Circus de Amour

Circus de Amour

Chapter 4

Song: Because of a Man- Joo






Yunho and i had been busy for the past 2 days. He had been over to my trailer so we could put our plan into action. Minho (nor Changmin) was too happy about it. But we couldn't tell anybody about our idea just yet, we wanted it to be a surprise for Kangta. And if someone let it slip and he found out before hand he wouldn't go for it. So we had to make sure that everything was ready so that when we went up to him with our idea then he couldn't say no.

"I think we have everything ready." Yunho oppa smiled as he stretched out on my couch. "It might be hard to convince him to agree to this," He twirled a feather boa i had hanging. "But you sprinkle you ageyo and work your magic and i'm sure he'll say yes."

"You really think so?" i asked as i handed him a coke. "I mean you know how Kangta can be sometimes..."

"Calm down, i'm sure that he'll be really happy...once he agrees." He added with a smile. There was a knock at the door.

I opened the door. "Hi Minho." i smiled, but he didn't return the smile. "What's wrong?"

He rolled his eyes. "Why don't you tell me?" I was taken aback by his comment. "What's with you? You've been spending all your time with Yunho hyung and..."

"Minho it's for..." I tried to explain but he cut me off.

"What are you hiding Yoona?" He asked rather furiously.

"Whoa," Yunho oppa stepped in. "Chill out Minho. Yoona was just worried about the Big Boss and wanted to give him some time off. So she asked for my help to set up everything. We've been working on that for the pass two days."

Minho calmed down and looked at me. "Why didn't you ask me for help?"

"When i tried to talk to you about it you just said that we should worry about ourselves, and Yunho oppa said that he would be happy to help with anything." I said. "And since Kangta will feel more comfortable if Yunho oppa takes over."

"Takes over?" Minho tilted his head. I nodded.

"Yoona came up with the great idea of sending him away to a hotel. No phone so we don't disturb him." Yunho explained. "While Yoona and i take over everything down here. We gathered some money, booked a hotel for a couple of days, and show him that we have everything here under control."

Minho smiled. "Looks like you guys thought of everything."

"That's why she's been so busy." Yunho patted my back. "She's a smart girl."

Minho put his arm around me. "Yeah, she is. So when are you guys going to tell the Big Boss?"

"Tonight." Yunho answered. "We're going to him during dinner and sending him away."

"So he leaves tonight?" we nodded our heads.

"But you can't tell anyone." i tugged on his arm. "You have to promise not to tell anyone because then everything will be ruined. Please."

"I won't." he smiled.

"Minho i'm being serious." i frowned. "If you don't keep this a secret i..." I wanted to tell him that i wouldn't be able to talk to him for a while and that i would hate him for ruining something that i felt needed to be done. "I won't be able to trust you again. Kangta is important to me and he needs some time off."

He kissed my cheek. "I swear i won't tell a soul." I sighed and thanked him. I looked over at Yunho who gave me a concerned look. "Well i have to go, Hyoyeon has been yelling at us to get to practice, but i just wanted to check up on you. See you later." He smiled and kissed my lips before leaving.

"Why didn't you tell him what you were really thinking?" Yunho asked.

"W-what do you mean?" i played dumb.

"That you would hate him if he ruined this." He stated. "That you would probably dump him if he revealed what we had planned for the Big Boss."

"I wasn't...."

"Yoona." He sighed. "You can't keep your feeling held in just to please others."

"I'm not." I stated. "I wasn't thinking that at all. And i don't keep my feelings in just to please others."

He nodded his head. "Ok, well i have to go. The Big Boss might started to think that i'm tainting you or something if i stay in here any longer." he joked as he walked out.

I sat down on the couch and looked over the papers we printed out for Kangta. It was the plan sheet we were going to hand him when we presented him with our idea. I smiled to myself and set in a folder and placed it on the table. I took a quick shower and got dressed before heading out.



"Oh, Yoona. You finally come out to associate with the rest of us?" Jessica said in sort of sarcastic playful kind of way. "You and Yunho oppa seemed to be pretty busy. I can name two people that weren't happy about that."

I sighed. "I already talk to Minho about it."

"Well you should probably steer clear of Taeyeon for a while." she advised. "She's going to want to kill you, no correction, she's going to kill you. Here she comes now." She pointed behind me.

"Yoona!" She glared at me. Her hands in fist and her short legs marching towards me. I looked back at Jessica, who was walking away. I looked around for anyone to run and hide behind. Henry.

"Henry." i yelled and ran to him. "Help me." I whispered as i grabbed his arm and pulled him with me. "Taeyeon unnie is going to kill me."

"Why?" he asked looking behind him. "Whoa, she looks mad. What did you do?"

"I was with Yunho oppa and now she's going to kill me because she thinks i'm trying to steal him away from her." i frowned. "And we were.... well can you just get rid of her for me?"

"Sure." He nodded and i let go of his arm. And continued to run while he stayed behind to deal with Taeyeon.

I sighed once i reached a safe place far from all the commotion. It was far away from all the staff and performers. Only a few set up booths were out here and a trailer or two that were filled with props and costumes. I absent mindly walked into the arms of someone.

"Hiding?" Instantly i felt chills run up and down my spine. I tried to pull away but he held on tighter. I looked up at Changmin who was tilting his head to the side and locking eyes with me. "I can feel your heart beat." He whispered calmly. With the other hand he pushed my head to rest on his chest. He rested his head on top of mine and stayed quiet.

It was times like this that made me confused. "Ch-Changmin." I stuttered.

"What's going on with you and Yunho hyung?" He asked. I opened my mouth to answer him but nothing came out. He pulled me away and faced me again. "Hmmm?" Though he asked in a calm voice his eyes were demanding. I bit my lip. "I hate it when you do that." He stated before angrily crashing his lips onto mine.

I didn't fight back as he took control of the kiss. We were so lost in it that we crashed into the trailer. His hands placed on my lower back and mine wrapped around his neck. Could it be that i missed him? That i missed this? Did he miss this? I quickly shook that thought out of my head and finally found the strength to pull away.

"I... have to go." I said a little out of breath. I could feel his chest rising and falling with the same intensity as mine. He wouldn't let go even though i already did. He stared at me for a couple of seconds and finally let go.

I turned to walk away but he caught my wrist. "What's going on between you and Yunho hyung?" this time it was a demand for me to answer.

I shook my arm out of his grip. "Everyone will find out later." i answered as i walked away. With my hand placed over my mouth i walked back to the crowd of people. The noise of people screaming at one another filled the air. I searched the place for a friendly face and finally found Luna and Amber sitting down together laughing. "Luna. Amber."

"Oh Yoona." Luna smiled. "Why does it feel like it's been forever since we've hung out?"

"It's only been two days Luna. Don't be such a drama queen." Amber placed her hand on the side of and whispered. "That's Victoria's job." We all laughed.

"Sorry, i've just been busy." i bowed my head to them. "You guys aren't mad are you?" i looked up at them.

They smiled. "Of course not. You worry too much Yoona."

I shrugged. "Everyone else seems to be upset. I mean Minho and Taeyeon are understandable, but Jessica looked like she was mad at me too."

"Don't pay attention to that ice princess." Amber frowned. "She has issues."

"Be nice Amber." Luna scolded. "Jessica is a nice girl..... well at least she tries to be." I nodded in agreement.

"Well, the fact is that she's still fake. She's always going around pretending that Yoona and her are like best friends and stuff, when she doesn't even take the time to get to know her." Amber rolled her eyes. "The only reason she's trying to get close to her is because the Big Boss is like Yoona's father."

"Amber." Luna frowned.

"It's true." Amber crossed her arms. "Yoona doesn't need to be surrounded by fake friends. Right Yoona."

I shrugged. "I don't mind. Jessica unnie can be nice sometimes."

"Yoona, that was suppose to be the part where you agreed with me." Amber sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be sorry Yoona." Luna sighed. "Amber is just in a sour mood because her and Key got into a little lover's fight."

"We are not lovers." Amber screamed. "He's an with a diva attitude."

"They'll make up by breakfast tomorrow." Luna whispered to me. I bit back a giggle. Amber just glared at the two of us. "Anyways moving on, did you hear that the storm is suppose to be coming tomorrow?" I nodded.

"Hey maybe we can sleep over each others trailer and have like a movie night or something." Amber suggested.

"That's a great idea." Luna and i clapped. "We all collect the three best movies we own and meet up at... Yoona's trailer since it's bigger. Is that ok?" I nodded. "Great. I just hope that the Big Boss let's us."

I smiled. "I'm sure we'll be able to have our sleepover."



I signaled Yunho during dinner from across the tables. He nodded and followed my lead as we walked towards Kangta. "Kangta appa." I smiled at him, Yunho stood by me while a smile.

"Uh-oh." He chuckled. "Why do i have a feeling you're up to something?" Yunho motioned for me to hand him the folder with the papers. "What's this he asked as he opened the folder.

"You're get-a-way vacation trip." Yunho and i announced. "It's a thee day, well thought out plan for you to get some rest."

"Huh?" he examined the papers and looked back at us.

"Yoona explained to me that you haven't had much rest these days, and i agree." Yunho explained. "So she thought of a plan for you to have a couple of days rest, and i helped."

He chuckled. "You guys this is...."

"We looked over every possible excuse you could give us for not going, and all the information is in there." I said. "We already booked the hotel paid for it so if you don't go then the money will go to waste."

"You're trying to make me feel bad." Kangta raised an eyebrow and sighed. "I don't know you guys i have so...."

"She's very concerned about your well being sir." Yunho added.

"But who's going to take...."

"We will." We said in unison.

He shook his head. "I can't just pack my things and leave for a couple of days."

"It's going to be raining anyways. There's not much we can do but make sure the animals are calm, and things don't get wet." Yunho said. "We can handle that."

"Please." I begged. "You're really over worked and i don't want to risk losing you too." his face softened as i said that. "Please Kangta appa."

He smiled. "Ok. I'll pack."

"No need." Yunho smiled.

"We had director unnie pack your things for you and put them in the car earlier." I smiled and hugged him quickly.

"So you guys already knew i was going to say yes." He laughed. "Thank you." We nodded and watched him walk away. Yunho and i high fived and went back to our seats. Minutes later Kangta said he was leaving and Yunho and i were in charge. He threatened that if anything crazy happened he had spies and he would find out and punish whoever was out of line.

Once Kangta left everyone erupted in questions and compliments. "So that's what the two of you have been doing for the past two days." Jessica smiled as she hugged Changmin's arm. "I though Yoona was cheating on Minho."

Minho smiled and hugged me from behind burring his face in my neck and swayed from side to side. "I found out this morning."

"I can't believe you didn't tell us." Luna and Amber smiled.

"It figures Yoona would do something like this." Onew smiled. "She bought me chicken the other day, so it's not surprising she would think of doing this for her appa."

"Yah, how could you keep a secret like this from me hyung." Changmin pouted as he hugged Jessica from the cold. "I thought we were close."

Yunho smiled. "We didn't want to take any chances in ruining the surprise. Besides Yoona made me swear not to tell anyone. She had that killer look in her eyes so i had to do as i was told." He joked.

"That was really thoughtful of you Yunho oppa." Taeyeon smiled stepping closer to him. "Oh, and Yoona too of course." I smiled and bowed.

"Let's go to your trailer." Minho whispered into my ear. "It's cold out here." He hugged me tighter and i nodded. Slowly we started to remove ourselves from the conversation and walk over to my trailer.

"You want some hot cocoa?" i asked as i walked over to the small stove.

"Sure." he smiled as he sat down on the couch. "You got marshmallows?" I started to check the cabinets and frowned when i couldn't find any. "Don't worry i think Taemin's got some in our trailer. I'll go get them and be right back." He got up and headed towards the door. Just as he opened it Changmin and Jessica were there ready to knock. "Oh, hey."

"Hey, we were looking for you two." Jessica smiled. "We were all talking and all of a sudden you guys were gone."

"Yoona and i were cold so we came in." Minho answered. "I was just going to get some marshmallows. Yoona is making hot cocoa."

"That sounds so good." Jessica closed her eyes and smiled.

"Do you guys want to join us?" Minho offered. "I'm sure Yoona doesn't mind making a couple of extra cups."

"Can i join in too? Or is this a couples only thing?" Onew popped out from behind Jessica and Changmin. I smiled and nodded. "They said yes Henry, come on."

"Ok then i'll just go get the bag of marshmallows." Minho said before walking out.

"Come in." I said to them and showed them inside. "Please sit while i get the cocoa ready." I bowed.

"I'll help you." Henry offered. I smiled and nodded.

"Can you heat the water while i take out the cups." I asked. He smiled and nodded while grabbing the kettle. "Did Yunho oppa already go to bed?"

"Taeyeon is talking to him." Jessica answered. "You know how big of a crush she has on him."

"Everyone knows it except for Yunho hyung." Changmin chuckled.

"He just doesn't want to hurt her feelings." Onew said. "I mean sometime Taeyeon can be a...."

"I dare you to finish that sentence." Jessica threw one of her famous icy glares his way. "Don't forget that she's a friend of mine."

Onew bowed his head. "Ah, neh. Sorry."

"Ignore her." Changmin nuzzled his nose in Jessica's hair. "She's an old grump at heart, but she's harmless." Jessica giggled and punched him in the chest.

"I've got the marshmallows." Minho walked in and placed them in front of me. I gave him a light kiss on the lips and motioned for him to sit down with his friends while Henry and i made the drinks.

"Minho what did you think about Yunho spending so much time with Yoona." Onew asked as Minho sat next to him. I bit back a giggle as i placed the cups on the tray. The water was finally ready.

"Well to be honest i was kind of upset at first because i thought Yunho was trying to take Yoona away from me, but not that i think about it Yoona isn't that type of girl." My heart instantly filled with guilt. Henry smiled and turned off the fire. "No one can touch my Yoona. She is as pure as they come."


"Yoona!" i was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when they screamed my name and i felt my hands begin to burn.

"Eh?" i looked up at Henry who was holding my hands into his own. I looked down and noticed i was now holding broken glass and blood starting to build up and roll down. "Oh." Henry rushed to get a rag and everyone else gathered around me. "I'm fine." I bowed my head to them and smiled.

"How can you say that?" Onew asked. "Blood is running down your arm."

"I'm fine. It's fine." i bowed my head again.

Henry came back with a clean rag and wrapped it messily around my hands. "I'll take her to Luna." he ushered me through them.

"But the glass." i looked behind me to see broken glass all over the floor. A few glass shards had my blood on it.

"We'll clean up." Onew said.

Henry continued to lead me to Luna, with one hand place on my back and the other pressing the rag on my hands. Finally we reached Luna and Amber's trailer and to our luck Luna answered. "Hey do you guys.....Oh my god, Yoona what happened?"

"She just crushed a cup in her hands." Henry answered for me.

"Let's take her to the medical trailer and get her cleaned up there. You guys go ahead i have to get a jacket and put on shoes." she pointed and ran back inside.

"I'm ok." I said again as Henry lead me to the medical trailer. He paid no attention to me as we waited for Luna, who was now running our way with the keys in hand. She quickly opened up the trailer and sat me down inside.

"You've still got a few shards in there." Luna examined my hands while she put on her rubber gloves. "Henry hand me the tweezers and that plate, fill it with water." She looked back at me. "Try not to move when i'm taking out the shards." I nodded.

"You should be fine." Luna said as she took one last look at my wrapped hands. "The cuts weren't as deep as i thought they were. In a week or so they should be completely healed."

I bowed. "Thank you." She smiled and rubbed my back as we went our separate ways. I was surprised to see Minho, Onew, Jessica, and Changmin still in my trailer when i got back. "You guys are still here?"

"We wanted to know if you were ok." Minho said. "I would have gone but we were cleaning up here and decided to make you some cocoa." He gently grabbed my hands. "What did Luna say?"

"They should be healed in a week or so." I answered. "Sorry for making you worry." I bowed. " I should have been more careful." I turned around and smiled at Henry, who was just standing there with his hands in his front pockets. "Thank you for taking care of me Henry."

He slightly blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Not at all." He bowed. "Well i should get going. Goodnight everyone."

"Night Henry." I smiled and waved.

"I should get going too." Onew bowed. "Hope your hands heal fast Yoona. Goodnight." He waved as he left.

Jessica linked arms with Changmin and frowned. "I guess we'll just have to do this another time." She tugged on Changmin's arm. "Walk me to my trailer." Changmin nodded and bowed as they left.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Minho asked as i closed the door. I nodded.

"Luna said that the cuts weren't as deep as they looked." I dug into my pocket. "She gave me this cream to apply on my hands before i go to bed. So i'm sure everything will be just fine."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. "What were you thinking?" He asked in a soft voice. "I knew you were strong but i didn't think you could break a glass cup with your bare hands." I giggled as he kissed the top of my head. "I don't want to go."

"Oppa, you know the rules." i looked up at him.

"But the Big Boss is away and you and Yunho are in charge." he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Oppa." i shook my head. He pouted and i pinched his cheeks. "That's not going to work on me."

"Aish." He let go of me sadly. "Fine, i'll go. Goodnight babe."

"Goodnight Oppa." i smiled and waved as he closed the door behind him. I sighed as i placed all the cups into the sink and decided to wash them tomorrow.



A knock at the door woke me up. I sat up and dragged my feet to answer the door. "Yoona i thought we could.... whoa, what happened to your hands?" Yunho oppa stepped inside and took my hands into his own.

"Broken glass." i answered with a yawn. "What time is it?" i looked at the digital clock. "5 in the morning?"

"Yeah," Yunho rubbed the back of his neck and showed me his clip board. "I thought we could get a head start on our day but why don't you just rest."

I shook my head. "Ani, i'm fine. Let me just get dressed and i'll meet you outside." he nodded and walked out.

"You ready?" he asked as i zipped up my jacket and put on my hood. I nodded with a smile and followed him. "So since it's suppose to rain today, i say we get a head start and make sure that the animal's are well covered and that the fireworks don't get wet either." I nodded. "The cooks are already up and cooking. I figure we're going to have to eat all our meal in the main tent." I nodded again as i fasten my pace to keep up with him. "We can have people practice on their acts."

I raised my hand. "But where? Usually we practice outside and inside when Kangta calls on us. Everyone can't practice in the main tent. I mean we could, but... well you know how they are. They're going to want the spot the normally perform in and more than one group performs in a certain area."

"You're right." He sighed. "Well then i guess we'll have to call them one by one in and have them practice for an hour or so." I nodded. "Ok, can you go check on breakfast, i'm going to go around and start waking everyone up."

"So early?" i asked.

He nodded. "I'm going to be tough on them today so they can learn to appreciate the Big Boss more." I giggled and bowed before walking away.

After breakfast the whole tent was filled with mumbling complaints about Yunho, though no one dared to say it out loud. They just frowned and pressed their lips tightly together as Yunho told them what he had planned for the day. I ushered the rest of them out while Yunho stayed with three groups and ordered them to practice their acts. He walked over to me and told me to let the next three groups know that in a couple of hours they would have to come back to the tent and practice.

"Yoona!" Luna and Amber were huddled under an umbrella. I smiled and opened my umbrella running over to them. "So are we still going to have our sleep over tonight?" Amber asked moving to my side so she could fit under my umbrella. Luna gave her a what-the-hell look. "Her's is bigger." she explained. "So are we?" Just as i was about to answer Amber was suddenly violently pushed from under my umbrella and back over to Luna. "What the.... Key!"

"I don't want to get wet." Key said. He was standing next to me with a huge smirk on his face. "And as you stated Yoona's umbrella is bigger." Amber noticed the rolled up umbrella in his hand.

"You have an umbrella in your hand." Amber pointed at it. "You could have used it instead of pushing me."

"Yes, but what fun would that be?" He asked innocently. Amber glared at him, while Luna looked like she was ready to burst.

"Don't you dare laugh Luna." Amber finally turned to look at Luna, who had her hand over .

"O...kay....." She managed to get out. She cleared , but still had that look on her face like she wanted to laugh. "So Yoona......are......are we going to have the sleep over tonight."

"Ooooh can i join?" Key asked.

"No!" Amber answered for us. Key frowned and looked over at me and Luna. "Tell him no Yoona." I shyly smiled at him and lowered my head a little in apology. "You see that's Yoona's sign lanuage way of saying hell no."

"Yoona, would never curse." Key pointed out. "She's a lady...." He opened his umbrella, and stood under it. "Unlike you." he finished as he power walked away.

"Yah!" Amber yelled after him. "You're lucky i don't have an umbrella with me!" Key turned around and stuck his tongue out at her. "Aish, one day i'm going to kill that boy."

Luna giggled. "So Yoona."

"Yeah." I answered before anymore distractions would come up. "Just try not to tell anyone else about it because then everyone will want to stay up and they won't listen to Yunho oppa." They nodded. "So i guess i'll see you guys tonight."

"Yup." Amber and Luna nodded as they walked away. "Yah, i'm getting all wet, move over."

"Well it's not my fault that you didn't bring your umbrella." Luna scolded. "Besides since i'm the owner of the umbrella i think i'm the one who should be more covered from the rain."

"What happened to sharing?"

"I am sharing." Luna pointed out.

"Well share some space...." they continued to argue as they walked away.

"Noona~" Taemin walked up to me.

"What is it Taemin?" i asked.

"I'm not feeling so good." he looked like he had a cold. "Do you think Yunho hyung will let me sit out practice today?"

I touched his forehead. "I'm sure he will."

"What if he doesn't?" He asked worriedly. "He looks mean today."

"Don't worry about him." I smiled. "I'll talk with him. How did you get sick anyways?"

"Minho hyung left the window open last night." he explained while sniffling. "I couldn't find our extra blankets so i just wore a jacket, but i guess that still didn't work."

"Why didn't you just close the window?" i asked.

"Minho hyung said he was feeling nauseous and he needed fresh air." he rubbed his red nose.

I sighed. "Come on I'll take you to Luna so you can get some medicine." I said as i hugged him under the umbrella so she wouldn't get wet. "And this time i'm not leaving until you take it, not like last time where you said you would drink it only to leave it at in the medical trailer." He giggled a little and then nodded his head.



"What a day." Yunho and i had finish with the groups and we were now sitting alone inside the tent. "Everyone was upset with me weren't they." I nodded. "Well i'm sure they'll get over it."

"Yeah, no one can stay mad at you for long." I said as i stood up and stretched out my arms in the air. "How was Minho?" I asked.

"You haven't seen him all day?" Yunho asked me.

I shook my head. "I was busy running around telling people when their group had to head over to the tent." i answered. "But Taemin told me that he was feeling nauseous last night."

"He seemed fine to me." Yunho answered. "You can go find him if you want." I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't i have to go tell the cooks to prepare dinner for those who want to have it." I answered. "A lot of them let me know that they wouldn't be coming out to eat so i told them that those who wanted to have dinner that it would be served in the tent, just like breakfast." He sighed and shook his head.

"I'll go do that you go visit your boyfriend." he stood up.

"Are you sure?" i asked. "You look tired."

He nodded. "I'm sure Yoona. Now stop worrying and go to your boyfriend." I smiled and bowed before leaving.

I opened my umbrella. "Yoona!" I nearly dropped my umbrella from the sudden surprise. Jessica ran over to me. "Hey i heard you were having a sleep over party."

"Uhhh.... well it's just Luna and Amber. It's not much of a party." I said. "We're just going to be watching movies and eating junk food."

"Junk food." a new voice came from behind her.

I smiled. "Minho." He smiled and slipped under the umbrella with me. "Where have you been?"

"Well i was busy with the work load Yunho gave me." He frowned. "He's gone mad with power." I laughed as i moved the wet hair that was sticking to his face. "And i've been trying to find you but it you were always running around."

"Sorry." I looked back at Jessica. "Dinner is going to be ready soon."

She scrunched up her face. "I'm not hungry. Anyways i was wondering if i could join you at your slumber party."

"You're having a sleep over party?" Minho asked.

"It's not a party." i answered. "Luna and Amber are just coming over to watch movies and eat junk food." I looked back at Jessica. "Well, if you really want to join us then i guess you're invited."

"Thanks." Jessica smiled. "Now i can tell Changmin that he can't come over. He wanted to have a sleep over with me, but i didn't know how to tell him no." she sighed. "He looked rather impatient. Which is weird because he never once hinted at wanted to have ..." I choked on air. "Oh, sorry i forget that your still innocent."

The rush of guilt once again hit me. "Well i guess me staying over your place for the night is out of the question since you already have people over." Minho frowned. "I really wish you would have told me about it first."

"Sorry." i apologized. "I just thought it be nice to have the Luna and Amber over and watch some movies."

He sighed and kissed my forehead. "Well next time run something like that by me first, ok?" I nodded.

"Oh, how are your hands Yoona?" Jessica suddenly asked.

"They're fine." I raised my free hand. "Thanks for asking. Luna said that if i continue to put that cream on every night before going to bed that no scaring will be noticeable."

"Well that's good to hear." Minho said. "Imagine if you the scars were permanent. You'd have to wear gloves all the time."

"Why?" i asked confused.

"Well i should go tell Changmin about tonight before he makes any more plans." Jessica smiled. "See you later Yoona."

"You should hang out with Jessica more." Minho said suddenly. I turned to look at him. "She's nice and...."

"And she's part of the 'it' crowd." I rolled my eyes. "Minho i draw the line at you telling me who i can and can't hang out with."

"I didn't say you couldn't hang out with Luna and them."

"Amber." I said. "And you basically are. Luna and Amber are my best friends. They're sweet and funny. You'd know that if you would get to know them a little better."

"I talk to them." he stated.

"Yeah, but you usually leave to hang out with your friends." i sighed. "I like your friends but i'm sticking to my group of friends."

He kissed my forehead. "Ok. Sorry for making you get all worked up." I nodded. "..... But just try making friends with Jessica at least. She looks like she really wants to be your friend."

"I will oppa." i said as he placed his arm around my waist and we walked to my trailer.



There was a knock on my door just as i was finishing setting up the snack table. "Come in."

The door opened. "I told you it was open." Amber said pushing pass Luna. "But no you wanted to be polite and wait for her to let us in."

"You guys could have just opened the door." i said.

"You see." Amber glared at Luna. "Yoona doesn't mind. I mean really who locks their doors anyways. We're all family here."

"I was just trying to be nice." Luna bit back the urge to attack Amber. "So we've got our movies and we brought some candy we had laying around."

"You make it sound old." Amber said making a face.

"Will you shut up." Luna glared and Amber before looking back at me with a smile. "It's not old Yoona."

I smiled as i took the candy from her and placed it with the rest of the snacks. "I hope you guys don't mind but Jessica is coming over to."

"What? Why?" Amber frowned. "I mean not that i don't want her over, but why?" Luna shook her head at Amber.

"She wanted to join so i invited her. I guess Changmin had other plans for her and she wanted a way out of them." i explained.

"Oh." they both said. "Well she's not that bad... i guess."

The door opened and Jessica poked her head in. "Can i come in?" She smiled. I nodded at her and helped her with her blanket and pillow. "Thanks. Hi Amber. Hi Luna."

"Hey." They both smiled and waved.

"Why don't you guys choose what movies we'll watch and i'll go make us some hot chocolate to get us warmed up." They nodded and started laying out the movies.

I was all most done with the hot chocolate when i heard them giggling and chatting away. I looked over at them with a smile and noticed how happy they were. Guilt rushed over me whenever i looked at Jessica. She was truly trying to be nice and get to know me better.

Changmin and i are over. I can't keep doing this to Minho and Jessica.. I though to myself as i reached for the cups.

"Hey Yoona, have you talked to the Big Boss yet?" Luna asked, waking me up from my thoughts. I shook my head. "Oh that's right you wanted him to get away fully so no one has his number."

"Yunho oppa has his number." i said as i handed them each a cup. "Just in case of an emergency and he has our number in case he gets lonely." i sat down next to them. "He hasn't called."

"He must be relaxing." Amber said with a smile. "It was really great of you to think of giving him a couple of days off."

"Ok, enough talking and let's get to eating junk food and watching movies." Luna smiled clapping her hands together. "Are you guys ready for Death Bell 2!" Everyone clapped as Luna placed the movie in the DVD player.


A/N: It feels like forever since i updated. Sorry about that. I would have updated sooner but i was busy. Anyways only like two more chapters before i reveal Changmin and Yoona's past. I'm really tired right now because i was up all night with a nasty head ache but i decided i would update a chapter since it's been a while. Anyways subscribe and comment because i really want to know what you guys think. Thanks for reading!  ^.^ 

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Chapter 6: Damn it!! I really love this kind of stories.
Alhough, i'm so scared to guess what happen will be out when everyone goes to find out about the lies (with changmin of course) has been through in this kindhearted woman's life..
So confusing you took both of my Otp to this fic. But deeper of my heart still choosing Changmin :D. Yoona seems loves changmin more, that's why she has given more for him than he had for Minho . but Yoona seems won't to leaving Minho too.
oh yes, Jay was a very mysterious man. Can't guess why he acted like that to Yoona.
i hope you'll be update this soon. Cos i see your last updated was about a year ago.. To see what will Yoona do to changmin after the broke up news..
thanks a lot :)
fantacy #2
I really like this story . There were many thing going on with many people, but I hope it will finally be Changyoon cuz I just love them. Though it might not fair for Minho:D
Narcissist #3
Pretty please! Update soon! (;
1380MC #4
usually i dont like it where yoona being so...meek or a pushover, but here i can hear her thought why she's like that and quite understand it. i'm depending on jay to push her button, and then yoona can bite his bipolar head off. haha..
hoping for changyoon.
good story. keep it coming please.
Narcissist #6
Changyoon! (:
Minyoon all the way!^^
AnneXue #8
ahh. I gotta say I love this.<br />
<br />
ChangYoon all the way :P<br />
<br />
p.s its 'strict' not 'strick' HEHE ^^
devilyoong #9
i think the reason why Yoona still stays with Minho, even if she might not be in love with him, is because she's afraid that leaving him would only bring back bad memories of when his mother left him. she worries of the consequence of what her action would bring him, so instead she tolerates their relationship :(
i don't really get Jay either~ LOL. <br />
although i like MinYoon, i'm rooting for ChangYoon~ :D <br />
idk..i like them best here :3 <br />
i'm glad Changmin finally broke up with Jessica. it was a good move! i approve. LMAO<br />
i'm dying to know how ChangYoon started~ :D