Unfinished story, (part 1)

of hearts and smiling faces
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Min Yoongi still can’t figure it out, how he became the top dog in this mafia industries (actually, he knows why, but it’s easier to pretend he doesn’t) he could still see himself playing tag it with hoseok, damn he could still see the fire that burns hoseok when they were kid.

Min Yoongi came from a wealthy family, but, illegal wealth, all his wealth came from illegal human transaction, drugs, claiming protection money and such, yoongi has been exposed to this kind of stuff as long as he could remember, but yoongi doesn’t give a two damn on that time, not when he have hoseok by his side.

Jung Hoseok, yoongi’s playmate since they were baby, they both are so different, but that what sticks them together. While hoseok is loud and energetic, yoongi is lazy and grumpy, and while hoseok is gentle, yoongi is ruthless and also too straightforward. Hoseok is the sun, yoongi’s sun. Only his.

Yoongi was 11, hoseok was 10 when the incident happened. Yoongi was leisurely napping at the backyard of his house when he suddenly heard people screaming about fire, yoongi ran to see what the commotion is all about and lost his balance when he saw hoseok’s house on fire while people around it trying to put It off, yoongi’s eyes were wide, panic and anxiety starts to run through his vein and he frantically starts to searching for hoseok.

Only to see him being carried away on a stretcher with blood and burnt meat on his shoulder.

Yoongi didn’t want to leave hoseok alone at the hospital, so he quickly jumps into the ambulance, eventhough the paramedic said that he can’t follow, he beg and plead and he even cries (min yoongi doesn’t cry) (unless you’re hoseok) and that’s when the paramedic gives in, because they need to rush hoseok to the hospital, and all the way to the hospital, yoongi keeps glancing towards hoseok while holding his hands.

“Where is hobi’s parents?” yoongi asked quietly to the paramedic, a silence stretch between them before the paramedic shook his head and that’s when yoongi knows, yoongi is hoseok’s everything now.

12 years af

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Chapter 30: awwww even if this is unfinished its still good and cute. yoonseok is always too cute and i absolutely love how soft yoongi is for hoseok <3333
Chapter 29: Im so glad youre back and I MISSED YOU!!!
i would love your unfinished stories, but its choice whether to post or not ^-^
Chapter 29: hii~~ if you don't intend to finish your unfinished stories then I think you should share them ~~ hehehehe
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 28: I love your stories. They're so fluffy and I love it. I hope you write more stories <3
jiwonbunny #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for being stupid, but is hoseok 'the fan' different from hoseok 'the one that min yoongi dates' ?
I feel kinda confused :o
330nai #6
Chapter 19: How can your laptop was crushing during your writing season. btw I love it. yoongi worried bout hoseok
Chapter 28: HELLO! I just discovered this piece of art and let me just say thank you for the fluffiness and the sweetness and all that jazz BUT your second(?) fic broke my heart a bit. Poor hobi ;_;
Good luck with whatever you're doing! Thank you again!
Chapter 20: I don't think you romanticized anything. Instead I feel like this story gives hope to people including me. So thank you for writing this!
Chapter 19: Poor Yoongi! He is too sweet <3
Chapter 14: Damn, I want a cute brother like Jongkook! Mine is a monster most off the time