Chapter 4: Stupid Liar

The Perfect Couple
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Sorry for the long wait everyone but this stuff happens. You lose your inspiration or just your ideas because you didn't write them down and pause to bring them back. 

I would like to dedicate my return and this chapter to Popkorn17 , a reader who messaged me during my hiatus to let me know how much they missed this story and wished for an update. Finally I am able to deliver ^^ sorry for making you wait.


A few weeks later Sun Hee and Seunghyun were scheduled to make an appearance on a show that was talking about the Perfect Couple Computer. By now it was well known that the future heir to the technology had found his perfect match in his ex-fiancé. This made for good discussion.

It led many to believe that the machine truly worked. They had already previously loved one another and now they found each other once again. While others believed it was proving the faults in the computer because if they truly were perfect for each other then why was someone able to come between them?

“I can’t do this” Sun Hee sighed as she turned around to run away from Seunghyun and everyone who had been looking at her.

“Wait Sun Hee” Seunghyun made his way through the small group of people and caught up to her. “What’s wrong I thought you said you wanted to give this a try.”

Sun Hee looked up at him with a worried look. “I did Seunghyun but that was before all this.” She pointed at her face and down to her body. “I’m not used to having a stylist and someone telling me how to speak. Haraboji never told me about all this.”

Seunghyun hugged her knowing it was her nerves getting the best of her. “Sun Hee it’s alright. You have done plenty of public speaking. You read to so many kids at your book signings. This is no different.”

“It is very different Seunghyun.” She looked around at the strangers that were eyeing her up and down. “I feel like I’m being judged right now. I know I agreed to go on the show and talk about us and our relationship but I can’t answer that question.”

He knew the question she was referring to. A question he didn’t want to bring up either but knew that sooner or later he wanted to hear her answer. “Sun Hee” he began finding it hard to compose himself. “I actually would like to hear the answer to that question myself.”

Sun Hee’s nerves and worries were forgotten, now the only thing she could focus on was the loud thumping of her heart inside her chest as she thought of the thousands of words she would have to say in order to fully express herself. “There’s no easy way to respond to that question Seunghyun.”

“I know” he gave her a small smile. “Don’t worry about me or my feelings right now only about yours. Okay?” He waited for her to nod but saw her hesitating to even look at him. He held her chin softly and turned her so she could meet his eyes. “Don’t think about my family either. Just be selfish and think of yourself and answer the question.” He took the card she had in her hand and read to her as if he was the show host. “Ms. Song do you truly love Mr. Choi or are you only with him because the Perfect Couple Computer has paired him with you as your perfect soulmate?” There was a small quiver of her lip that made Seunghyun realize she was having a tough time. “It’s okay” he whispered to her.

At first she gave a timid nod of her head before parting her lips to speak. “Yes, I do truly love Seunghyun.” She knew she would have to say more than that when she got out there but at this moment the answers were for Seunghyun.

Seunghyun was truly happy when he heard her confess but of course he had to make sure they could move forward from now on and completely forget the past. “Have you fully forgiven Seunghyun?”

“Th-at’s not one of the questions” Sun Hee stuttered as she was caught off guard by him and turned her head to look away.

 But quickly was turned back to him “Just answer the question, please?” he begged. “Have you forgiven me for making the stupid, stupid mistake of sleeping with another woman?”

Finding a bit of courage in herself and deciding that the only way she can go back to being happy was honesty and lack of fear Sun Hee answered. “No… I haven’t fully forgiven you Seunghyun.”

Seunghyun let go of her feeling defeated.

“But…” she trailed off causing him to become hopeful. “I have forgiven you Seunghyun. That is why I am able to stand in front of you and say I truly love you.”

“Sun-” he felt relieved and hugged her tightly. His chin rested on the top of her head making his tear fall down onto her cheek.

“I must be crazy. You hurt me so much that time and yet I forgive you and am back in your arms after all this time… I can’t deny my heart the thing that it craves the most. I said I haven’t fully forgiven because I can’t help but feel like I may be making a mistake. That it could happen again and I’ll get hurt once more.”

“I promise you my life that I will never do anything to hurt you again. I know I’m stupid for having done what I did but I’m not a liar. You can accept my promise right?”

Sun Hee tilted her head up to get out from under his chin and smiled. “I know you don’t want to be called a Stupid Liar by Haraboji so I will accept your promise.”

He bent down and sealed their promise with a kiss. Once they pulled apart Sun Hee wiped the tear stains from his eyes and laughed. “You are so stupid Seunghyun don’t ever doubt my love for you.”

“I never did” he chuckled his usual deep melodic chuckle. “It’s the same way I love you. There is no way the chubby little Seunghyun could ever stop loving his angel Sun Hee. The angel who was able to give him the courage he needed in order to capture her heart back when we were just kids.”

Sun Hee began to laugh as tears ran down her eyes. “How is it possible that I have managed to only love one boy all my life?”

This time he wiped her tears as he smiled to her. “Because we knew we were meant for each other even before the Perfect Couple Computer knew. I mean look at you” he pointed to a glass wall behind her that gave a slight reflection. “There is no way someone as beautiful as you could ever have talked to me by pure chance. All that was fate. You were the angel who came down to let me experience love. If it weren’t for you I would never have gotten this chance.”

“But you are so handsome Seunghyun.”

“Only because I changed for you. I wanted to be someone who could stand by you.”

“You didn’t have to change for me Seunghyun. I loved the cute chubby boy who kept to himself just as much as I love the you now.”

He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly once more. “I know.”


Sun Hee quickly ran from one side of the car to the trunk. She pulled out a huge teddy bear that was half her size and ran as quickly as she could in heels.

“You’re late” Minho told her as she arrived at the door of the brick building.

“I know sorry. Did they call his name already?”

“No they are still giving them a farewell speech.” He took the bear from her and opened the door. “Let’s go before he notices we aren’t there.”

Sun Hee went inside and watched as her god son sat patiently with the rest of his class to be acknowledged for making it further in his life. He is slowly growing up and no longer will he be the baby she remembers holding in her arms. As the thoughts of Yoogeun growing up crossed her mind she became sad. She looked over at Minho who was all smiles. “How can you smile knowing he is growing up?”

Minho laughed at Sun Hee. “That’s the way it works Sun Hee. He isn’t going to be little forever. The purpose of being a parent is to help your child grow. Once he is all grown up then I can say I have succeeded at being a parent and his mother can know I did a good job raising him just like she wanted.”

“Of course you did Minho” she hugged her best friend. “She would be proud of both of you.”

Just then “Choi Yoogeun” was called out. Yoogeun quickly got out of his seat and walked across the stage. For the brief moment he was up there he saw

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Chapter 10: They did put an end to the curse
Chapter 10: They really did broke the curse, 10 years and 7 children.
Chapter 10: This is such a great story...
I love how the story progress and developed...???
Chapter 10: This was just so cute! I love it!
topwife #5
Chapter 10: OMG! The ending is too cute i cant handle T T
youngmin22 #6
Chapter 10: Wow, 6 kids in 10 years? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡ Sunhee pregnant again... How good really love them ao much...
But their kids so cute....
Good job authornim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
ThatFanGirlA #7
Chapter 10: *whistle* 7 kids!
Damn Seunghyun
ThatFanGirlA #8
Chapter 9: You can post the next chapter whenever you want it's your story
youngmin22 #9
Chapter 7: This is adorable....
To see how Sunhe can handle Yoogeun. I can't wait to see Sunhee and Seunghyun's baby...
Popkorn17 #10
Chapter 6: Thank you, this is adorable :)