two of their friends in the process but the rest of them were able to escape.
before suyeon knew what was what, she and tao landed and were hiding out in barcelona. they paused time in little increments, as long as their strained stamina allowed, in order to procure a change of clothes and something to eat to sustain them. they found a vacant house to hide out in where they set up a sort of headquarters. she hadn't had enough time before to mourn the loss of two of her comrades, so once night fell and they had settled for the evening, suyeon cried for her friends, both those who died and those they were separated from indefinitely. 

Personality Traits 

( + ) excitable, friendly, talkative, tactile.
(/) secretive, naive.

– ) cautious, possessive, fatalistic. 


千里之外 – suyeon is easily one of the most excitable people one would ever meet, especially given her circumstances. she loves learning new things, taking advantage of new opportunities. when these chances are presented to her, suyeon is all-smiles and usually gets over-excited and losses track of herself. she is gentle and friendly, making friends with almost anyone without much trouble if/when given the chance. she's talkative and has boundless things to say. even if its just mindless chatter, one would be hard-pressed to find her quiet. she, personally finds that its comforting to chatter on, like the fear or uneasiness that she feels won't be able to affect her. suyeon is probably one of the most tactile people within their little group of comrades. whether its because of how she was raised or that she is naturally like that, she finds comfort in the closeness and contact with those she is close to.
— 诗人漫步 – suyeon doesn't like disclosing her deep, dark secrets, her fears, or anything of that nature. her secretive tendencies have landed her in hot water with her partner and comrades on more than one occasion but she continues to keep her secrets private, no matter the nature of said secrets. she has also proven herself to be quite naive in most situations. she's not completely vacuous, but can be lacking. she can be gullible and easily pursuaded.
— 青花瓷 – suyeon is cautious and usually makes sure someone confirms her next step before she takes it. whether it was a trait that was beaten into her during her time at the institute or something she was born with, she can't be sure. she tends to display a high degree of possessiveness with her friends but most especially with her partner tao. she strongly dislikes seeing him display any sort of closeness with the other girls of their little group, fearing that he might become more favorable of them than of her. fatalistic,  suyeon does not have much faith in her or anyone else's ability to change their fate. watching her friends die at the hands of the institute that she held so much faith in for the majority of her life, and then watching her best friend die and knowing there was nothing she could do for either of them really cemented that into her personality. at the same time, she believes certain things were always going to happen.
Bonds – 
— min yuna | yuna was the girl that suyeon latched on to once they met. she was suyeon's platonic everything.
— applicant | this girl is another friend of suyeon's. they aren't as close a suyeon and yuna, but still close friends. 
Things to Note – 
— Subject is known to be fearful of heights.
— Subject is known to be fearful of the dark.
— Subject is known to show weakness to bright light.
— Subject is known to be less effectiv
e with her mutation when under stress.
— Subject is known to be most skilled in temporal healing, and stopping time.
— Subject is known to struggle with chronokenetic combat. However, the Subject appears to be competent in both combat and her mutation separately.
Ability Type  chronokinesis

Strength three out of ten
Aim – seven out of ten
Sight six out of ten
Smell one out of ten
Hearing – five out of ten
Stamina – 09:38 minutes

width: 280 height: no more than 150px width: 280px height: no more than 150px
Partner – huang zitao
Ability Type chronokinesis

Current Condition 
tao and suyeon run away to barcelona where they quickly found an abandoned building to hide out in. they discarded and abandoned their clothing and anything identifiable and took advantage of their mutations to gather the necessary survival (and few creature comforts) items without needing cash. 
on their first few nights in hiding, tao and suyeon were high-strung, exhausted, and quite paranoid. they barely left the building unless they absolutely had to and, even then, they stayed close to their hide-out and quickly rece obtaining whatever it was they decided they needed. during this time, they also made tentative plans for the future (which were: creating fake ids, using their mutation in order to allow them time to forge the legal documents and obtain a sum of cash, enough for a down-payment on a house and to sustain them until they could get jobs. they planned on masquerading as a newly-wedded couple - something that's not all that far from the truth - who had decided to pack up their lives from their homelands and start a new one together in a new city).  
Bond – 
— 救命 
tao and suyeon's relationship and bond is near-exactly what the Institute planned. they are romantically inclined with suitable personalities.
within the confines of the institute, although they knew what intimacies would give them, beyond the comfort of physical contact, but they never got further than simply experimenting with kissing and sleeping in each other's arms before the incident occurred. even if there was more time before the outbreak, they both felt like they were too young for the act.
during the Flu outbreak and they were sent out to deal with it, tao made sure that he could see suyeon at all times. suyeon, in turn, had tao's back so that when he was too concerned with her wellbeing or their comrades', suyeon made sure nothing and no one managed to sneak up on him.  

— 新地球  
tao is overall a gentleman and looked out for suyeon long before any sort of romantic feelings developed. he was always there for her and looking out for her and made sure she didn't manage to somehow hurt herself.
these days, tao has a more romantic interest in suyeon. he would and will do anything for her, just to make sure she is happy and healthy  - a lot of times, it means hiding the full extent of the truth from her, at least until there is something that can be done about whatever it is he decided to keep from her. before that point, he doesn't see the point in making her worry or anxious. he likes to make suyeon smile and prides himself in being able to make even the smallest smile appear on her face, no matter how unsettled, scared, or anxious she might feel. he would go out of his way to make her smile and laugh.
tao always prefers to have suyeon at his side, hand in his if not hooked arms, if they go anywhere. its not only comforting and puts him mind and heart at rest, knowing that suyeon is still there, alive, breathing. even in their hide out, he prefers suyeon to be in eyesight; finding comfort in knowing that he is not alone, both in that moment and in general, and suyeon isn't hurt somewhere by herself. 

— 我可以勇敢 
suyeon adores tao. at first, he was like the cute little brother she wish she had growing up. they certainly bickered like siblings when they first started sharing a living space until they got in step with each other. she finds tao's protective streak adorable and does what she can to protect him as well. she admires him for everything he does for her and spends the majority of her time trying to repay him. while she is not entirely sure of the exact nature of her feelings for tao, whether he's just a little brother or maybe something more, she does know that tao is one of the most important people in her life. she suspects that, with just a little more time, she might actually be able to fall hard for tao and she worries a little about what she would do then.
while tao is busy thinking about her, protecting her, making sure everything is in order so she could be comfortable, suyeon is making sure he eats his fair share - mostly by refusing to eat more than half of the portions that they scavange together and making him eat it or else let it go to waste; that he sleeps enough - usually by making him lay down, head in her lap, feathering her fingers through his hair to try and lull him into sleep when he is feeling particularly restless.
she makes sure that their clothes are clean and wearable, she stitches up any holes that may come along until there's no choice but to gather up a new set of clothing.  
Primary Appearance jamie chung
Secondary Appearance wendy sun

–  i think i've got a handle on the timeline but idk
i your story is so unique!! def had to apply

– i'm not very good at writing out personalities, so i'm praying that section is fine lol 
– i'm also hoping i put in enough detail.... i didn't want to overdo it, but now i'm wondering if i wrote enough
– i also included links, like, everywhere so... i just thought they'd be helpful 

LOL i didn't notice how many kims there were already! i just kinda picked a surname lolol i went ahead and changed it for creativity and uniqueness or something hahaha
– i went ahead and deleted the temporal protection and temporal phase manipulation for simplicity's sake and for realism's sake as well i guess. cuz i gave her a bit too much control over the mutation in the first place
– sorry, hope its not a bother that i made them more romantically inclined and not as platonic.... hope that's not a let down!


Improvement plans – 
new ability unlocked!  suyeon is practicing to gain the ability of age manipulation.
— costume change! –  once they discover they are being hunted, suyeon and tao dye their hair blonde, suyeon starts using green contacts, in the hopes that a change in appearance would buy them enough time to come up with an actual plan/to find a new hide-out/to find their comrades/whatever happens next.
— wild loverboy appears! 
–  suyeon gets a secret admirer in the city.

© artwork by s.m. entertainment, gifs by kyvngsoo @ tumblr


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