Chapter 2: Act Like Nothing's Wrong

The Perfect Couple
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Seunghyun smiled as he heard his name escape the lips of the woman he loved to this day. “It’s so good to finally see you again after so long.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her beautiful face.

Sun Hee’s defenses rose as she heard the cheerful tone in his voice. Seunghyun had a deep voice that she loved, a very monotone pitch that she could recognize no matter what. For anyone else it would be hard to detect much of a tone in his voice because of it but she could easily detect it. She was with him for five years after all. “Well I can’t say I think the same way.”

“You mean in the last two years we’ve been apart there was never a moment where you thought of me and missed me?” Seunghyun crossed his arms and leaned against the door as he waited for her response.

Sun He scoffed; “I’m sorry but do you not remember why I threw my engagement ring at you?” She took another sigh to calm herself after going off on him.

Seunghyun’s smile faded after seeing her start to boil over with memories of the past. “I do remember Sun Hee; I remember everything that has happened between us in all the five years we were together.” He pushed off the door and began taking steps towards her. “Even though I hurt you two years ago you can’t imagine how happy I was the other day when I got a call from the lab telling me you are my perfect match. I didn’t sleep even a minute last night knowing I would finally get to see you today.”

“So you expected me to be the same? Did you think I would welcome you with open arms? Or that I would run into yours?” She momentarily stopped to gain her composure so she could continue to give Seunghyun a piece of her mind. “Did you expect me to act like nothing’s wrong?”

Seunghyun his lips as he thought of a way to explain himself. “I know I’m a selfish person. The reason I lost you was because I thought I needed two-”

“Enough! I don’t want to talk about this so early in the morning.” Sun Hee had to stop him from going further before she began getting angrier and hit him.

“I’m still selfish even now. Even thought I hurt you I hoped you would consider trying to start over. After all, we are the couple with the highest compatibility percentage. That in itself says so much about us.”

Sun Hee was curious to know what exactly Seunghyun thought about them being together. “Like what?”

“That we made the right decision picking each other in high school. I was your first boyfriend and you were my first girlfriend.” He gave her a shy smile as he remembered their past.

 The nostalgia that was filling the room was too much to ignore because even Sun Hee’s lip curved up with a hint of a smile. “It’s not very hard to imagine I was your first girlfriend considering the way you were back then.” She knew that sounded mean and she didn’t mean it. To her Seunghyun was such a nice person back then. She felt the happiest when she was beside him.

Seunghyun chuckled, “Yeah, even though I was known as the third generation heir none of the girls liked me because I was ugly, fat, and too shy to talk to anyone.”

Sun Hee shook her head “no it wasn’t that. It’s just that no one knew how to deal with you so they all left you alone.”

“Except you…” Seunghyun noticed a slight blush on her face and smiled. “You, the cheerful and beautiful Sun Hee associated yourself with the young unattractive me.”

“Because you were loaded” Sun Hee joked.

Seunghyun chuckled filling the small room with a deep melodic sound. “That’s not true. You wanted me to save you from the guys who bothered you. You would always run to me and tell them I was the guy you liked even before you meant it.”

“Nah, I meant it from the beginning. I couldn’t stand seeing you all alone all the time. I don’t know if it started from pity but I just remember looking at you and thinking how your voice sounded or what you would even say if I started talking to you. Then one day my curiosity led me to approach you. From then on every time I was in your presence I would get a strange sensation in my chest. “She put her hand over her heart. “And then I sat next to you in class the following year. I began knowing how great you were and my feelings became clear to me.”

“You never told me all this before. I always just thought you were using me. Like when you would suddenly link your arm with mine after school and say I was walking you home so it wasn’t necessary for the other guys to follow you.”

Sun Hee scrounged her nose, “I guess when you think of it that way it does sound like it.”

“But I was glad to be used y you. I was happy to even be near you. Walking home together was just a dream come true, it allowed me to get closer to y

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Chapter 10: They did put an end to the curse
Chapter 10: They really did broke the curse, 10 years and 7 children.
Chapter 10: This is such a great story...
I love how the story progress and developed...???
Chapter 10: This was just so cute! I love it!
topwife #5
Chapter 10: OMG! The ending is too cute i cant handle T T
youngmin22 #6
Chapter 10: Wow, 6 kids in 10 years? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡ Sunhee pregnant again... How good really love them ao much...
But their kids so cute....
Good job authornim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
ThatFanGirlA #7
Chapter 10: *whistle* 7 kids!
Damn Seunghyun
ThatFanGirlA #8
Chapter 9: You can post the next chapter whenever you want it's your story
youngmin22 #9
Chapter 7: This is adorable....
To see how Sunhe can handle Yoogeun. I can't wait to see Sunhee and Seunghyun's baby...
Popkorn17 #10
Chapter 6: Thank you, this is adorable :)