teaser two


Areum stood there in the YG practice room, looking at Jinhwan. The hype and excitement she felt moments ago had faded and was now replaced with nerves and worry. Jinhwan hadn’t said a single thing since she came into the room and told him and the other members about her first acting job on a brand new reality show, My Idol Love. The others had congratulated her but Jinhwan had merely stood there, causing the others to give the two some time alone.

    “Why haven’t you said anything? You’re excited for me right?” Areum questioned.

    “Of course I’m excited,” Jinhwan assured as he took Areum’s hands in his. “I’m just a little confused is all. And not because I didn’t think you’d ever make it but you said it’s a reality show. Why are you going to be on a… reality dating show?”

    Areum moved the two to sit down on the bench.

    “You’re my boyfriend and that’s not going to change. This is just a chance for me to act. You hear that? Act. Yes, it’s a reality show but the producers explained it all to me.” Areum locked her fingers with Jinhwan’s. “It’s being promoted like a reality show but it’s all scripted. I’m not really going to date this guy.”

    And Jinhwan nodded as he smiled. 

    “In that case, I’m rooting on you to do well and know you will.”

    Areum smiled as she rested her head on Jinhwan’s shoulder. The moment didn’t last long as two seconds later the other members of iKON came back into the room. Following in behind them was none other than the CEO himself. He was aware of Jinhwan and Areum’s relationship but the two still scooted away and let go of each other as they greeted the CEO.

    “I have some good news for you boys,” he spoke. “Along with your official debut, I have signed you up for another show.”

    The only show most of the boys had experienced where survival shows, so it made sense that the news made them tense up.

    “What show would this be?” Hanbin questioned.

    “It’s a dating show. I figured I owe you guys so I’m giving you the chance to date freely on screen.”

    “We’re all going to be on it?” Jinhwan asked. He looked over at Areum who was on the same page as him. YG had signed them up for the same show.

    “They’re asking for a variety of idols so I put down all your names. I’m not sure how many of you will be picked but at least one of you should be able to experience a relationship. Now, you guys should get back to practicing.”

    Once he was gone, everyone turned to Areum.

    “Is one of us possibly going to have to, you know, date you?” Junhwe questioned.

    Areum wouldn’t know until she went in for her first official interview who she would be paired with. She merely shrugged at the question as Jinhwan went to take her hand, a subtle reminder to s that she was his girlfriend. Jinhwan didn't know which would be worse: Areum paired with someone from his group or Areum paired with an idol he didn't even know. 

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iisMoMo #1
Chapter 9: YEY i will sent in my character again!
Chapter 9: im definitely redoing my app
Chapter 9: oh my, welcome back! maybe i'll have a chance to turn in an app this time HAHA
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november!!! And to iisMoMo ^^

Omg ㅠㅠ Hanbin is going to be in the show too!! This will be a good read xD
Chapter 8: Congrats to Aerin and Haneul~ xD
Good luck with them with their past dramas hahaha
Chapter 8: heol heol heol heol
gasps much drama bc hanbins on the
show too omg i read her app and omg
so drama but omg i get jealous easily omg
Chapter 8: Lemme just
Chapter 8: Congrats to _november~
This one is also with a past met again.
Wow hanbin is in too
Good luck with the both of them OnO

Im guessing one of them is iisMoMo's character..so congrats to her too ^^
iisMoMo #9
Chapter 8: Hanbin on the show too!? oh lord......thats gonna be some CRAZY drama
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november and IisMomo!

I wonder how Mark will react and Haneul's reaction when she sees Hanbin's interaction with his Tv Love. I'm sure it's going to be interesting ^^ And lol, so considerate of Bobby xD