It's a Date

In a Thousand Words or Less...

Title: It’s a Date (Begin pt. 3)
Fandom: Uniq
Pairing: Yixuan/Sungjoo, slight Wenhan/Seungyoun
Rating: PG
Warnings/Comments: Um..Third part of this AU that I have decided to call “Sungjoo moves to China and it ruins his life”. Just kidding. Um High School in China is simple, HSC for short I guess. So I’m tagging these HSC and..the collection name is “Begin”..Huh. Um, please read Like Sunshine (pt. 3) and Haven’t Lived (pt. 2) first for this to make sense.


“So are you going to invite me to the wedding?” A voice asks behind Sungjoo making him startle out of his reverie he goes into while staring at Yixaun. He fumbles the calculator that he definitely was not using in his hands and twists around to see a rather amused Wenhan.

“Uh what?” Wenhan rolls his eyes.

“Yeah you can’t pull that I can’t speak mandarin crap anymore, Joo.” The Korean pouts slightly at his friends words, he only did that sometimes. Usually when the conversation is awkward or someone asks him out or if he doesn’t know the answer it a question, he just pretends he doesn’t understand to get out of it. He huffs, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“Uh huh,” The Chinese boy drawls, “So I do get to come right? I better, if it wasn’t for me your would still be stumbling over hi my name is.” Sungjoo looks affronted. “I could so say that just okay!” Wenhan raises an eyebrow, smirk curled along his lips. “Yes, because you’re doing such a great job now.” The Korean sputters, rambling words he wasn’t even sure were words at Wenhan, flailing around and making somewhat of a scene. And if that picture didn’t get Wenhan laughing the reaction to Yixuan coming over to their desk was. Exactly when Sunjoo sees the older boy come over he stops moving immediately, freezing like he was paralyzed then he sits straight up with his hands in his lap, patiently waiting for Yixuan to come talk to him. Wenhan has the decency to hide his chuckles behind his hand. Basically everyone who knew Yixuan and Sungjoo (except the two boys themselves) knew that the two were stupidly crushing on each other but because they were both idiots, neither had made any kind of move. They talked and hung out in class and went out with groups of friends, so they spent time together just never alone. And even though Wenhan makes it his life mission to annoy the crap out of Sungjoo (the other boy’s reaction were just too funny), he would really like to see them finally get together.

“Uh, hi Sungjoo,” Yixuan says when he stops in front of the Korean’s desk. His voice is deep and warm and Sungjoo almost doesn’t stop himself from sighing at the sound or at the fact that Yixuan always pronounces his name the Korean way. It’s so cute when he says his name, especially at first when it was hard for him to pronounce it. Wenhan has taken pity on the much too kind boy and helped him with saying it (Wenhan was also amused by the way Sungjoo would always melt when he heard it).

“Hi, Yixuan,” Sungjoo says back with perfect pronunciation. He only ever tried with Manadarin when talking to Yixuan. Wenhan watches the exchange fully deadpan.

“So, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? Maybe at my house… Or not, I mean, that’s fine if you don’t want to.” Yixuan rushes most of his words towards the end, looking extremely nervous. Wenhan offhandedly wonders if Sungjoo even understood most of that (he had trouble when people spoke too quickly). With the way Sungjoo flushes it would be wise to assume he did.

“Y-yes! Er, uh, whenever is well with me!” Wenhan cringes at the mistake but Yixuan smiles at it, like it was the cutest thing in the world. “I’d really like to.” Sungjoo adds, looking up at Yixuan shyly which was so uncharacteristic for him. Sunjoo was loud and boisterous, the life of the party but Yixuan comes around and he can’t seem to be able to function properly. It was a funny thing to watch. Yixuan blushes so hard at the Korean’s words Wenhan almost snorts, thankfully he stops himself.

“O-okay maybe we…Tomorrow? After school we could get, uh, um, ice cream and then head over to…my house?” Yixuan says ‘his house’ like he’s unsure, like he didn’t want to seem like he was insinuating anything. His insecurity didn’t last long with how (embarassingly) quick Sungjoo agrees. Wenhan is pretty sure he’s never seen Yixuan, the guy who smiles at everything, smile that big ans bright before. He looked like Sungjoo had just made his life with such a simple answer. Sungjoo does sigh this time, it’s soft and the dreamy look on his face makes Wenhan naseous.

“It’s a date then,” Yixuan says, flushing a bit at his choice of words and Sungjoo melts into a pile of goo. The older boy bids them both goodbye, his gaze lingering on Sungjoo for a lot longer than anyone would deem ‘just friendly’. Sungjoo watches him walk off in a daze and Yixuan keeps looking back at him, somewhat steathily or at least it seemed like he thought so. Wenhan slides his eyes over to Sungjoo, who was still entranced by Yixuan, and lets himself smile. Once they finally get together, they were going to be something.

Wenhan leans over to Sungjoo and smacks him on the back non-too-lightly, the older boy snaps out of his trance and glares over at his friend. The Chinese boy ignores the look. “You guys are gross,” he says, smacking his lips like he has a bad taste in his mouth. “You aren’t even in a relationship yet and you’re both whipped. But looks like you have a date…” Sunjoo blushes at the words and he looks so pathetic that Wenhan doesn’t decide to .

“Yeah, you so owe me.” Sungjoo gives him a look of irritation but he ends up looking more dumb than anything else with such a red face. “You can start to repay the favor by introducing me to that hot friend of yours from Korea.” Sunjoo’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, he’s pretty sure Wenhan has only seen two of his friends from Korean, Seungyoun and Yoona. They were the only ones that Sungjoo kept several pictures of since Seungyoun was his best friend ans Yoona was his oldest childhood friend.

“Yoona?” Wenhan shakes his head and his face contorts into a erted leer. Sunjoo looks revolted and if the teacher didn’t decide to make an entrance he would have socked Wenhan really, really hard. “You stay away from Seungyoun!” Sunjoo growls soft enough for Wenhan to hear and all he gets in reponse is a smug y smile and low chuckle. It takes all of his control and thoughts of his perfect Yixuan not to throttle Wenhan.

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Chapter 4: Mama yi ;_;
Chapter 2: I love all of these drabbles omg I think I just kind of died