reveal two


Haneul should have been on the way to the studio to record her first interview. But she couldn’t bring herself to go until she got to talk to her best friend. So Haneul knocked on the door of the recording studio before poking in her head. She noticed Hanbin and Bobby were seated and had looked over at the door at the sound of her knocking.

    “Haneul, don’t you have to go shoot for your show today?” Bobby questioned.

    “Yeah, and I’m on my way but first…” Haneul trailed off as she looked over at Hanbin, locking eyes with him.

    “I can take a hint,” Bobby said and Hanbin tried to object, knowing what Bobby was getting at but he had already dashed out the door. 

    Hanbin smiled at Haneul as he tried to clean up the space around him.

    “Don’t bother cleaning up for me,” Haneul spoke as she took a seat in what had been Bobby’s chair. “I just wanted to see you really quick before I left.”

    “Are you nervous?” Hanbin asked. 

    “I’m so nervous. I figure out who I’m paired with and I’m going to be acting along side an idol and I just really wanna do good.”

    “You will,” Hanbin assured. He turned around and grabbed his can of pringles, holding it to Haneul. “A chip for the road?”

    And although Haneul appreciated the offer she had to decline.

    “Thanks for letting me talk to you real quick. You know, seeing my best friend really helps things out. I really should go though so I’m not late on my first day.”

    “Before you go, can I just tell you…” Hanbin was cut off by the sound of Haneul’s phone going off. It was an alarm, letting her know that if she didn’t leave know she would be screwed. 

    “Let’s talk more after I get back,” Haneul suggested. She gave Hanbin a quick hug before running out of the room. Bobby wished her luck as she passed and she thanked him as she continued to make her way out. 

    In the car, Haneul received a text form Hanbin, assuring her once more of how great she was going to do. Thanks to Hanbin, Haneul definitely felt more confident going into the interview. She thought everything was going well and then it came time to announce who she would be paired with. Haneul was nervous and there was no hiding it. And she never expected to hear a name that she knew; one that she had a past with. Mark Tuan.

    “Oh, of GOT7?” She took a second to process this information. It seemed to fit. They were both from LA so why not pair the foreigners together. 

    The interview wrapped up and Haneul looked around, wondering if she would run into Mark now or not. She ended up asking the director if he would be in or not.

    “Mark is busy with other things so we won’t have him in until later. You can officially meet him before we film your meeting for the show.”

    Haneul nodded and thanked the director and all the staff before heading back to the YG building. She wondered what it was going to be like to see Mark after all this time. How would he react to seeing her? If she didn't already have enough going on in her mind, Hanbin dropped some news on her that she didn’t see coming. 

    “I’m going to be on the show, too.”



And the second reveal is here!! Congrats to _november for being the second chosen! I'm revealing one more person and then I've picked someone else to be a part of the cast as an extra. So we won't get to see everything they go through as far as their drama but they will be on the show! I believe I gave a rather big hint as to who one of those people are. But yeah I hope that I've done Hanuel justice so far!

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iisMoMo #1
Chapter 9: YEY i will sent in my character again!
Chapter 9: im definitely redoing my app
Chapter 9: oh my, welcome back! maybe i'll have a chance to turn in an app this time HAHA
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november!!! And to iisMoMo ^^

Omg ㅠㅠ Hanbin is going to be in the show too!! This will be a good read xD
Chapter 8: Congrats to Aerin and Haneul~ xD
Good luck with them with their past dramas hahaha
Chapter 8: heol heol heol heol
gasps much drama bc hanbins on the
show too omg i read her app and omg
so drama but omg i get jealous easily omg
Chapter 8: Lemme just
Chapter 8: Congrats to _november~
This one is also with a past met again.
Wow hanbin is in too
Good luck with the both of them OnO

Im guessing one of them is iisMoMo's congrats to her too ^^
iisMoMo #9
Chapter 8: Hanbin on the show too!? oh lord......thats gonna be some CRAZY drama
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november and IisMomo!

I wonder how Mark will react and Haneul's reaction when she sees Hanbin's interaction with his Tv Love. I'm sure it's going to be interesting ^^ And lol, so considerate of Bobby xD