Circus de Amour

Circus de Amour

Chapter 5

Song: Trick by SNSD




I woke up with the a light pressure on my stomach. I lifted my head and saw Minho with his head resting on my stomach and his arm around my waist. The trailer was a mess. Candy every where, trash from chip bags, candy wrappers, and water balloons. I slid out of Minho's hold without waking him up and started to cleaning up what i could without being a bother to anyone. I almost tripped on something and then i found the funniest sleeping position i'd ever seen.

Luna looked like she was reaching out for Amber, while Amber and Key were oddly positioned. From the looks of it, Amber had Key in some sort of headlock and Key looked like he fell asleep fighting for freedom. I walked over them carefully and finally found Changmin and Jessica sleeping soundly, backs facing each other but they looked like they were really tired. Taemin was the only one sleeping on the couch like a good little boy. Hard to believe that last night he was the one who snuck into my trailer through the window and started throwing water balloons at us. Causing us to run around in a fright and not notice the rest of the guys sneaking and start spraying us with whip cream. He still had a can in his hand and melted whip cream on his face. I grabbed my rag and gently started to clean his face. I was a bit worried because he looked like he had a cold yesterday but last night he seemed to have energy in him.

"You look like a mother watching over her kid sleep." a husky voice said. I tuned around and saw Changmin running his hands through his hair. I turned back to face Taemin and smiled at him.

"I found him out on the streets performing one day when Kangta took me with him to buy supplies for a birthday party." i moved the hair out of Taemin's eyes. "He was so little but so talented. When i found out that he was living on the street and performing to make money for food.... i couldn't just leave him."

Changmin didn't say anything and lifted up Jessica so she wouldn't be in the way. He looked over at everyone else and started to move them as well. One by one he moved them into a spot where they wouldn't be in the way when we cleaned up. I was a bit surprised when he didn't say anything to me and started helping picking up trash off the floor. I left Taemin's side and continued cleaning up.

"Yoona?!" Minho's worried voice screamed from my room. "Yoona!" He stumbled out of the room and looked around in a panic then finally his eyes landed on me. He placed his hand over his chest and walked towards me. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked comfortable." I shrugged.

He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "Next time just wake me up." he said to me.

"Whoa, there's going to be a next time?" Changmin joked while looking at Minho with a raised eyebrow.

Minho punched Changmin and chuckled. "What are you now the maid? I have some socks that you can wash." Changmin flung foam from the sink at Minho. "Come on we should get out of here before Yunho hyung realizes that we lied about having a guys night at my trailer.

"What about Taemin and Key?" Changmin asked following Minho towards the door.

"They're safe." Minho said. "Me and you have girlfriends here so it'll look really bad if we're seen coming out of the trailer with them. Right Yoona." I nodded in agreement. "Key and Taemin are friends, so there won't be a scandal if they're seen here with the girls." Minho kissed me goodbye and pushed Changmin out of the trailer.

Hours later Jessica woke up. "Morning." she said rubbing her eyes and walking towards me. "Oh my did you do all the cleaning yourself?"

I shook my head. "Changmin helped out." She nodded. "I'm making some coffee do you want some?" She quickly nodded her head. "Why don't you get cleaned up in the bathroom and your coffee will be waiting for you." she yawned again and walked pass me into the bathroom.

"Noona?" Taemin asked rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Did you say coffee." I smiled and walked over to him.

"Your too young for coffee." i patted down on his hair. He always seemed to have a bad case of bed head. "How about milk?"

He pouted. "I can drink coffee too." he looked around. "Where's Minho hyung?"

"YAH!!!!" Amber suddenly shouted. "Get your but out of my face!!!"

"Well get your face out of my ." Key bit back laughter. Amber sat up looking around. "Holy cow, how did the place get cleaned up?"

"No doubt Yoona woke up early and started cleaning." Luna said sitting up as well. "Making coffee?" she asked. I quickly nodded my head.

"Yoona you're the best." Key smiled sleepily while resting his head on Amber's shoulder. Amber just nodded in agreement.

"Noona." Taemin whined again. "Please let me have some coffee." He started to tugged on my PJ pants.

"Fine." I smiled down at him. "But only a little."

"Yes." He struck down his fist and smiled. "I can't wait to tell Sulli and Krystal about this." i chuckled and went back to the stove.

Jessica walked out of the bathroom. "The bathroom is free." Luna stood up and ran to it. Amber and Key frowned and sat back down. "Is the coffee ready?" She asked. I handed her the cup and showed her the sugar and creamer.

"Hey Yoona." Key called out. "Do you know what Yunho hyung has planned for us today?" I shook my head. "I hope he let's us take a break because he worked us like a dog yesterday."

"Well he can't let anything slide by just because the Big Boss is out." Amber pointed out. I nodded in agreement as i started handing them all their coffee's.

"Here Taemin." i smiled as i handed him a cup filled half way with coffee. "I put extra sugar in there, just incase you found the coffee too strong."

"Thanks noona." He smiled and took the cup into his hands. "Mmmm, smells good." I smiled.

"I'm going to check on Yunho oppa." i said while putting on my jacket. "There's cookies in there if you guys want any." They nodded and i saw Amber and Key race to get the cookies.

I headed out of the trailer and stepped in a huge puddle of mud. I frowned as i saw my rubber boots sink down a bit. I hugged my jacket closer to me and headed to Yunho's trailer. I knocked and waited for the door to be opened.

"Huh?" I obviously woke him up. "Oh Yoona." he yawned. "What time is it?" he asked while placing his hand over his mouth.

"It's 8 in the morning oppa." I answered. "Were you up late?" He shook his head but yawned again. "I have some coffee back at my place, would you like me to fix you a cup?"

"That sounds great Yoona." He smiled and patted my head. "I'll just get dressed and head over to your trailer to pick it up. Sorry for being a bother."

I shook my head. "Not at all oppa." I bowed. "I'll have the cooks start fixing breakfast and get everything set up as well." he nodded and closed the door as i walked away.

The noise from all the staff and performers eating breakfast happily calmed me. Yunho tapped me on my shoulder and asked me to sit with him. "How was your sleepover last night?" He asked as i sat down next to him.

"Fine." I smiled as i remembered how the guys snuck in and attacked us. We were scared out of wits because we had seen at least 2 scary movies and we were on our third one. Amber almost peed herself, even though she won't admit it. "I can tell you didn't get much sleep."

He chuckled. "I was just taking a look at our schedule for this week, and it looks like we have our work cut out for us. We have a show almost every night to make up for the lost shows because of the rain. And since i was reviewing the other performances i didn't get to practice mine so i decided to go practice."

I nodded as i took a bite of pancake. "Have you talked to Kangta?" i asked.

He nodded his head while drinking his orange juice. "I talked to him last night." He placed his cup down and wiped the corners of his mouth. "He seemed so relaxed. He asked how things were going down here and i told him that the two of us make a good team and that we had everything under control. Then he asked how you were doing and i told him that you and a couple of your friends were having a sleepover. He was just happy that you were feeling better." He grabbed my hands gently. "I didn't tell him about the accident you had just a couple of hours after he left. He would have killed me." He laughed letting go of them and continued to eat. "Oh and he said that he has a surprise for us." he added.

"Yoona." Minho suddenly appeared. "Are you done eating?" I shook my head. "Come on you and Yunho hyung can join us." he grabbed my plate with one hand and my wrist with the other. "Come on."

"Hey Yoona." I was greeted by some nicely and others just ignored me. "Thanks for last night." Jessica smiled. "It was a blast." Changmin snorted with laughter next to her. I bowed my head and smiled as Minho set down my plate and made me sit next to him. I watched as Jessica shoved Changmin in annoyance.

"Yunho oppa you look tired." Taeyeon pushed Sunny aside so that Yunho could sit next to her. "Were you up late?"

He nodded as he sat down. "Yeah, but it's nothing to worry about." he smiled and poked at his food.

"When is Big Boss coming back?" Victoria asked as she fed Zhou Mi his toast. "Have any of you talked to him?"

"I just talked to him last night." Yunho began to explain to the others what he had told me minutes ago.

"So since you had your little sleep over last night with your girls do you think i can spend the night tonight?" he whispered to me while hugging my waist. He rested his head on my neck as i leaned into him.

"What are the two love birds whispering about." Changmin asked with a smirk. Jessica nudged him once more to keep his mouth shut. "What?" He looked at Jessica.

"Nothing." Minho kissed my lips and smiled at me. "It's a secret. Right babe." he looked me in the eyes. I smiled back at him and cupped his face kissing him quickly on the lips again and nodded. He smiled even brighter but suddenly looked away. "I-I'll be right back." He got up leaving me alone.

I stared at him as he ran pass everyone and suddenly i lost him in the crowd. "You ok Yoona?" Jessica suddenly asked. I looked at her and nodded. "Why don't you follow Minho?" She suggested. I looked at her confused. "I'm just saying... because you seem worried." I slightly saw Changmin tug on Jessica's clothes.

I shook my head. "I'm sure he's fine. If he wanted me to go with him he would have asked." i pointed out. I kind of felt left out once Minho left, everyone had their friends to talk to and to them i was just known as Minho's girlfriend and the Big Boss's kid. "Excuse me." I bowed as i stood up and walked away heading towards Luna and Amber.

"Yoona." Luna smiled making space for me to sit down.

"We'll ask Yoona." Key suddenly said. "She never lies." Both Key and Amber looked at me. "Doesn't Amber snore."

"Tell him i don't." Amber rolled her eyes at Key and looked back at me. "He's the one who sleeps with his mouth open and drools." Luna sighed and shook her head.

I couldn't help but laugh at them. "Well... you're both right."

"Told You!" they screamed out at the same time. Then looked back at me. "What?"

"Amber you do snore, but it's probably because you deal with the fireworks and explosives which give off a lot of smoke. But don't worry your snoring isn't that bad." i told her.

"It's kind of cute." Key admitted.

"And Key, you do sleep with your mouth open and drool." I giggled. "But not all the time." Both of them were satisfied with my answer and continued eating and talking to each other.

"Where did Minho run off to?" Henry asked. "He looked like he was in a hurry." I shrugged my shoulders. "So when is the Big Boss coming back?"

"Today." a voice said from behind me. We all jumped up and turned around. Our mouths hung open as we stared at Kangta standing in front of us with a smile on his face. "Well don't you all look happy to see me." He said sarcastically. I was the first recover from the surprise and get up to hug him. "Hey there." He said to me as he rubbed the top of my head.

"What are you doing back?" I asked as i let go of him. "You still had all of today to rest."

He laughed. "I think i had enough time to rest and it was all thanks to you." He pinched my nose. "But i really missed this pla... what happened to your hands?" he asked taking both of my hands into his.

"Big Boss." Yunho suddenly appeared and bowed to him. "I thought you were suppose to come back tomorrow morning."

"What happened to Yoona's hands?" he looked at Yunho and showed him my hands. "I thought i told you to take care of her?"

"It's not Yunho oppa's fault." i quickly defended. "It was my fault. I accidentally crushed a cup and it cut my hands." I explained. "Luna said that the cuts weren't bad so that they'll be fully healed in a month or if i'm lucky maybe even less."

He sighed as he rubbed the top of my head. "You sure know how to make someone worry, don't you Yoona."

I quickly stepped back to bow. "Sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry for that Yoona." i could feel him smiling. I looked back up at him. "As long as it wasn't too serious and you're ok, that's all that really matters." He took a deep breath in and looked out to everyone, who was staring back at him. "Everyone get dressed and meet me in the main tent in 20 minutes." He announce. "There's something i have to show you guys." He smiled before heading back to his trailer.

"Wow." Luna said. "That was sooo unexpected."

"You heard the man." Yunho announce, snapping everyone out of their dazed looks. "Start getting ready and rush to the main tent." everyone suddenly started to scatter around.

"Let's go." Luna said with a smile and join in on the running around.


Everyone was now sitting in the main tent. I was the first one there so i was sitting up front waiting for Kangta to come out. Luna and Amber ran in and sat in the spaces i saved for them. There was small talk among everyone about what this could possibly be about. I remembered Yunho telling me that Kangta said he had a surprise for us, but i thought the surprise was that he was coming back early... so what could this be about?

The lights suddenly turned off, causing everyone to stop talking. Suddenly fire appeared in the middle of the tent. Bright and hot. I flinched and held my hand up at the sudden heat coming from the outburst of fire.


It was gone. A spotlight shone right in the same spot the fire had appeared and a man in a black V-neck shirt and gray vest appeared. His arms out and his head bowed down. Slowly, he lifted his head.

A gasp is heard from all the girls in the room, while mine just seems to be caught in my throat. His intense stare almost burned as much as the fire. His eyes shining brightly behind his bangs that came a little over his eyes. He scanned the room with a half, arrogant smile and suddenly snapped his fingers and a rose appeared. He threw it out to us and Yuri was the lucky one to catch it, however, Taeyeon quickly snatched it out of her hands and took it.

He showed us a picture of a dove, back and front so that we could see that it was just a picture frame. Everyone leaned forward to get a good look. He punched through the picture and suddenly a real dove appeared. A hat suddenly appeared as he used his free hand and waved it behid his back and he placed the dove inside, after showing us that it was indeed a real hat and covered it with a handkerchief. He counted to three with his hands and then removed the handkerchief and showed us the empty hat. He bowed and with another smoke screen he vanished. Leaving us all dumbfounded... and slightly coughing.

All the girls started clapping like crazy, while the guys did it a little less enthusiastic. Kangta walked out while clapping along with the rest of us and smiled. He motioned for us to sit down and allow him to speak, and slowly everything became quite again.

"While i was away on my mini vacation i reflected on what this circus needs, you know to make better." he takes a couple of steps closer to us. "We already have the best performers, but there was something missing." He snapped his fingers and suddenly stopped walking. "And then it hit me, when i saw this young man doing mind blowing illusion tricks out by the pool of the hotel i was staying at." he smiled while looking at us as he walked in a circle. "We were missing a magician........" He continued to talk.

"That was some crazy magic tricks don't you think." Luna whispered to Amber and me. "Do you think he's going to want you guys to learn magic tricks?"

"I wish i was a magician." Amber admitted. "For my first trick i would make Victoria and her boyfriend disappear."

"Amber." i motioned for her to keep her voice down.

"Yoona, you can't deny that she's a real witch." Amber whispered. "And her and Zhou Mi are always kissing and groping each other whenever they get the chance." she complained.

"Well i would do the same if that magician guy was my boyfriend." Luna joked.

"Shhh, you guys." I pointed to Kangta. "Kangta is talking." They nodded their heads and continued to listen to Kangta speak

He had his back facing us and with one swift move he spun around. "And so now i introduce you guys to Jay." He announced and all of us waited for him to walk up next to Kangta or magically appear next to him like earlier, but nothing.

"Thank you." A voice said from behind Amber, Luna and me. We all turned around and saw the magician sitting behind us. Our mouths hung wide open. "Excuse me." Luna and Amber nodded and made way for him to pass by. He walked up to Kangta, turned and bowed to us.

"Jay, this is everyone." Kangta he motioned to us. "I'm sure that they'll go up to you and introduce themselves when they have a chance." Jay nodded. "Anyways for the next month we will be working our butts off in order to work Jay's act into the show." He looked at me. "That mean you have time for your hands to fully heal." I nodded. "Ok you guys know what i expect to happen, back to your normal routines." he dismissed us. "Yoona, come here for a second." I nodded and waited for the crowd to clear up a bit so i could pass them and walk up to Kangta.

"You wanted to see me?" i asked bowing slightly to him and Jay.

"Yes," he smiled as he placed both his hands on my shoulders and placed me in front of Jay. "This is Yoona, my beloved child." He laughed. "Yoona, will you please show Jay around and introduce him to how we do things around here." I nodded. "Thank you. I knew i could count on you." he said as he walked away.

I bowed again to Jay. "Hello." He said nothing and nodded his head. "Uhh, you can follow me and i'll show you around the circus area." he nodded and followed me out of the main tent. "That over there are where all our trailers are parked. Girls are over here and the boys are pretty far apart from ours." I said. "You'll have to ask Kangta about which one you'll be staying in."

"I never knew that Kangta had a daughter." He suddenly spoke. I looked up at him, and his eyes... they were the kind of eyes that let you know they've been through a lot. You know the kind that have a story to tell, the ones that let you know that the person is more mature than they look.

I cleared my throat and looked away. "I'm not his real daughter." I answered. "My parents died when i was little and he took me in. He's like my father."

"I see." he said. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Don't be, it's not like you knew." i sighed. "Over there is where we set up to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That right there is the medicine trailer. It's where you go if you ever need to be seen by our doctor."

"Yoohoo, Yoona." Taeyeon, Sunny, Yuri, and Sooyoung suddenly walked up to me. "Hey we were just wondering how your hands were... Oh, well hello there." They acted like they hadn't noticed i was with the magician when they walked up to me. "I'm Taeyon. The queen of this circus." she bowed and smiled.

"I'm Sunny." Sunny smiled.

"I'm Yuri, nice to meet you." She winked.

"Your performance was awesome." Sooyoung blurted out. "I'm Sooyoung."

"Nice to meet all of you." Jay nodded. "If you'll excuse us, Yoona has a lot to show me." He bowed and walked pass them. I bowed to them as well and power walked to catch up with Jay. From the corner of his eyes i noticed he was looking at my hands. "What happened to you?"

"Huh?" i looked down. "Oh... you shouldn't hold glass cups so tight." i tried to joke to lighten the mood. He continued to stare at me and i was feeling uncomfortable. "The animals are kept far back because the noise disturbs them sometimes, so we keep them as far as we possibly can." i explained. "They need the rest."

"Which ones are your friends Yoona?" he asked. It was as if he was completely ignoring my tour.

"I'm friends with everyone." i semi lied.

"Now i know for a fact that those girls that came up to us were not your friends." He sighed.

I looked ahead of me. "Those two over there are my best friends, Amber and Luna." i pointed at Luna and Amber. "They're the ones i was sitting with during the... your performance."

"Oh." He nodded.

"Yo Yoona!" Amber called on me but lowered her hand once she noticed i wasn't alone. I smiled and waved back at her.

He continued to walk ahead of me, as if he was the one leading me around. I bowed quickly to Amber and followed him. "Uhhh, these trailers are for props, costumes, fireworks, make-up among other things." i said. "The rest is basically space for practicing."

"It's really big." his tone of voice never seemed to change. It was always serious, and he always looked indifferent. The only time he seemed to show any emotion was when he was performing but still even then it wasn't that noticeable. "One could get lost in this place." he commented.

"Ani, once you get use to this place you start to find it a little small." I said and noticed Kangta motioning to us. "Oh, Kangta appa is calling us. Oh which reminds me people address him as sir or Big Boss."

"Why?" he asked. I shrugged as i walked with him to meet Kangta.

"How far did Yoona show you?" Kangta asked as he rubbed the top of my head.

"I was just about to explain the rule." I said.

"Oh, well i just wanted to tell you that i found where you'll be sleeping and i had your things put inside." he said. "Do you want to continue with Yoona or would you rather..."

"Yoona was doing a good job so far." he stated in a mono tone voice. "I don't mind having her explain the rules to me."

"Ok, well i'm going to star making changes to the show." Kangta placed his hand on my shoulder as he walked pass us. "When the two of you are done show Jay to Jonghyun's trailer. They'll be sharing." I nodded and looked back up at Jay.

"So what is it that i have to know about this place?" he said with a rather bored expression on his face.

"The list is rather long..." I bit my lip. "We could head to the kitchen and grab a snack while i explain the rules to you." He nodded and as i lead him to the kitchen.

After almost 2 hours of explaining to him the rules of the circus and answering his questions we finally left the kitchen. "I hope i answered all of your questions." I said as i started to lead him to where the boys trailers were located.

"This Jonghyun guy..." Jay breathed out. "What is he like? Is he a pain in the or is he..."

"He's ok." I shrugged. "He's an artist. He picks someone from the audience and draws them in less than 10 minutes, but if colors are added then it sometimes takes a while longer." I said. "He's really good. And he sings with the rest of the singers of the circus."

"What do you do?" He suddenly asked.

I thought i answered all questions in the kitchen. "When you've lived your whole life in the circus then you learn to do a little of everything. But i do ballet, aerial stunts, and i work with Lily the elephant." i answered.

"Yoona." a voice called out to me. Minho didn't look to happy with me. "Where have you been?"

I motioned to Jay. "I was just showing Jay-shii around. Kangta appa told me to." i explained. "Jay-shii this is Minho. He's one of the performers." i introduced. Jay held out his hand for Minho to take but instead of shaking his hand Minho wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, then placed a kiss on my neck. "O-oppa." i blushed.

"I'm Minho." he stated while staring at Jay as he rubbed my stomach lightly and brushed his lips on my neck again. "Yoona's boyfriend."

"Oppa, be nice." I whispered to Minho.

"Don't worry Yoona." Jay suddenly spoke. I turned to look at him and he had a small smirk on his face. "I'm use to guys being intimidated by me."

Minho furrowed his brows together and glared at Jay. "I am not intimidated by you."

"Uh huh." Jay looked slightly amused. "So you normally kiss your girlfriend on the neck and make her feel uncomfortable, and announce that your her boyfriend?" he asked. Minho didn't respond, but his grip on me became tighter. "Shall i wait for you over there while you talk with your boyfriend?" He pointed. "You still need to show me to my trailer after all."

I nodded and watched him as he walked away. "Oppa." i frowned while looking at him. "Why did you act like that?"

"I don't like him." He rolled his eyes and let go of me.

"You don't even know him oppa." i frowned. He refused to look at me, obviously still mad at what Jay said to him. "Come on oppa. If it makes you feel any better you can still come over to my trailer tonight."

"Isn't that forbidden?" Jay's voice suddenly appeared. "I mean especially if the two of you are a couple."

"Stay out of our conversation!" Minho snapped.

"Well your taking up my time and i really want to get to my trailer." he said and walked back to where he originally was.

I looked at Minho. "I'll talk to you later." he walked away without looking back.

"Ready?" Jay asked. I looked at him and nodded.

I lead him to Jonghyun's trailer and knocked on the door. "Yes?" he looked like he was in a middle of painting because his hair was a mess and he had his painting clothes on and paint smuges all over his hands and face. "Oh, you're the guy i'm going to be sharing the trailer with?" Jay nodded. "I'm Jonghyun, that was some performance you gave. You totally freaked me out when you appeared in the crowd out of no where."

Jay smiled. "Thank you." he motioned to the trailer. "May i come in? I have things to unpack."

"Oh," he laughed while twirling his pain brush in his hand. "Yeah, come on in."

"Thank you Yoona." Jay finally smiled while looking at me and walked into the trailer. Jonghyun smiled and waved goodbye to me as he closed the door.

"Finally." I sighed as i walked away. As i was walking back to my trailer i saw Kangta and Yunho talking. "Kangta appa." I called out to him.

He turned to me and smiled. "Oh Yoona. Are you finished with Jay?" he asked.

I quickly nodded. "I was just wondering if the girls and i were going to practice today?"

He shook his head. "You won't be practicing for a couple of weeks." he said. "Your hands need to heal as quickly as possible and that won't be possible if your practice." I frowned. "But after 2 weeks you can practice with the rest of us. As for now please do me the favor of keeping Jay company so he feels more comfortable about this place."

"Sure." I bowed to him.

"Introduce him to everyone." he continued. "He's very quiet so make him feel at home." He placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled. "I know your the perfect person to make anyone feel welcomed to this place." I nodded. "Well i'll see you at lunch." he walked off and motioned for Yunho to follow him.

"Hey noona." Taemin smiled waving at me with Sulli by his side.

"Unnie." She squealed as she ran up to hug me. "Is it true that Taemin drank coffee?" she asked. "He's been acting strange and he says it's because you gave him coffee this morning. Is it true?"

I pinched Taemin's cheek. "I only gave him a little coffee."

"Told you." Taemin smiled smugly at Sulli.

"Yah, just because you drink coffee doesn't make you mature." Sulli rolled her eyes. "I mean Eunhyuk oppa drinks it every morning and he still acts like a kid."

"Yeah, but that's his job." Taemin pointed out. "He's suppose to act silly."

Sulli pouted and turned her back to him. "It still doesn't mean you've grown up. It just means that your even more hyper active than before."

Taemin shook his hand. "You're just jealous that i drank coffee and you didn't." He looked at her. "You're a coffee ."

"Yah!" she yelled at him.

"It's true." he smirked.

"Then what about Krystal then?" she asked.

"She's one too." he nodded.

"Speaking of Krystal, where is she?" I asked.

They both shrugged. "She said she had to talk to someone and walked off on her own." Sulli answered. "She's been acting weird lately too."

Taemin thought for a while. "Could she be on her menstrual cycle?"

Sulli and i stared at him with wide eyes. "Y-yah!"


"How can you just say something like that?" Sulli asked.

He cleared his throat. "I told you i'm mature now and part of being mature is being able to talk about these kind of things without giggling or freaking out... like you just did." he pointed out. She stared at him for a while and finally smacked him on the head. "Yah! What was that for?"

"A real mature person would know what topics are appropriate to talk about and not make others feel uncomfortable." She shook her head at him. "And once again i point out that drinking coffee doesn't make you mature."

Taemin sighed and started walking away. "I still think your jealous." She pouted and ran after him.

I frowned when i came to the realization that there was nothing for me to do. Usually my day would consist of practicing with Yuri and Seohyun and often on my own. But since i hurt my hands and was told not to practice, there was nothing i could do.

I could find Amber and Luna. Maybe they aren't busy and have something i can help them with. I nodded as i started looking for the two girls.

Everyone was running around frantically, no one was expecting Kangta to come back so soon. And now he was changing up the show by adding a magician, things were going to get crazy. Kangta is the world's biggest perfectionist when it comes to the circus. He will go over every little detail over and over and over again until he finally gets the result that he wants.

"Coming through." i jumped out of the way so that Zhou Mi oppa could pass by with his rack of clothes and fabric, only to bump into Donghae oppa.

"Watch where your going." He pushed me forward, causing me to fall on my knees. I bowed my head and whispered my apology. "Pathetic." he spat at me and continued walking.

"Here." a hand suddenly appeared in front of me. I took it without looking up and then came face to face with Changmin. "Hyung can be an sometimes."

I shook my head as he helped dust myself off. "It was my fault. I wasn't watching where i was walking." He paid not attention to me and continued to dust off my clothes. "H-have you seen Amber or Luna?"

He shook his head. "Sorry."

I sighed. "I guess i'll have to continue my search for them." I bowed to him and made started walking away, only to bump into someone else and fall back down on my . The floor seems to like me a lot today.

"You ok?" i was suddenly lifted up into standing position. I looked up to see Jay looking down at me. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine." i assured him. "I'm fine."

Without another word he suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling me with him. Of course i was surprised by his sudden action. "Yah!" he stopped as soon as the person behind us yelled. "Where do you think you're going with her?" Changmin asked.

Jay turned to face him. "We're you and her in middle of a conversation?" he asked Changmin, who slowly shook his head. Jay then bowed and continued to pull me with him.

"Oppa." Taeyeon, Yuri, and Sunny came running up to Jay. "Do you want to come and see me perform my act?"

He paid no attention to them and continued to pull me along. Finally he screamed out to someone. "Yah." I took a peek from behind him and saw Donghae turn around.

At first he looked a little stunned to see Jay calling out to him but he quickly replaced that with an annoyed look on his face. "What?"

Jay pushed me in front of him. "Apologize." he ordered. I looked back at Jay with wide eyes and slightly shook my head.

"What?" Donghae questioned. Jay didn't repeat himself and pushed me forward again. I felt very uncomfortable being stared at by everyone.

"Instead about worrying about her when she fell you call her pathetic." Jay said sounding uninterested and quite bored with the whole situation. "Not only that but it wasn't her fault she bumped into you in the first place. So...." he turned to look Donghae straight in the eyes. "apologize."

"Ha." Donghae rolled his eyes. "As if." Jay didn't say anything and walked up to Donghae and slightly leaned in to whisper something in his ear. He leaned back and walked back over to me. "S-sorry Yoona."

"It's ok." i bowed. Donghae stared at Jay for a while before storming off. I turned to face Jay, who was already walking away.

"Omo." Sunny squealed. "Jay oppa is so cool." the rest of the girls squealed in agreement.

I ran to catch up to him. "Thank you." I bowed, causing him to stop. "But that wasn't necessary."

He looked straight ahead. "I didn't do it for you." He said.

"Eh?" i lifted my head to look at him.

"He's right." he looked down at me. "You are pathetic." He looked away. "I just don't like how he thinks he owns the place." he said as he walked away, leaving me with my mouth hanging wide open.

"Yoona." Henry came up to me with a smile. "Guess what new animals we're getting." he smiled at me. "Yoona? Is something wrong?"

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Henry. "Huh? Oh, no. What were you saying?"

"I said guess what new animals we're getting." He smiled at me and i shrugged. "Well for the magic act we're getting doves, bunnies, and Big Boss said he'll be adding more to the list."

"That's great." i said. I always love bunnies, but one of the rules Kangta had was no pets. It was because we were always to busy to take care of them, and they could cause trouble.

"Yeah." He looked down at my hands. "How are your hands doing?"

"Fine." i answered.

"You look bored." he said. "You want to come and help me with the animals? It's their feeding time." I nodded and followed him.

I held the carrot out for the horse name Nini. I felt my arm being tugged down every time she nibbled on the carrot. My mind was still else where at the moment. No one had ever told me i was pathetic to my face. I knew they would often think that about me, but the way Jay said it... for some reason it bothered me. Maybe it was because i haven't even known the guy for a full day and he already judges me like everyone else in this place does.

I am pathetic.

"Yoona." My hand was suddenly pulled out of the horse's reach. "Nini almost mistook your hand for the carrot."

"Sorry." i bowed and reached for another carrot.

"Are you sure everything is alright." He asked. "You seem pretty out of it? Is something bothering you?"

I shook my head. "No. It's just weird not being able to practice with the rest. Kangta appa told me to rest for two weeks and... i feel useless."

He smiled. "Well you can always come over and help me tend to the animals." he offered as he took out hay and placed it inside the horses cage.

"Thanks." i smiled.


After feeding all the animals i walked out with Henry, he offered to help me look for Luna, and Amber. Henry pointed out where he thought they might be and i happened to see Jay standing in the middle of all the girls. He looked like he was bored out of his mind and hardly had any reaction to any of them. And the more that he seemed unresponsive to them the more that they wanted his attention.

For some reason he really bothered me. "Oh look there they are." Henry smiled and waved them to stopped. I snapped out of my gaze and looked ahead of me. Henry grabbed my wrist and started pulling me with him. "Hey, Yoona has been looking all over for you guys."

"Really?" Luna asked. "I was just straightening up in the medical trailer."

"And i was talking with Big Boss over the new fireworks he wanted." she smiled excitedly. "The explosives are going to blow everyone's mind!" She looked pass me and shook her head. "If they can get over the new guy long enough to notice them. I swear if the whole place was burning down none of them would notice."

"He's new." Luna said. "What do you expect? He's the shiny new toy, of course he's going to get all the attention."

"I know." She rolled her eyes. "But the guy hasn't even been here a whole day and they're all over him like....well just look at them. Have they no pride?"

"I guess not." She stared at them as well. "But admit it if the guy came up and started talking to you, you would act the same. Wait, you already have Key."

"Yah!" Amber punched Luna in the arm. "What doesn Key have to do with me? And for your information i would not act the same."

"I would." Admitted Luna. "I mean look at him. He has that whole 'i'm a mysterious loner' thing going on. It's so y."

"Hand me a barf bag because i'm ready to puke." Amber faked gagging noises.

"Do guys really go for that kind of things?" Henry asked innocently.

Amber shook her head while Luna nodded. "With the exception of Amber, all girls love the silent manly loners. It's their mysterious aurora that just us in... and the y i woke up looking like this hair." She explained.

"What about you Yoona?" Henry looked at me for an answer. "Do you like that kind of guys?"

I shook my head. "Sweet considerate guys always get my attention."

"Then what the heck are you doing with Minho?" Amber asked.

"Minho is sweet." i said.

"Yeah, if he get's his way." Amber sighed. "I know you guys are like childhood crushes or whatever, but seriously have you ever given yourself a chance to see if there is other guys out there for you?"

I thought for a while. "Minho has always been there for me." i answered. "Though he may seem like a jerk to you guys, but he's sweet when he's with me." i defended him.

"But..." Amber started but was held back by Luna.

"Seriously Amber are you sure you don't want to pursue a career in becoming a lawyer? You always have to argue with people." She laughed.

Amber smiled proudly. "I'm not arguing i'm just speaking my mind. Sorry for being so opinionated."

"Aww, it's ok." Key came over and quickly rubbed the top of her head. "That's what i love the most about you." he smiled knowing that would make her mad.

"Yah!" she yelled and smacked his hand away.

"Oh." Key got closer to her face. "Are you blushing?"

"Am not!" She yelled.

"I think you are." he leaned in closer to get a better look and even reached out to touch her cheek. "Ah, it's hot."

"Luna. Yoona. Make him stop." She hid behind us and glared at him.

Key just laughed. "I never thought i'd see the day when Amber would blush."

"I Am Not Blushing!" she screamed at him and hid her cheeks with her hands. "I'm allergic to you. Being around you gives me a rash?"

"In your cheeks?" He raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes and turned away. "Well i'll talk to you guys later. Big Boss wants me and the rest of the group to go show him our routine." He waved and started walking away.

"I hate him." Amber mumbled as she walked away.

Luna just smiled. "I don't understand why she acts like that. In no time they'll be back to talking and joking around."

"Key loves to make her mad." I said. She nodded in agreement. "Do you need help in anything?" i asked. "I'm not allowed to practice with the rest and there's nothing for me to do."

"She already helped me feed the animals." Henry explained. "But cleaning up their cages requires..."

"Healed hands?" Luna finished for him and he nodded with a small smile. "Well there's nothing much to do, but i don't mind the company." She smiled and linked arms with me. "Bye Henry." He waved and walked away.

"Were you just trying to spare Henry's feelings or you really don't find that Jay guy attractive?" Luna asked in a hushed tone since we were passing by the group of nagging girls.

I shook my head. "I was being honest."

"But..." Luna started. "He has the whole Edward Cullen thing going on. How can you not find that y?"

I shrugged and looked over at the group of girls surrounding the new addition to the circus family. Luna continued talking to me but all i could do was stare at the guy in the center. Then suddenly his eyes met with mine and instantly i looked away, acting as if i was paying attention to what Luna was saying. I could feel his stare as we walked pass them. I didn't know much about this guy but one thing was for sure.....

This guy is a load of trouble.


A/N: Soooo a lot of you seem to hate Yoona in this story and for that i apologize. That was not my intention but all wells if you don't like the story then... i'm sorry lol. *sigh* Anyways the magician finally appeared and it's no other than Jay from Trax. His character is as Luna put it the silent manly loner type, but he speaks his mind and sometimes has no filter. He and Yoona bump heads in the next chapter, so look forward to it. Yoona really is pathetic in this story but things will change and you'll find out why she's like this or why she thinks she has to be like this. And i'm sorry if i there are any spelling errors it's like no matter how many times i go over the chapter as soon as i post it i find a mistake and then i'm too lazy to fix it lol. Please leave your comments (they are always appreciated ^.^) because i really want to know what you guys think of the story so far. Thanks for reading!!!!!!  ^.^   

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Chapter 6: Damn it!! I really love this kind of stories.
Alhough, i'm so scared to guess what happen will be out when everyone goes to find out about the lies (with changmin of course) has been through in this kindhearted woman's life..
So confusing you took both of my Otp to this fic. But deeper of my heart still choosing Changmin :D. Yoona seems loves changmin more, that's why she has given more for him than he had for Minho . but Yoona seems won't to leaving Minho too.
oh yes, Jay was a very mysterious man. Can't guess why he acted like that to Yoona.
i hope you'll be update this soon. Cos i see your last updated was about a year ago.. To see what will Yoona do to changmin after the broke up news..
thanks a lot :)
fantacy #2
I really like this story . There were many thing going on with many people, but I hope it will finally be Changyoon cuz I just love them. Though it might not fair for Minho:D
Narcissist #3
Pretty please! Update soon! (;
1380MC #4
usually i dont like it where yoona being so...meek or a pushover, but here i can hear her thought why she's like that and quite understand it. i'm depending on jay to push her button, and then yoona can bite his bipolar head off. haha..
hoping for changyoon.
good story. keep it coming please.
Narcissist #6
Changyoon! (:
Minyoon all the way!^^
AnneXue #8
ahh. I gotta say I love this.<br />
<br />
ChangYoon all the way :P<br />
<br />
p.s its 'strict' not 'strick' HEHE ^^
devilyoong #9
i think the reason why Yoona still stays with Minho, even if she might not be in love with him, is because she's afraid that leaving him would only bring back bad memories of when his mother left him. she worries of the consequence of what her action would bring him, so instead she tolerates their relationship :(
i don't really get Jay either~ LOL. <br />
although i like MinYoon, i'm rooting for ChangYoon~ :D <br />
idk..i like them best here :3 <br />
i'm glad Changmin finally broke up with Jessica. it was a good move! i approve. LMAO<br />
i'm dying to know how ChangYoon started~ :D