Chapter 1

Love Hate (on hold)
Hello! I'm really happy you decided to read my fanfic! >///< I really hope you like it! It's the first time (I think) that I'm posting a fanfic, I have EXO imagines though (unfinished, because no imagination). I just wanted to warn you that there might be some typos and grammar errors since English isn't my first language. Forgive me! ><
I'll stop bothering you and let you read! 

I got up at 06h00 like always. Then went to the kitchen of the cubicle we call home. I prepared lunch for me and for my brother and after prepared breakfast. When everything was ready I went to Yoonsoo's, my little brother, room.

"Yoonsoo! Wake up, it's time!" I said shaking him lightly.

"Yeah, yeah... just five minutes..." he sleeply answered, turning the other way and covering himself with the bed sheets.

I was already loosing my patience...! He's like this every freaking morning! It looks like I'll have to use my special strategy...

"You have five minutes to get ready" I calmly said, with a malicious smile "or you can say goodbye to breakfast"

I went to the kitchen and started eating. Five minutes later appeared a panting Yoonsoo. Never fails...

                                                                                                   ---------- Introduction----------

My name is Park Raemi, I'm 16 and I'm on my second year of High School. I live with my brother, Yoonsoo, who is a year younger than me. When I was 8 my father disappeared and since then our mum is always away because of work, so it's only me and my brother. Mum sends money , but most of the time it isn't enough, so I had to accept that job...


After breakfast we walked to school.

"Yoonsoo, today you'll have to dinner without me..." 


"I... found a job..." I stated looking at the ground.

"What kind of job...?" he asked suspicious.

"Ah, don't worry! It's just serving drinks..."

"Noona! Are you sure that's it?!" he asked, worry in his voice.

"Aish! If I say it is, it's cause it is! You shouldn't doubt your Noona!" I shouted, trying to stop him from asking more. He scoweled at me, but didn't say anything.

We finally arrived at school and went different ways. I entered my classroom and greeted Eunji, my best friend, and went to my place. After a while I started to hear giggles and squeals from histerical teenage girls.

Urg... can't believe this...! Why is he here...?! He usually skips first period... 

As I expected Ahn Jaehyo stepped into the classroom. He's the "popular guy" from the school. There isn't a girl in school that doesn't know who he is and doesn't have a crush on him, none except me and Eunji, who has a "thing" for his friend, Kim Yookwon. The "gang" consists of him (obviously); Woo Jiho, who's in our class; Park Kyung and Kim Yookwon, that are in the same year, but different class; Lee Taeil and Lee Minhyuk (no, they're not brothers XD), who are a year older and Pyo Jihoon or P.O, like most people call him, who is in the same class as Yoonsoo. Jihonnie is the only one with whom I have talked to before because he's friend's with Yonnsoon. He's actually really nice and polite, opposite of the jerk, arrogant, cocky, womanizer Jaehyo.

I sighed looking at the desk next to mine. Worst than being in the same class as that individual is being seatmates witch him... thankfully I don't have to socialize with him!

"Stand up" the class representative ordered as soon as the teacher entered the classroom " Bow" and then we sat again.

"Teacher!" Jaehyo said.

"What is it, Jaehyo-ssi...?"

"I don't have a book" he stated with a smirk "Can I share with Park Raemi?"

WHAT?! What what what?! What is he saying?! Say no...! Please say no!

"Go ahead, but don't talk!" the teacher warned.

Urg... and it's only morning...

He joined his desk with mine and I put my book in the middle.

"Good thing I didn't bring my book" he started "like this I can share it with you" he smirked.

I ignored him.

"You know, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I but I never got the chance..." he continued.

"Really...?" I sarcastically asked. He decided to ignore my coment.

"When you look up close you're actually kinda cute..." he stated, examining my face.

I ignored him. Then I felt something on my leg. I looked down and saw a hand that belonged to Jaehyo. I can't believe this pig is touching me...! 

"Don't touch me, you !" I snapped, standing up.

Everyone was looking at us. The teacher had an angry expression like Jaehyo, but not as scary...

And it's only morning...

The teacher ordered us to go outside. Jaehyo didn't say anything, but I could see from the look on his face that he was planning revenge.

When school ended I went home with Yoonsoo. As soon as we got home I hurried to my room, changed my clothes and took a nap until it was time for me to go to my new job.


The alarm clock rang. I looked, it read 20h00, I got ready and left. When arrived I could imagine what it would be like...

I got in and changed into my uniform.

The clothes are a little short... too short...!

One of my coworkers, the one that scouted me, helped me with my make up and explained everything I needed to know. 

I started working. My first customer was a man in his thirties that looked me up and down in a very uncomfortable way...

For Yoonsoo

. The hours passed and all I wanted was to get out of there. I looked at my watch and realized that my shift was almost over. I went to clean up a table when I noticed a very noisy group of teenagers. Then I heard a very familiar voice. I looked over at them. 

Is that...? No... no way...!

In that moment our eyes met. He frowned and started getting up. 

Oh ! I have to get out of here quickly! 

I started walking as fast as I could without bumping on anything or anyone, but suddenly I felt a hand around my wrist. 


Hello again! What did you of this first chapter? Did you like it? I hope...! >///< Please comment! I would really appreciate feedback...! I will try to answer the best way I can! ^^ 





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