Pour Some Sugar on Me


Sehun, the god of sweets, has an obsession with a certain human dietitian. Sehun claims it is pure anger over the man’s fad diet trend that keeps him watching the human from afar. Yes, anger, definitely not the human’s cute eye smile or nice . Definitely not.


Written for Gods & Monsters Round 2017



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turyka #1
Chapter 1: This is the cutest SeHo I ever read... Too sweet and cute.. Love it
foyezza91 #2
Chapter 1: How easy it is for junmyeon to dead and become a god himself XDXDXD and sehun is too cute omo I can't ><
oloruburuku #3
Chapter 1: That was really funny, i love how he kept on stealing stuff and nobody arrested him. This was very sweet and fluffy like cotton-candy which im sure Sehun would enjoy.
veli420 #4
Chapter 1: very cute...but that plot twist though! :p
EmpressGalaxy #5
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
Chapter 1: haha i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 1: This is so sweet ....and what? So suho is dead !! So he really had a heart attack ? Lol this is first time I am for some one is dead :)
Thanks for sharing this !!
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha.. So cuteeee~♡♡
I'm sorry Sehun.. I can't be your faithful worshipper as I'm not an avid fan of pure sweetness 24/7..hahahaha
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahha real estate ahahhahahaha
Sehunnie is so cute
Chapter 1: This was literally so cute. I live for Sehun, god of sweets!