
Mianhae, Saranghae, Yongseohae

The Third Part: Yongseohae


“I want to order two cups of black coffee, three honey-glazed donuts and a chocolate cupcake,” a girl wearing her school uniform said, with another girl beside her. I watched the new trainee attend to their order. Hmm, she’s good, and quick too. I’m going to hire her.

“Here you go, Ma’am, enjoy your meal!” she cheerfully said and bowed to them. The two girls smiled and brought their tray towards an empty table.

A few minutes later, the drums rolled, signaling the start of Danger’s magic show here in my shop. The people turned their attention towards the little stage wherein he appeared and started to clap their hands.

He started off with a greeting, and began to do his magic tricks. I smiled at him as I watched him, and sighed. It’s been three years since we were together, and in a few days’ time, we’re going to celebrate our 4th Anniversary. It’s been hard, but we’ve got each other so we managed.

After graduation, we added up our own savings and borrowed money from our parents, and we built this shop.

Danger, well, he’s been thoughtful and sweet, and very understanding despite my childlike personality. When we fight, before the day’s over, he would come up to me and say sorry, or vice versa.


I was busy cleaning tables when—“Lemon!” Zinni greeted as soon as she entered the shop. I turned towards her and smiled. She hugged me, “Aw, I missed you.”

“I didn’t know you were going to arrive today, had I known, I would’ve went to the airport,”

“It’s okay, I know you’re going to be busy here and besides, I wanted to surprise you!” she laughed, and looked around, “Wow, I’ve been gone for just 6 months and this place has improved so much! I bet it’s a hit.”

I chuckled, “Of course, it is.”

“Long time no see, Zin!” I heard Danger exclaim. He walked towards us carrying his hat and said, “How’s you and Cairo doing?”

Zinni blushed and smiled at us, “We’re doing fine…” she looked at Danger and I felt like there’s something, I don’t know, I feel like their talking about something using their eyes. But I just ignored it.

She ordered a box of cupcakes and two coffee before going out.

I couldn’t help but feel like there’s something wrong…


Morning came and we’re here again at the shop, welcoming early customers. I’m still thinking about last night, about the look Zinni gave Danger. What could that mean? I picked up boxes of supplies from the mini van and carried it inside the store. It’s still 5:30 AM.

I pushed the glass door open with my hip, and I caught a glimpse of Danger inside my office. I walked to the door, and was about to surprise him when—“Don’t worry about it, Zin. It’s going to be fine. No, no, Lemon doesn’t know yet…I-I still don’t have the courage to do it, but…Yes, okay. Bye,”

I didn’t mean to listen in, but I was shocked to hear it. I don’t know what he’s talking about…ugh. I don’t mean to jump into conclusions but…maybe he has a reason. I don’t know anymore.

I just plastered a smile on my face—hoping I’ll be as good as him hiding his emotions—and went in. “Good Morning!”

He looked at me with wide eyes and asked, “L-lemon? Y-you’re early.” He placed his phone inside his pocket and said, “Oh, and good morning.”

My forehead creased, “Why? I’m always here at 5:30 in the morning, right? Why do you act like you’re surprised?”

He smiled, “Nothing.” He walked up to me and swished his magic wand in front of my face, “Have a great and happy day, smile, abracadabra!”

Because of his sudden playfulness, I laughed a bit, forgetting the tension earlier for a bit, “Okay, Danger. By the way, I didn’t see you eat breakfast earlier at home…”

“Ah, I’m not hungry so I just drank coffee from the vending machine outside.” He replied cheerfully.

The day went well, as Danger wanted it to happen. It was as if his magic were real. I smiled at the thought. But then I couldn’t forget the things Danger told Zinni. I was really bothered by it. I wanted to talk to him and ask him what’s wrong but I couldn’t get myself to…If he says something I didn’t like it might end up to us fighting.

We’re going to have our 4th Anniversary soon, and we wouldn’t want that.

I guess I’ll stay silent until I notice something again.


It was only three days before our Anniversary. I’m shaken up about it. I couldn’t help but feel excited, but I always got this weird feeling whenever Danger’s phone ring. He would stop what he’s doing, and go to somewhere far where no one could hear him.

Everyday, since the time I heard him talking to Zinni on the phone, I reminded myself to not do anything stupid. I don’t want our relationship turn into relation. That’s just plain horrible. I guess I’m overreacting, but I really love Danger and I don’t want to let go.

I heard a knock. “Miss?” one of my workers said.

“Yes?” I answered, not bothering to look. I just continued computing this week’s sales.

“Mr. Danger asked me to say this to you,” she paused, “He won’t be able to perform today. He mentioned about going somewhere. And earlier, I heard him talking to someone over the phone—“

“Did he mention any name while on the phone?” I asked.

“Hmm…Sheen? Or Vin? I couldn’t remember but it sounds like those two names I mentioned.” Wrong, it’s Zin, I thought.

“Okay, thank you. You may go back to work.” Then I heard the door shut. I took a sip from my mug full of black coffee. I made a face. Ugh, it tasted bitter…just like how I feel right now.

So, he’s going to meet up with her? Unbelievable. I picked my phone up and tried dialing his number, but he didn’t answer—it always ends up to voice mail. I tried again, and now it cannot be reached. Wow.

I threw my mug on the floor, furious. Since when are they doing this? They really had the guts to turn their backs on me and date each other? And what about Cairo, Zinni’s boyfriend? Well, obviously she’s going to dump him, too. I can’t believe this.

I decided to let it go just this time. This is the last. One more, and I’m really going to explode.


It was the day of our Anniversary.

Danger’s been with me since the day I promised myself I’ll not stay quiet when he goes on a date with Zinni. He’s been a bit distant, and every time we’re together, something was off. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I know it’s about us.

“How’s my sweet, sweet Lemon?” he cooed as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

Lemons aren’t sweet…they’re sour, I thought. I looked at his arms and noticed a bruise…a bruise? What was that?

I was itching to tell him that, and ask him about the bruise, but then I gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Something bothering you?” he asked once again, his breath tickling my neck.

“It’s nothing, just stress, I guess…” I murmured. No, actually my mind’s preoccupied with thoughts of you and Zinni going behind my back, betraying me.

“You should be happy! It’s our Anniversary!” he exclaimed. How can I be happy if I already know what’s happening to us? Anniversary? We shouldn’t even celebrate it now that I know what you’re doing.

He poked my ribs and told me to smile over and over. I got annoyed at him so I untangled his arms from me. “Go to work. I’m busy,” I firmly told him while chopping up a chocolate bar. Even if I don’t look at him, I know he’s already pouting.

“I’m going out for a few hours. I’ll be back.” I heard the door open and close and as I turned my head, he’s already gone.

I harshly chopped up the remaining chocolate while trying to stop my tears.


The last one of my employees waved goodbye and went home. I was the only person left here in my shop. I sighed. What a happy anniversary.

I was still fixing a few dishes on the dishwasher, then I heard something—

I looked around. Then the lights suddenly went out.

I heard a guitar strumming somewhere. Then I heard him singing.

I sensed a movement an a flicker of light…the first thing I saw was a cake lit by a candle at the table. I slowly walked towards it and then I felt someone hug me. “Happy anniversary, Lemon,” the moment I heard his voice the tears I tried to hold in earlier suddenly dripped down my face as I hugged him back.

“Why are you crying?” he asked as I felt his hand on my cheek, wiping off my tears.

“I-I don’t know…” I murmured.

He kissed my lips lightly and then he chuckled. “I love you, Lemon. I hope you’ll never forget that, okay? It’s our anniversary. We should be happy. Come on,” he said and then he grabbed my hand. We walked out of the shop and he opened his car’s door for me. I wordlessly got in and he closed the door.

When he got inside, I asked him. “Where are we going?”

He smiled. “It’s a secret.”


It turns out he brought me here at the Infinite Park. But there’s something wrong… “Why is it so dark?” I asked him, confused.

He let out a little laugh, but he didn’t answer my question. So I ended up wondering to myself. What are we doing here? Why is it so dark? Are we the only ones here? Is this part of his surprise?

Little by little, I made out the shape of the ferris wheel. We stopped walking and Danger clapped his hands, like a signal. But, I think in his case, he’d tell me this is one of his magic tricks.

“Oh my god,” I whispered. It was so beautiful, the wheel suddenly filled with sparkling lights, but what caught my attention the most is what’s written in the ferris wheel.

‘Like the spinning of a wheel, my love for you is endless. I love you Lemon Zest.’

One by one my tears began flowing out of my eyes like a faucet again. I faced him and saw him smiling at me. Is he watching me the whole time I stared at the ferris wheel? Gosh, how I love his square smile.

I hugged him. It’s like in this one moment, all of my worries suddenly evaporated away.

“Did you like it?” he asked me while he hugged me back.

“Stupid.” I murmured.


“I don’t like it, I love it. So much.” I told him.

“Really?” I can sense the amusement in his voice.


“More than you love me?”

I giggled. “Of course I love you more, Danger.”

“Well, in that case…” he said, letting go of me and I gasped as I watched him kneel in front of me.

“Wh—what’s g—“

The whole place became bright, and when I looked around, everyone was there. Zinni and Arisa, Mom and Dad, Jace, Tyler, and Ashton, his Mom and Dad, and a few more relatives and friends, holding lightsticks, smiling at us. Mom was crying tears of joy while Dad wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Zinni. I was still a bit bothered about her conversations with Danger, but she was there with Cairo and she smiled at us while she held hands with him. Is that a ring? So she’s also engaged?

“Lemon. I know I’m not perfect. I’m sorry if I’m not enough, and I’m sorry if I always make you worry…I’m sorry for the wrong things I have done to you. I may not be perfect but you are, Lemon. You are magic. I love you so much. You’re more than anything I could ask for. I want to be with you forever. I just want you, and only you,” I was crying again, because of what he said. “Please say the magic word.”

He held out his hand and he presented me a little box. He opened it and… “Will you marry me?”

I was wrong for doubting him. I was wrong, because he has always loved me. That thought alone made me smile.

I couldn’t help it, I kneeled and leveled my face with his. I wiped my tears away and smacked his forehead. "Stupid! Why would you ask me a question when you already know the answer?!”

He was taken aback when I screamed at him. He bowed his head and spoke with a low voice. “You…y-you don’t want to marry…me?” he asked, as he slowly lifted his face up.

I face-palmed. I cried and laughed at the same time. I grabbed his face and kissed him. “You really are stupid. Of course I’d say yes! I love you very, very much. Yes,” I told him again, as I kissed his lips. “Yes, I’d marry you. Yes. That’s the magic word.”


It was a week and a half after his proposal. Well, after that there was a small party at the shop and…after the party, well, we…something unexpected happened.

“Good morning, Ma’am,” one of the crews greeted me. I smiled at her.

I went inside Danger’s office and saw him reading the newspaper while drinking coffee. He smiled at me and ushered me to come closer. So, I walked towards him and when I reached his desk he gave me a erted grin while tapping his lap as if he’s telling me to sit there—wait a minute, he is trying to tell me to sit in his lap!

“What the fck, not now, Danger. Not in my shop.” I firmly told him, even though he’s freakin’ y and I—ugh. What’s happening to me?!

“I’ll lock the door, let’s go the my room,” he said, with his grin still plastered on to his face. I tried not to blush. Well, yeah, his office has a room, like a real bedroom complete with his extra clothes and bath essentials.

“No.” I said, averting my gaze.



He pouted and he continued reading the paper. I was about to walk away when he lifted his face and smiled at me. I raised my eyebrow at him. “What?”

“Later. At home?” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Aish. You erted alien. Fine.”

He bit his lip as he punched in the air.  Then, he winked at me. I just shook my head as I made my way out his office.

All throughout the day, he was doing magic again in front of the kids eating cupcakes, but there’s something I don’t understand in his eyes, his lips are kinda… pale? Oh whatever, I think something’s just wrong with my eyes.

As I was getting ready to give the orders to the waitress, I felt nauseatic, I feel like the world suddenly spinned around. I feel like I’m going to faint so I held on to the counter for support. “Oh my—Ma’am, are you alright?” the new girl at the counter asked me, worry painted all over her face.

I shook my head and smiled a bit, “I’m fine, I’m fine. I think I need to sleep for a while.” I assured her.

She nodded. “If ever you need something, Ma’am, just call me.” She said and then smiled.

I went to Danger’s office and then rested on the couch. Gosh, what just happened? I guess this is just because of me not eating breakfast…Or  maybe because the customers doubled and I had to work more since it’s just a few days before Christmas…Or maybe…

I jolted up because of my sudden realization. I feel scared and happy at the same time. But no, it can’t be it. I shouldn’t assume, I’m still not sure.


That evening I went home alone in his unit, because according to one of my workers he left again just before I woke up. Ugh. I couldn’t help but feel horrible again, like he’s still seeing Zinni. But I know that can’t be true, she’s already engaged, like me.

I craved for mangoes, but there’s nothing in the fridge. I slammed the fridge shut and headed to the living room to watch a show.

A few hours had passed, and there’s still not sign of Danger. I looked a the clock, and it says that it’s already 11 PM. I’m getting worried.

I debated with myself if I should go out to look for him or not, and I decided to go but just as I held open the door, he was there standing, smelling of licorice and soju. He gave me a drunken smile and he almost tripped, good thing I catched him. “What the hell, where did you go?” I asked him as I guided him to the room.

“We—we went to grab some soju and licorice,” he laughed. We?

“Why did you drink?”

He didn’t answer, instead he removed his shirt, tossed it aside and rested his back on the bed. He was still smiling, but then a tear streamed down his face. I looked at him worriedly and curiously, what’s gotten into him? Is it because of too much drunkedness?

I hear him mumble something. I leaned closer so that I could hear what he’s trying to say, “What?”

“S…orry….ha…to do, this…” It was a mere whisper, I couldn’t make out what he was trying to say.

I just shrugged it off and slept beside him.


Since the day he went home drunk and wasted, he started acting weird. The nights he goes home like that became very frequent. He always talks to someone over the phone and when he sees me approaching, he’d turn it off. He always goes to work and then goes out after lunch. When I ask him about it, he just ignores my question and goes on changing the topic.

Just like this morning, I asked him about last night, why he came home late again, he said nothing and instead, he got mad. “Why do you ask the same question over and over again? Is it bad to take some time off and have fun?”

I bowed my head down. “N-no, it’s not like that.”

“Would stop being a clingy ? I need some time for myself, too.” He mutterd before going out and leaving me crying. I stood up and was about to wash my face but then I feel something unpleasant in my stomach, it feels like I’m about to—

I leaned on the sink and let myself vomit. Ugh. My head was spinning like crazy, I feel drowsy and dizzy.

I just looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. This has been happening for two weeks now, and I was starting to get worried and I always overthink every night, because I have a feeling this might be something else…is this the result of Danger and I’s love making after his proposal?

The idea fascinated me, and at the same time scared me because I think I’m not ready yet, but I always tell myself not to assume because, maybe, this whole vomiting-every-morning-thing may be just a coincidence.

After a few minutes, and I felt that I can go to work now, I took a shower and dressed for work.

When I reached the shop I immediately smelled cinnamon, and this smell is one of my favorites but I feel like vomiting again, so I covered my nose and went quickly inside my office. I closed the door and sat on the couch. What’s happening to me?


I called the assistant manager and told her I’ll be back for a while. I just wanted to go and see and doctor because I got a really bad feeling about this.

I went inside my car and drove to the nearest hospital. I went to the information desk and the girl on the desk asked me to sign my name. She asked me what was wrong, so I told her I’ll get a check up. A nurse escorted me to the weighing scale, checked my blood pressure and temperature. When they finished, they told me I could go and sit and wait for my name to be called.

I decided to play with my phone because I know I’ll be here for a while. Before I opened an application, I was debating whether I’m going to send Danger a text message or not, but I decided to not let him know where I am.

I was playing Pet Rescue Saga when I heard a loud siren and it came just outside the hospital. Moments later, nurses and rescue teams rushed six stretchers—each with people surrounded by blood—inside the operating room. Patients beside me were giving a worried and shocked expression.

Suddenly I felt dizzy again by the sight and the smell of blood, so I immediately stood up and  quickly looked for the comfort room. Luckily, I saw it when I turned around a corner. I went in and vomited as soon as I saw the sink. “Ugh.”

I gargled water in my mouth and spit it out then I went back. Twenty minutes later, I heard my name being called. “Lemon Parker?” a nurse said.

I lifted my head up to look at her and then I stood up as I breathed heavily. Relax, Lemon, I thought. I went inside the examination room and the doctor greeted me. She smiled, “Miss Parker? Good Morning.”

I returned her smile and sat at the chair infront her desk. “Uhm, I’m here for a checkup.”

She looked at me and listened, eager to hear my condition out. She picked up a pen and paper,”How are you feeling?”

I swallowed hard. I feel nervous. “W-well, Doc, these past few days, whenever I wake up my stomach feels kinda queasy and then I vomit,” I told her,”and occasionally, I experience dizzyness and headaches. I feel like vomiting when I smell specific kinds of food. And some times, I become picky when it comes to food.”

She smiled at me as I finished my statement. “I think I know what it is, but first we need to be sure. We have to run some tests, and let’s start with this,” she said, showing me a…pregnancy test. Suddenly my head was in a blur of what ifs. What if I’m really pregnant? What if Danger gets angry? What if he breaks up with me? What if he leaves the responsibility to me? What if he tells me to abor—

I shook my head as I walked inside the comfort room. No, he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t tell me to do it to my—our baby. “Stop being a paranoid, Lemon Zest,” I murmured to myself.

I sat on the toilet bowl waiting for the result. I closed my eyes and silently prayed.

And when I opened them, I almost dropped the pregnancy test to the floor.


I honestly don’t know what to feel, especially with Danger acting like a jerk. When I got home, he was nowhere to be found. I huffed and picked up my phone. Where could he be again this time? I tried dialing his number, but he wouldn’t answer my calls. I tried again. And again. And again. But nothing. I’m staring to feel impatient and the worry I’m feeling was starting to be exchanged with rage.

He wouldn’t answer, and there’s only one person I knew who could tell me where he is. I dialed her number. In a few rings, she answered and a loud music boomed from my phone. “Hello? L-lemon? Hello?”

“Yeah, it’s me. Zin, we need to talk.”


“This is something urgent, so please, let’s meet up somewhere.”

“O-okay…in Red Velvet?”


I turned off my phone and ran to my car. I drove as quickly as possible to Red Velvet and there I saw her…with Danger. His face was buried in his hands, and the tips of his ears were red…a sign that he’s been drinking again.

When she saw me, she waved at me and gave me a small smile. But I didn’t smile at her. I just stared emotionlessly at them as I sat infront of them. Danger looked up.

“I’ve been waiting at home for you for hours, and then I find you with her?” I gestured towards Zin, whose face was also flushed due to alcohol, “Tell me, is there something going on with the two of you? Are you, like, going out behind Cairo and I’s back to date?” I scoffed and looked at Zin, “So, you were the only reason why he goes home late and wasted almost every night—scratch that, every breaking dawn.”

Zinni tried to explain. “Wait a minute, Lemon, it’s not what—“

“Save it. I don’t want to hear any idiotic excuse.” I said. I’m mad, and hearing her explain herself will only make me angrier. She bowed her head and fiddled with her fingers. Danger lifted his face up and looked at me straight in the eye. I swallowed hard, seeing his eyes full of emotion I couldn’t decipher…

. Why does he always have this effect on me? Even though I’m angry, just seeing him is enough to make me calm and even-tempered. I’m still mad at him, and I wouldn’t just go and forgive him.

If he asks for forgiveness, that is.

I took a deep breath. I know I should be talking to Zin. But I can’t talk to her, not with her state. She’s drunk, for Pete’s sake. So I just stood up and prepared to leave. Ugh. I just wasted my time and energy—“Wait.” He said while gripping my hand.

He lifted his head slowly as if it was a heavy boulder. His eyes were red and he was almost leaning in to me, so I have nothing to do but to place his arm around my shoulder and guide him to my car. I didn’t even look at Zinni again.

I opened the door and let him seat on the passenger’s side of the car.

I sighed as I blew my bangs. “So, what’s it this time? Was I boring again? Was I being a clingy again? What?” I asked impatiently, gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles became white.

I waited for him to respond, but he didn’t. Instead he just watched the cars passing by, like he didn’t even hear anything I said. It was always this way when he gets drunk, when I talk to him it’s like I did not exist at all and his drinking habit was getting out of hand. I drove swiftly through the road and harshly wiped a tear the fell from my eyes.

Even though he acts like this, I still love him so damn much.

Since the day he turned cold and crooked, I always tell myself that being engaged with him isn’t enough—we’re still not married and he can change his mind any time he wants as long as we’re not married yet.

That thought alone made me pessimistic and I always thought about those everyday.

I really wish I could do magic tricks—if I can, I’ll make the pain in my chest disappear.


I woke up to the feeling of nausea. I clasped a hand on my mouth and ran hurriedly to the comfort room. I leaned over the sink and vomited. I brushed my teeth afterwards and then I turned to go out—

Danger was there standing in front of the door. “Did you vomit? Are you feeling okay?” he asked, holding a mug of coffee in his other hand. He held my chin using his other hand and lifted my face up. It’s been a while since I saw his eyes up close.

My heart swelled at the sight of his worried face.

Gosh, he smells so good.

I averted my gaze and stuttered, “Y-yes, I’m fine.”

He chuckled, then poked my forehead. “Silly. You’re not the one who got drunk last night, right?”

I was taken aback at how he acted right now. What the hell just happened?

I just stared at him open-mouthed, aghast. He let out a little adorable laugh and closed my mouth, and then he planted a kiss on my lips. “Come on, we’ve got to go to work. Customers are waiting for the best cakes from your shop!” he cheerfully told me and then went inside the room, probably going to change his clothes.

He went out of the room. “Did you eat breakfast already?” he asked.

I shook my head. I forgot. I have to eat nutritious food on time because I’m one month pregnant. “W-what about you?”

He looked away and said, “I don’t have appetite. Besides, I drank two mugs of coffee so no need to worry—ow.” All of a sudden he crouched down grasping his knees. I hurried beside him and asked him what’s wrong, but he didn’t answer. Instead he just whimpered while clutching and hitting his his knees with his fists.

“L-let me see—“ I gasped when I saw a bruise on his right kneecap. A bruise again? I was about to get a cold pack to place it on his legs but then he stopped me.

“N-n-no need, I-I’m fine…” he muttered, even though you can clearly see in his face that he’s really hurt, “Ah…” he said as he struggled to stand up, but he was too weak to do so, so I guided him to the room and let him lay for a while.

I took my phone and told him, “I’m going to call a doctor. We—we have to ask him what’s wrong—“

“No! Didin’t I tell you I’m fine?! Don’t call a doctor! You can go to work now and I’ll go later.”

His sudden screaming startled me so my phone cascaded down the floor. I picked it up and went out quickly because I didn’t know how to react. Why does he seem to always push me away?


Of course, whenever I go to the shop late, my assistant manager was the one who would open up the store. She greeted me good morning with a smile. “Why are you late, eonni? Usually, you always go to work at 5:30 in the morning with Mr. Danger. Anyway, eonni, where is he?” she asked.

I swallowed, remembering what happened earlier. “O-oh, he got kinda sick. I insisted to go with him but he told me to go to work,” I lied. I hope she wouldn’t sense I’m lying.

“Ah. By the way, I have to go now eonni I still have a lot of orders to catch up on.” She bowed and then left the room.

Hours passed by like a blur and I was busy whipping up a new recipe when someone knocked on the door and poked her head inside—“H-Hi, Lemon,” Zinni said.

I looked at her and then resumed on what I’m doing, “Come in.”

She went in, closed the door behind her slowly as if she’s afraid to make a sound, and then sat on the couch. Then there came an awkward silnce. I could literally hear her unsteady breathing and when I looked at her again, I saw her looking at her feet while fiddling with her fingers. I know her, the only time she acts like this is when she’s nervous…or when there’s something wrong.

I cleared my throat and then spoke. “So, what brings you here?”

She seemed startled, so she looked at me with wide eyes and then stuttered, “I-I-I j-just want t-to say—“

She was cut off because Danger suddenly entered the room. “Lemon. We have to talk. Now.” He firmly said and then went out of my office.

Zinni breathed heavily and her eyes are red-rimmed, like she’s about to cry but she’s just trying to stop her tears from falling. I stood up, arranged my things and headed out the door but Zinni stopped him.

She looked at me like she’s begging me not to go out, and it’s like she’s sending me a message from her eyes that when I go out, something wrong’s going to happen. “N-no, Lemon. I have to tell you something really important. D-danger…h-he has myelom—“

“Come on,” before Zinni even finished her sentence, Danger went in again and pulled me out of my office by the wrist.

While Danger dragged me out, I kept thinking about Zinni’s words. What does Danger have?

Suddenly we stopped. And then I realized this was the Infinite Park, the park where we first me, the park where I accidentally told him I love him, the park where it has all started. I closed my eyes, relishing those moments.

“Why are we here?” I asked absentmindedly while we watched the kids run around in circles.

His eyes were fixed on the floor, then he slowly lifted up his face. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

He took a deep breath and averted his gaze. “I…”

I waited for him to answer.

“I don’t…I don’t love you anymore.” He said in a monotone.

I let out a scoff. “What?”

“I don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry. Let’s cancel the wedding.” He told me straightforwardly as if he was talking about something minor.

“Are you ing kidding me? If you are then it’s not funny, Danger. Let’s just go back to—“

“Damn it!” he shouted, “Don’t act as if our relationship’s still okay. Can’t you see? We’re starting to fade away. Yes, I loved you, but those feelings start to fade away the longer we stay together and it’s not good for us to continue on with our relationship even though we both know that it’s not working anymore.”

I looked at him as I tried to contain my anger and tears. “So, what are you trying to say?”

“What I’m trying to say is, we’re not meant to be together. I don’t love you anymore. Let’s stop this.” he said nonchalantly.

“Damn you, Danger Clarke. I never should’ve watched your demented magic show years ago. I never should’ve let you enter my life. I never should’ve believed your lies.”

“I didn’t lie, I really loved you back then, but now it’s different.”

“If I could make a wish right now, I’ll wish I never should’ve met you.” I wiped away my tears using my fist and ran away as I held my stomach. I cried and cried as I whispered things to my baby. “I’m sorry, my baby. I wish you didn’t hear the things your father told me.”

As I prepared to cross the road, I waited for the stoplight to flash red and when it did, I crossed the road together with the other pedestrians. When I reached the corner of the street I saw Zinni. I don’t know why, but because of my instinct, I ran to her and hugged her so tight. And that was the time I released all the emotion I kept earlier from Danger.

Damn him. Why is it so easy for him to just let me go?

Zinni caressed my back and whispered, “Shh, shh, it’s all going to be fine, Lemon. Come on, let’s talk. I have to say something.”

She brought me to Red Velvet and she ordered a Deluxe Strawberry ice cream with extra sprinkles for me. In normal days, when I have normal problems, just a bowl of this ice cream would’ve cheered me up but now, even if she buy tons of these, I think it wouldn’t help even for a bit.

When she noticed I wouldn’t touch my ice cream, she scooped it up and fed it to me. “Eat it. I know it’s your favorite.” She said with a smile.

“You know…” she let out a breath, “why Danger has been with me these past few weeks?” she asked.

. Even hearing his name gives me an overwhelming urge to cry. “W-why?”

She hesitated at first, but then she opened to speak, “Y-you see…he contacted me because he’s been feeling something in his body. He knows my mom’s a doctor, so he went to her. I was there when he got checked up, so I know what’s wrong with him. His bones hurt recently and he has bruises all over, right?” she asked me with a sad smile.

I just nodded.

“The reason why that happens is because he has Myeloma. It results to him being confused, losing appetite, and having an urge to drink lots of water or any other beverage. It’s because he has Myeloma. And…” this time, she hesitated again and she’s scared to voice out what she wants to say.

“Please continue, Zin,” I said.

She looked at me with glassy eyes and said, “H-he’s on his last stage...it can…i-it can kill him.” She finished.

Hearing this, I felt my heart pound hundred times than normal. I couldn’t believe it, I refused to believe it. Is that the reason why he told me he doesn’t love me anymore? I swallowed and breathed heavily, and I felt really dizzy, so I rushed to the comfort room with Zin in tow.

I vomited. Zinni tapped my back lightly and quickly went out to grab water. I gargled some water and spit it out. I wiped my tears and then turned to Zinni. “Zinni, I’m pregnant. This is what I was going to tell you last night. I’m one month pregnant.” I told her, “Danger must know this.”

“I know.” I was shocked to know that she knows it already, but like me, she doesn’t know how to react. We should be happy—no, we should be more than happy because our love finally beared fruit. But we can’t be happy…not with Danger’s condition.

“Danger must know this,” I repeated, and then I hurriedly ran outside the shop.

“Wait a minute, Lemon! Danger knows—“ I couldn’t hear what she was saying because my mind was only filled with thoughts of Danger, and it somehow blocked my senses. I looked at my watch and noticed that twenty minutes has passed since Danger and I talked, so I assumed he’s still there at the park.

And I was glad when I saw him still there, sitting on one of the benches, crying. My heart was filled with joy and sadness. I still have to cross the road, and there are a lot of cars crossing but I don’t care. “Danger! Danger Clarke!” I screamed his name as I ran towards the park.

He turned to me and his eyes widened. I can hear Zinni behind me, calling my name but I didn’t give her a glance. Danger looked at the cars and said, “Watch out!”

But it was too late. Everything happened so fast. I felt myself fly a few feet away from where I was standing earlier. I heard a loud horn. I heard the horrified screams of pedestrians as blood oozed out of my head. I felt dizzy. I wanted to sleep, but then Danger face came into view and I smiled as he held my hand and spoke, “Lemon?! Lemon, hold on! ! This is all my fault. L-lemon…my baby…no..” I heard him say as I felt him caress my stomach. “My baby…”

I felt something wet on my legs. I touched it, and I was startled to find out it was blood. I heard the sound of an ambulance.

I tounched Danger’s face and said, “I know y-you told me…those things earlier because of your sickness…e-everything’s going to be alright. I love you, D-danger. I-it’s not your fault,” I assured him.

His tears started to drop on my face as he cried. His breathing was uneven. “This is all my fault. I don’t want to let you go. I love you so damn much, Lemon.



Forgive me.”





Finally I finished it! (showers myself with confetti) Thank you for reading! Please, please, please comment what you think!! I like comments more than upvotes haha but upvotes will do <3

By the way, I’m so excited for BTS’ comeback this October!! I’m also so proud and happy for Jisoo, she finally got to perform with Lovelyz onstage! ^^

Thank you again for reading. I’m sorry if I didn’t reach your expectations, sorry if there are any grammatical/typographical errors. I’ll fix them as soon as I can.<3 <3

Oh, and sorry too if I updated it just now. I was really really really busy with school and I just got the chance to update this now since I just finished our exams haha.

P.S I don’t know if there will be any sequel, because I think there’s nothing more to tell. If ever I DO post a sequel, please support it too, okay? Thank you very much!!! ^_^/ Saranghaeyo everyone!!



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BreeColet #1
Chapter 3: That is it?! Really, are you kidding me. Ugh! This is so frustrating. I was getting all heated up with this chapter. It's whacking my brain nerves you know. I hate things like these. Its pretty much stressing. Though I was happy it took them four years to be together until happens. I suddenly remembered a lot of stuffs. He was sick and is about to die but then I think she wanted to die first. O My Gosh! He knew all along and yet he confused me as well. He would be sweet some other times and the next thing I knew he started being a bastard. Though I think this story is not yet finished. I was still thinking whether she dies or what. Please make another chapter for me to understand further more.
BreeColet #2
Chapter 2: It is not like the other stories with a Lame-O written all over. For once or twice I think this is the best you've written so far and I'm quite impressed. It made my heart thump from its ribcage that I almost thought its going to whack its way out. Luckily it doesn't, just yet. I loved this chapter. Its been a long time an somehow it was still funny when I remembered her telling him I love you on the first day they met. They were so cute especially that time when he entered to confess and I can't help but feel giddy at the same time when their conversation is on air. Ugh! I love this two :)
BreeColet #3
Chapter 1: Oh yeah, and that I love you part... I didn't see that coming as well. But I was heart broken with Danger's reply.
BreeColet #4
Chapter 1: Somehow it was hard remembering who's who but then that's okay. I guess I'm not just used with them having other names. Besides I think the start was good. I hooe to read more of this. I can't wait to read the second chapter. I'm sorry since I found most of their names ... funny. Especially the lead girl's name, Lemon. Recently she just broke up with Tyler, right? And then she has the same name as Danger's ex. Which I thought was weird. No offense. Anyways, I appreciate this chapter.
Raeyeon150 #5
Chapter 2: Of all romance stories I've read so far, chapter 2 is really the one that make me feel butterfly in my stomach <3 I mean it!!
but to be honest, chapter 3 is a super cliff-hanger for me XD
Good Job ^_^ Hope you can still make more stories, I really enjoyed it <3
Chapter 3: This was really well-written :) i enjoyed reading this. Good job! :)
Chapter 3: Can i just say i felt my feels' feels after this? I'm just glad her assumptions weren't true. but then.. gosh, this is just, i wasn't prepared for that T^T
Chapter 1: Gaah. That was awkward XD Lemon. Lemon. I wonder if he's thinking about his ex or genuinely interested in her