Tell me if you wanna go home

of hearts and smiling faces
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Hoseok is always there for Yoongi, up and down, storm and rainbow, picking up every pieces of Min Yoongi, gluing every pieces of Yoongi, and Yoongi hates it, Yoongi hates feeling like a burden, feeling nothing but a nuisance. As if he's a delicate china doll that need extra care, he hates it. He wants to be the one who take cares of Hoseok, Hoseok, his darling angel, the one who is always there, Hoseok have done so many things for Yoongi. 

When Yoongi is sick, Hoseok stays up all night to tend him, his hair, changing his wet towel, feeding him, forcing him to eat his medicine.When yoongi lost his motivation on the song that he's working on, hoseok would drop by his studio with a freshly baked stawberry banana muffin from the bakery he works at.Hoseok sacrifice so many things for Yoongi, coming from a well off family, hoseok had everything, keyword had. He sacrifice it all for Min Yoongi. "Non of those thing could compare to your existense yoongi, i want to be with you, from start till the end, youre worth it more than all my family could buy". Hoseok was disowned the moment he kissed yoongi in front of his mom, but he doesn't regret it. 

Yoongi hates it, he hates it when hoseok looks at him with eyes full of emotion, full with love and adoration. He hates it because he can't love hoseok as much as hoseok loves him, he cant give everything to hoseok, he cant give hoseok the life he deserve, he hates it because he's a ing and hoseok deserve so much better than him. Hoseok deserve a pent house, a bed fit for 5 people, 8 puppies, fridge with a never ending food supplies,

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Chapter 30: awwww even if this is unfinished its still good and cute. yoonseok is always too cute and i absolutely love how soft yoongi is for hoseok <3333
Chapter 29: Im so glad youre back and I MISSED YOU!!!
i would love your unfinished stories, but its choice whether to post or not ^-^
Chapter 29: hii~~ if you don't intend to finish your unfinished stories then I think you should share them ~~ hehehehe
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 28: I love your stories. They're so fluffy and I love it. I hope you write more stories <3
jiwonbunny #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for being stupid, but is hoseok 'the fan' different from hoseok 'the one that min yoongi dates' ?
I feel kinda confused :o
330nai #6
Chapter 19: How can your laptop was crushing during your writing season. btw I love it. yoongi worried bout hoseok
Chapter 28: HELLO! I just discovered this piece of art and let me just say thank you for the fluffiness and the sweetness and all that jazz BUT your second(?) fic broke my heart a bit. Poor hobi ;_;
Good luck with whatever you're doing! Thank you again!
Chapter 20: I don't think you romanticized anything. Instead I feel like this story gives hope to people including me. So thank you for writing this!
Chapter 19: Poor Yoongi! He is too sweet <3
Chapter 14: Damn, I want a cute brother like Jongkook! Mine is a monster most off the time