One to One

Bangtan Next Door
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The taxi hauled to a stop. I rolled down my window and squinted to look at a wooden crooked sign that said "Welcome to Catta Beach".

I turned my head right to look at Jimin but he wasn't there, turning back to the left I saw his wide grin as he held the door open for me as I stepped out of the car.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him and shivered when the cold wind passed me.

Jimin took of his hoodie and handed it over to me, I've always thought it seemed so typical and cringy for a guy to do that but it somewhat felt really good actually experiencing it.

"Well, you'll find out soon" he nudged me and then we stopped at the entrance where a lady greeted us with two champagne glasses. 

"Mr and Mrs Park?" She asked,

I gulped at these words, I'd said it over and over again during the peak of my fangirling and it felt weird hearing someone else say it, I bit my bottom lip trying to hide my smile.

"Yes that's us!" Jimin said and wrapped his muscular arm over my shoulders and pulled me in close.

The lady handed us the champagne glasses, while gesturing us to follow her "Right this way"

I tip toed to whisper into Jimin's ear "Damn. So posh", Jimin replied by raising his eyebrows giving a smug look.

The table was already set, I eyed the two seafood platters making me drool... "This is perfect! Oh my god, I'm starving" I ran up to the table and picked up a prawn and stuffed it in my mouth. I looked over to Jimin who was looking back at me in amazement. . Did I just act like a pig in front of the guy I had a massive crush on? 

He must be thinking where my manners were, I thought. I quickly gulped down the food and cleared my throat whilst placing the napkin on my lap.

Jimin laughed and walked over to his seat, I avoided his eyes as he sat in front of me. I felt so embarassed and I hated myself for it. I looked up, and I could see Jimin reaching in and gulping some food down - like he was copying the exact thing I just did, "This is so good" he muttered.

I felt better after he said this and started digging in too. 

"So do you treat all your fans to free meals then?" I asked, 

"Nahh... just you" he replied and his eyes smiled and his cheeks rose.

We talked about the concert, the boys, his trainee days and about his family and I always listened carefully and watched him in awe.

Jimin took a sip from his champagne "You are probably the first person I've had an actual conversation with who has wanted to k

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TeaCow156 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YJHJoker #3
Chapter 4: I would be insane already if BTS doing their rehearsal & sleep over my room! @##%&&+#+#$-%7-$-@@++ *fangirling over this story
YJHJoker #4
Chapter 2: OMO! I would never be as calm as Kristina & Kim if this ever happen to me ! XD * trying to hold my fangirl screaming
TeaCow156 #5
Chapter 7: Omo omo omo! Too cute!!! I'm fangirling so hard right now :D
Mira97 #6
Chapter 6: Awesome!!! Waiting for next chapter!! ;)
juliet_truong #7
Chapter 6: Can't wait for next update!!!!
TeaCow156 #8
Chapter 6: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!! So cute!
Cowiwian #9
Chapter 5: omg love this chap pls update soon<3