Chapter 11- Morning.

Married To Ms. Employee.

The bright morning sunlight shone brightly on to the two sleeping figures as their alarm rang continuously. None of them bother to turn them off as they were dead tired from yesterday party.

*Urghh.... who set the ing alarm.*

Jisoo thought and rubbed her face because of the bright light.

Meanwhile, Kai just continued to sleep as he covered his ears with the pillow. Jisoo gave up and lazily got up from her sleeping position and turned off the alarm, when she sat on the bed trying to adjust the current environment she was in, she saw a body lying beside her.

Well, half-.

That was when she realised she moved in with Kai and they were engaged. She looked at the ring on her ring finger and touched it gently with another hand.

Half of her was loving it and another half of her was hating it. Having a hot husband to wake up beside her was probably the best thing and what most of the girls would jealous of , but waking up beside a major jerk? She would rather die.

*. Is there school today?!*

Jisoo panicky thought, she wouldn't want to be late for school on just day 1.

Immediately after Jisoo checked the time, she shot up from the bed and got the uniform that Mrs Kim prepared. She didn't even care if Kai was awake since he practically owned the school, no one was gonna care if he was late either.

Jisoo bathe as fast as she could and blew dried her hair to achieve a perfect bangs for herself. After all she wanted to look good and presentable for her first day of school.

*All done and checked.*

Jisoo smiled to herself as she gently brushed her skirt to make it straight.

She left the sleeping figure on the bed as she grabbed her brown leather backpack down with her.

Surprisingly she could hear laughter around the house when she clearly remembered the house belong to Kai and her only. No one else.

The nearer she got to those laughter, the familiar it got. Finally it revealed Mrs Kim, her grandma and her cousin having breakfast right in front of her eyes at the dining room.

"H-halmeoni... Eomonim..."

Jisoo called surprisingly as she wasn't expecting them to be there.

"Oh? Uri daughter-in-law is awake?"

Mrs Kim acknowledged and beamed.

*I'm yet daughter-in-law.*

Jisoo mentally shook her head and rolled her eyes to herself when Mrs Kim looked away.

"E-erm.... Yes? Good morning!"

Jisoo bowed to the eldest as a form of manners.

"Jongin is not awake yet?"

Jisoo's grandmother asked.

"A-ah...yes. He doesn't want to wake up no matter how I called him."

Jisoo lied.

"This son of mine. Do you mind waking him up for me again?"

Mrs Kim asked sweetly. 

Left with no choice, Jisoo nodded her head and went up to call Kai to wake up since there wasn't a way for Jisoo to turned Mrs Kim's request down.

Right after Jisoo got up, he pulled Kai blanket away and grabbed his pillow that he used to cover his ears to the side. Without hesitating, Jisoo shouted into Kai's ears to scare the soul out of him.


Jisoo yelled while cupping .

Kai literally jumped up from his sleeping position and sat up immediately with a pissed off look by how Jisoo woke him up.

However both of them didn't know it was a wrong move. Their faces were literally a few centimeter away and both of them were staring at one another with huge eyes and hot breath against one another.

Jisoo's heart was beating real fast because with just either one of them puckered their lips, they would be sharing kiss. Moreover being so upclose with a guy just woke up from his sleep was extra y especially with the bed hair of his and well, his upper body too. Her breath was heavy but her eyes couldn't leave him.

Kai was not losing out either. His heart was beating fast as well for Jisoo. He didn't know that Jisoo's eyes were so beautiful that kept him mesmerized, he wouldn't mind staring for the entire day because the feelings were great. The bangs that Jisoo had were making her extra cute, scoring a point to Kai on how could he not fall in love with her.

Soon Jisoo's breath got even heavier, she broke the eye contact and turned her body to the other side so that Kai wouldn't able to see her flustered face. 

"Your mom, my grandmother and cousin are here."

Jisoo announced and quickly made her cue by leaving the bedroom as soon as possible. 

"Is it?"

Immediately Kai shot up from his bed since he didn't want his mom to do some reckless things without him knowing.

Kai knew exactly that what his mom was capable of when it comes to her daughter-in-law who was not even official yet. He knew how excited his mom was when she was planning their engagement party.

It was grand and not those simple kind.

If their engagement party was already so grand, what would it be like when it comes to their wedding? Kai couldn't even imagine. He was more than thankful to have such mother to prepare everything for him instead of him breaking his brain on how to organize an engagement party if he was just a normal kid.

"Jongin, you woke up?"

Mrs Kim asked as she saw his son walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm walking down."

Kai replied.

"Come and have breakfast. Eomma needs to inform you something."

Mrs Kim called and gestured Kai.

Kai nodded his head and made his way to the dining room after he had finish preparing for school. He looked handsome as usual, Jisoo just couldn't take her eyes off especially after the interaction they shared a while ago.

Kai greeted Jisoo's grandmother before pulling his chair and sat next to Jisoo while she was munching her toast.

"Your dad wants you to go to the department store for some field-check on the weekends. Bring Jisoo along because I'm sure she is better than you at it."

Mrs Kim said as she smiled to Jisoo.

Jisoo replied with an awkward nod and smiled.

"You hear me, Jongin?"

Mrs Kim asked.


Kai annoyingly replied as he took a piece of toast.

He hated how he needed to go to the department store during the weekends because that was when he could wake up late or sleep through the entire day. Just because of his father's order, he didn't have a choice but to make his way to the department store for some unneccessary field-check.

Kai knew that his parents' intention was to make the both of them to go out at public more to let the more people to see their lovey dovey side so that Kai would be able to cover up his numerous scandals which was out on the magazines and newsapaper a few weeks ago.

"Oh.... and don't forget to bring Jisoo around the school later, alright? She's new."

Mrs Kim ordered.


Kai answered half-hearted.

"Ah, gwenchana. I can explore the school myself. Jongin don't have to bring me around."

Jisoo said as she could feel the unwillingness from Kai.

"Aniya, Jongin have to bring you around! The school is big so you may get lost on your first day of school."

Mrs Kim insisted.

"If that useless son of mine didn't bring you around, remember to tell me okay? I'll break his legs."

Mrs Kim added.

"Araso, eomonim."

Jisoo nodded her and laughed.

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192 streak #1
Chapter 44: A aaw it's over already... This was awesome, I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 40: KRYSTAL!!!! I hope there's camera in that area!
Chapter 38: Even I got the goosebumps!! So FLUFFYYYYY
Chapter 33: Is was B-Bomb who did it right???!!!
Chapter 28: Why do I get the feeling Krystal is going to take advantage of B-Bomb.. Like she can use him and hurt Jisoo or somethings like that..
Chapter 27: Wow, B-Bomb got it bad for Krystal.. After everything that happened to them, he's still so in love with her.. Kinda pathetic.. I hope he won't hurt Jisoo..
Chapter 25: I don't think that's the last time we'll see Krystal...
Chapter 23: When will he man up?! Wait and see in Monday you say... Well, we'll see about that!
Chapter 16: You better keep this up, Jisoo! Hit back when she's causing you trouble! And Kai, man up!!