Chapter 1

Memories End
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Tao hovered in that hazy world that exists between a deep sleep and wakefulness. He wasn’t yet prepared to recognize his surroundings and react accordingly. No, his mind wasn’t prepared to understand why he should be outraged or how distraught he should be at the way his body was so willing to accommodate.


A whisper. Warmth. Gentle pressure.


Tao slowly lifted his hips off of the mattress, the heavy weight that was on top of him moving along, then forcing his hips back down in turn. A low moan, a breath ghosting against his cheek, a fingertip tracing along his neck, caressing his collar bone.


Tao’s eyes fluttered open, a smile playing on his lips as he reached for the source of his pleasure.


He entered the waking world accompanied by thud. A few seconds passing as he stared at the face hovering inches from his own, his body tensing as his mind caught up with his eyes. He pushed the person off of him as he sat up, scurrying to the far corner of his bed as the stranger’s body collided with the floor - hard. “Who in the hell are you?”

Tao stared in horror as the man smiled up at him. It wasn’t a friendly smile, or a welcoming smile or a hey how are you smile. It was a downright seductive come hither smile. “I want to see Zitao.”

“Who are you?! What are you doing?!” Tao grabbed his sheets, clutching them to his chin, he glared at the stranger.

“You didn’t have to throw me! Why did you do that?” The man, no – boy, teenager to be exact, rubbed his back.

“You attacked me!” Tao pointed, wide eyed, angry. Tao’s mind was starting to formulate more in depth questions; questions that consisted of a lot swear words.

“I didn’t attack you. Now, I want to see Zitao.” The boy looked put out at the very suggestion he had attacked anyone. His lips curled into frown, his eyebrows raised in challenge, ready to swear I didn’t attack.

“Who is Zitao?! Why are you in my room?!” Tao was beginning to shake, the anger coursing through him.

“It is my room too. I am Shixun, your new roommate.” The seductive gaze was still there, still focused on Tao.

Tao recalled Baekhyun mentioning it. So this….this was his new roommate?! Impossible. Horrible. Completely unappealing.

Tao watched as the stranger stood, ever so slowly making his way back to Tao’s bed. Tao reached his breaking point when the stranger sat down on the edge of the bed, seemingly having every intent to creep closer, a name whispered on his lips. “Zitao.”

Tao swallowed, a lump in his throat, his heart rate increasing. It was enough to send him into a panic. He jumped from his bed, grabbing his pillow he ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He would sleep in the dorm common area for the rest of the night and in the morning he would report whatever creepy ert had been assigned as his roommate.


Objectively he was rather handsome. A well-defined jawline, a thick head of blonde hair. A killer brow line. He looked peaceful as he slept, not at all like the creepy ert of the previous night.

Tao clutched his pillow to his chest. He was sitting on his bed, the early morning light beginning to filter in through the dorm room window. Tao had given up sleeping in the common room, he couldn’t sleep after what had happened. After a few hours he returned to his room to find that his new roommate was sleeping peacefully, without a care in the world – and somehow Tao had taken to staring at his sleeping form.

Tao was so engrossed in watching the man that the sudden opening of the dorm room door saw him jumping a few inches off the bed.

“Morning!” Baekhyun strolled into the room, whistling a show tune. “I see your new roommate is here.”

Tao was pretty sure that the phrase “If looks could kill” applied to how he was staring at Baekhyun at the moment. “He is a ert!”

“What?” Baekhyun appeared confused. Tao was pretty sure Baekhyun’s confusion couldn’t match his own.

Tao pointed at the sleeping man. “He is –“ Tao mouthed the word ert.

“What? Perfect?” Baekhyun looked over at the bed. “I mean he is pretty good looking but I wouldn’t say he is perfect.”

“No!” Tao wasn’t sure how best to illustrate the horrifyingly embarrassing situation that he had found himself in the night prior. Unfortunately there wasn’t time for Tao to launch into a detailed account of what had happened the night before because his roommate began to stir. The man sat up, stretching his arms out, he yawned.

Tao stiffened, wondering if the erted weirdo would jump him again, Baekhyun’s presence be damned. He was probably some kind of sick monkey that would enjoy doing things like that, pouncing on people without a care for who watched. Tao closed his eyes, bracing himself, ready to run if need be.

“Sehun, how long has it been?” Baekhyun was all smiles as he bounced towards Sehun’s bed. Tao opened his eyes, unable to comprehend what was happening.

“Baekhyun? Hey. Sorry I didn’t say hi last night, I got in late.”

Tao looked from the ert to Baekhyun and back to the ert. “I thought you said your name was Shixun.”

“Oh…um.” Baekhyun scratched the back of his neck. “Tao, you probably don’t remember Sehun.”

“You don’t remember me?” Sehun cocked an eyebrow, his frown returning. Tao didn’t remember Sehun, but that wasn’t a surprise. He had been having a lot of trouble with his memory lately, ever since his accident.

“I…no.” Tao admitted.

Sehun scoffed. “Great. Wonderful. Nice to see you too.”

“Hey, Sehun, let’s go get some breakfast. Tao likes to spend an hour getting ready so he can catch up later.” Baekhyun gestured for Sehun to get up.

“I do not spend an hour getting ready!” Tao protested.

“Sure, whatever. Forty five minutes.” Baekhyun stuck his tongue out. Tao was used to Baekhyun’s antics, insomuch as anyone could be. They were the closest of friends, or so Baekhyun claimed.

“Why should I remember you?” Tao was curious, he turned his attention back to his new roommate.

Sehun didn’t answer. No, he appeared to be more the glaring type.

“He was our friend when we were kids.” Baekhyun explained to Tao. “Come on Sehun, before all the annoying kids get there.”

“As long as he – “Sehun pointed at Tao, “Stays away I think I can stomach breakfast.”

Tao huffed, too angry to even curse properly at that point. He hated his new roommate. Positively loathed him.


Sehun walked alongside Baekhyun, forgetting how energetic the older man could be. It had been the better part of nine years since they had all been together, a long time to forget each other’s habits.

The halls of the dorm building were largely deserted at that time of morning. Sehun guessed that most students couldn’t be bothered to wake up any earlier than was absolutely necessary.

“Tao has been having memory issues.” Baekhyun explained as they exited the dorm building, the cafeteria a short walk away. “Ever since his accident.”

“What accident?” Sehun asked, trying not to sound too terribly interested.

“Four months ago he was in a car accident. He was lucky to have survived it. In fact last night was his first time back in the dorm rooms. He was discharged from the hospital yesterday.” Baekhyun skipped to keep up with Sehun and his long strides. “He couldn’t remember me when he first came around either. He can remember a lot of things, but he has trouble with people, names, and faces.”

“Well I think it is terrible that he can’t remember his best friend.” Sehun muttered. If Baekhyun heard him he chose to ignore it.

“You are going to love it here, Sehun.” Baekhyun pointed towards a large building to the left. “That is the academy’s pool and gymnasium. There-“ Baekhyun pointed towards another building to the left, “Is where most of the science classes are held.”

Sehun glanced around the campus. The buildings were in a collegiate gothic style, all arches and imposing spires, narrow windows and grey stone. Mature trees dotted the campus. It was rather unexpected given the fact the academy was lo

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Taohun6988 #1
Chapter 6: I hate and love you at the same time lol. I sadly just got into Exo this year and went and watched Showtime and got attached to Taohun. *sigh* I doubt you ever finish this but it’s so intriguing and man. I love all of your stories so much, hope one day you feed us readers with the conclusion.
Will you still update this story? TuT
enchantedgolden_owl #3
Litz12xx #4
xBoyWhoCriedWolfx #5
Chapter 6: Uwaaahhhhh!!! The scene had me blushing like a tomato. *squeals while fanning myself* Huhuhu! Please update soon Author-nim! Taohun and Xiuhan is literally life. Hnggg! ㅠㅠ. The fic's plot is really interesting tho. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING BUT I LOVE IT. Mysteries. Waah! I rly hope u could update soon when ure not busy. Huehuehue. Anyways, Thank you for making this fic, Author-nim! ❤️❤️❤️
daisyqurl #6
Chapter 6: My feels...
iLawlix_ #7
Chapter 6: tao needs to remember who sehun is ;-;
heltraine #8
Chapter 6: seriously, i love the mystery so much!!! the was y and -can i say- tender? i could feel the tenderness between Zitao and Shixun, so touching!! but now i wonder if the accident with the motorcycle had really happened...or if this was a excuse to manipulate Tao (and Sehun)?? I can't stop to think there's something wrong with the teachers and the Dr hahaha!
K-Stalker #9
Chapter 6: Yay! Oh god this fic is so awesome that I cant control my feelings *W*
I'm throwing up rainbows like a Fu-beep* Unicorn!
zachelle #10
Chapter 6: Ohh... What do we have here, all of a sudden, lol :O *blushes*