
Taemin in Wonderland: Off with His Head


I almost sobbed into my pillow. The voice was back. Why couldn’t he go away? Just leave me alone. “Minnie, come ON!” I swung my legs out of my bed, no covers.  I was too hot, even in December. I couldn’t walk right, stumbling into my wooden doorframe, weaving down the stairs into the front hall, leaning against the wall for support the whole way. It’d been a while since I slept right. The reflection of the glowing ashes from last night’s fire shimmered off the hall mirror in its tarnished gold frame. Why hadn’t it gone out yet?

The pendulum of our old grandfather clock swung in its wood-and-glass cell.





“Minnie, play with me!” the voice pouted. I couldn’t see it in the darkness of our hallway. I padded down the wood flooring, silent as a kitten. “Minnie, you promised not to leave me alone. Play with me, please?” No, go away. You died, and I don’t want to hear your voice anymore. Stop following me, Key.

The air changed, like the voice had heard me thinking, and it was pouting. “Minnie, I miss you. Can’t you come see me again? Just one more time? And I promise I’ll never ask for anything again.” Key. Key, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I can’t come to where you are, you’re gone. I’m sorry, just please stop doing this to me, making me feel this way. Key, just stop!


I woke up in the hallway, half-way to Key’s old room. My nails were buried in my arm, clawing at someone who wasn’t there anymore, tearing up skin. I was shivering, my shoulders shaking hard. My sleeping shirt was drenched in cold sweat, freezing me in the hallway. My bare feet stung. I hated waking up like this. It was still dark, but I felt that intangible anticipation that the world seems to hold just before dawn.

Uncurling myself, stretching from the stiffness, I glided down the hallway back to my room, no more than a phantom. I was sure I looked like one, my milky skin and white sleep shirt a brand against the darkness. My red mushroom cut was a brand any other time. I slipped into my room, shutting the door without bothering to be quiet. There was no one here but me.

 Yep, I was right, I thought, checking my phone. 4:37 AM. No point in going back to sleep, and I didn’t really want to, so I decided that a shower was in order. I had my own bathroom attached to my room, eliminating the need to leave my room again until I got hungry or had to leave for school. God, my life had changed. I went from Skinnytwerp!Taemin in high school to Mentallyunstable!Taemin as a college freshman.

It was true what people said, college was at once better and worse. I loved having all the free time I did, but I should have been spending it studying. Tests I’d have found easy in high school were suddenly getting harder. But as long as I was pulling the Gentleman’s C, I was ok. I just didn’t care enough anymore.

I stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower and letting it run until steam fogged up the bathroom, covering the mirror and turning the tiles and floor slick. I slipped out of my clothes, staring into my blurry reflection for a few seconds before dipping into the shower, letting the hot water scald away cold sweat and old voices. 



Whelp, first chapter up. I update sporadically, just to warn you. This will be somewhat romance, as well as a bit of a ghost story. Hope you enjoy.


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Chapter 3: Sorry, chapter three. My bad.
Chapter 3: I love Taemin in this. And I'm only on chapter two. This is wonderful!! So excited to finish reading.
-GreenPumpkins #3
I just noticed my embarassing mistake from down there so I will correct it now - I meant hare not hair x) oh, the warning kind of freaked me out, I never like it when the main character self-harm, I always end up practically sobbing at some point.

pink bath water? how pleasant... Kyuhyun and Sungmin <33 the flower girls generation--all kinds of epic, I did not see that coming. Poor Taemin, to come home to his family... TT^TT

Quite curious about the next chapter :) can't wait! :DD
-GreenPumpkins #4
Sorry sorry sorry sorry, for the late comment but ddduuudddee, the way you described those fruits in the bag made me hungry for some reason x)

“You asked me to carry you, so I am. If you want me to put you down, you have to say ‘O Great Minho, you are glorious and mighty, and I bow to your awesomeness’ or I’m not doing anything. You can stay up there, doesn’t matter to me.”
^ That whole line/paragraph is pure win c: the entire piggyback scene was finger-curling adorable x)

AAHHH, so Leeteuk was the mad hatter x) cool cool, Shindong's the mouse and Kyuhyun's the hair :3

Kyuhyun was so straightforward with the whole I'm-a-hare-but-me-and-Sungmin-fu**-like-bunnies.

Favorite chapter so far :3 2Min and KyuMin !
Wah~!! I was gunna comment last night, but then I fell asleep.
You are beautiful. Can't even tell part of it's bs.
No seriously. Update or die.
-GreenPumpkins #6
I'm anticipating the 'Mad Hatter' he has always been my favorite x)

Fudge, your roommates sound like they're the funny but a handful types of people :] dude, I would've died if my laptop got crushed; they better pay for it bro >.>

Can't wait for your next update, I would enter your contest but I have my own exams to study for ;____;, anyways great update (?)
DinoFroggy #7
I'm 100% sure that I won't win, since I know almost nothing about SuJu.. So I only have one guess and it's HEECHUL! Lololol.
Hmm, to guess or not to guess? ;DD
OMO soo cute ^_^ update soon
Gah your a ing awesome person, cause you can spell . And feel privalaged I don't call a lot of people awesome cause that is a term I usually reserve for myself.
You're beautiful, I ing love you. update by friday, or you will die a terrible death filled with an obvious lack of awesome and Kyumin. :D UPDATE!!!!!!!