Lil bro's love interest

of hearts and smiling faces
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Yo hi, so this is like a continuation ? towards my old one shot where suga wants jk to meet hobi~  oh and there's jikook in here


/one year after jk meets hoseok/

Teeth biting on yoongi's lower lips, palms sliding across yoongi’s small back, hoseok deepened the kiss and pull yoongi tighter against him. God yoongi looks so sinful in those skinny jeans.

“Yoongi im home- holy oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!” jungkook shrieked in the most unmanly way possible. Hoseok and yoongi were caught off guard, yoongi being the shy kitten he is quickly shove hoseok away from him with a flustered expression while hoseok just laughed and shook his head. Yoongi is too cute for his own good.

“gosh, if you guys wanna make out please do it inside your room oh god” jungkook said with a hint of pink on his cheek. “As if you never kissed someone before” hoseok sing-a-song, a knowing expression displayed on his face. “Jungkook had his first kiss? What the hell jungkook you’re 16!” Goddamn hoseok, jungkook knows yoongi is going to make a big fuss over this “you! You knew that jungkook had his first kiss? And you never told me? Jung Hoseok! I swear to god who’s this kid? Should I beat him ?! is it ever a he? It’s a girl ? Oh MY GOD YOU’RE GROWING UP YOU’RE NOT MY BABY ANYM-“ “HYUNG!!” jungkook shouted before yoongi could go on his full ranting mode listing all the embarrassing thing that jungkook did during his childhood. “Calm down please hyung, I swear to god it was just a peck on the hair! Not even on the face. Hobi hyung is exaggerating” jungkook glared towards hoseok who only stuck his tongue out so childish how do yoongi hyung stands him “Why you lil prick” yoongi now have taken hoseok’s head in an armlock while ruffling his hair “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY THAT KID TOLD ME LIKE IT WAS THE BEST GODDAMN KISS HE EVER RECEIVED HE IS SO IN LOVE WITH JUNGKOOK I CAN’T HELP BUT TO TEASE THEM” hoseok shrieked, laughing and tries to pull his head away from yoongi’s hold.

“so it’s a he then” yoongi said as they all settled down, hoseok has claimed that yoongi could only sit on top of his lap for making him suffer in his arm lock. Yoongi rolled his eyes before dropping himself dead on hoseok’s lap. “first of all what’s his nam-“ “It’s ji-“ “shut up hoseok I only want to know it from jungkook” yoongi nudged hoseok ribcage using his elbow, before tightly hugging yoongi and nuzzling his face on the back on yoongi’s neck. “Yeah cause I’m really not here yeah keep hogging my hyung in front of me hoseok hyung” jungkook rolled his eyes, there’s a light pink dusted on yoongi’s cheek “It’s jimin, he’s 18” yoongi give an encourage look to ask him to continue talking about everything that he know about the said boy. “I met him through hobi’s hyung d

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Chapter 30: awwww even if this is unfinished its still good and cute. yoonseok is always too cute and i absolutely love how soft yoongi is for hoseok <3333
Chapter 29: Im so glad youre back and I MISSED YOU!!!
i would love your unfinished stories, but its choice whether to post or not ^-^
Chapter 29: hii~~ if you don't intend to finish your unfinished stories then I think you should share them ~~ hehehehe
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 28: I love your stories. They're so fluffy and I love it. I hope you write more stories <3
jiwonbunny #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for being stupid, but is hoseok 'the fan' different from hoseok 'the one that min yoongi dates' ?
I feel kinda confused :o
330nai #6
Chapter 19: How can your laptop was crushing during your writing season. btw I love it. yoongi worried bout hoseok
Chapter 28: HELLO! I just discovered this piece of art and let me just say thank you for the fluffiness and the sweetness and all that jazz BUT your second(?) fic broke my heart a bit. Poor hobi ;_;
Good luck with whatever you're doing! Thank you again!
Chapter 20: I don't think you romanticized anything. Instead I feel like this story gives hope to people including me. So thank you for writing this!
Chapter 19: Poor Yoongi! He is too sweet <3
Chapter 14: Damn, I want a cute brother like Jongkook! Mine is a monster most off the time