Chapter 2

Love Hate (on hold)
Hello, hello! I'm back! ^^ I don't know if my chapters are too long or not... >< well here is Chapter 2!



When I saw to whom that hand belonged to I sighed with relief. It was just a customer.

"Hey, gorgeous...! Want to make me some company?" he stinked of alcohol.

"I'm in a hurry! I really can't..." I excused myself with a smile, trying to release my wrist, unseccessfully.

"Oh, come on! Only for a while, you won't regret it!" he started to drag me towards him.

"N-no!" I shouted trying to free myself.

Suddenly I felt someone pull me and then arms around my waist.

"So you were here...!" I heard a familiar voice say.

The man scoweled at the person that saved me and left cursing. My savior turned me around to face him. Before I could do anything our eyes had already met. And my biggest fear came true... someone from school found out and that someone had to be Ahn Jaehyo... 

I tried to run but it didn't help much.

"So it really is you... Park Raemi..." he said with a malicious grin.

"Let go of me" was the only thing I could say. I just wanted to go home, lock myself in my room and never come out.

"You called me a , but after all you work in a place with people worse than me..." he said in a mocking tone "You're probably used to these kinds of things! I bet you even like it!" he chuckled.

I snapped and slapped him. 

How dare he say something like that?!

I ran to the changing room, but it was no use, he caught me again.

"Do you think you're in the position to do something like that?" he smirked "If I want to, tomorrow everyone in school will know... and you will, most likely, be expelled!" 

"You wouldn't...!" I said in disbelief.

"Are you sure...?" he showed me a picture of the moment when that man was grabbing my wrist "Just a click and everyone will know..."

No... I can't believe this is happening... why...?

I let go all the dignity I had left.

"Wha... what do you want me to do...?" I asked unable to look at his face.

"From tomorrow onwards you'll have to do whatever I say..."

I looked at him with a shocked expression.

"See you tomorrow..." he whispered in my ear.


I heard the alarm clock ring. I looked, 06h00. I remembered the events from last night.

What do I do...? I can always pretend that i'm sick and skip school... No! Who knows what that moron could do... 

I unwillingly got ready and prepared breakfast.

"Noona! What happened?!" Yoonsoo suddenly asked. He startled me, I didn't even notice him... "You have really big dark circles under your eyes...!"

"Ah... It's nothing... I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, that's all..." I forced a smile.

Yoonsoo frowned, but didn't say more.

"Ah, today Jihoon is coming! You don't mind right...?" 

"Jihoonnie...? Today...?" he gave me those puppy dog eyes that I just can't say no "Ok... but you can't make any noise!"

"You're the best, Noona!" he said with a grin.

At least someone happy in this house...

We went to school. I stopped in front of the main gate. 

You're still on time, Raemi! You can still go home!

The moment I was about to turn around I felt an arm around my shoulders. I sighed, looked to the side and saw Jaehyo.

Too late, I suppose...

"Good morning, Raemi-ah!" he said with a fake smile.

"Good morning..." I answered in the coldest tone I could.

He handed me his bag. I gave him an inquisitive look. He showed me his phone and shook it in front of me with that nasty smirk of his. I huffed and went after him, carrying his bag, to the classroom.

"You can put it on my desk" he stated without looking at me.

Arg! This guy really gets on my nerves! I can't stand him!


During the rest of the week I had to carry his things. He even made me buy him lunch and do his homework...! His friends, in particular Jihoon, looked at me with curiosity, but never asked anything.

The bell signaling the end of classes rang. I was about to go home when someone stopped me.

"Not so fast..." I heard the voice that I hate the most "I have something I want you to do...!" he said with a mischievous smile.

"What do you want now...?" I asked irritated.

"I want you to spend the night in the school's football field until tomorrow morning."

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

Can't believe this...

"Think of it as a little revenge for the other day..." before leaving he turned around "I hope you heard the weather for today...!" and then he really left.

"Damn it!" I shouted in the middle of the hallway. Everyone was staring at me "I really hate him...!"

Tears started forming in my eyes. 

No! You are not going to cry, Park Raemi! 

I ran as fast as could toward the roof. When I got there I walked to the fence and started shouting as loud as I could.


When I was about to go on I heard a chuckle behind me. 

Oh ... there was someone here... I'm doomed...!

I turned around to see...

Who did she see??? Who do you think it is? Did you like this chapter? Please let me know in the comments! :D
I hope you're liking the story. What do you think will happen next?



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