
Angel in Heaven
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 •♫♪♫♪•♫♪♫• 12 •♫♪♫♪•♫♪♫•  

Frigophobia – fear of becoming too cold

The sunlight against his cheeks were warm and comforting even if the sun was setting, a little too quickly than Jisoo would have hoped. Stretching out his arms he took a sharp inhale. The wet dirt on the ground filled his nose, the place around them almost smelling like the countryside. 

“Winter really is coming soon.” He expressed. 

He was happy and excited for the change of season. It was his favourite as well. He could put on layer and layers of clothing, he could wrap himself in his blanket and just stay in his bed all day long. The snow would be present! He could play and touch the softness of the flakes and eat warm soup and tea every single day.

To him it was like christmas every day. He loved winter.

“Rather than it coming, i think it already arrived.” Jeonghan commented. The boy was strolling next to him, his face buried deeply inside the thick shawl around his neck. Jisoo could hear him exhale deeply every now and then. He knew jeonghan was trying to warm up his face. 

Jisoo grinned. “Youre right.” 

It was the first of December. That meant what happened in the mall was exactly twenty days ago. 

At first Jeonghan was distant. especially after what had happened he went home first, going straight inside his train back to his house. Jisoo was conflicted on whether or not he should run after him and go with Jeonghan or go home. But the massive, heavy shovings he received after being on the way made him take the train home to his own side of the town instead. 

Jeonghan wouldn't talk to him at all. He wouldnt respond to texts, declined calls, eventually turning his phone to airplane mode twenty-four seven. He avoided him in the halls, he didnt even spend his breaks in the art room and hid himself somewhere else so that Jisoo could not find him. The only way Jisoo could see him was at work. 


The cafe was getting busier though as the colder weather came by, along with wet rain and sometimes random snow fall. That lead Jisoo to barely peep a single word to Jeonghan. 

Being the stubborn boy he was, he stayed behind and waited until Jeonghan finished his shift one day and followed him home. Jeonghan knew he was behind him, Jisoo also knew that jeonghan knew but it didnt bother him nor did he try to duck and hide. 

It drove jeonghan mad for some reason and swerved on his feet and yelled at Jisoo to go home and leave him alone. Jisoo didnt listen of course and rather took the opportunity to walk towards him and punched the thin boy lightly on the chest.

“Youre avoiding me because you think i would make fun of you.” jisoo had said that day. The wind was strong. They were both squinting, getting cautious of getting something in their eye. “Youre avoiding me because you think im like the others. The monsters in our school.”

When jeonghan’s eyes went wide, Jisoo laughed to himself softly and dropped his arms. “Yes, I remember what you said in the gardens. and no, I do not care what the heck you identify as. It disappoints me that you think im as shallow as the others."  Jisoo smiled at jeonghan and nodded his head towards the other’s house. “you go home now. i’m hanging out with you tomorrow at school though. You pick me up after second session okay?”

And jeonghan did. He did exactly what jisoo said. 

Right after second session, Jisoo’s heart was beating so fast, wondering whether or not Jeonghan was going to show up at all. He was all big talk the day before but deep inside he was petrified that Jeonghan will ignore him because he found out a secret that he wanted to keep deep inside of him. 

Jisoo could only remember nearly throwing himself onto the slightly taller boy the second he saw him walking towards his class in the hallways but held himself back. 

Jeonghan muttered something beneath his breath as they began to walk in the hallways. “I never thought of you as being the same as the others. I was just afraid.”


Jeonghan didnt answer.

Its been almost a week and whenever Jisoo would ask what he was afraid of exactly, Jeonghan would ignore his question and continue doing what he was doing. 

Jisoo watched as Jeonghan shivered severly in the cold. the boy didnt even bring a coat with him and was walking with a blazer over his school dress shirt. When the latter asked where his coat was, Jonghan replied in a small voice, “wash.”

“You know what I dont understand?” Jisoo checked the distant of the restaurant they were heading too. It was near, only a five more minute walk till they arrive. but from looking at Jeonghan, Jisoo was unsure whether the boy will remain unfrozen before they reach their destination. “i dont understand why you just didnt raincheck. or wear at least a jacket or two.”

Jeonghan shrugged and closed his eyes tightly. He exhaled deeply again into his shawl.

“Why did you have to be so picky and not wear another coat? You're so silly!”

The other boy sped up as he saw the section of the road where the line of good restaurants laid. “Other coats didnt fit my outfit.”

Jisoo halted to his feet, completely in disbelief at what he just heard. He could hear jeonghan’s little giggles at his own joke as he scurry along leaving jisoo in the cold.“hes so lame.” Jisoo grumbled to himself while he began to jog in order to catch up to the male. 

Jeonghan couldnt tell him that his father had came home and left after not even staying for a full hour and took his one and only coat with him. Jisoo experience his family life once, Jisoo didnt have to get involved again. 

The restuarant was very warm and the noodles they bought for an early dinner filled Jeonghan’s freezing body. The owner of the restaurant had blankets in every table and towels ready if others had been in the rain. 

The soft light pink blanket was around Jeonghan’s lap while the thicker black blanket that was supposed to be for Jisoo was around his shoulders. he was very warm and comfortable indeed.

“You better get yourself a thick coat for tomorrow. were hitting the negatives v

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23/01 - i created a sidestory! Please check out AN in the recent update if you're interested :)


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Chapter 19: i miss this
Chapter 19: im happy everythings slowly changing.. sad that its near its end and seems like it wont be a happy one but its okay this fic made me feel so much emotions that ive never felt on other ffs thank you so muchhhh
Chapter 18: i didnt expect jeonghan to react that way but thats good anddd its sad that its ending )): i really love this ff
Chapter 16: they r so cuuutee
Chapter 12: i just read the jeongcheol oneshot and im emo
Chapter 19: sigh... so you are going to make me cry... guess I don't mind... I love this fic and I'll still love it even if they don't end up together... just let me prepare my mind for it ;-;
Loved the chapter though! Made me feel kinda bittersweet(? I don't know why but this fanfic is just so pleasant to read I can't get tired of it ;u;
Thank you for updating!<3
Chapter 19: I love this chapter!! The explanations of love and everything :> Jisoo is always being selfless and now he has something he actually wants awww i hope it works out for both of them~ and that Hannie continues to slowly open up more
Chapter 18: Woah, I kinda died when they started mentioning Seokmin, I was fearing Jeonghan's reaction ;;
This is close to ending? ahh I can't wait for the next chapter(s) then, Istg though, if you make me cry again I won't forgive you ;n;
Chapter 18: oh it's close to ending? will we ever figure out what that summary at the Foreword page means? the one with Hansol and Jisoo at the Radio station? and Jisoo remembering a date on the beach? i am curious on how it relates to the story. :) Can't wait for things to fall into place. :)))