Chapter 4

Love Hate (on hold)
Hello! Hmmmm... I think that this chapter may be a little short (or at least shorter than the others...)
Hope you enjoy it! :)


I woke up laying on a bed.

Where am I...?

I looked around and realized I was in someone's bedroom.

Where the heck am I?! How did I end up here?!

I got up and tried to reach for the door, but my legs gave in and I ended up on the floor. I was feeling very hot. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing my school uniform anymore, but a sweatshirt and sweatpants (that were too big for me).

I don't remember changing myself...

I got up and headed for the door, but as I was about to reach for the door knob the door opened and Jaehyo steped in the bedroom. I stood there gaping. I started getting dizzy and lost balance once again, but this time I didn't end up on the floor. Jaehyo held me by my waist and steadied me.

"You should go back to bed" he urged "Your fever hasn't lowered yet" he stated after pressing his forhead against mine.

I felt myself blush.

W-w-w-w-what is he doing...?! 

                                                              --------Jaehyo's P.O.V--------

When I went back to my bedroom Raemi was already up. She stood there gaping at me. I stretched out my arms when I realized she was going to fall.

"You should go back to bed" I urged. I pressed my forhead against hers " Your fever hasn't lowered yet" I stated.

She gave me a weird look. When I became aware of what I had done I started feeling flustered.

Jaehyo! What's wrong with you, man?!

"Are you ok? Do you need something...?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face.

"Huh...? Yeah! I-I-I'm fine!" and she returned to bed.

Did she just stutter...? I must be imaginig things...

I sat on the floor, next to the bed. Nobody said a thing, it was really awkward... S

She suddenly starts clearing her voice.

"So... w-w-were you the on that... you know... undressed me...?" Raemi asked, looking away.

"Um... yeah..." I confirmed.

This is really awkward...

"No... why...?!" she muttered in panic "I can't get married anymore...!" she went on, like she was alone in the bedroom.

"I can take responsability if you want..." the words slipped.

"What did you just say...?" she asked startled.

"N-n-nothing...!" I lied.

Dude, get yourself together!

She didn't say more and the silence came back.

"Why did you stay in school...?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Cause you told me to... duh!" she stated like it was obvious.

"Ok... but anyone with minimum common sense would've gone home when it started raining...!"

"Idiots don't catch colds... is what they say, right?" she smirked.

She really is an idiot...

                                                                          --------JH P.O.V End--------

"Why did you go get me...?" I asked curiously.

"Because if something happened to you it would've been my fault!"

"You mean... you only 'saved' me so you wouldn't feel guilty...?" I asked.

"Yeah...!" he said like he was stating the obvious. I felt a bit disappointed.

What are you disappointed about?! Stop being stupid, Raemi!

"But I got sick... so...!" 

"That's why I'm taking care of you, idiot!" he exclaimed.

"Don't call me idiot, idiot!" I shouted.

I started feeling irritated.

I just want to go home...!

I got out of bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going...?!" Jaehyo questioned.


"Wait! What about your things?! Furthermore it's still raining and your fever still hasn't lowered!"

"What do you care...?!"

"Hmmmm... at least let me take you home...!"

I didn't respond and instead went to collect my things. He followed behind.


He drove me home and walked me to the front door.

"Is this where you live...?"

"yeah" I answered sharply.

"It's... um..."


"Doesn't matter...!" he said "Well... bye..." he dismissed and turned around.

"Wait!" I stopped him. He turned back around "Thanks..."

"What did you just say...?" he asked suprised.

I blushed and quickly entered my house.

What's wrong with you Raemi?!


Hello! Well... I think this chapter was little crappy... hmmm... my imagination wasn't working working when I wrote this chapter... sorry! >////<
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts in the comments! :)




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