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a/n at the end




If Taehyung had known that he would end up with a wet, nervous Jimin in his arms, he probably would have booked a ticket to the world’s most remote island. Anything to get as far away as he could from the writhing, slippery definition of temptation named Park Jimin. But it’s too late for that, his hands are firmly gripping Jimin chest, fingers pressing into the boy’s ribs, and Jimin has his hands clenched in Taehyung’s shirt, not letting go even after regaining his balance.


“Jimin-ah. You’re wet.”


“Huh, um.. yeah.. no umbrella..” Jimin mumbles. No sarcastic retort about Taehyung’s obvious statement? No cheesy ual innuendo? ‘He must be really sick,’ Taehyung thinks.


“Hey... c’mon..” Taehyung pulls Jimin out of the doorway, his hands tugging Jimin closer. Jimin takes one step, and then realizing his hands are still balled up in Taehyung’s shirt, blushes and releases his hold quickly, pushing away. He pushes a little too much though, and ends up awkwardly stumbling backwards. Taehyung grabs Jimin’s arm in the nick of time, almost falling himself as Jimin’s weight jerks him forward. He tugs them both away from the door, causing Jimin to fall towards his chest, breathing hard.


“Jimin-ah, it’s fine,” Taehyung says, not really knowing what he means by ‘fine.’ He wraps his hand around Jimin’s wrist and pulls the boy into the house. Jimin bites his lip but doesn’t say anything, letting Taehyung lead him to the bathroom.


Taehyung’s feet are sure, and he treads softly through Jimin’s house. He doesn’t bother turning on the hallway lights and instead maneuvers through the dark easily, turning into the bathroom. Taehyung flicks the light switch on without even glancing at the wall, and after gently pulling Jimin in, he opens the top drawer to pull out a towel. Jimin watches all of this silently, reminded again that this was Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. His best friend of years and years and years. Taehyung knew him better than anyone. This was fine. It was all fine. He was just tired. He just needed to sleep, and when he woke up, it would all be okay. Everyone gets a little confused sometimes. Right?


Jimin repeats this over and over in his mind, making his way to the shower.


‘It’ll be okay,’ he thinks. ‘It’s all going to be o--’


He jumps at the feeling of Taehyung’s hands dragging his wet shirt up.


“Taehyung, wh-what are you doing?!” He yelps, spinning around to face his equally flustered friend.


“Aren’t you going to take a shower?” Taehyung asks, low voice mixed with confusion.


“Yes.” Taehyung’s mouth quirks up into an amused smile.


“Yah, last time I checked, you have to take your clothes off before you get in the shower, Jiminnie,” Taehyung smirks. Jimin opens his mouth, mind blan

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ParkerDanielleXi #1
Chapter 6: I cant access the epilogue :A:
Chapter 6: Why can't I access the Epilogue?
Ailinh #3
Chapter 5: Is it bad that I wanted a sort of scene.
Blue82 #4
Chapter 5: I LOVE this. It was beautifully crafted.
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 5: Just found this beautiful fanfic
And lil bid hope here too chap when Tae back from sweden
Chapter 5: Awwwww. This is too cute and adorable. Vmin ♡♡♡♡♡