Because You are

Painkiller Club
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Slow. So slow. So painfully slow. Whys is time running so slow? It became the daily routine of me just sitting here, staring out the window, trapped in this cage that people want me to call home. But why it feels more like a prison. ‘SeokJin, others will use you because of you wealth, it is better if you just stay away from everyone’ father’s voice still rings in my ears. But is it really that bad? Shouldn’t I be happy, I have everything, the looks, money... but yet i have no one who I can call close or dear to my heart. Even my own parents feel like strangers, someone who gives me money and once in a while appears in this cage called home. But shouldn’t I feel grateful? Some people don’t have anything, and I have all of this...then why I feel jealous to those people, instead of being happy? So many questions and yet no one is giving me answers.

Sometimes i get so painfully lonely that I start talking with myself, no I am not crazy just so lonely. It makes me wonder, would there be anyone who would cry if I suddenly died, and I spend wondering about this all day making myself fall into a deep dark hole of sadness and depression. Sometimes I even try to do leave...but I stop. I stop not because I change my mind, but because I hope, that maybe tomorrow will be better. Unfortunelly, it is still the same...tomorrow...and the day after it...and on and on. It became a cursed cycle, just like me staring out of the window. I can see people rushing, running somewhere. I can’t stop myself from imagining that when they go back home there is someone waiting for them, someone that greets them when they come back, and once again it makes me wonder if I will ever have that...someone being there for me, greeting me with a smile.

I’m depressing aren’t I? But how do I stop? I tried, god knows I did...yet I still keep falling back into the same hole. Sitting here, watching all these strangers and felling envious of their happiness. I this is how it is, everyday. My curse that no one is able to break...

- Sir, I am sorry to bother you – soft voice interrupts my thoughts. I don’t even bother to turn around and look at the speaker- I just wanted to inform you that your mother will not be back by the dinner as she said that she will spend her evening with her friends, and your father had an unexpected meeting so he will not attend the dinner as well. – And it left the voice. Let me translate it to you, my mom spending time with her friends, means she is going to her new boyfriend, my father having unexpected meeting just means that he will probably will go somewhere with his secretary that could easily be his daughter. So yeah, perfect family, isn’t it? What strong family values are my parents enforcing to me?  But I don’t blame them...I never did. You see they never choose to marry each other; their parents made them .The same is probably going to happen to me. One day I will be forced to marry some greedy girl, and I will turn to the same creature that my parents are now. Unless...unless I don’t make it. What if I put an end to it before I turn into this cold monster? Maybe that’s what I should do. Put an end to it. And leading that strong desire I finally stand up, ready to break my curse. But how you ask? Simple...

I sneaked out of the prison; it was surprisingly easier that I thought as other than maids there was no one else in there. I had no destination, just one goal, end this slow torture and stop myself from becoming someone horrible. I mean it could have been worse, just like they show in TV I could have turned completely crazy and killed everyone. But no, I am doing everyone a favour, ending this before something terrible happens, so in other words I am kind of a hero. That what I believe once I get onto rooftop of some building far away from, the cage. It is a simple building, maybe 15 floors. Nothing special about it, I can see some old cans of beers on it, old sofa as well. Once I reach the edge, I admire the view for a moment. City lights in a dark look relaxing, somehow hypnotising. Just a little more...just a little closer... They keep telling me, and I obey and step one step closer, just one more step and...

- I wouldn’t do that if I was y

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Chapter 2: Wow I love your story so much. The characters, the plot and the way you write the story like woww. And im soo happy when Jin meets Jungkook. Kyaaaaa Jinkook moments xD
Chapter 2: Ohhh this is really good so far :o can't wait for more Jinkook moments, update again soon ~
crystal7 #3
Heeeyy~~~ new subscriber here!! Can't wait to see what you have in mind about the story!! Fighting!!! *\(*^0^*)/*

But, no bad words pleaseeee!!! :p