Circus de Amour

Circus de Amour

Chapter 3

song: Believe in Me- Demi Lovato





"Ok people." Kangta stood in the middle of the circle of staff and performers. "Today is practice day, i will review all your acts, solos, groups, pairs, and after that you will continue to practice. The animals need their rest so they will not be practicing with you. Understood?"

"Neh!" the crowd yelled out. He clapped his hands and called on the dancers to go fist. Minho sighed and kissed me on the cheeks as he ran to join his group.

"Yoona." Henry smiled walking towards me.

"Hi Henry." i bowed my head.

"So do you want to go name him now or do you need a little more time to think of a name?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I need to see him first before i can come up with a name. Is it ok if we see him now?" Henry quickly nodded his head and led me to the back where all the animals were being kept.

"Yoona." Jessica's voice called out. I stopped and turned around. She came running towards me. I motioned for Henry to go ahead of me. "Where are you going?"

"To name Julia's....."

"With Henry?" She cut me off. I nodded. "Do you think that's a good idea? I mean you have Minho and I get the feeling that Henry likes you."

I sighed. "Henry is just a friend." i was getting tired of having to explain that to everyone in this circus. I bowed and continued to make my way to the tent where they cared for the animals.

"Yoona, where are you going in such a hurry?" Yunho asked with a warm smile.

"Going to name a horse." I answered. "Henry is letting me name Julia's new born."

"Really? Sounds exciting." He smiled. "Mind if i come along?" I shook my head and he followed me.

Henry led me to Julia and the baby. He had grown so much since the first time i saw him, or was it that i wanted to think so. Because if he wasn't living up to the expectations of this circus then he would be sold. Henry and Yunho started talking while i silently prayed that this horse would grow up big and strong so he could stay here. The only way to ensure that was to give him a strong name. I stood up and faced Henry.

"You thought of a name?" He asked.

"Brock?" I suggested, worried that he wouldn't like it.

The corners of his mouth lifted upwards. "I like it." Yunho nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe i'm here to witness the naming of the new addition to our family." Yunho kneeled down to get a better look at Brock. "Hello Brock. I'm Yunho, the king of this circus." i giggled. "Just don't tell the Big Boss that because then i'll be in big trouble."

"Yunho oppa, we should go before they find us in here." i tapped him on his shoulder. He stood up and we said bye to Henry before walking away.

"Something wrong Yoona?" Yunho asked me as we made our way back to the main tent. I shook my head. "You know you can't lie to me. I'm awesome when it comes to spotting lies."

I sighed. "Do you think that Brock will really be an addition to the family?" I asked. "What if he doesn't meet the expectations of Kangta?"

Yunho smiled and patted my head. "I'm sure he will. Didn't you see he was already trying to walk. He's a strong horse and with a name like Brock, he's just destined for great things." I smiled.

"Hyung." Changmin called from a distance and waved him over.

Yunho sighed. "The little one calls. See you around Yoona. And try not to worry too much." He poked my forehead and walked away.

"Unnie!!!" Sulli came running towards me. "Unnie you have to help me."

"What happened?" i asked.

"Victoria unnie is mad because i lost the new shoes and it was for the performance. We all got matching ones but i lost mine and now she's going to kill me." She frowned. "What am i going to do. She's already mean to us, just imagine how much worse it will be when she's mad."

"SULLI!" Victoria's scream filled the air. Sulli's grip on my arm became tighter. Victoria was marching towards us, dragging Krystal with her. "This one just told me you lost the shoes we just bought." She pushed Krystal towards her and placed her hands on her hips. "I told you not to take them out of the box. Ugh, how can you be so irresponsible"

"It's my fault Victoria unnie." I suddenly said. "I asked Sulli if i could see the shoes but i lost them. So if you should yell at anyone it should be me. But i'll buy a new pair for her and have them in time for your performance.".

Victoria pursed her lips and tapped her foot. "Fine, but they better be the same. I don't want anything missing or added to the shoes. They have to be just like the ones she lost." I nodded. "Tsk." She spun around and started walking away.

"Thank you unnie." Sulli sighed. "I'm sorry you had to get scolded because of me. I really am." I smiled and patted her head. "I'll continue to look for them and order the shoes just incase i can't find them." I nodded. "Bye unnie." Sulli took Krystal's hand and walked away.



I was in the main tent with Seohyun and Yuri, practicing our act in front of Kangta. He yelled at us when we made a mistake, which was usually made by Yuri or me. Seohyun worked on perfecting her part in the act, but it always came off as rehearsed. She didn't look like she was having fun.

"Yoona, extend you neck. Extend. Extend." He yelled from below. "Yuri, i need more smooth movements. Seohyun's what the hell is with that face? Give me more passion. Give me love, give me sadnees.... For goodness sake give me constipation if you can do it just give me some emotion."

As soon as our feet touch the ground he came towards us, pinching the bridge of the nose. Yuri and Seohyun nudged me at the same time and motioned for me to do something. He looked like he was going to explode. "A-appa." He stopped and looked at me. I instantly bowed. "It's my fault."

I heard chuckle and finally sigh. "Calling me appa isn't going to work anymore." I continued to bow but raised my head slightly to face him.

"But you're like an appa to me." i said.

He looked at Yuri and Seohyun. "You two should stop using Yoona to soften me up." He sighed. "I want to see the new routine."

"But it's not..."

"I know it's not perfected but i want to see what you've guys got down and what we will need to add, remove, or perfect. So get back up there and show me the new routine." he ordered walking back to his chair.

"Yes sir." we bowed .


"That was harsh." Seohyun sighed as we stepped out of the main tent. The next group was called. "Do you think something's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Yuri asked.

"Well, he's usually strick, but it's understandable we're the best circus in this world. And we need to keep our reputation." She explained. "But he's not usually this mean with us."

"Maybe he's PMSing or something." Yuri shrugged. "Everyone is allowed to have a y fit once in a while."

Seohyun turned to look at Yuri. "You have them all the time." Yuri glared at the younger one.

"Did you guys hear?" Tiffany came running to us. We all shook our heads. "It's going to rain all week. There's a chance of a storm."

"That must be why the Big Boss is so upset." Seohyun said. "We had like 3 shows this week. I'm sure plenty of people are going to want their money back and now we have to reschedule..."

I started to walk away as they talked amougst themselves, it wasn't like they noticed i was gone anyways. My mind drifted to Kangta sunbae. He must be really stressed out with the weather messing up his plans. I doubt he's ever had a day off in his life of running this circus. Even if he did have some time off staff and performers still went to him with problems about the circus. They always had something to complain about.

"Why the long face?" A smooth voice stirred its way into my thoughts.

"Huh?" i quickly turned to see who it was. "Oh, hello Siwon sunbae." I bowed.

"We've known each other for a long time now, so you can call me Siwon oppa." He smirked as he stepped closer to me. I stepped back.

"Hyung." Minho pulled him back a bit. "Stop scaring Yoona." I was instantly greatful that he came to the rescue.

"Chill out, she looked like she was sad so i had to do something to get that frown off her face." he laughed and walked away.

Minho turned to me. "Sorry about him, he thinks that every girl in this place wants him." He lifted my chin with his hand. "You ok?" I nodded. "You don't look like it."

"I'm just worried about Kangta oppa." i sighed. "Tiffany unnie just told us that it's going to be raining all week and theres a chance of a storm. He must be really stressing out. I think he needs some time off to relax."

"I'm sure the Big Boss is fine." He sighed. "I think we're the ones who have to worry, he's going to be on a rampage because of this set back."


"Hey i'll see you later Key, Eunhyuk, and Shindong said they were going to Changmin hyung's trailer to play a new video game." he kissed my cheek and ran off.

I stared at him as he met up with Key and the rest of the guys. "Sometimes he can be so full of himself, huh." Onew stood beside me. I shook my head. "You don't have to defend him Yoona, i just saw what happened. And let's not forget that i use to hang out with that kid when he first started training. He's not the best listener."

"He tries." I said in a low voice.

"I'm sure he does." He smiled at me, i knew that he didn't believe me. "But maybe he would listen if you raised your voice a little more, or got angry at him."

"Nothing good ever comes out of being too emotional." I said.

"People tend to listen." He commented. He placed his hand on my shoulder and walked away.

No, nothing good ever comes out from being too emotional. If i cry it won't bring my parents back. If i yell it won't bring my parents back. Being too emotional is just a sign of weakness. It's better just to hold what you feel in and go with the flow. It's easier that way.

I sighed and walked into my trailer, not forgetting to lock the door behind me. A warm bath seemed like the only reasonable thing to do at the time, so i grabbed my clothes and stepped inside the bathroom ready to soak away all my worries.

Once i got out i dressed into something warm because when i looked out the skies were started to turn gray. Despite the fact that usually gray days meant that it would rain, i enjoied them. I only hated the fact that it caused so much trouble for Kangta.

 "Yoona." There was a knock at my door. I quickly put on my sweater and ran to answer it. It was Kangta. "Why did you lock the door?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Well i was wondering if you and Yunho could go pick up some groceries, i would have someone else go with him if..."

"I'll do it." I said. "Kangta appa, you should rest."

He smiled and pinched my cheeks. "Is my daughter worried about me?" I nodded my head. "Don't be sweetie, this is part of my job." he smiled. "But knowing that you are worried makes me feel better."

"If there is anything else i can do to help you please just tell me." I bowed, he patted my head and handed me over to Yunho.

"Take care of her." he advised Yunho.

"I will sir." Yunho laughed and lead me to the car.

"WAIT!!!!" Onew screamed from a distance. "WAIT!!!! WAIT!! I.... WANT.....SOME....... CHICKEN!!!!!!!" He finally reached us and tried to catch his breath.

"Onew oppa are you ok?" i asked. He nodded but continued to hold his knees and catch his breath.

"I don't think the Big Boss gave me enough money to buy you chicken Onew." Yunho said. "How about i treat you next time we have a day off?" Onew sadly frowned and nodded. "We'll be back." I sadly got into the car and watched Onew walk away as we drove off. "What's wrong? You still worried about Brock?" Yunho asked with a smile.

"Yeah, but i'm more worried about Kangta." I frowned. "He's really stressed out and i doubt that he's had a day off."

"I know what you mean. Even when we get the day off he still has animals to check, acts to review, shows to organize, and staff and performers to deal with." he sighed. "I wish there was something we could do." I nodded in agreement. "But Yoona, you shouldn't let it worry you too much. It's like you carry the burden of the world. Life is just unfair to good people sometimes, but it doesn't stay that way forever, something good is bound to happen for their suffering."

"You think so?" he nodded. I felt a little better.

"Now put a smile on that face. I'll buy you a candy if you show me a smile." he always liked to bribe me with sweets. I quickly smiled and he laughed. "You can take your pick when we're paying."

We entered the market and Yunho grabbed a cart while i read the list that Kangta made. It was a pretty long list of things we needed for the week, however, most of it was fruits and veggies. I called out the items and placed them in the cart and Yunho would yell out check. After about a half an hour we were ready to pay. Yunho said i could pick out my candy and i ended up getting a watermelon flavored lollipop and i got him an cherry flavored one.

We packed the car and headed back to the circus site. We passed a KFC. "Oppa, let's go there." I quickly pointed. "I have some money here to buy Onew oppa some chicken." I suddenly remembered when i digged into my pocket. Yunho smiled and did as i asked.

I went home with a smile. Tons of staff came by to help unpack the car and instantly ran to find Onew oppa, Yunho had an idea of where he might be so he led me to him. "Onew." Yunho called out.

"Neh." Onew stepped out of Leeteuk, Shindong, and Eunhyuk's trailer. I handed him the box of chicken. "Wha.... i thought...Thank you!" he smiled at Yunho and me.

"Thank her, she was the one who had some money in her pocket." Yunho said. "She made me stop so she could but you your chicken."

"Thank you Yoona." He smiled and hugged me. "You're the best."

Yunho and i walked away, and i couldn't hide the smile on my face. "You like helping people don't you." he said. I quickly nodded. "I do too. It's quite rewarding."

"It makes me feel happy." I added.

He took a deep breath in. "If there's anything i can ever help you in then just tell me and i'll be glad to be apart of whatever you ask." I smiled at him and nodded. "See ya." he rubbed the top of my head and walked away.

"Yo Yoona." Amber called out. "Have you seen Sulli or Krystal?" I shook my head. "Well if you see them can you tell them i'm looking for them? I found some shoes and it looks like the one Victoria had been bragging about. It looks like it belongs to one of them."

"You found them?" i asked. She nodded. "You should see if they are in their trailer. Sulli has been looking for those shoes like crazy."

"Aish, these kids don't know how to take care of anything." Amber shook her head as she walked over to Sulli's and Krystal's trailer.

After a few hours dinner was ready and everyone was outside getting a plate and sitting down with their group to eat. For where i stood it looked like a high school lunch area. There were the popular kids (Victoria, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sunny, Yunho, Changmin, Jessica, Siwon, Minho, Key, Donghae, and Zou Mi), the class clowns (Leeteuk, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Onew, and Yesung but he wasn't here at the moment), the freshmen (Krystal, Sulli, and Taemin), the talented group (Hoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Yuri) and then there were who didn't care and sat where ever they wanted to. I sighed as i grabbed my plate and headed out to look for Luna and Amber. I finally found them and sat at their small table.

"Hey." Luna smiled. "Are you going to want your grapes?" i shook my head and handed them to her. "Thanks."

"Shouldn't you be siting with your boyfriend?" Amber asked as she stuffed a fork full of salad into . "Won't he be mad?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yoona can sit with her friends." Henry added. "I'm sure Minho is ok with it."

Sulli, Krystal and Taemin showed up to the table with their plates. "Can we sit with you guys? Siwon and Donghae keep throwing spit balls at us." they frowned. We all made space for them to sit with us.

"Why didn't the others say anything?" Amber asked. "Like Minho, Key, Sunny, or Tiffany?"

"They were too busy giggling." Sulli frowned.

"Yunho oppa told them to stop." Krystal added. "But they didn't listen, so he told us to move to another table."

"I can't believe Minho and Key." Taemin sounded hurt. "I thought they were my friends."

I rubbed Taemin's back. "They are, but..."

"But in order to fit in with the crowd they have to be jerks." Amber rolled her eyes. "I wish i could make a super huge spit ball and just drop it on the entire table."

"Hey some of them aren't that bad." Luna said. "Like Yunho oppa is kind to everyone. He may be the king of the circus acts, but he's kind, and funny. He never tries to be cool just to be popular." everyone nodded in agreement.

From a distance i saw Kangta with his plate. He looked like he was ready to dig into it with his hands instead of waiting for a fork. Just as he sat down and was about to sit down and eat, someone came to him with a complaint. Even though Kangta listen to them i could tell he was upset that he couldn't eat his meal in peace. He nodded his head and stood up, following them. I sighed as i noticed the plate left on the table.

"It's going to rain tomorrow." Luna finally sighed.

"The animals are going to need a lot of attention if there's going to be a storm." Henry added. "They hate thunder storms."

"Just call me if you need any help with them." Luna offered. "Yoona?" I looked up, i wasn't sure how long i had been staring out into space. "You ok?" I nodded and continued to listen to them talk about the latest gossip going around the circus was.

When dinner was over everyone talked for a while before heading into their trailers. "Yoona." Minho called out as i stood in front of my door. "What happened? You're suppose to eat dinner with me."

"I was eating with my..."

"Yeah, i know." He interrupted. "Everyone was making fun of me asking if we were in a fight. I told you that you go to our table and eat with me."

"But i just...."

"I'll let it slide this time, but next time keep that in mind, ok?" he kissed my forehead. I didn't feel like arguing with him because my mind was still occupied with Kangta's well being. "Yoona? Are you listening?" I nodded. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams babe." he kissed me again.

I closed the door and put Minho's conversation out of my mind. Kangta was the only thing i had close to a parent figure. When my mom died, he was the one who took me in and cared for me. Though he is sometimes cold, and strick, he was always so kind and caring towards me. I remember him caring me on his shoulders and taking me to see the elephants take their shower. Giving me cotton candy when i was feeling sad. I wish i could do something that i could do so.....

"That's it!" I snapped my fingers and ran out the trailer. I didn't stop running until i reached the one person i knew would help me. I knocked on the trailer door until it opened.

Changmin stood at the door. "Yoona? How can...."

"Yunho oppa?!" i called out. "Is he here? Oppa?" Changmin just stared at in disbelief and maybe something else (jealousy?) i looked pass him and saw Yunho oppa walk towards the door. "O-oppa." i lowed my gaze.

"Yah, hyung put on a shirt!" Changmin scolded the older one. I felt my cheeks heat up, so i kept my head low.

"Oh, sorry. Be right back." Yunho chuckled and walked away.

"So..." Changmin leaned on the door frame. "What do you need Yunho hyung for?" I didn't answer him.

"Ok, i am fully clothed." Yunho smiled.

"Oppa, i have an idea." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me.


A/N: So i got some mixed emotions from the little Changyoon twist but it's all good i like to know what you guys think. And those of you who are asking about how Changyoon happened i will be posting up a chapter about how their...... special relationship started (as well as how Minyoon got together) but first i kind of want you guys to understand the characters a bit better before we look back on their past (if that makes any sense). And if you guys have any other parings in mind that you want to see in this story please let me know. There will be more characters added (for example the mysterious magician, who has yet to appear). Anyways thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting and i hope you enjoy   ^.^  

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Chapter 6: Damn it!! I really love this kind of stories.
Alhough, i'm so scared to guess what happen will be out when everyone goes to find out about the lies (with changmin of course) has been through in this kindhearted woman's life..
So confusing you took both of my Otp to this fic. But deeper of my heart still choosing Changmin :D. Yoona seems loves changmin more, that's why she has given more for him than he had for Minho . but Yoona seems won't to leaving Minho too.
oh yes, Jay was a very mysterious man. Can't guess why he acted like that to Yoona.
i hope you'll be update this soon. Cos i see your last updated was about a year ago.. To see what will Yoona do to changmin after the broke up news..
thanks a lot :)
fantacy #2
I really like this story . There were many thing going on with many people, but I hope it will finally be Changyoon cuz I just love them. Though it might not fair for Minho:D
Narcissist #3
Pretty please! Update soon! (;
1380MC #4
usually i dont like it where yoona being so...meek or a pushover, but here i can hear her thought why she's like that and quite understand it. i'm depending on jay to push her button, and then yoona can bite his bipolar head off. haha..
hoping for changyoon.
good story. keep it coming please.
Narcissist #6
Changyoon! (:
Minyoon all the way!^^
AnneXue #8
ahh. I gotta say I love this.<br />
<br />
ChangYoon all the way :P<br />
<br />
p.s its 'strict' not 'strick' HEHE ^^
devilyoong #9
i think the reason why Yoona still stays with Minho, even if she might not be in love with him, is because she's afraid that leaving him would only bring back bad memories of when his mother left him. she worries of the consequence of what her action would bring him, so instead she tolerates their relationship :(
i don't really get Jay either~ LOL. <br />
although i like MinYoon, i'm rooting for ChangYoon~ :D <br />
idk..i like them best here :3 <br />
i'm glad Changmin finally broke up with Jessica. it was a good move! i approve. LMAO<br />
i'm dying to know how ChangYoon started~ :D