Bangtan Next Door
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I yawned loudly as I stretched my arms up high, I smiled and hovered my fingers above my lips thinking about last night.

Kim slammed the bathroom door open, she was wrapped tightly in a white towel and so was her hair

"Kristina, stop daydreaming! Hurry up and take a shower" Kim said as she threw a blue towel at my face.

I giggled and yawned as I got up, I noticed a large white envelope resting on the sofa. 

"Kim? What's this?" I asked as I realised the envelope had already been torn open - obviously by an eager Kim 

She flashed a wide smile "They left us two guest passes! So we can see them before and after they go on stage"

I quickly took out the hard covered passes and looked at them with admiration, I started screaming along with Kim, like we usually do and she shook me to my senses "Okay enough. Time for you to shower!" She said as she gestured towards the bathroom.

I hung my towel up and the tap measuring it at the right temperature before stepping in. I had my hair styled up in a half up half down hair do and let Kim do my make up for me. 

I checked myself one last time in the mirror adjusting my black jeans to the middle,

"Let's go Kristina! The taxi is already outside" Kim hurried me yet again.


After a quick journey to the venue, me and Kim legged it to the ticket office getting our wristbands fitted on us. We walked past the giant queue of fangirls dressed up and excited for the upcoming concert holding our guest passes proudly as we strode along.

 A member of staff found us making our way to the v.i.p lounge but she quickly ran up to us,

"Are you Kristina and Kim?" She asked almost out of breath. Hesitantly, we nodded slowly still confused on why she was talking to us.

She smiled widely "Yeah, you are special guests of the band members! Follow me" 

Me and Kim followed her through a narrow pathway and ended up in front of a door labelled 'No entry - Staff Only' She opened the door and told us to go in.

When we got in I saw Jin doing his button up and Jungkook practicing his lines. Hoseok was on his phone and looked up and made eye contact with me,

"KIM! KRISTINA! You're here!" He shot up from his seat and opened the door to another room shouting "Guys they're here"

To my surprise the others came out Namjoon smiling, Taehyung giving us tight hugs and Suga bowing slightly by tilting his head followed by a "what's up" 

Kim already seemed so happy and greeted everyone, howev

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TeaCow156 #2
Chapter 9: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YJHJoker #3
Chapter 4: I would be insane already if BTS doing their rehearsal & sleep over my room! @##%&&+#+#$-%7-$-@@++ *fangirling over this story
YJHJoker #4
Chapter 2: OMO! I would never be as calm as Kristina & Kim if this ever happen to me ! XD * trying to hold my fangirl screaming
TeaCow156 #5
Chapter 7: Omo omo omo! Too cute!!! I'm fangirling so hard right now :D
Mira97 #6
Chapter 6: Awesome!!! Waiting for next chapter!! ;)
juliet_truong #7
Chapter 6: Can't wait for next update!!!!
TeaCow156 #8
Chapter 6: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!! So cute!
Cowiwian #9
Chapter 5: omg love this chap pls update soon<3