reveal one


The interview wrapped up and once the director called cut, Aerin let out a huge sigh. She got up from the chair and stood there, a bit baffled. How was this possible? Of all people they could pair her with how did she end up with—

    “Oh, Aerin?”

    At the sound of his voice, Aerin’s head snapped toward the door. There she saw none other than the leader of seventeen himself: Choi Seungcheol. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. All Aerin wanted was to get out of there but Seungcheol blocked her path. 

    “Are you my partner?” he asked.

    “It looks like it,” Aerin spoke. An awkward silence followed as Seungcheol stood there cluelessly and Aerin desperately waited for him to move out of the way. Why wasn’t he moving?

    “Look, I’m sorry about…”

    “Can we talk later? I actually have somewhere I need to be.” 

    Ever since he broke her heart, Aerin wanted nothing to do with Seungcheol. Now she was going to have to act like she didn’t hate him— and on tv for the world to see. This was really going to prove how good of an actress she was. 

    “I’m sorry,”  Seungcheol spoke again before moving out of the way and letting Aerin past.     

     As she headed back home, everything came back to her. The pain she felt when Seungcheol didn’t accept her. The hurt and betrayal when she discovered he’d asked out Juni, who was supposed to be her best friend. Aerin wouldn’t forgive Seungcheol anytime soon. However, for the sake of her career and the show, Aerin would do her best to get along with him.

    Aerin was too caught up in her thoughts that she had forgotten that Mingyu had agreed to stop by to hear about her first day of filming. She was taken aback by the boy who was waiting in the living room of her dorm. 

    “So what did you do today?” Mingyu questioned. He resembled an eager puppy and Aerin felt her mood brighten at the sight.

    “It was just my first interview today. And I not only figured out who I’m paired with but… I ran into him as I was leaving.”

    Mingyu clapped excitedly until he realized that Aerin wasn’t enthused herself. Aerin rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Mingyu and explained her day to him. From the interview and how well it went to seeing  Seungcheol as she was going to leave. 

    “Could you… ask for someone else?” Mingyu suggested.

    “All the couples are set. And if I asked for a change to be made I’m pretty sure they’d pick the known and loved idol over the nobody actress.”

    Suddenly Mingyu put his arm around Aerin in an attempt to comfort her. 

    “Hey, you won’t be a nobody for long. Before you know it you’re going to be a big star and everyone is going to want you to star in their movies.”

    Aerin smiled at Mingyu, thankful to have a friend like him in her life. He always knew how to brighten her day up and make her feel better when she was down. And if she had to go through this show with Seungcheol, she was thankful that she had Mingyu by her side to support her.



Hello everyone! The first chosen applicant has finally been announced. I've decided to announce everyone with a short little drabble as I try to get a feel for writing all your characters. Congrats to Xion09 for being the first chosen and I hope I've done Aerin justice so far! Also iKON finally have an official mv and I am emotional and their debut just has me emotional bye. And Seventeen's comeback omg.

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deadline has arrived and i have updated the reviews!


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iisMoMo #1
Chapter 9: YEY i will sent in my character again!
Chapter 9: im definitely redoing my app
Chapter 9: oh my, welcome back! maybe i'll have a chance to turn in an app this time HAHA
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november!!! And to iisMoMo ^^

Omg ㅠㅠ Hanbin is going to be in the show too!! This will be a good read xD
Chapter 8: Congrats to Aerin and Haneul~ xD
Good luck with them with their past dramas hahaha
Chapter 8: heol heol heol heol
gasps much drama bc hanbins on the
show too omg i read her app and omg
so drama but omg i get jealous easily omg
Chapter 8: Lemme just
Chapter 8: Congrats to _november~
This one is also with a past met again.
Wow hanbin is in too
Good luck with the both of them OnO

Im guessing one of them is iisMoMo's congrats to her too ^^
iisMoMo #9
Chapter 8: Hanbin on the show too!? oh lord......thats gonna be some CRAZY drama
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november and IisMomo!

I wonder how Mark will react and Haneul's reaction when she sees Hanbin's interaction with his Tv Love. I'm sure it's going to be interesting ^^ And lol, so considerate of Bobby xD