horrifying ?

of hearts and smiling faces
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warninf for out of character yoongi, and a lot of cursing like really 

Min Yoongi is not a scary person, he’s just generally grumpy, and easily annoyed and easily irritated, and just really really really grumpy. Min Yoongi is not scary, how can he be scary when the other members are basically towering him ? how can Min Yoongi, the small little cute hyung(Jimin called him cute and almost got hit by a water bottle) be so scary? It’s impossible right ? but oh but, there’s always a twist in some story.

Min Yoongi, apparently can be horrifying, if someone dare to mess with his possession, or mess with a certain dancer, his lover.

The first time they ever met with this horrifying min yoongi, was during n.o era, where the 95z line was messing around with Jung Hoseok at the dance studio, but accidently shoving his hurting shoulder to hard that left hoseok to whimper and holding back tears and that’s exactly when yoongi entered the studio, anyone could feel the darken aura of his, screaming murder, blood and gore and the duo cant even lift their head to apologize to their hyung. Yoongi quickly went to attend hoseok, cooing on him and babies him, different from when he entered the studio, he asked jin to massage hoseok before standing up dragging the duo roughly by the neck collar.

Yoongi bought them to his studio, where he scolds them till no end “is it fun hurting your hyung ?” “did hoseok ever did something wrong to you?” “do you guys wanna die?” “you guys are so ing childish I’m gonna ing murder you” “son of a I’m gonna everything you love you motherers are so ing annoying” and a lots of cursing and a crying duo later, they apologized at the dorm while crying and hoseok just shook his head and saying “it’s okay, you guys didn’t mean it” while hugging both of them, yoongi just rolled his eyes before dragging hoseok to their room and babies him again.

The second time they met with horrifying min yoongi was in the morning where they had a day off, yoongi holding hoseok close to his chest, he woke up due to the loud sounds from the outside, probably the other members doing whatever they’re planning to be doing. At first yoongi didn’t mind much, running soothing hands through hoseok’s hair, he knows that he’s the one supposed to sleep with his head placed on hoseok’s chest, due to their height difference, but hoseok really likes it when someone pet him before sleeping, so yoongi insist. The voice outside became louder by minute, causing hoseok to stir from his sleep, yoongi shush at him and petting his head for awhile before going out to see all the commotion in the living

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Chapter 30: awwww even if this is unfinished its still good and cute. yoonseok is always too cute and i absolutely love how soft yoongi is for hoseok <3333
Chapter 29: Im so glad youre back and I MISSED YOU!!!
i would love your unfinished stories, but its choice whether to post or not ^-^
Chapter 29: hii~~ if you don't intend to finish your unfinished stories then I think you should share them ~~ hehehehe
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 28: I love your stories. They're so fluffy and I love it. I hope you write more stories <3
jiwonbunny #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for being stupid, but is hoseok 'the fan' different from hoseok 'the one that min yoongi dates' ?
I feel kinda confused :o
330nai #6
Chapter 19: How can your laptop was crushing during your writing season. btw I love it. yoongi worried bout hoseok
Chapter 28: HELLO! I just discovered this piece of art and let me just say thank you for the fluffiness and the sweetness and all that jazz BUT your second(?) fic broke my heart a bit. Poor hobi ;_;
Good luck with whatever you're doing! Thank you again!
Chapter 20: I don't think you romanticized anything. Instead I feel like this story gives hope to people including me. So thank you for writing this!
Chapter 19: Poor Yoongi! He is too sweet <3
Chapter 14: Damn, I want a cute brother like Jongkook! Mine is a monster most off the time