Circus de Amour

Circus de Amour

Chapter 6

Song: Dreaming with a broken heart- John Mayer




"Yoona you have to introduce me to Jay oppa."

"No introduce me!"

"Yah! Yah! Yah! I'm the one that needs to be introduce...."

"What? Why you?"

I some how managed to sneak out of the group of mad girls and quietly run away to safety.

"Yoona!" i flinched at the sudden sound of my name being yelled, but quickly calmed down when i saw that it was Luna calling me. "What's with you?"

I shook my head. "Everyone has been coming up to me and asking me to...."

"Introduce them to that Jay guy?" Amber jumped out from behind Luna. I nodded. "Why can't they just do it themselves?"

"They're shy." Luna explained as we followed her into the medical trailer.

"Well then why ask Yoona to do it?" She asked. "Why not go ask one of the girls that's already talked to him?"

"Competition." Luna simply stated. "None of the girls are going to willingly introduce another girl to the guy that they have their eyes on." She opened the door and let us in. "And Yoona is the only person who can never say no."

"I can say no." i suddenly spoke up. Luna raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "I just never had to say it." I lowered my voice a bit.

"I guess i see your point." Amber sighed sitting down on a stool. "So what do you have planned for the day Yoona?"

I sighed and pulled out a stool to sit on. "I don't know."

"You're bored already?" she asked. "How long have you been on your break?"

"4 days." i answered.

"You still have a little over a week left of your time off." she pointed out. "And that's if Big Boss says your hands are fully healed and you can get back to practicing."

I frowned a little as soon as the thought of my hands not being healed by the end of the two weeks Kangta gave me off. "Don't worry Yoona." Luna placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure that your hands will be healed in no time."

"I hope so." i sighed. "So do you have anything for me to do?"

"Sorry." Luna shook her head.

"Have you asked Henry?" Amber asked. "Maybe you can help him feed the animals."

I shook my head. "I already helped him."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Luna was the one to answer. "Yes?"

"Is Yoona in here?" a voice asked.

"Uhh, yeah." She looked away from the door and straight at me. "Yoona." I got off of the seat and walked over to see who was asking for me.

"Yes?" I found myself staring back at Jay, the last person i wanted to see. "Is something wrong Jay-shii?"

"No." he waited for me to react.

"........ok.....Is there something i can help you in?" i asked again hoping his answer would be the same as the last.

"You are in charge of me until i get use to this place, right?" he said. I nodded. "Then i need you to come with me and keep me company while i get something's done. I don't really know all of your rules so i would hate to break one of them."

I nodded and looked back at the girls. "I guess i'll be see you guys later." I bowed and followed Jay. "What rules are you afraid you might break?" I asked after a while of following behind him.

He stopped at looked at me. "Are we free to leave the circus?"

"You'd have to ask Kangta first." i said. "But if it's a good reason he'll let you go where you want." He just nodded his head and continued to stand there and think. "..... Is there anything else?"

"You sound like you don't want to be around me." he raised an eyebrow. I was starting to miss the lack of expression he had. "Did i do something to upset you?"

"Not at all." i shook my head. "It's just i'd hate to take up your time. I know that Kangta is keeping everyone busy and..."

"So you're not upset that i called you pathetic the other day?" he asked. There was no way that i was going to get use to his bluntness. I shook my head slowly and he continued to stare at me. After a few minutes of silence i started to feel uncomfortable.

"I-is something wrong?" i asked.

"No." he finally turned around and started walking away. I slightly ran to catch up with him. "I have no need for you anymore." He said without stopping or looking at me. I stopped and watched him walk away.

I sighed and turned back around. "Yoona." Minho suddenly came running towards me. "Hey." He looked passed me. "You were talking with that show off?"

"He asked me for help." i answered. As i looked at Minho i couldn't help but notice he was slightly red and a little out of breath. "Is everything ok?"

"Huh? Yeah." He looked back at me. "Why wouldn't i be?" He placed his arms around my waist and pulled me in.

I placed my hand on his cheek. "You're red... and hot." i pointed out. He moved his head away from my touch. "Minho."

"I'm fine." he said. "Just a little tired from running around all day." For some odd reason i felt as if he being completely honest with me. "What were you up to?"

I sighed. "I helped feed the animals and..."

"Yoona." i was suddenly interrupted.

"What do you want." Minho suddenly frowned. His grip became tighter around my waist.

"I believe i was talking to Yoona." Jay looked straight at me.

"We were in the middle of a conversation." Minho glared.

Jay, as usual, paid no attention to him. "I'll be waiting for you over there." he turned and started walking away.

"I thought you finished talking to that guy." he looked at me like i was the one to blame.

"He asked for my help and then suddenly said that he didn't need me." I explained. "I don't know what he might need now."

Minho shook his head. "I don't like that guy one bit. He think he owns the place when he just arrived a couple of days ago."

I sighed and pinched his cheeks. "Don't worry about him oppa." i gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I don't like him asking you for help." he frowned.

"Kangta appa told me that i had to help him until he felt comfortable." I moved the hairs on his forehead.

"Yoona." Jay called out.

"She's going!" Minho yelled.

I pinched his cheeks once more. "Aigoo oppa. Be patient with him. He's new here and we need to make him feel welcome."

"Ordering my girlfriend around isn't good start." He frowned. "I'll see you for lunch?" I nodded and he kissed my nose before walking away.

I ran up to Jay. "Did you need me for something?"

He looked past me and after while he looked down at me and sighed. "Yes." And with that he turned around and motioned for me to follow him.

I could feel everyone staring at me as i followed Jay to his trailer. He opened the door and stepped inside. The glares only increased at that point, so i stayed outside. It took him a while to notice i didn't go in with him. "You coming?"

I shook my head. "I'll just wait out here for you."


"I.... I just don't think it's a good idea for me to..." he reached out for my wrist and pulled me inside. He closed the door and headed to his part of the trailer. "W-what do you need me for?" i asked.

"Sit." he ordered. I looked around and sat on the nearest seat that wasn't covered with paint stained clothes. "My roomate sometimes get inspiration in the middle of the nights and forgets to clean up after himself." He explained.

"It's fine." i tucked my hands together in between my legs to keep them warm. He offered me something to drink and i kindly declined. He sat down across from me and stared at me for a while. "Uhh, you said you needed me for..."

"I want you to tell me a bit about the people that work here." he cut me off. "Obviously i've gotten to know Jonghyun because he's my roomate, but i want to know a bit about the others."

"Haven't you been spending time with them during these..."

"Yes, but it's always the same group of girls that surround me." he stated. "And they don't really carry a conversation."

"Ok." i sat up straight. "Is there anyone in particular you...."

"Your boyfriend." He said quickly. "His character interest me." He chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Though it obvious he dislikes me, i would like to know what he's like." I looked down at my hands. "What? Don't you have anything to say about him."

I shook my head. "What do you want to know?"

He shrugged and leaned back in his seat. "Anything." I stayed quiet. He was starting to get impatient. "Ok, what about that girl that is always bugging me. I think her name was Tangerine?"

"Taeyeon." i corrected. "Her friends call her Taengoo." He formed an 'o' with his mouth and nodded. "She's amazing." I smiled. "She's the best singer at this circus. She's one of the..."

"Is she nice?" he asked suddenly. He leaned in and tilted his head to the side. "Do you like her?"

I blinked once and nodded. "She's really talented and..."

"That's not what i asked Yoona." he leaned back and turned his head to the side. "Tell me about the others."

I cleared my throat. "Any one in particular you want me to... tell you about." He shook his head. "Well Taemin, Sulli, and Krystal are the youngest in the circus. Krystal is very hard working, Sulli is the sweetest girl you can come across, and Taemin... well he wants so badly to be grown up." I smiled. "The popular group here is Taeyeon, Victoria, Sunny, Tiffany, Changmin, Jessica, Siwon, Minho, Key, Donghae, and ZouMi."

"What are they like?" he asked.

"Taeyeon is sort of the leader for us girls." i said. "And Yunho oppa is the overall leader. He keeps us in check when Kangta is busy." i explained. "Victoria unnie and ZhouMi are a couple. Tiffany unnie and Siwon oppa have an on and off thing going on."

"But they're all stuck up...aren't they." He raised an eyebrow. I shook my head. "None of them are your friends, are they."

"They are." i said as i wiggled uncomfortably in my seat.

"Is that so?" I nodded. "So you expect me to believe that Taeyeon and the rest of them are friends with you?" I nodded again. "Is that why they make side comments about you as you pass, and don't acknowledge you when..."

"I..." He stopped talking and started at me.

"Yes?" I took a deep breath and shook me head. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Tell me about your best friends."

"Luna and Amber?" i asked.

"Yeah, those two."

"They're incredible." i smiled. "Amber is tough and speaks her mind. Luna is always helpful." He nodded and motioned for me to continue. "It's easy to get along with Luna because she's always calm about everything. Amber is a bit more difficult but once she gets to know you... she's just as kind and caring as Luna."

"They seem like losers to me." he breathed out.


"It doesn't look like they have much friends." he dusted his pants off. "It's always just the two of them. Everyone else seems to have their own..."

"I think i should go." i stood up.

He mimicked my action. "Why? Did i upset you?"

I avoided eye contact. "You shouldn't talk about people you don't know." I stated calm manner. "If your really curious about the people here then why don't you get to know them." I bowed. "Excuse me." i walked out without looking back. I couldn't hide the fact that he made me upset, and i couldn't help but feel that it was his intention all along.

He was constantly cutting me off when i was speaking. Asking me the people here and what i thought of them. Obviously knowing that i'm not the most popular around here. He called me pathetic and asked if i was upset about it. Something is not right with him.

"Yoona?" I jumped as i heard my name being called. "You ok?" I nodded while placing my hand over my chest. "How's your hand?"

"Fine." i answered.

"You look upset. Are you sure your ok?"

I nodded. "I'm fine Yunho oppa. I was just thinking." He started walking with me.

"About what?" he asked. "I saw you coming out of Jay's trailer. Does he have something to do with it?"

"He just..." i bit my tongue in order to keep my cool. "He just asked me about everyone here, but it seems like he didn't really listen to what i had to say."

"Is that so?" I nodded. "Well i guess he just had no patience or manners." He smiled. "Don't worry about him. I'll have a talk with him and introduce him to everyone."

I bowed. "Thank you oppa."

"Hyung." Changmin ran up to him. "Oh... Yoona."

"What is it now?" Yunho asked. "Is Big Boss calling for me."

"Yeah." Changmin nodded. "He looks a little worried."

"Duty calls." Yunho smiled as he looked at me. "Try not to worry so much Yoona." He advised before running off.

"Something wrong?" Changmin asked, taking a step towards me. I took a step back and shook my head. "Yunho just said..."

"Unnie!" Sulli squealed from a distance. Jumping up and down while waving her arms in the air. "Unnie!"

"I have to go." i bowed and ran towards the eager little girl. "What is it Sulli? Are you ok?"

She nodded happily. "I just won the bet i had with Taemin." She giggled. "Guess what i'm having him do." I shrugged while smiling at how happy she looked. "I'm making him give me piggie back rides for a whole week."

"Really." She nodded her head happily. "He can't be too happy about that."

"Of course i'm not happy about it." Taemin suddenly appeared with a frown. "Have you ever tried carrying her? She ways a ton."

"Yah!" She screamed at him. "Be nice."

"The bet was that i carry you. Not to be nice." He stuck his tongue out. "Noona, tell her that carrying her will ruin me. I have to be in the best shape for the circus."

"Blah. Blah. Blah." Sulli rolled her eyes. "You whine too much. If i were the one who lost the bet you would tell me to honor my promise because it's the mature thing to do." She shook her head. "What would have been my punishment anyways?" She asked.

He smiled. "A kiss."

"Eh?!" she screamed.

He started walking away. "A kiss, Sulli. Grown ups kiss you know."

She shook her head. "How many times are we going to go through this Taemin. You. Are. Not. A. Grown. Up."



Relax Im Yoona. Relax.

I continued to tell myself that as i let the water from the shower head above hit me. There was nothing for me to do. Luna didn't need help with anything and Henry was busy with a sick horse. I decided to skip dinner, so Amber suggested that i take a long hot shower to get me relax and then i'd be able to sleep better, but for some reason i couldn't relax.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Steam flew out as i opened the bathroom door. "I should have prepared my clothes before i took my shower." i sighed as i hugged the towel closer to my body. I looked at the time and saw it was a little past curfew. "Hot chocolate will help me get some sleep."

I grabbed the kettle, filled it with water, and placed it on the stove to heat. Cookies. I quickly started to look through my cabinets. "Eh? I know i had some in here." I continued to search through my things.

"We finished them during the sleep over, remember." i fell to the floor and gripped the towel with all my might so it wouldn't fall off. "Oh, you ok?"

I laid flat on the floor, trying to calm my breathing. "You scared me oppa." Minho chuckled as he walked over to me.

"Are you going to stay there?" he asked.

"Yes." i frowned and looked away from him.

"You do realize that your in just a towel, right?" he pointed out and i instantly held out my hand for him to help me up.

"What are you do...." He had that look on his face. That tired looked that came with staying up all night from nightmares. His forehead was wet from sweat and his eyes were wet and puffy. "Sit down and i'll be right out." He nodded.

This only happened once a year.

I played with his hair as he rested his head on my legs. He finally fell asleep after a couple of hours of crying. He held onto my left hand while he slept, it was a way to make sure i wouldn't leave him. My door suddenly opened.

"How is he?" Kangta asked as he closed the door behind him.

I smiled. "He finally fell asleep."

"I was so busy with everything that i forgot that today was..."

I nodded. "I did too." I looked back down at him. How could i have missed the signs? The way he was on edge. The fact that he was always out of breath and looked tired. How could i forget that today was the anniversary of when his mother left him. "I'm the worst."

"No your not Yoona." a tear slipped from my eyes. "Everyone forgets." He tried to comfort me. "It's normal to forget things."

"But...." i shook my head as i stared at a helpless sleeping Minho. "I'm his girlfriend." I looked up at Kangta. "How could i forget this day?"

He stepped forward and lifted Minho up so i could stand up then placed him back down on the couch. He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Yoona, look at me." he ordered. "These things happen, ok?" I nodded.

"I'll go get some blankets." i said as i rushed to my room and grabbed a couple of blankets to cover Minho with.

"Umma." he started to call out softly. "Umma."

"I'm here Minho." i answered him as i placed a blanket over him.

"Don't leave me umma." tears started to fall from his eyes.

"I won't leave you Minho." I grabbed his hand. "I'm right here." His cries slowly started to fade and he was calmly sleeping again. I sighed as i moved his hair out of his face.

"Poor kid." Kangta whispered.

"It's always better to talk back to him when he has these outburst." i said. "They calm him down." Kangta nodded. "You should go get some rest. I'll stay with Minho."

He stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Call me if you need help with anything." I nodded. "I mean it Yoona. Don't try to be brave and try to do everything on your own."

"I understand." He kissed my forehead. "Good night Kangta appa."

"Good night Yoona."

I walked Kangta to the door and headed over to the lamp to turn it off. "Yoona." i almost missed him calling for me. I turned to look at him before i turned of the lamp. He was sadly looking back at me.

"I was just turning off the lights Minho." i said. He shifted a little and patted down so i could lay with him. I nodded and switched the light off, then headed over to him. He said nothing and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body. I waited for him to fall asleep first before closing my eyes.

The sun light hit me right in the face and i cringed at the sudden brightness. Groaning as i turned away from the bright rays. I half expected for Minho to say something or pull me closer to him, but instead i felt a soft fluffy cushion in his place. I opened my eyes and saw a pillow in his place. I sat up and looked around my trailer to see if he was still inside. "Stupid." i said referring to myself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did i fall asleep?"

I ran out of the trailer searching for Minho. "Yo Yoona." Onew smiled as he passed by. "Looking for someone?"

"Minho." i answered a little desperately.

He thought for a while and shook his head. "I haven't seen him. Sorry."

Where in the world can he be? Rushing pass everyone to head over to his trailer i suddenly bumped into someone. "Sorry." i bowed instantly without looking up at who it was.

"What's the hurry?" It was then that i realized that it was Jay.

"I'm looking for Minho. Have you seen him?" i asked while looking around. There was no sign of him anywhere. I just needed to know that he was ok.

He shook his head. "I'll help you look for him if you want."

"No." i answered. "That's fine." i continued to head to his trailer, but on my way there i saw him with Taemin, Sulli, and Krystal. He was laughing along with them and chatting away as if last night never happened. He didn't notice me. None of them did.

"Found him?" Jay asked from behind me. I nodded and let out a sigh of relief and turned around to leave.

"Noona!" Taemin called out just as i took my first step. I turned around and smiled. He ran up to me and laughed. "Whoa, what happened to your hair?" I laughed and patted down his own hair. "Noona, do you think you can make me some more coffee today?"

"I don't...."

"Please." he pleaded, clapping his hands together and stuck out his lower lip. "I really liked the way you made it that morning and i've been craving it for a while now...." He looked behind him and leaned in. "And i really want to rub it in Sulli and Krystal's faces."

I laughed. "Fine. I'll make you a small cup of coffee."

"Yay." he jumped up. "Your the best." He turned around, running to them as he yelled. "HEY GUESS WHAT!!!!"

"Tsk." As i turned around i bumped into Jay's chest. He looked at me and shook his head. I titled my head to the side in confusion. But he said nothing and walked away.

What was that about? I needed to make a mental note of ignoring Jay's side comments and disapproving looks, because most of the time i was clueless as to what i did to make him shake his head and give me that look. Who is he to give me disapproving looks? No. Im Yoona, you are not one to get this upset over something so... simple.

I headed back to my trailer to make Taemin his coffee. I made one for Krystal and Sulli as well, because i knew they would come and ask me for a cup as soon as Taemin was out of sight. I put caramel in Sulli's and cinnamon in Krystal's coffee. Finally, i was done and tasted each cup of coffee to make sure it wasn't too strong for them. They're still kids after all.

"Perfect." i smiled, but suddenly a thought came to me. How in the world was i going to get 3 cups of coffee out to them? "Aish." i hit myself in the head. "What do i do?" I opened the door to my trailer and looked for someone who was passing by... someone that would help. Victoria unnie will just scold me for feeding Sulli and Krystal coffee. Taeyeon unnie is to preoccupied with the mirror. Donghae oppa... there's no use there. Ah! Onew oppa!

"Onew oppa." i waved him over.

"What is it Yoona?" He smiled while approaching me.

"Can you help me get these to Taemin, Sulli, and Krystal?" i asked as i motioned to the cups on the counter.

"Sure." he nodded.

"Thank you." i rushed in and handed him a cup then held the other two. He, however, took another one from me.

"Your hands need to heal, remember." he laughed as he walked ahead of me looking for the three younger ones.

"Oh!" Taemin smiled as soon as he saw me. "My coffee." he skipped over to me and i handed him his cup. "Thank you noona." he walked over to show the girls. "Look what i have."

"Show off." Krystal rolled her eyes.

"These are for you two." Onew smiled.

"The caramel one is Sulli and the cinnamon one is for Krystal." I said before he just handed them a random one.

"Really?" Sulli smiled while clapping her hands together. Onew finally handed them the right one and she took a sip. "Mmmm, it's really good." Krystal nodded with a wide smile.

Taemin walked over to me and frowned. "Why did you make them one too?"

"Be nice Taemin." i patted his head. "Besides i gave them flavored coffee." He tilted his head not really understanding what i meant. "Only mature people drink regular coffee." The smile on his face quickly reappeared and he continued to happily drink his coffee.

"Yah, Taemin. Sulli." Krystal yelled. "We should really get going before Big Boss notices we've been on break for a over 15 minutes. Bye Yoona unnie and thank you for the coffee." they all bowed and walked away.

"They're trying to grow up to quick, don't you think." Onew nudged me. I nodded. "Well it's back to work for me."

I bowed to him as he walked away. "Thank you Onew oppa." I turned around and was nearly knocked down, but thankfully i was pulled up by my arm.

"Whoa there... be more careful Yoona." Kangta dusted me off. "I can't have you getting hurt again."


"So, how's life?" He asked as we walked side by side. "Yunho agreed to take over for an hour so i could have some free time to talk to you." He cleared his throat. "How's Minho?"

"Huh? Oh he's fine i guess." i answered.

"You guess?"

"Well..." I sighed. "I woke up and he was gone, so i went out to look for him and he was talking with Taemin, Sulli, and Krystal. He was laughing and playing around with them so i just let him be."

"I see." he sighed. "So you haven't talked to him since last night?" i shook my head. "So how are your hands?"

I raised them in the air so he could see. "Fine." i answered.

"Have you been using the cream Luna advised you to put on before bed?" i nodded. "How has that been working for you? I can ask her to look for something else that will be more effective."

I shook my head. "No, it's been working fine. The scars seem to be fading and with the time off that you've given me they seem to be healing a lot faster."

"I see what your trying to do Yoona." he laughed at me. "And there's no way that your going to convince me to remove days from your time off." I lowered my head. "But nice try." I sighed. "And hows Jay doing? Is he fitting in ok?"

I nodded. "He still has some problems with some of the guys, but no problem at all with the girls."

He laughed. "Is that so. Well i figured he would have trouble making friends with the guys. But you'll be helping him out so i'm sure in no time he will be just like everyone else and no longer the new guy. What do you think of him?"


"Is he nice? Shy? Mean? A bully? Do you think he'll adjust well?" Kangta asked hopefully.

"I...uhh..." I didn't know what to say so i just nodded.

"That's not much of an answer Yoona." he frowned. "Is that a yes to he's nice or a yes to he's a bully?"

"He's...." i couldn't find the right words to describe him. "mysterious."

"How so?"

"He doesn't talk much, but he asks a lot of questions." i answered. "But he and Jonghyun oppa seem to be getting along."

"That's good. That means that in no time he'll be making friends with the rest of the boys." he nodded.

"Kangta appa, do you want me to make you some coffee?" i offered. "You look a little out of energy."

"No." he shook his head. "I just had a cup earlier."


"Well, i should go check on Jay and have a small talk with him. Just to make sure everything is ok, and to go over his act. He says he has some ideas he wants to run pass me." he rubbed the top of my head. "I'll see you at lunch."

I rested my head on the table as i waited for lunch to be served. Everyone was still busy so the tables were empty. Is it possible to die from boredom? I sighed as i traced circles on the table. I wonder what's for lunch today. I hope it's not pizza again. A girl can only take so much pizza in a week and i swear i'm going to hurl if i just as so much smell...

"Yo." a voice knocked me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Key walking towards me. "You thought i was Amber didn't you." I shook my head. "Really? Hmm, and i thought my Amber imitation was really good." He sighed and sat down across from me. "I guess i need a little more practice before i go bug her with it." He took one look at me and scrunched up his face. "You look like your ready to die from boredom." I sighed and nodded my head, once again resting my chin on my hands.

"Key!" Key smiled and waved over Donghae and Siwon. "Are you done with practice?"

"Nah, but it's almost lunch time so i decided to give myself a much needed break. If Hyoyeon or Sooyoung see me they'll kill me."

"Why?" They asked.

"I told them i was going to get them water." he chuckled, causing the other two to laughing along with him. "What about you guys?"

"Tiffany is being a witch." Siwon rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. I was starting to wonder if they even realized i was here. "She started yelling at me in the middle of our practice because she said i was looking at that girl who sets up the chairs."

"Were you?" Donghae asked.

"Well yeah, but she didn't have to announce it to the world." He shook his head. "Well actually, i'm kind of glad she did because after Tiffany stormed off, the girl walked up to me and gave me a note." he smirked. Donghae nudged him and asked him to show the note.

"What's everyone doing over here?" Zhou Mi joined in on the conversation. Not once did he spare me a glance, much less acknowledge that i was currently sitting at the table. "What's this?" He took the note from Donghae. "Meet me in the main tent at 12." He raised an eyebrow. "Another one for the collection Siwon?"

"How do you know that note isn't for me?" Donghae asked.

"Because you have Seohyun." he answered. "And we all know that she would bust your balls if she as much suspected of you cheating on her."

"True." Donghae smiled.

How in the world does someone get out of a situation like this? I could just get up and leave.... but then they would notice me and think that i was listening in on their conversation. Aish. Do i just sit here and act like i'm not listening or do i just get up and leave? I contemplated over and over about what i should do and finally came to a decision. Ok, i'm going to stand up as fast as i can and run like i've never ran before. That way they'll be left with a WTF expression but think nothing of it and go back to talking.

Satisfied with my quick thinking i readied myself for the exact moment when they were all facing away from me so i could get up and run. I began the mental countdown.

"Hey." Changmin and Jessica walked up to the table, hand in hand. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Hey Yoona." Jessica waved. I bowed my head and finally noticed that all eyes were on me. Great, just what i was trying to avoid. "What are you doing here?"

"I was talking to her." Key answered. "But then these guys came over here and started being big babies and complaining about practice."

"Hey, you started it." Donghae pointed at Key.

Key rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways is practice over?"

"Yeah, Big Boss finally told us to get some lunch." Jessica answered.

"." Donghae cursed. "That is headed this way." We all turned to see who he was talking about and of course it was no other than Jay.

Siwon chuckled. "Come on man, you can't seriously still be upset over..."

"I am not upset." Donghae shot back.

"Yeah," Key said. "He's jealous."

"Am not!" Donghae yelled and looked back at Jay. "What the hell is he looking for?"

"More like who." Key raised and eyebrow and looked at me.

"I have to go." I got up from the table. "Excuse me." i bowed and tried to secretly pass Jay without him noticing me.

"Yo Yoona." Amber smiled and placed her arm over my shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"I... i was just looking for you." I lied.

"What have you been up to?" Luna asked as she linked arms with me. "Just to let you know, if no one else get hurt i will have the rest of the day to hang out with you." I smiled. "And for tomorrow i think you can help me do inventory on the medications and medicals supplies."

"Who says Yoona wants to help you with that?" Amber defended.

"I want to help." I spoke up.

"Yoona, i was trying to save you from doing boring inventory of medical supplies." Amber shook her head.

"It's a lot better than doing nothing all day." i added.

"I guess your right." Amber sighed as we reached our table. "Have you guys seen Taemin, Sulli, and Krystal?" We shook our heads. "They look like they had a truck load of sugar. Victoria was so upset with them...." She laughed. "best 10 minutes of my life."

"Really? What did they do?" Luna asked amused.

"During practice Sulli and Krystal just couldn't stay still." She smiled. "While Victoria was trying to show off just how perfect her group was, Sulli and Krystal just kept on dancing around and making whale sounds." She laughed. "Victoria was so red."

"Wow." Luna smiled.

"Oh no." i shook my head.

"What?" they both asked.

"I kind of gave them coffee this morning." i answered. "But i was careful not to make it too strong."

"Did you put in extra sugar?" I nodded. They instantly started laughing. "Yoona, you trurly are the best."

I frowned. "Don't worry Yoona, we know you didn't mean for that to happen." Luna tried to comfort me.

"But it did and it was awesome." Amber continued to laugh.

"Did they get into a lot of trouble?" i asked.

Amber nodded. "But they didn't seem to care. They were still on their sugar rush." She explained. "They seemed really happy."

"Are you guys talking about Sulli and Krystal." Taemin suddenly sat next to me. We nodded. "They were out of control."

"And what about you?" Amber pointed at him. "While practicing you just broke out and started doing jumping jacks."

"We were taking a break and i had so much energy so i decided to do some jumping jacks." he defended himself. "I wasn't speaking whale."

"No more coffee for you guys." i commented.

"What?" two girls squealed from behind me. "But it was soooooo good unnie." Sulli frowned.

"You have to make us some more." Krystal pleased. "Please unnie."

I shook my head. "You guys are just going to get in trouble, and Yoona will get in trouble for giving you guys coffee." Luna explained. "Do you want her to get in trouble?"

"No." they both answered sadly and sat down at the table.

"Ah, were you guys waiting for me?" Henry ran towards the table with a smile.

"No." Sulli and Krystal answered. "It was our first and last taste of being adult until... we turn into adults." They complained as they stood up. "Come on let's go check if the food is ready."

"Hey, wait for me." Taemin rushed to catch up with them.

"Shouldn't we all get our food?" Amber asked in a duh tone. We all looked at each other and nodded, following the younger ones.

Once we grabbed our food we headed back to our table, but we noticed a big group balled up at our table. "What the..." Amber frowned. "Yah! That's our table!"

"Why are they crowded at our table?" Henry asked.

Amber sighed and we all turned to look at her. "Jay."


"Jay oppa!" a girl from the group screamed. "Come sit with me."

"This is the loser's table." another yelled out.


Amber asked Henry to hold her tray and she grabbed her water bottle. While walking over there she took a big sip and held it in . "This can't be good." Henry shook his head. All of a sudden he spit out all the water she had in over the group of girls.

"AHHHHHH!" they all screamed and scattered away.

Amber wipped with the back of her hand. "Stay away from my table." She looked at Jay, who was still dry and eating his food calmly. "You too pretty boy. Up." she demanded.

"Amber." Luna rushed to her side and sat her down. "Don't be rude. It's not his fault that those girls are acting like they've never seen a guy before." Amber puffed out her cheeks and sat down across from Jay.

"Here you go." Henry set the tray in front of Amber and sat down next to Jay. "Hello, I'm Henry one of the vets here at the circus. Nice to meet you."

Krystal and Sulli giggled like the little school girls that they were. "I'm Krystal and this is Sulli. Nice to meet you." they bowed.

"Jay oppa." Taeyeon called out. "Aren't you going to sit with us?"

"No thank you Taeyeon-shii." Jay declined her offer. She frowned and made her way to her table. "Nice to meet all of you." He finally said. "Are all of you guys Yoona's friends?"

"What's it to you?" Amber narrowed her eyes at him. Luna quickly nudged her in the ribs. "Oww."

"Amber unnie is a bit protective of Yoona unnie." Sulli explained.

"So am i." Taemin puffed out his chest. "I'm noona's other man.... but don't tell Minho hyung." I smiled and pinched Taemin's cheeks. "Ah noona!" he wined.

"Sorry Taemin." I lowered my hands. "Your just too cute."

He sighed. "I guess it can't be helped. When you got the looks you've got the looks."

"Yah." Sulli and Krystal rolled their eyes.

"What the.... which one of you kicked me?" Taemin pointed at Sulli and Krystal. "Come on, which one was it?"

"Taemin, it's rude to point." Luna lowered his hand. "And girls no kicking under the table."

"Yah, since when did you become so motherly?" Amber asked. "Are you trying to show off in front of this guy."


"I think you are...."

"Well then your wrong."

"I'm hardly ever wrong."

"Girls." Henry cut in.

"Stay out of this." they screamed at him.

I placed my hand on Henry's shoulder. "Just let them be, in no time Amber will ask for Luna's grapes and Luna will ask for the bread." And just as i finished saying that Amber and Luna exchanged food with smiles on their faces. "See."

The rest of lunch consisted of Sulli and Krystal asking Jay questions about his personal life (which he avoided answering many questions) and about his performance (which also left us with more questions that wanted to be answered). Then he asked everyone how they joined the circus life. Amber told the story about how she was always in love with explosions and fireworks and when she and her family had tickets to this circus she instantly wanted to become part of the show. Luna, was always interested in medicine and one day she helped out a performer so she got recruited, the same with Henry. Sulli and Krystal had family that was in the circus. Sulli had her father that was one of the cooks, and Krystal had Jessica. Taemin told him how i found him when he was smaller and that i took care of him when he thought no one would ever care about him.

"She's like my umma." Taemin smiled at me brightly. "I will never be able to thank her enough for believing in me and taking me in." Sulli and Krystal wiped the tears from their eyes. "Are you guys crying?"

"No." they answered while hiding their faces.

"Lunch is over!" Kangta yelled. "Get back to work."

"Neh!" Everyone called out in unison and stood up from their seats.

"Yoona you wanna..."

"Actually," Jay cut off Luna. "I was hoping Yoona could help me with something." He looked at me. "You don't mind right? It won't take too long.

I had a feeling that it was going to be just like the other day where he's going to try to get me upset. "Sure." i nodded and looked at Luna. "I'll meet you at your trailer later."

"Ok." She smiled and walked away.

I didn't say anything and followed Jay. I figured he was leading me to his trailer again. "Yoona." a voice made me look up.

"Oh, hello Yunho oppa." I bowed and smiled. Behind him Changmin waved and placed his hands behind his back.

"Where are you two headed?" he asked with a smile.

Jay seemed to be annoyed by his sudden distraction. "To my trailer."

"Girls aren't allowed in the guys trailer." Changmin stated while rolling his eyes. "Yoona knows that."


"Well Yoona and i have something to discuss." Jay cut me off before i could say anything.

"Why can't you just discuss it out here?" Changmin took a step forward.

"Changmin." Yunho warned as he placed his hand on Changmin's chest, slightly pushing him back.

"Jay-shii, i'll meet you at your trailer." i bowed and motioned for him to go on ahead.

"What the hell was that?" Yunho asked smacking Changmin on the head. "The guy is new here..."

"He's been here for almost a week." Changmin fought back. "That excuse is getting old."

"Changmin." Yunho raised his voice. "I know i taught you better than that." Changmin rolled his eyes.

"I'm sort of in charge of Jay-shii so..." i began to explain but was quickly cut off.

"Yoona." Jay called out. Doesn't he ever listen? I always tell him to wait for me somewhere while i talk to someone but he always comes back and interrupts. "I have work to get done so..." he motioned for me to hurry.

"Neh." i bowed to him as he stepped closer to us.

"Is there a problem?" he asked while raising an eyebrow.

"No/Yes." Changmin and Yunho said at the same time. Jay sighed and shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"You..." Changmin pointed at Jay. "should start learning to obey the rules that the circus has." How many times have you broken the rules?

"Changmin oppa." i placed my hand on his chest. "Please stop, your making a scene." i pleaded. "Kangta told me that i was to keep Jay-shii company until he..."

"Calling me Jay-shii isn't making me feel anymore welcome." Jay inturrupted. "You call everyone else oppa."

"What are you asking?" Changmin pushed pass me.

"Well calling me Jay-shii makes me feel like a newbie and if the whole plan is to make me feel more at home, then she's going to have to call me oppa, right?" he looked at me.

"Jay-shii." i tugged on his arm.

"Oppa." he corrected.

I sighed. "Jay oppa, please just go wait in your trailer. Please."

"Fine." He bowed and walked away.

"What's going on here?" Kangta walked up to us.

"Nothing." I answered instantly.

"Yunho?" he turned to Yunho in search for an answer.

"Did you know that Yoona is going into Jay's trailer?" Changmin asked.

"No, i did not." Kangta turned to look at me.

"It's only to help him with a couple of things and he asks me questions and as soon as i'm done i leave." i said. "You said to keep him..."

Kangta nodded. "I did. I told Yoona that she was in charge of him until he found friends and felt comfortable in the circus." He looked at me. "You can go now Yoona." i bowed to him and then to Yunho and Changmin oppa, leaving them to talk amoungst themselves.

"Did i get you in trouble?"

"Ahhh." i couldn't help but scream. Jay just smiled a bit and continued walking ahead of me. "No." i finally answered.

"That's good." was the last thing he said until we arrived to his trailer. "Sit." he ordered. This time the place looked cleaner.

"I thought you needed help." i said as i sat down.

"I do." he sighed and sat down next to me. "I'm not making friends and it hard to get to know people when they're too busy judging me for being quiet and talented."

"You forgot to mention modest." I said sarcastically.

He raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you knew how to use sarcasm."

"Sorry." i lowered my head. "Go on."

"Anyways i heard from your friends their stories and they seem like good people... although it looks like it will take work to get Amber to like me." I giggled a little. "I realized though that all of them told me the stories about how they ended up here..." he looked at me. "except for you." He leaned back into the seat. "What's your story Yoona?"

"I don't have one." i answered. "I was born here and Kangta took care of me after my mother died. That's it."

"Is it?" he asked.


"I'm not so sure." he challenged me. "What about your father."


"Where's your father?" he asked again.

"I.... i...." i looked back up at him. "He's dead as well."

"How did he die?" he asked sadly.

I shrugged. "It was before i was born." i answered. "Kangta told me that it was before my mother knew she was pregnant with me."

"Oh." He sighed. "So you don't have any family?"

"Yes." i answered. "The circus is my family. Kangta is my family. He's taken care of me since i was born, when he could have simply given me away to an orphanage."

"I'm upsetting you." he stated.

"No." i lied.

"You're not the best liar." he chuckled. "Or maybe you are. Why did that guy look so upset that you were coming to my trailer?" I lowered my head. "I see."

My head shot back up at him. "What do you mean?" He didn't say anything. "Jay-shii."

"Oppa." he corrected.

"Changmin oppa is a really good friend of Minho." i said. "He's just looking out for Minho and me." He nodded his head but i knew he didn't believe me. "His girlfriend does the same thing whenever i talk to Henry."

"The vet?" he asked.

"Yes." i took in a deep breath. "There's not much to do around here and we only get out every once in a while so girls like to..."

"Make scandals." i nodded. "Are you sure that's why he was so upset."

No. "Yes."

"UNNIE! YOONA UNNIE!" the both of us jump at the sound of that scream. "YOONA UNNIE!"

I ran out to find out what was going on. "Krystal? What's wrong?"

"Minho oppa." she breathed out. "He's.... fighting.... with...."

"Where?" i asked without letting her finish the sentence.

"Behind the main tent." Of course. That was the hot spot to fight. Whenever there was a problem between the guys that couldn't be fixed with words they would go behind the main tent and "resolve" the issue.

I ran as fast as i could. Krystal was not far behind, but the poor girl was already tired from running to find me. "Minho!" i yelled at the top of my lungs. Please be ok. "Minho!" Nearly tripping as soon as i was inches away from the main tent. "MINHO!"

"Hyung, please stop." He was fighting Jonghyun. Taemin was trying his best to pull them apart. Minho finally stopped when he heard my screams.

"Hey Yoona." He smiled while wipping blood off with the back of his hand.

"Minho look at you." I walked up to him and moved his hair out of the way. He just chuckled and looked at me. "Why?"

"Because he's a son of a..."

"Minho." I shushed him before he could say another word. "I'm sorry." i apologized while leading Minho away. "Why were you fighting?" i asked.

"It's nothing." he looked away.

"Minho." i pleaded. "Please tell me. If Kangta finds out about the fight and you want him to take it easy on you i have to tell him what happen."

"That stupid wipe drew a picture of me." he yelled.

"And that's why you got mad?" i shook my head.

"No..." He sighed. "It was about me when i was little." He looked away to wipe a tear he thought i didn't see. "About my mom."

"Come on let's get you cleaned up and then i'll have a talk with Kangta." he gripped my hand tighter and followed me to the medical trailer.

"What exactly happen?" Kangta asked while rubbing his temples. I was standing outside the main tent with him.

"They got into a fight over a painting that Jonghyun did." i explained. "He drew Minho being left by his mother." Kangta shook his head.

"I talked to Jonghyun." Jay walked up to us. "He has no idea why Minho was so upset by his painting. He was making it for a friend of his. He says it's one of the delivery boys..."

"Wooyoung?" Kangta questioned.

"I don't know he didn't give me a specific name, but he said that his wife's mother loves these kind of depressing painting and so he just drew what ever came to mind." Jay explained.

"I see." Kangta sighed.

"What do we do?" i asked.

"I'll have a talk with the both of them." Kangta answered. "Jay get Jonghyun and meet me in my trailer. I'll go get Minho. They have to talk this out."

I was left there standing by myself. There was nothing left to do but hope that Minho had cooled down and would talk it out with Jonghyun. Most days Minho wouldn't let things like this get to him but... this was the month that changed his life.

"Everything ok?" Changmin walked up to me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "I heard that Minho and Jonghyun got into a fight."

"Everything is fine." I said trying to convince myself in the process. He sighed. "Can i ask you something?"


"Don't cause a scene again." i looked at him. "Jay oppa started asking questions and..."

"You're calling him oppa now?" he was ignoring me.

I sighed. "You're not listening Changmin."

"You don't even know the guy for that long and your already defending him." he continued to argue. Since he wasn't going to listen i decided to just walk away. I already had enough to deal with and he was just adding onto it. "Hey, i'm not done."

"Hey guys." Jessica suddenly walked up to us with a smile. "Yoona, are you ok? I heard what happened with Minho."

I nodded. "Kangta is talking to him right now. He's just a little on edge right now but i'm sure he didn't mean to start a fight."

"I sure hope he's ok." she looked at me. "Are you sure he didn't hurt Jonghyun too much."

"I didn't get a good look at Jonghyun oppa." i answered. "But i'm sure he's fine. I have to go, Luna is expecting me."

"Yoona, i still need to talk to you." Changmin said.

"Yah, what is wrong with you?" Jessica glared at Changmin. "Why are you looking at her like she did something wrong?"

"It's nothing." Changmin answered her.

I didn't look back at them or stay to talk with Changmin. He wasn't going to listen to me no matter what i said so there was no use in staying.


>>>A week later<<<


"Finally." i smiled as i looked at my hands. They were finally almost fully healed. Thanks to the cream Luna gave me. I got dressed and headed out to show Kangta that i could start getting back to work. "Yes."

I ran out of the trailer looking for Kangta. "Hey Yoona." Leeteuk oppa smiled as i passed him.

"Hi oppa." i bowed to him.

"What's the big hurry." He asked.

"I'm looking for Kangta." i answered. "Have you seen him?"

He shook his head. "Sorry." I bowed and continued my search for him.

"Yoona, i need to talk to you." Changmin approached me. I stopped and bit my lip. He had been trying to talk to me ever since the night of Minho's fight. But i was always with Minho or Kangta. "You can't ignore me this time." I nodded and looked at him. "I..."

"Yoona." Minho walked up to me and hugged me. "Hey hyung." Minho smiled as he looked at the both of us. "Where are you headed off to?"

"Kangta." i answered shortly. "Have you seen him?"

"I think he was talking with that Jay guy." I sighed. Even though Jay helped settle the problem between Jonghyun and him that night, he still didn't like Jay. "They're always talking about his act. It's like Big Boss forgot that we were here before that guy."

"Kangta just wants to make the circus a little better." i defended.

"I still don't understand why he has..." i knew exactly where this was headed.

"Minho." i pinched his cheeks. "I've told you over and over again. Kangta needs someone to make Jay oppa feel comfortable around here. And since you guys are helping by befriending him then it's taking me a lot longer."

"Oppa?" Minho questioned. "Since when did you start calling him oppa?"

"That's what i said." Changmin added. "She's just calling him that because that guy told her to."

"He told you to call him oppa?" Minho slightly pulled away from me to look me in the eyes.

"Yes, but..."

"Who does he think he is?"


"He has to earn the right to be called oppa by you..."

"I really don't...."

"You shouldn't refer to him like that if you don't want to... hell i don't want you to refer to him like that."

"Minho..." i grabbed his chin. "He is part of this circus now so i will adress him like i address everyone. It's so he can feel like he's part of the circus family."

Minho pressed his lips together. "Fine. But he's one cocky son of a gun."

"I'll walk you to Big Boss's office." Changmin offered. I knew perfectly well that he wanted to talk with me instead of walking me to Kangta's office.

"Actually," I linked arms with Minho. "There's something i need to ask Minho." I bowed.

"What's it ab.... oh.... yeah." Minho tapped Changmin on his arm. "See you around hyung." I bowed once more before leaving.

I took a deep breath. "Min..."

"I'm doing better." he answered before i could even say anything. "I talked to Big Boss the other day and... he helped me think about all the good things i had in my life." He looked at me. "I guess he really wanted me to stop sleeping in your trailer. But he helped a lot."

"I'm glad." i squeezed his hand. "But if you ever need anything else, you know i'm here for you."

He smiled. "I know." he kissed my cheek. "That's why i love you." I smiled. "Speaking of love, Taemin said that you've been acting weird lately." I tilted my head to the side. "He said you looked a little pale. Are you ok?" I nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." i answered. "I mean i was feeling a little sick the past days but i'm feeling much better now."

"I sure hope so." he said as he let go of my hand. "Well i have to go eat breakfast and then get to work. See you for lunch?" i nodded and watched him walk away.

I turned to knock on the door but it suddenly opened. Jay stepped out with his hands in his pockets. "Good morning."

"Morning." I bowed and moved out of the way. "Is Kangta busy?"

He took a look inside. "I think he's on the phone right now." he looked back at me. "It might be a while." I formed an 'O' with my mouth. "Aren't you going to have breakfast?" I shook my head and looked down at my shoes. "Why?"

"Not hungry." I answered.

"Lie." I looked up at him confused, but he started to walk away. I hated how he would do that, leave in the middle of a conversation as if i was boring him. He didn't do that to anyone else but me. But then again he wouldn't really talk to anyone else.

I shook my head and peaked inside Kangta's office. He was indeed on the phone and he looked like he was arguing with someone. This early in the morning? I guess my news was going to have to wait until he had time to relax. I can wait until lunch to tell him about my hands. I looked at my hands and smiled. My stomach suddenly growled and i quickly tried to cover the sound with my arms (as if that would work). I looked around to see if anybody heard, and it looked like i was in the clear. I guess eating first wouldn't hurt.

Before my stomach could announce how hungry it was any further i ran to the dining area to see what was left to eat. Everyone was already sitting down eating and talking with their friends, so no one noticed as i grabbed a plate of food and tried to sneak into my trailer. Luna and Amber seemed to be busy. Amber was busy making new firework designs and Luna had cuts that needed cleaning and sewing up, so it looked like i was going to be alone for today.

I sat in my trailer with my tray of food as i stared at the small book collection i had, well i had more than many other here, but for me it was still small. Most of the books i owned were ones about circus. I had a couple that were given to me by Yuri and Seohyun on how to be more social, but that was more of a joke than a thoughtful gift. Then there was the books Amber, Luna, and sometime Henry gave me. Fairytales. I never read them and just said that i did. Happy endings weren't my things. I loved them, but.... i don't believe in them. Reading them just felt like a waste of time.

"But....." I slowly reached for one of the books and just as my finger tips touched the spine of the book, there was a knock at the door. "Yes?"

"Noona?" It was Taemin. "I didn't see you at breakfast. Are you ok?" I opened the door and showed him my hald empty plate. "Oh. Well that's good. I thought you were skipping out on eating. You've been looking a little sick these past days." He looked up at me. "Can i ask you a question?" i nodded. "How is Minho hyung? I know that its that time of the year where he starts to act.... well not like himself. And i know he comes over here to sleep and i just wanted to know if he's ok now."

I nodded. "He's better. Everything will go back to normal."

He smiled. "That's good. The trailer has been quiet without him."

"He's scared." Krystal said laughing from behind Taemin.

"Yah!" Taemin turned to look at her. "What are you doing here?" Her and Sulli continued to laugh. He turned to look at me. "I am not scared."

"Scared." Sulli coughed out.

"AM NOT!" He yelled at her. "I told you guys not to follow me. I can't even have 5 minutes to myself."

"Your not the only one who wanted to see Yoona unnie." Sulli glared at him. "We... wanted to... ask her about......" She looked at Krystal for the answer.

"Coffee." Krystal snapped her fingers.

"Coffee?" Taemin questioned.

"Yes, coffee." Sulli linked arms with Krystal.

"Noona, said no more coffee." Taemin pushed them away. "I'm not going to let her get in trouble because you guys can't control yourselves after having a small cup of coffee." He looked at me and bowed his head. "Bye noona."

"Bye unnie." the girls giggled while waving at me.

I took one look at the books then back out the door. Maybe i could help Luna with something until lunch.

"Thanks for your help Yoona." Luna smiled as we walked hand in hand. "Having that talk with Eunhyuk again about why you shouldn't tease the monkeys would have driven me crazy if you weren't there." I laughed. "So are you finally going to tell Big Boss about your hands?" I nodded.

"Hey." Minho walked up to us. "Big Boss said we have to go in for a meeting."

"All of us or just the performers?" Luna asked.

"Everyone." He answered as he placed his arms around my waist. "He says he has some announcement to make." He sighed. "I hope it's not more changes because we've been working our asses off."

"He wants the best." Luna pointed out. "The only way to be the best and stay the best is to work your off." Minho nodded in agreement as we made our way to the main tent.

Minho, Luna, and i sat down and waited for Kangta to start speaking. "I hope it's not another addition to our circus. We can't even stand the new guy."

"His name is Jay." Luna shook her head. "And if you tried to get to know him then you wouldn't hate him as much as you do."

"The guy doesn't talk." he pointed out.

"He talks to Yoona." I wanted to do a facepalm. Minho already hated Jay, and Luna pointing out at Jay talked to me was only going to make it worse.

"Don't even get me started on...."

"Ok guys listen up." Minho was cut off when Kangta started speaking. "Everyone has almost perfected their acts and i'm very pleased with you guys. For this you guys will get two days off." Everyone cheered. "Yes i thought you guys would be happy about that. You worked hard for it." He motioned for someone. "Now Jay told me that he needed an assistant for his magic act and..." instantly hands went up. Kangta chuckled. "I'm glad to see eager hands but you didn't let me finish. Who ever is his partner won't get those two days off. That means tomorrow while everyone else is having fun and going out you will be stuck here with Jay, practicing his act with him." No hands went down. "Ok." He turned to Jay. "Go ahead and choose whoever you want."

"Yes sir." He took a step forward and look around. "I, just like your boss, expect perfection. I don't play around while practicing and i will be harsh." He placed his hands behind his back. "I need someone who will do as i say...." everyone stayed quiet. "someone who will listen...." a few girls squealed. "and someone who i can feel comfortable around." a few whispered 'me' and Luna and i couldn't help but giggle at them. He clapped his hands together. "That's why I've decided to choose...." i was busy looking at the girls who looked like they were about to pee on themselves from the excitment. "Yoona."

"Eh?" everyone yelled.

"Yoona." Luna nudged me.


"It's you."

"Eh?" i looked back where Jay and Kangta were standing. He was pointing right at me.

Kangta looked a little surprised himself. "Uhhh, you guys can leave. Yoona i need to talk with you and Jay so please come here."

"If Big Boss gives you a choice say no." Minho whispered into my ear. I nodded and kissed him as he left.

I could feel all the nasty glares that the girls were giving me as i walked passed them. When i finally reached Kangta and Jay, we waited for everyone to leave. "Jay..." Kangta looked at him.

"Yoona is perfect to be my assistant." he said. "Guys here hate me, so working with them is not possible. And i'm not trying to sound cocky but the girls here are infatuated with me."

"Yes but her hands." Kangta grabbed them and took a look at them. "They look better." I nodded.

"I was going to tell you earlier but you were on the phone." i explained.

"Then how do you feel about working with Jay on his act?" he asked.

"Uhhh...." i looked at both of them. Minho's words rang in my head. "I...."

"Minho told you to say no if you were given a choice didn't he." Jay raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Did he?" Kangta asked. I shook my head quickly.

Jay looked at Kangta. "Let me put it this way then." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I won't do the act with anyone other than Yoona."

"Then it's settled." Kangta looked at me. "Yoona, you don't mind do you?" I know Kangta really wanted Jay's act to be in the show so how could i say no. I slowly shook my head. "Great. Then tomorrow the two of you will start practicing."

Kangta walked away leaving me and Jay in the middle of the stage. I bowed to Jay and was about to walk away but... "Tell me..." i stopped and looked at him. "What do you want?"


"Do you want to work with me or not." he asked stepping closer to me. He was teasing me for listening to Minho, for listening to my friends and Kangta. "What do you want?"

I sighed. "Does it matter?" I bowed and walked away. That was a question i wasn't use to hearing. Truth was that i didn't know what i wanted. I didn't like spending time with Jay because he just confused me with the questions he asked, but i didn't mind being in his act because his magic tricks were amazing. What do i want?

When dinner time came i didn't feel like eating, so i just sat at the table with everyone and listened to them talk about what they were going to do with their days off. Of couse Sulli, Krystal, and Taemin couldn't go off on their own so they were busy listening to who had the most exciting plans so they could ask to come along. Luna said she wanted to go to the mall, and Amber wanted to go to the beach. Taemin asked Amber if he could join her and Sulli and Krystal begged Luna to let them tag along. Taemin was busy telling Henry to come along with him and Amber.

"What about you unnie." Krystal asked. "Are you going somewhere with Minho oppa?"

"She can't." Sulli answered. "Remember she has to practice with Jay oppa.... Where is Jay oppa anyways?" I hadn't seen him since the meeting.

"Probably coming up with new awesome magic tricks." Krystal cooed. "He's amazing. You are so lucky unnie." Sulli nodded in agreement.

"Lucky?" Amber shook her head. "While we're having fun she's going to be stuck with Jay working on his act."

"I did have nearly 2 weeks off." i pointed out. "I just wanted to get back to work." i noticed Minho waving me over to his table. "I'll be back." i stood up and headed over to him.

He sat me down on his lap. "So what happened with Jay? Are you going to be his assistant?" I lowered my head and nodded. "Did you tell Big Boss you weren't comfortable with..."

"Minho he wants what's best for the circus." i cut him off. "How can i say no when he's working so hard for this?"

Minho just shook his head. "I'm staying to watch you guys..."

"You can't!" Siwon yelled out. "You promised to go out with us. Guys day out!" he did a fist pump in the air.

"That sound gay." Donghae shook his head. "Even with the fist pump." Siwon rolled his eyes.

"Minho." Siwon stared at Minho.

"Fine...." he turned to look at me. "I don't like that your going to be alone with him though."

"You heard what he said." I brushed his hair to the side. "He's serious about his work." Minho nodded. "Where's Jessica unnie?"

"Her and Changmin have been in her trailer for a while." Minho answered looking around. "Jessica looked like she was mad and Changmin didn't look that happy either."

"Make up ." Siwon commented with a chuckle. "Best kind of there is... just ask Tiffany."

"I thought it was break up ?" Donghae asked.

"Hmmm.... maybe... with Tiffany i can't even tell the difference anymore." He chuckled.

"I should go." i got up from Minho's lap.

"Yeah i'll..."

"Yah Minho tell Siwon that drinking so early in the morning is tacky. We should save that for the night." Donghae frowned.

Everyone was eager to go to bed and rest up for their day off tomorrow. I'm sure everyone had something big planned since Kangta had been making everyone work twice as hard as he usually did. Part of me did wish i could go to the beach with Amber or walk around the malls with Luna, but then again i wanted to get back to work.

There will be other days off. I thought to myself as i changed into my PJ's. As i walked out of the bathroom i looked up at the clock. Maybe he's really not showing up today. I smiled knowing that Minho was feeling better.

After drinking a cup of milk and turning off all the lights i headed to my room and laid down in bed. I was having some trouble getting to sleep. Thoughts about to tomorrow were filling my head. Jay was known for asking too many questions and always trying to get me upset about something. Hopefully he meant what he said about being serious about work. I don't mind him being harsh as long as long as he stayed focus on work.

A hand s around my waist. So he did come after all. I turned around to face Minho, but only to find out that it wasn't Minho who was in bed with me. "Changmin?"

"Shhh." he closed his eyes.


"Shhh." he ordered again and this time i did as he said. He just hugged me. "I broke up with Jessica."

I stared at him for a while but he said nothing. "I'm sorry." was all i could think of saying.

"Don't be." he hugged me tighter. "Don't be."


A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, but i've been pretty busy and i couldn't think straight so if this chapter was... blah then i apologize. My brain isn't functioning well, hopefully i'll have more confidence when i write the next chapter. So next chapter will be about Yoona's past, Minho and of course how she and Changmin started their "relationship". So please continue to read. Thanks to those of you who comment and subscribe ^.^...... Oh and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

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Chapter 6: Damn it!! I really love this kind of stories.
Alhough, i'm so scared to guess what happen will be out when everyone goes to find out about the lies (with changmin of course) has been through in this kindhearted woman's life..
So confusing you took both of my Otp to this fic. But deeper of my heart still choosing Changmin :D. Yoona seems loves changmin more, that's why she has given more for him than he had for Minho . but Yoona seems won't to leaving Minho too.
oh yes, Jay was a very mysterious man. Can't guess why he acted like that to Yoona.
i hope you'll be update this soon. Cos i see your last updated was about a year ago.. To see what will Yoona do to changmin after the broke up news..
thanks a lot :)
fantacy #2
I really like this story . There were many thing going on with many people, but I hope it will finally be Changyoon cuz I just love them. Though it might not fair for Minho:D
Narcissist #3
Pretty please! Update soon! (;
1380MC #4
usually i dont like it where yoona being so...meek or a pushover, but here i can hear her thought why she's like that and quite understand it. i'm depending on jay to push her button, and then yoona can bite his bipolar head off. haha..
hoping for changyoon.
good story. keep it coming please.
Narcissist #6
Changyoon! (:
Minyoon all the way!^^
AnneXue #8
ahh. I gotta say I love this.<br />
<br />
ChangYoon all the way :P<br />
<br />
p.s its 'strict' not 'strick' HEHE ^^
devilyoong #9
i think the reason why Yoona still stays with Minho, even if she might not be in love with him, is because she's afraid that leaving him would only bring back bad memories of when his mother left him. she worries of the consequence of what her action would bring him, so instead she tolerates their relationship :(
i don't really get Jay either~ LOL. <br />
although i like MinYoon, i'm rooting for ChangYoon~ :D <br />
idk..i like them best here :3 <br />
i'm glad Changmin finally broke up with Jessica. it was a good move! i approve. LMAO<br />
i'm dying to know how ChangYoon started~ :D