New Leafs

Raised Foreign

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a/n* The primary language for this oneshot is English, the Korean will be wirtten like this

Miyah had just arrived to her one room apartment when she was instanly greeted by the sound of her phone ringing.

"Hello this Dean Miyah ?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Miyah Dean is you?."

"I'm Miyah Dean, how can I help you?" Miyah wasn't fully paying attention to the conversation. She had worked a 22-hour shift and .honestly she was just trying to end the conversation as soon as possible so she could eat and sleep.

"Do you speak korean?" Miyah then checked her caller ID and noted the word International displayed over her phone, and for the moment she was irritated at the thought of how much higher her phone bill would be.

"Yes I do"

"Good because my english is limited. My name is Detecitive Jang I'm calling in regards to someone you might know."


"You know a Choi Soo-Min correct?"


"I have some bad news. Mrs. Choi died last night in a terrible car accident."

Miyah stopped unbottuning her shirt and held the phone closer to her ear."A-are you serious?"

"Sadly yes I'm very serious." The informant on the other side of the line however sounded like the least sympathic person she had meet. She imagined he was probably some fat middle-aged man with balding hair who probably qit beign pasinate about his job a long time ago."How did this happen?"

"The accident involved undesirable weather and an intoxicated driver of an 18-wheeler."

"I just talked to her last week." Miyah's eyes began to water.

"I understand this is hard but I need to get to the purpose of this call."

"Theres more?"

"It's been brought to our attention that Mrs. Choi has a son and daughter named..." The informant sounded like he was shuffling papers.

Suddenly Miyah perked up at the metnion of her God children."...oh my gosh Chae-Sun and Kan-Sun"

"Yes. It was regarded in both her and her husbands will that you are to be the guardian of Chae-Sun and Kan-Sun in the event of either of their deaths."

"San-Gin died too?"

"Yes. Now miss Dean we were wondering if you would be willing to fulfill their last decree?"

"How long do I have to think about it."

"Well they are both already in the foster system here and will remain if you decided to reject them, but after three days from now it will be much more dificult..." Miyah had heard about how after a certain age it became difficult for children to be adpted. She also had heard fo horror stories where people take kids in to get money often leading to them being mistreated, and Miyah couldn't bare the thought of putting them through that.

"I'll do it."

--------------------------------------------------------------Three days later----------------------------------------------

Miyah had taken the next possible flight to Seoul which was three days after she had heard the news regarding the demise of one of her best friends. In that time she had a lot of arrangements to make and time to think about what this choice really meant. She had requested a week off and seeing as three had already gone by she only had enough time to go to seoul and come right back with kids. She followed the intructions Officer Jang had given to her over the phone and was seated on a bench and hoped that he hadn't gone home yet. Suddenly she was noticed by someone in a suit and tie holding a half dranken cup fo coffee.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes I'm looking for an Officer Jang."

"Well we don't have any officers with that last name.Are you looking for Detective Jang by chance?"

"Maybe. I'm here to sign custody papers regrding a Choi Chae-Sun and Kan-Sun"

"Oh" He quickly extended his hand." You must be Miyah then. I'm Detective Jang. Head of our speacial victims unit. Folow me please." He started walking and Miyah quickly stood and followed. "I apologize. I didn't expect you to be..."


"Yes and for that I apologize. I figured you might be Korean-American becuase you have an accent, and you speak korean very well. I ran a brief back ground check that showed you were foreign but I didn't get a chance to see what type of foreigner you were." As you both entered his office he closed the door and sat at his desk across form you.

"Will me being black create a problem?"

"No, no, no not at all. I simply meant you were a surprise. All you need to do is read over these papers, sign them, and I need to see your Photo ID, and passport please. I'll be back in a few minutes and you'll be a new guardian of two children." Miyah signed the papers and anxiously waited for a new chapter in her life to come back through the door.


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mellyfly #1
Chapter 7: This is a great story!
Chapter 5: Missed your updateds~~
Creal32 #3
Chapter 4: A great chapter!!!
Loved it so far❤❤