
 go areum / 20 / jo eunhee
jimin / jinhwan / jiminniexiuminnie
this is where the reviews will go but this is my character. i will do my best to give everyone good reviews!
status : chosen (mine)
 jo haein / 22 / snsd taeyeon
jackson / mino / delusionalexotic
hi raven! firt off, thank you for being the first to apply to my story! overall i enjoyed reading your app. and yes mino (winner)  isn't on the list because i put the main groups that i'm currently into and are familiar with. however i do like mino and you gave me the information i needed so i'll accept him as your love interest. there where a few things needing fixing but it's mostly my fault because  i didn't realize the smaller box doesn't scroll so it cut off part of your app.  i've updated the app so you can fix it.  there wasn't really anything else i saw that needed to be fixed so once you fix my mess up you should be good!
status : accepted
 moon aerin / 17 / sera
seungcheol / mingyu / xion09
hi sab! can i just say oooh drama i love it. i just love her history with seungcheol and how she'll have to deal with him in her life again. i also like the relationship she has going on with mingyu. this whole traingle would be a good one! i didn't see anything needing fixing so you're good. thank you so much applying!
status : chosen
 Han jooyeon / 24 / Park seul
sunggyu / woohyun / whutever09
Hi sam! i'll start off answering your question and tell you the plan was for evryone to end up with their real love. But that's a good thought and maybe some might end up with their tv love a the end? i guess it would all depend on their storyline! onto your app now. I really liked the part where you mentioned how she wanted to be a part of the movies that brought her favorite books to life. I thought that was cool. And i like how she meets woohyun and ends up being close to him. overall i liked your app and saw nothing that needed fixing. so thank you for applying!
status : Accepted
 park jaerin / 18 / lee seungkyung
yoongi / jingoo / lee_kairi
hi kai! ok first off i love how jaerin is having trouble with jingoo and how the roles sort of reverse and its him being jealous now. Drama! i like all the details in the app and the fanart you included for the scene suggestions killed me haha. i don't really have anything that i need you to fix so you're good. thank you for applying to my story!
status : accepted
 ahn jaemi / 20 / seolhyun
hanbin / junior / iismomo
hi momo! okay so i'm not going to lie i cracked up when she said didn't know who hanbin was. and i like that she's a brat; it would be interesting to write. also for the "jaemi getting into an arguement with one of the girls" i could see her arguing with my girl. i didn't see anything that needed fixing so you're good! Thank you for applying!
status : accepted
 kang haneul / 19 / baek sumin
mark / hanbin / _november
hi bri! so omg the drama is real with mark. and then you throw hanbin into the mix and the drama increases aha. and i like how  she has that phase were she is conflicted between the two. i also liked the little mention of my character it made me happy.  I just really enjoyed your app and I see nothing that needs any fixing. thank you so much for applying!
status : chosen
 hwa jinkyeong / 21 / oh eun kyung
myungsoo / mark / sanasn
hi sana! i read this when you sent it but i'm only getting to do your review now sorry. but omg this detail. for your suggestions you put mark being protective and the thought gives me feels okay. also that is some tragic background. i don't really have much else to say except thank you for applying and you don't need to fix anything!
status : accepted
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deadline has arrived and i have updated the reviews!


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iisMoMo #1
Chapter 9: YEY i will sent in my character again!
Chapter 9: im definitely redoing my app
Chapter 9: oh my, welcome back! maybe i'll have a chance to turn in an app this time HAHA
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november!!! And to iisMoMo ^^

Omg ㅠㅠ Hanbin is going to be in the show too!! This will be a good read xD
Chapter 8: Congrats to Aerin and Haneul~ xD
Good luck with them with their past dramas hahaha
Chapter 8: heol heol heol heol
gasps much drama bc hanbins on the
show too omg i read her app and omg
so drama but omg i get jealous easily omg
Chapter 8: Lemme just
Chapter 8: Congrats to _november~
This one is also with a past met again.
Wow hanbin is in too
Good luck with the both of them OnO

Im guessing one of them is iisMoMo's congrats to her too ^^
iisMoMo #9
Chapter 8: Hanbin on the show too!? oh lord......thats gonna be some CRAZY drama
Chapter 8: Congratulations to _november and IisMomo!

I wonder how Mark will react and Haneul's reaction when she sees Hanbin's interaction with his Tv Love. I'm sure it's going to be interesting ^^ And lol, so considerate of Bobby xD