
nickname here — Explanation
nickname here — Explanation

birthday & age — 12 december 1988 & 26
birth place — wudaokou, beijing, china.
hometown —wudaokou, beijing, china.

ethnicity — chinese
nationality —chinese

korean — intensive study and immersion
chinese — native language

blood type — O

zheng feihe 郑霏荷

by username (nickname)


— subtitle here

face claim — zhang xinyuan
back up — 

height — 163 cm
weight — write here

feihe has long black hair and thin, petite body type. she has thick eyebrows, big black eyes and thick lips that she paints red, even when she wears no other make-up. her skin is paler, due to the recent years of intense study and rehearsal indoors (before that, due to being either inside studying or hiding under an umbrella). 

fashion style

— subtitle here

before signing on to sme's new girl group, feihe had a really relaxed, doll-like style. frilly and lacy, cute and sweet. after joining, in order to better display the sort of style that the manager wanted, she changed out her style for more simple sort of style.



— subtitle here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. Aenean ullamcorper felis id neque luctus convallis. Phasellus at libero pharetra, interdum ante ac, interdum diam. Mauris in neque bibendum, lacinia turpis eu, sodales dolor. Duis congue suscipit rutrum. Donec tristique ligula metus, in pharetra arcu venenatis et. In at feugiat quam, non bibendum velit. Fusce nibh felis, dapibus molestie orci ac, sagittis pellentesque felis.

Fusce at congue felis. Duis tellus tortor, ultrices quis laoreet a, fringilla non lectus. Proin varius elit sem, in tincidunt turpis viverra pretium. Pellentesque vel ipsum tristique, iaculis lorem vitae, euismod orci. Pellentesque eget malesuada ipsum. Sed non nisl ut nisl aliquam semper. Donec sem lorem, varius ut facilisis id, lobortis eu lacus. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec mollis, enim id pulvinar tempor, eros massa faucibus justo, sit amet convallis leo sem eu sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Ut finibus fermentum ante nec pretium. Proin sed arcu pellentesque, rhoncus urna a, mattis lacus. Sed nunc est, sodales congue orci id, facilisis pharetra odio. Suspendisse potenti.


— likes

 — doctor who
 — comic books
 — write here
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— dislikes

 — write here
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— habits

 — write here
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 — write here
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— hobbies

 — write here
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 — write here

— other facts

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 — write here


— subtitle here


tumblr_inline_nf4k0rww6c1rnxyis.gif tumblr_inline_nf4ka0cKfH1rnxyis.gif

born and raised in a small corner of beijing, feihe and her sister feigui ggrew up in moderate wealth. their father was the owner of a rather successful grocery store chain and their mother a nurse so they were never left without. 

feihe was rather successful in school and earned a good score on the gaokao. 


— subtitle here

father — zheng donggui 郑东龟 // 47 // owner of a small chain of grocery stores within beijing // strict, hard-working, intelligent, traditional // relationship with your character

mother — guo feihua 郭霏花 // 46 // nurse at a women's hospital // honest, faithful, hard-working, dedicated // relationship with your character

sister — zheng feigui 郑霏瑰 // 23 // student // hard-working, playful, intelligent, honest // relationship with your character


— subtitle here

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character


— subtitle here

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

relation — Name // age // occupation // personality // relationship with your character

 leader, lead dancer, main vocals

— No one is going to know if you’re having a bad hair day. They won’t know that you’re bruised, bloody, or broken unless you let it show. They’re here to see excellence, and that’s what you’re going to leave out there.

tumblr_n0hk8pcGA01rjd0hlo1_500.gif tumblr_n0hk8pcGA01rjd0hlo2_500.gif


how do you feel being chosen for poinsettia? — 
ahh.... i'm so grateful to be chosen! after getting cut out of the final line-ups for both f(x) and red velvet. i was starting to get worried; people younger than me were debuting left and right it seemed and yet i remained tutoring trainees and idols in chinese and going to instense training. soon, i would have had to give up, you know? i'm getting old now!

/feihe laughs, leaning forward with the force of it

it was heartbreaking. truely.....

about being chosen as the leader.... it's a great honor. 

do you have a stagename? — 
my stagename is presley. it was decided on by the manager and myself, since it was thought that by going by my given name would be confusing for some fans, since there is a feifei in sunbae-group miss a. 

actually, i am a big fan of american music, i don't speak english very well, but it sound wonderful, right? i grew up listening to michael jackson and that kind, but my parents are a little old-school and favored elvis much more. because i want to thank them and honor them, i chose to go by elvis' last name, presley. we also want to envoke some of his karma as far as popularity goes. 

/feihe laughs, hiding her wide smile behind her thin hand. 

i wish to show our fans a good side of myself. on stage especially, i want them only to see my good side. ice queen types are beautiful you know? but i think for me, it wouldn't work out. i want to smile a lot, talk a lot, and really get to know our fans. its not really a persona, i guess, but i only want to show my good side, as leader.

what was your audition like? — 
i, uh.... i auditioned through an internet audition campaign thing the company did with some high school friends of mine. for my audition, i sang a song for you by bada. in retrospect, i maybe could have chosen a better song.... 

/feihe laughs, once again hiding her smile with her hand.

i was speachless when the company passed me through. i wasn't counting on it you know? it was just kind of for fun.... 

i think.... ah, if i had to watch my audition again, i'd die of embarassment. sme, please keep it locked up a little longer. i don't want to see it for a while longer, if that is alright

— talent twins

singing   — go younha 
dancing    — wang fei
rapping ✿ ✿ — 

— skill breakdown

singing — 40/100
dancing — 45/100
rapping — 00/100 
acting — 07/100 
variety — 08/100

— other skills

theatre/musicals — as a part of her training, the company insisted that she get stage training as well. she played minor roles in the korean productions of wicked, the nutcracker, les miserables, and phantom of the opera.
flexibility — as a dancer, she always maintained a level of flexibility. she had forced her limits in the last decade or so to improve her flexibility. now, she has a level that is just shy of a contortionist. 

— personal scandals

anorexia — starting at a indescernable time in her trainee period, feihe developed a dismorphic view of her body and started to extreme diet. its an ongoing issue that remains  dirty little secret. 
dating scandal — after starting to see zhoumi, a news site reports that feihe is possibly dating the actor featured in poinsettia's music video series (first few mvs all feature the same actor and tell a sort of story). needless to say, it made the relationship between feihe and zhoumi tense and the friendship between the actor and feihe awkward. 
ignoring fans — after an incredibly intense first few months, fans line up outside their apartment building to greet them as they head out to the studio/wherever, but feihe keeps her head down and doesn't look at the fans at all. hence, a rumor started around that the leader is not a true leader, that she is cocky, over-confident, a snob, etc for not even acknowledge the fans
accused of copying victoria song — write here
 — write here



last comments — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. 

scene requests — can't garantee anything but i am always open to new ideas, especially if you want to see them.
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here

group scandal ideas — delete the bullets if none, though i recommend putting something.
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here
 — write here

password — if any


— everything that don't make sense makes sense when i'm with you

personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

relationship — 

feihe and zhoumi have a very casual relationship. are they dating? who knows. certainly not them. they were on the verge of dating before feihe was told she was debuting. due to a dating ban of sorts, they deciding to cool off but feihe only has eyes for zhoumi and likewise, it seems zhoumi shows no interest in anyone but feihe. 

they hang out a lot and are often found texting each other, referencing each other on social media, and the like. zhoumi can often be found hanging around the studio with the girls, 

history — 

feihe and zhoumi first met when feihe first moved to seoul and into the dorms provided for the trainees. together with fellow china-line member henry, they taught other trainees and idols chinese and the three of them were quick friends. 

walking into the room designated for book studies, feihe was told to arrive early in the morning and did not give herself enough time to get fully primped up; she was stuck in a teenie weenie brand sweatshirt, high-water faded jeans, tennis shoes. her hair was loose and in mad disarray and her face was bare of make-up except for her bright red lips. the other tutors were already there, as were the students, making feihe the last one in. she flushed a little at the realization and gave a curt bow. 'sorry,' she apologized. her accent was thick and hardly understandable but the others accepted and they got on with the lessons. 

after a while of studying and correcting pronunciation, the tutors decided a break would be best. the students all went to find a vending machine or water from the staff room, leaving the room they occupied quite quiet. feihe leaned back in her chair and reached for her thermos when a voice interrupted her. '你好啊*,' he said and feihua looked up. the boy was tall - all legs and nose and not much else. but he smiled wide and genuine and it was charming enough. '觉得我们还没认识对不对?我叫周觅啊,你叫什么名字呢?**'

'我叫郑霏荷***' she responded slowly, glad to speak her own language again.

zhoumi grinned at her, wider if at all possible. '好听耶****'

**'i don't think we've met before. i'm zhoumi, what's your name?'
***'i'm zheng feihe'
****'such a pretty name"

other — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 



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